Relating Multiplication and Division


Understanding the relationship between multiplication and Division

  • Understanding the
    Relationship Between
    Multiplication and Division

    • Introduction to Multiplication
      and Division

      1. Division
      2. Multiplication
      3. How Multiplication
        Relates to Division
    • For each multiplication fact,
      of distinct numbers,
      there are two division facts

      1. 5 Ã— 7 = 35 
      2. 35 Ã· 7 = 5 
      3. 35 Ã· 5 = 7
    • Example

      1. Sharing 12 Apples
        Among Three People

      2. Mind Map
      3. Division Problem: 12 Ã· 3 = ?
      4. Converting to Multiplication
    • Solution

      1. Mind Map

public Lumos Mind Maps (387 Mind maps)

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