Comparison of fractions


Comparison of fractions having same denomiantor, having different denomiantor and visual representation of comparison of fractions

  • Comparison of fractions

    • When comparing fractions,
      if the denominators are equal,
      the fraction with the larger numerator
      is greater.
      Mind Map

      1. For example, for the fractions 2/7 and 5/7 have the same denominator 7.
        Compare the numerators 2 and 5 and we have 2 < 5.
        So, 2/7 < 5/7
        Mind Map
    • To compare fractions with unlike denominators,
      you need to find the least common multiple (LCM)
      of the denominators and convert them to equivalent fractions
      with the same denominator, which allows for direct comparison
      based on their numerators.
      Mind Map

      1. For example, for the fractions 2/3 and 4/5,
        LCM of denominators 3 and 5 is 15.
        So, the equivalent fractions of 2/3 and 4/5 is 10/15 and 12/15.
        Thus, 10/15 < 12/15 and eventually 2/3 < 4/5
        Mind Map

    • Visual representation of comparison of fractionsMind Map

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