Fredrick Douglass

Description: Fredrick Douglass - Autobiography

  • Fredrick Douglass

    • Accomplishments

      1. 1845 - First Autobiography - Narrative of the life of Fredrick Douglass
      2. In Rochester, he embraced women's rights movements, supported anti-slavery rights
      3. He opened his first printing press, North Star
      4. 1855 - Second Autobiography - My Bondage My Freedom 
      5. 1881 - Third Autobiography - Life and times of Fredrick Douglass
    • Life Events

      1. Was born as Fredrick Augustus Washington Bailey in February 1818 
      2. At 15, he was sent back to the Eastern shore to labor, he rebelled and escaped  
      3. At an early age, he realized there was a connection between literacy and freedom, he taught himself to read and write 
      4. At 12, he bought a book "Columbian Orator", that contained revolutionary speeches, debates on natural rights
      5. On September 3,1838 Fredrick disguised himself and landed in New York considering himself free 
      6. On February 20, 1885 Fredrick Douglass died of Cardiac arrest
    • The Abolitionlist Movement

      1. Worked as a laborer
      2. Adopted the last name 'Douglass
      3. He participated in abolitionist meetings and landed a job in Massachusetts Anti -slavery society
      4. He gained reputation as an orator
      5. Published his first autobiography
    • Quotes

      1. "It's easier to build strong children than to repair broken men"
      2. "Knowledge makes a man unfit to be a slave"
      3. "You are not judged by the heights you have risen but from the depths you have climbed"

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