Figurative Language

Description: Explains about Figurative Language

  • Figurative Language

    • Metaphor

      1. A comparison in which one thing is said to be another
      2. Example: My mom is teddy bear
    • Figurative language is phrasing that goes beyond the literal
      meaning of words to get a message or point across.

    • Hyperbole

      1. Hyperbole is extreme exaggeration
        of a situation using humor
      2. Example: That boy runs faster than a car
    • Simile

      1. An explicit comparison between
        things using Like or As 
      2. Example: My Backpack was like a  bag of bricks
    • Alliteration

      1. Alliteration is a repetition of a sound or
        letter in the same sentence
      2. Example: Sheep should shower in shed
    • Idioms

      1. A group of words whose meaning considered as a
        unit is different from the meanings of
        each word considered separately
      2. Example: Hang in there - Don't give up/ Never let go
    • Personification

      1. Giving human qualities to objects.
      2. Example: The streets are calling me.

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