
Description: Meaning and types of fractions.

  • Fractions

    • Definition

      1. A Fraction is a part of a whole. 
    • Parts of a Fraction

      1. Numerator - The top part of a fraction.
      2. Denominator - The bottom part of a fraction. 
    • Mixed Fraction

      1. A combination of whole number and a proper fraction
    • Operations

      1. Addition
      2. Subtraction
      3. Multiplication
      4. Division
    • Like Fractions

      1. Fractions having the same denominators
      2. Example : 2/7 and 5/7 are like fractions.
    • Unlike Fractions

      1. Fractions with different denominators.
      2. Example : 3/8 and 5/7 are unlike fractions.
    • Proper Fraction

      1. Where Numerator < Denominator 
      2. Example : 4/5 
    • Improper

      1. Where Numerator > Denominator
      2. Example : 7/3

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