Forms of Writing: Poem, Drama & Prose - Differences, Fun & Educational Activities for Children - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Forms of Writing: Poem, Drama & Prose - Differences, Fun & Educational Activities for Children - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Forms of Writing: Poem, Drama & Prose - Differences, Fun & Educational Activities for Children - By Kidseduc

00:0-1 Kids Educational Games Hello and welcome to the course on
00:05 writing , poem , drama and pros . I'm Steven's
00:09 mom , and we're playing a game to understand three
00:12 forms of writing poem , drama and prose . Today
00:18 I'll tell you how to properly use grammar in sentences
00:21 . By the end of this course , you will
00:23 be able to define Poem and its structural elements .
00:27 Defined drama and its structural elements define pros and its
00:32 structural elements identify the major differences between the three forms
00:36 of writing , poem , drama and prose . The
00:39 course is divided into three sections . After each section
00:43 , you'll be required to complete an activity rhyme and
00:46 poem concepts in drama Constructing pros . Mom , I'm
00:56 confused about the difference between a poem and other writing
01:00 . Why is one so small with such short sentences
01:03 , while the others air so long ? My teacher
01:06 asked me to write a poem for a school assignment
01:09 . How could I do it ? You are absolutely
01:12 right , son . However , there are many more
01:15 differences between the various forms of text . Let's start
01:18 with a poem and understand it in detail . If
01:23 you keep on going and never stop , you can
01:26 keep on going . You can make it to the
01:28 top . Life is full of mountains , Some are
01:32 big and some are small . But if you don't
01:34 give up , you can overcome them all . So
01:38 keep on going . Try not to stop . When
01:41 you keep on going , you can make it to
01:43 the top . Wow , Mom , Was that a
01:47 poem ? I wanna learn how to write a poem
01:50 just like that one . Yes , son , that
01:53 was a poem . I'll show you how to write
01:55 a poem . The first element of a poem is
01:59 rhyme . Poems have words that sound similar and appear
02:03 a the end of the line . The rhymes may
02:05 come in lines one after the other or in alternate
02:09 lines . Now let's look at another important element of
02:13 a poem . The stanza Ah , stanza is a
02:17 collection of lines that have a pattern and a rhyme
02:20 . This poem has three stanzas and is highlighted in
02:24 three different colors . Mom , if I write a
02:28 poem with these two elements , will my teacher be
02:31 happy with my assignment ? Of course , son .
02:34 But there is one more important element of a poem
02:37 that you must learn about . Let's look at that
02:39 now . Making comparisons . Making comparisons is achieved by
02:43 using symbols in the poem Don't give up . Life
02:48 is full of mountains means that in our lives we
02:51 may have to face many problems and obstacles . It
02:54 doesn't mean riel mountains . Also , if we keep
02:58 working hard and face the obstacles , we will achieve
03:01 our goal . Just like reaching a mountaintop . Isn't
03:05 that right , son ? Yes , Mom . Even
03:08 if I happen to face problems , I will work
03:11 to achieve my goals . Right now , I'll work
03:14 hard to write a poem on my own . Let's
03:17 complete an exercise to check your understanding of a poem
03:21 . Drag the leaves to the matching basket . Stop
03:26 Small run , Brad . Uh huh . Dad .
03:31 Fine again . Uh huh . That stop job small
03:50 . Ah , fun ! Run that rat again ,
04:01 hen . Congratulations . You have collected five stars for
04:06 answering the questions correctly . Are you ready to proceed
04:09 to the next level of writing ? Let's begin .
04:13 Mom is my favorite text . The Happy Prince .
04:16 Also a poem . No , sweetheart The Happy Prince
04:20 as an example of a drama . What is the
04:23 drama ? A drama is written to be performed on
04:27 stage for an audience . It usually consists of dialogue
04:31 between two or more people and at times a description
04:34 of the scene . So how is the happy prince
04:38 of drama ? I'll show what a drama is .
04:41 Let's read . The Happy Prince Son . The Happy
04:50 Prince , by Oscar Wilde , is a very popular
04:53 drama . It starts with a narration or description of
04:56 the play . Narration is used to introduce what's coming
05:00 , and it also sets the context . Let's read
05:03 the narration for this drama to understand Mawr . The
05:08 play is based in an old town where , on
05:11 a tall column stood the statue of the Happy Prince
05:14 . He was gilded all over with thin leaves of
05:17 fine gold for eyes . He had to bright sapphires
05:21 and a large red ruby glowed on his sword hilt
05:25 . Therefore , narration is usually needed to describe the
05:28 setting of a scene , so this means a description
05:32 of what is happening . Yes , you're correct .
05:36 Is the prince alone in the play ? No sweetie
05:40 , their arm or characters in the play . But
05:42 the most important characters are The Happy Prince and the
05:45 Swallow . This is similar to your favorite cartoon ,
05:49 Tom and Jerry . There are many characters , but
05:52 the focus of the story is on Tom and Jerry
05:56 , and you know people who play the role of
05:58 characters . Air called actors . Okay , an actor
06:03 is a person that plays different characters . Yes .
06:07 Now let's start reading this drama and bring examples to
06:10 identify other features of a drama . Now listen .
06:15 One night there flew over the city a little swallow
06:19 . It was night , so he alighted just between
06:22 the feet of the happy Prince to rest . Just
06:25 then , a drop of water fell on him .
06:28 He flew up to the face of the statue and
06:31 saw that happy Prince was weeping . The swallow asks
06:35 . Why are you weeping , my prince , the
06:38 prince replies . When I was alive and had a
06:41 human heart , I did not know what tears were
06:44 for . I lived in the palace of Sand Soucy
06:47 , where sorrow is not allowed to enter In the
06:49 daytime , I played with my companions in the garden
06:52 Andan the evening I lead the dance in the great
06:54 hall round . The garden ran a very lofty wall
06:57 , but I never cared to ask what laid beyond
06:59 it . Everything about me was so beautiful . My
07:02 courtiers called me the happy Prince and happy . Indeed
07:05 I waas if pleasure be happiness . So I lived
07:08 and so I died . Now that I am dead
07:10 . They have set me up here so high that
07:12 I can see all the ugliness on all the misery
07:15 of my city . On though my heart is made
07:17 of lead . Yet I cannot choose but weep .
07:21 Did you see the Happy Prince and the swallow we're
07:24 talking ? This is what is called a dialogue .
07:29 Yes , Mom , the Swallow and the Prince are
07:31 talking to each other . Very good . A dialogue
07:35 is a conversation between two or more people in a
07:39 drama . The lines are spoken by characters . For
07:42 example , in The Happy Prince , the lines are
07:45 spoken by the Happy Prince and the swallow . Let's
07:49 see other features of a drama , the prince said
07:53 . Far away in a little street , there is
07:55 a poor house . One of the windows is open
07:58 on through it , I can see a woman seated
08:00 at a table . She is embroidering passion flowers on
08:02 a setting gown for the loveliest of the queen's maid
08:05 of honor toe , where the next court ball in
08:08 a bed in the corner of the room , her
08:09 little boy is lying ill . He has a fever
08:11 and is asking for oranges . His mother has nothing
08:14 to give him but river water . So he is
08:16 crying . Swallow , swallow little swallow . Will you
08:19 not bring her the ruby out of my sword ?
08:21 Hilt ? My feet are fastened to this pedestal that
08:23 I cannot move . The swallow said I am waited
08:27 for in Egypt by my friends . The prince requests
08:32 swallow please help me and the bird agrees to help
08:35 him . So the swallow picked out the great Ruby
08:39 from the Princes sword and flew to give it to
08:42 the woman . She came back to the prince to
08:44 stay for one more night , son in a drama
08:49 there are acts and scenes . Do you know what
08:52 acts and scenes are ? No . I understand what
08:56 you just read , but I don't know the meaning
08:59 of an act or seen an act or seen is
09:02 a smaller section of a drama . For example ,
09:05 in the Happy Prince . One act or seen is
09:08 when the swallow is talking to the prince and the
09:11 other act or scene is where the swallow gives the
09:13 ruby to the woman like in a movie . Now
09:16 there are more scenes or acts to come in this
09:19 place . So listen carefully . The next morning ,
09:22 the swallow woke up , the swallow says . Today
09:26 I'll go to Egypt , the prince says , Swallow
09:30 , Please stay with me for one more night ,
09:32 the swallow says . My friends await me in Egypt
09:37 , the prince says . Far away , across the
09:39 city , I see a young man in a garret
09:41 . He is leaning over a desk covered with papers
09:44 on in a tumbler by his side . There is
09:46 a bunch of withered violets . His hair is brown
09:48 and crisp , and his lips are red is a
09:50 pomegranate . Andi has large , dreamy eyes . He
09:53 is trying to finish a play for the director of
09:55 the theater , but he is too cold to write
09:57 anymore . There is no fire in the grate on
09:59 hunger has made him faint . The swallow says I
10:03 will stay with you one more night . Shall I
10:05 give one ruby to the man ? The prince says
10:09 . Alas , I have no ruby now , my
10:11 eyes , Airil , that I have left . They're
10:13 made of rare sapphires . Pluck out one of them
10:15 and take it to him . The swallow plucks it
10:19 and takes it to the man . Then the swallow
10:22 flies back to the happy prince and sleeps . The
10:25 next morning , the swallow flies to the harbor and
10:28 sets on the mast . The swallow speaks Tonight I
10:33 fly to Egypt . Then the swallow returns back to
10:36 the happy Prince to bid Good bye . The prince
10:40 speaks . Swallow , swallow little swallow . Please stay
10:43 with me one night longer The swallow replies . It
10:48 is winter and the chill snow will soon be here
10:51 in Egypt . The sun is warm on the green
10:54 palm trees and the crocodiles lie in the mud and
10:57 look lazily about Um my companions are waiting for me
11:01 there . The prince speaks in the square below .
11:05 There stands a little match girl . She has let
11:08 her matches fall in the gutter and they are all
11:10 spoiled . Her father will beat her if she does
11:12 not bring home some money . And she is crying
11:15 . She has no shoes or stockings on her little
11:17 head is bare . Pluck out my other eye and
11:20 give it to her that her father will not beat
11:22 her . The swallow replies I will stay with you
11:26 one night longer , but I cannot pluck out your
11:29 eye . You would be quite blind . Then the
11:32 prince says , Swallow , swallow little swallow . Do
11:35 as I command you . So the swallow plucked out
11:38 the princes other eye and darted down with it .
11:41 He swooped past the match girl and slipped the jewels
11:45 into the palm of her hand . Then the swallow
11:49 came back to the prince . The swallow says You
11:53 are blind now , so I will stay with you
11:56 always , the prince replies . No little swallow .
12:01 You must go away to Egypt . The swallow says
12:05 . I will stay with you always . Then the
12:09 swallow slept at the princes feet . The next day
12:12 , he sat on the princes shoulder and told him
12:15 stories of what he had seen in strange lands .
12:19 The prince says , Dear little swallow , you tell
12:22 me of marvelous things . But more marvelous than anything
12:24 is the suffering of men and of women . There
12:27 is no mystery so great as misery . Fly over
12:29 my city , little swallow and tell me what you
12:31 see . There I am covered with fine gold .
12:34 You must take it off , leaf by leaf and
12:36 give it to my poor . The living . Always
12:38 think that gold could make them happy . The swallow
12:42 said goodbye . Dear Prince , the prince replies ,
12:47 I'm glad that you are going to Egypt at last
12:50 . Little swallow . You have stayed too long .
12:51 Here the swallow said it is not to Egypt that
12:55 I am going . I am going to the house
12:59 of death . After saying this , the swallow fell
13:03 dead on the princes feet at that moment Ah ,
13:06 curious crack sounded inside the statue as if something had
13:11 broken . The fact is that the leaden heart had
13:15 snapped Right into the next day , the statue of
13:19 the prince was pulled down from heaven . The God
13:23 was watching this God said to his angels Bring me
13:27 the two most precious things in the city . The
13:31 angel brought him the leaden heart and the dead bird
13:34 . God said you have rightly chosen for in my
13:37 garden of paradise this little birds will sing forevermore And
13:41 in my city of gold the happy prince shall praise
13:44 me . That was a very nice play . Can
13:49 you tell me more about drama ? Yes , son
13:52 . A drama is performed for an audience . So
13:55 onstage the actors performed the scene and it happens for
13:59 a set of people who watch it live Now do
14:02 you understand how a drama is different from a poem
14:06 ? Yes . We do not see any rhyming words
14:09 in the happy Prince , Right ? Mom ? Yes
14:12 , son . Also , there were no stanzas .
14:15 Instead , there were dialogues . Wow , Mom ,
14:19 there is so much to learn about a drama .
14:22 Yes , son , it's great that you remember the
14:25 differences . Now let's take a quiz so that you
14:28 remember what you learned about a drama . Check your
14:33 understanding of a drama state . If the following sentences
14:37 are true or false , a drama or a play
14:41 has rhyming words false . That's correct . An act
14:52 or seen is a smaller section of a play .
15:00 True , that's correct . Two actors talking on stage
15:07 is called a dialogue or a conversation . True ,
15:19 that's correct . A drama is not performed on stage
15:30 . False . That's correct . A drama has an
15:35 occasional description of the scene . True , that's correct
15:48 . Congratulations . You have collected another five stars .
15:51 You have 10 in all . Are you ready to
15:55 proceed to the next form of writing ? Let's continue
16:00 now . We will read about pros , Son ,
16:03 The last form of writing . We will discuss his
16:06 prose . Let's now find out about prose by exploring
16:10 the solar system as an example . Son , Did
16:16 you know prose is another form of writing , apart
16:19 from a poem and a drama ? Oh , is
16:23 it ? Yes , The primary purpose of prose is
16:27 to share information . Let's see how son , you
16:32 have this wonderful lesson on our solar system in your
16:35 book . Let's read it , shall we , son
16:44 ? The book reads The sun . Nine planets ,
16:47 satellites and other celestial bodies from the solar system ,
16:51 the stars , the planets , the moon and many
16:54 other objects in the sky are called celestial object .
16:59 The objective of this statement was to inform us about
17:02 the solar system . Let's read ahead in the book
17:07 . The sun is the center of the solar system
17:09 . It is huge and is made up of extremely
17:13 hot gasses . The sun is the ultimate source of
17:16 heat and light for the solar system , but that
17:19 tremendous heat is not felt so much by us .
17:23 Because the sun is about 150 million kilometers , or
17:27 93 million miles away from the Earth , son ,
17:31 the word pros comes from a Latin word prosaic ,
17:35 meaning straightforward prose . Writing usually has free flowing speech
17:40 . Examples of pros are magazines , books , essays
17:44 and letters . Pros follows standard rules of sentence structure
17:49 . For example , a new article on a tennis
17:52 match is a pros , and it gives us information
17:55 about what happened in the game . You're doing an
17:59 incredible job . Hey , look here . There are
18:02 nine planets in our solar system in order of their
18:06 distance from the sun . They are mercury , Venus
18:10 , earth , Mars , Jupiter , Saturn , Uranus
18:15 , Neptune and plateau . All the nine planets of
18:19 the solar system move around the sun in fixed paths
18:22 called orbit . Now tell me , do you think
18:25 of prose follows basic grammar rules ? I think so
18:31 . You're right . Pros follows standard rules of grammar
18:35 , punctuation , capitalization and sentence structure . Look how
18:40 all the planet names start with a capital letter .
18:44 Pros is the language of everyday speech . Pros can
18:47 also be a story , either fiction or nonfiction .
18:51 A single sentence is not treated as a single unit
18:54 . Lines are gathered together in paragraphs . Let's now
19:02 complete the final activity on what you just learned about
19:05 pros State . If the following sentences are true or
19:09 false , the main purpose of prose is to give
19:12 information . True , that's correct . Pros does not
19:24 follow any rules of grammar , punctuation , capitalization or
19:29 sentence structure . False . That's correct . Essays and
19:42 letters are examples of prose . True , that's correct
19:54 . Congratulations . You have collected another five stars for
19:58 answering the questions correctly . Now you have 15 in
20:02 total . Son , can you tell the difference between
20:07 different styles of writing now ? Yes , Mom .
20:11 I can now tell all my friends about the differences
20:14 between a poem , a drama and a pros .
20:17 Thanks , Mom . So tell me , what are
20:22 the important structural elements of a poem ? A right
20:27 be stanza . See comparison D all the above .
20:39 De all of the above . That's correct . How
20:44 can you define drama ? A . A performance on
20:48 the stage for an audience ? Be any story .
20:52 See a video d a story with many characters a
21:05 A performance on the stage For an audience that's correct
21:10 . Which of the following is a pros ? A
21:14 . The Emperor's new clothes Be twinkle , twinkle little
21:17 star , See a news article on a recent tennis
21:21 match . D Mary had a little lamb . See
21:33 a news article on a recent tennis match . That's
21:37 correct . Congratulations . You have collected another five stars
21:43 . You have collected all 20 stars . It's getting
21:48 dark and time to go to bed . It was
21:51 so much fun teaching you about the different forms of
21:53 writing . You know so much about the different forms
21:57 of writing . Good night , Mom . You're the
22:00 best mom in the world . Yeah . Congratulations .
22:08 You have successfully completed the writing poem , drama and
22:12 pros . Course . You will now be able to
22:15 define poem and its structural elements define drama , and
22:19 its structural elements define pros , and its structural elements
22:25 identify the major differences between the three forms of writing
22:29 poem , drama and prose E .


How to define the Poem, Drama and Prose, and its structural elements.


Forms of Writing: Poem, Drama & Prose - Differences, Fun & Educational Activities for Children is a free educational video by Kidseduc.It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards RL.4.5.

This page not only allows students and teachers view Forms of Writing: Poem, Drama & Prose - Differences, Fun & Educational Activities for Children but also find engaging Sample Questions, Apps, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.

1. RL.4.5 : Explain major differences between poems, drama, and prose, and refer to the structural elements of poems (e.g., verse, rhythm, meter) and drama (e.g., casts of characters, setting descriptions, dialogue, stage directions) when writing or speaking about a text..





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