
Description: Rules of Punctuations

  • Punctuations

    • - are special symbols that are added to make meaningful sentences.

    • Question Mark [ ? ]  

      1. added after a direct question. 
    • colon [ : ]

      1. start lists after a complete sentence
      2. introduce a second sentence
      3. introduce a subtitle of a book/film
    • Apostrophe [ ' ]

      1. To show possession/belonging
      2. Plural of words
      3. omission
    • Semicolon [;]

      1. connect two independent clauses into a single sentence
      2. separate items in a series
    • Comma[,]

      1. used before coordinating conjunctions that join independent clauses
      2. used in a series
      3. to separate main sentence structure from quotations

public Lumos Mind Maps (387 Mind maps)

FAQs related to mind map:

What is a mind map?
How to create a mind map?
Is Lumos mind map free?
Are there any examples of created mind maps with Lumos minds?