Fractions of a Whole


Providing the introduction to fraction and its notation

  • Introduction to Fractions

    • Basic Concept
      of Fractions

      1. Used to represent smaller pieces
        or parts of things. 
      2. Definition: Fraction is a
        part of a wholeMind Map
    • Fraction

      1. a/b
        Mind Map
      2. One on top
      3. One on the bottom
        (denominator)Mind Map
      4. A line between themMind Map
    • Understanding Numerator
      and Denominator 

      1. Numerator
        (Top Number) 
      2. Denominator
        (Bottom Number) 
    • Unit Fractions 

      1. Definition: A fraction whose
        numerator is 1 
      2. Whole is partitioned
        into 'b' equal partsMind Map
    • Visual Representation 

      1. One part eatenMind Map

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