
  • Area

    • Definition:
      The amount of space inside the boundary of a flat (2-dimensional) object such as a triangle or circle, or surface of a solid (3-dimensional) object.

    • Several common units:
       square cm: cm^2
      square m: m^2
      square inch
      square ft
      and other improvised units....

      1. Mind Map
    • Common Formulas

      1. Triangle: S = 1/2 x a x h
      2. Square: S = a ^ 2
      3. Rectangular: S =  a x b
    • Explainations about the area:

      1. S: square (area)
        a, b: the length of sides
        h: the height of the side aMind Map
    • Questions about the area

      1. Type 1: Find the area
      2. Type 2: Finding unknown sides
      3. Type 3: Finding the sum of areas of polygons

public Lumos Mind Maps (387 Mind maps)

FAQs related to mind map:

What is a mind map?
How to create a mind map?
Is Lumos mind map free?
Are there any examples of created mind maps with Lumos minds?