The Ass And The Load Of Salt

Description: Description of the story -

  • The Ass and the Load of Salt

    • Genre

      1. Fable
      2. Fiction
    • Characters

      1. The Ass ( Donkey )
      2. The Merchant
    • Setting

      1. Seashore
    • Main Event #1

      1. The Merchant & The Ass were heading back home with a load of salt
      2. They reached the seashore
      3. The Ass fell in and the salt dissolved in the water
      4. This made his burden weigh lighter
    • Main Event #2

      1. The next day, the ass tried the same trick & purposely fell
      2. The Merchant filled his load with cotton
      3. His burden weighed heavier than earlier.
      4. He couldn't trick the merchant anymore
    • Moral Value

      1. "The same measures will not suit all circumstances"

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