Lesson 1-English Vocabulary-Idioms Related to Outdoors - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Lesson 1-English Vocabulary-Idioms Related to Outdoors - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Lesson 1-English Vocabulary-Idioms Related to Outdoors - By eHow

00:0-1 Hello . I'm Jennifer . I'm standing in the woods
00:03 behind my home here in Massachusetts because I'd like to
00:05 share a few expressions that have to do with the
00:08 outdoors . What better place , right ? Let's start
00:11 with the first expression to be out of the woods
00:15 . If you're out of the woods , you've just
00:17 come out of a difficult situation . Your problems have
00:20 ended , and if someone says to you you're not
00:23 out of the woods yet , it means that difficulties
00:27 will continue or you have more challenges that lie ahead
00:31 . Come this way . There's another spot I want
00:33 to show you . This is my neighbour's garden .
00:38 You can see lots of plants and flowers , and
00:40 they've grown quite well . That's because she has a
00:43 green thumb . If you have a green thumb ,
00:46 it means that you have a talent for gardening .
00:49 You can make things grow well , like my neighbor
00:52 . Now these flowers are pretty , but truthfully ,
00:55 I prefer roses , and that makes me think of
00:58 our last expression . A bed of roses . If
01:01 your life is a bed of roses , you have
01:03 a life of ease and comfort , even luxury .
01:07 And if life is no bed of roses , well
01:09 , you have a lot of hardship to deal with
01:12 . Understand ? Let's review . We've had three expressions
01:18 . The first was out of the woods or to
01:21 be out of the woods , which means to come
01:24 out of a difficult situation . Then we had a
01:29 green thumb or to have a green thumb , a
01:32 talent for gardening . Or you can make things grow
01:34 well . And the last a bed of roses ,
01:39 a life of ease and comfort . Got it .
01:42 Let's see . I have three statements . I'm going
01:45 to read them to you , and I want you
01:47 to tell me which expression completes each one . Okay
01:52 , here's the first . My mother's garden is the
01:56 biggest and most colorful in the neighborhood . She really
01:59 has answer a green thumb . Next , a fisherman's
02:07 life is no . The sea can be rough ,
02:10 and fishermen often sleep for only a few hours a
02:13 day . What completes it ? No bed of roses
02:18 . And the last one . Charlie's business , stopped
02:22 losing money , but he's not yet . He still
02:26 has a large debt to pay . Answer . Not
02:30 out of the woods yet . How did you dio
02:33 ? I'm sure you did just fine . You know
02:35 , if you have a request for a different topic
02:38 . Send it to me by email . My address
02:40 is English with jennifer at gmail dot com . Thank
02:46 you and goodbye .


This video explains the origin and meaning of idioms related to outdoors. This video was designed for the advanced English language learner. Lesson 1. "out of the woods", "no bed of roses", and "to have a green thumb" (2:48).


Lesson 1-English Vocabulary-Idioms Related to Outdoors is a free educational video by eHow.It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards L.4.5.b.

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