
Description: Definition and types.

  • Nouns

    • Types of  NounsMind Map

      1. Proper Nouns;  John, Switzerland, Tesla. Mind Map
      2. Common Nouns; Water, crow, hands. Mind Map
      3. Singular Nouns; a pen, my file, this book.  Mind Map
      4. Plural Nouns; Pens, files, books    Mind Map
      5. Collective Nouns; Team, band, herd. 
        Mind Map
      6. Concrete Nouns; Comb, wire, computer.Mind Map
      7. Abstract Noun; Trust, beauty.Mind Map
      8. Countable Nouns; Dozen, score, Twins.Mind Map
      9. Uncountable Nouns;  Sand, stars, rocks  Mind Map
    • Definition

    • Nouns are a category of words used to name people, places, animals, or ideas.Mind Map

    • EX; John, sister, Church, Pen.Mind Map

public Lumos Mind Maps (387 Mind maps)

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What is a mind map?
How to create a mind map?
Is Lumos mind map free?
Are there any examples of created mind maps with Lumos minds?