
Description: Meaning and Types of Symmetry

  • Symmetry

    • Definition

      1. In geometry, symmetry is the balanced and proportionate similarity between two halves of an object.
      2. One shape is exactly like the other shape when it is moved, rotated, or flipped. 
    • Line of Symmetry

      1. The imaginary line or axis along which you can fold a figure to obtain the symmetrical halves.
      2. Number of Lines of Symmetry
    • Types

      1. Rotaional
      2. Translational
      3. Reflection
      4. Glide Reflection

public Lumos Mind Maps (387 Mind maps)

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What is a mind map?
How to create a mind map?
Is Lumos mind map free?
Are there any examples of created mind maps with Lumos minds?