Learn about Synonyms and Antonyms - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Learn about Synonyms and Antonyms - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Learn about Synonyms and Antonyms - By Iken Edu

00:0-1 Welcome to the lesson . Synonyms on Antonians . Okay
00:13 , after completing this lesson , you will be able
00:16 to define synonyms on anti Nim's , stayed the synonym
00:23 and antonym off the given words usage of prefixes For
00:29 Antonians , Kevin and his mother playing with their pet
00:35 dog , Bernard Bernard , is a friendly dog .
00:39 However , Kevin notes that Bernard is cautious around strangers
00:44 . His mother agrees with him and says that Bernard
00:47 is wary off strangers . Kevin is surprised to hear
00:51 the word wary mother explains that wary is a synonym
00:57 off . Cautious Andi Daring is the antonym off cautious
01:04 . Kevin is curious to learn more , so his
01:07 mother decides to tell him about synonyms on anti Nimes
01:11 . Come on . It is time for us to
01:13 learn about synonyms on Anti Nim's . Yeah , we
01:19 are going to learn about synonyms on anti Nim's .
01:24 Let us first look at synonyms . Synonyms are words
01:29 that have the same or almost the same meaning .
01:34 The table below gives a list off synonyms . Let
01:48 us read some examples to see how synonyms are used
01:53 . He is a benevolent king . If we replace
01:57 the word benevolent with the synonym charitable , the sentence
02:03 becomes . He is a charitable king the meaning off
02:08 the sentence still remains the same . Read the next
02:12 example . She is very candid when she speaks .
02:17 If we replace candid with the synonym truthful the sentence
02:23 becomes , she is very truthful . When she speaks
02:27 once again , the meaning off the sentence remains the
02:32 same . Thus synonyms can be used to convey the
02:37 same meaning . Anti Nimes are words that have opposite
02:47 meanings . The table below gives a list off Antonians
02:52 and let us read some examples to see how Anton
03:00 IMS are used . He is a benevolent ruler .
03:05 When benevolent is replaced with its antonym , the sentence
03:09 becomes he is a malevolent ruler . The new sentences
03:14 , now opposite in meaning , read the next example
03:19 . This is the entrance to the hall . When
03:22 entrance is replaced with its antonym , the sentence becomes
03:28 This is the exit to the hall . The new
03:31 sentences , now opposite in meaning , thus Antonians are
03:36 used to convey opposite meanings . Sometimes prefixes are used
03:45 to create anti Nimes . Let us look at Auntie
03:48 Nimes forms using prefixes prefix anti means to prevent something
03:54 or the opposite off something . The following table gives
04:00 a list of anti Nimes using the prefix anti the
04:08 prefix d I s is added to verbs to reverse
04:12 a process or show the opposite of something . When
04:17 it is used with downs , it means the opposite
04:20 of something . The following table gives a list of
04:25 Antonians using the prefix d I s the prefix i
04:34 n is added towards to mean not or the opposite
04:39 or the lack off something . The following table gives
04:44 a list of Antin IMs using the prefix I m
04:57 let us look at some more Antin IMs that are
04:59 formed using prefixes The table below gives a list of
05:04 Antonians using the prefix I l The table below gives
05:14 a list of Antin IMs using the prefix I am
05:23 the table below gives a list of anti Nimes using
05:26 the prefix i r The table below gives a list
05:37 of Antonians using the prefix m s . The table
05:47 below gives a list of anti Nimes using the prefix
05:50 r e The table below gives a list of antonym
05:59 using the prefix u n We have learned about synonyms
06:10 on anti NMS . Let us read some more examples
07:12 . Mother has explained synonyms on anti Nimes to Kevin
07:19 . Let us revise the main points for Kevin while
07:23 he plays with the A pet dog , Bernard .
07:26 Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the
07:30 same meaning . Antonians are words that have opposite meanings
07:37 . Sometimes prefixes are used to create anti Nimes .
07:41 The prefix is used for creating anti names Are anti
07:46 d i s I n i l I am I
07:52 are m s r e andi u n the prefix
08:01 anti means to prevent something or the opposite off something
08:07 . The prefix d I s is added to verbs
08:10 to reverse a process or show the opposite of something
08:16 . When it is used with downs , it means
08:19 the opposite off something the prefix i n is added
08:24 towards to mean not or the opposite or the lack
08:29 off something .


Learn about Synonyms and Antonyms


Learn about Synonyms and Antonyms is a free educational video by Iken Edu.It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards L.4.5,L.4.5.C,.

This page not only allows students and teachers view Learn about Synonyms and Antonyms but also find engaging Sample Questions, Apps, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.

1. L.4.5 : Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings..

2. L.4.5.C : Demonstrate understanding of words by relating them to their opposites (antonyms) and to words with similar but not identical meanings (synonyms)..





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