4th Grade Text Structure Lesson - YouTube - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

4th Grade Text Structure Lesson - YouTube - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

4th Grade Text Structure Lesson - YouTube - By TheSpaldingMethod

00:12 And why do we need to know about those three
00:13 types of writing , Eliza ? Because we need them
00:19 . It helps us . We understand what we're gonna
00:23 read about . Okay , so it does help us
00:25 . Read , doesn't it ? Connor ? What else
00:27 ? I know what to look . There you go
00:30 . So it keeps you actively reading . It also
00:32 works when you're listening , doesn't it ? Because when
00:34 we've been practicing tech structure , you've just listened to
00:38 paragraphs . Honey , it's the way . And author
00:43 organizes writing . There you go . Thank you .
00:45 You guys are great . When it comes to tech
00:46 structure . It's the way the author organizes the writing
00:50 . There are three different types that we pay attention
00:52 , Thio . And knowing those elements is going to
00:55 help us . When we read or listen to a
00:57 type of writing , you got it . So now
00:59 students are ready to listen to a McCall crabs paragraph
01:03 . I will coach as students make initial predictions ,
01:07 support a revised their predictions and finally used the elements
01:12 to confirm their predictions . In the Netherlands and Belgium
01:17 , Children do not have their fun and presents on
01:21 Christmas Day as we do . They go to church
01:26 on Christmas Day and they have their fun on ST
01:30 Nicholas Day , which comes on December 6 . I'm
01:35 gonna start with Mark here because I had only read
01:37 , like , three words that he was already moving
01:39 his card . Tell me what you're thinking . I'm
01:41 taking an informative It's because , uh , it didn't
01:46 have anything all it had his third person in there
01:49 , like in there . And they go to church
01:51 and it's telling facts about what they do on Christmas
01:55 and we open presents and they don't and they go
01:57 to church instead . So tell me what type of
01:59 Friday you think it is informative ? Okay , so
02:02 markets see is thinking it's an informative if some of
02:04 you have a different prediction . I continue to read
02:08 this election as Children supported and or revised their predictions
02:13 the night before . They fix something toe , hold
02:16 their gifts . Sometimes it is a well polished shoe
02:21 , sometimes a plate or a basket , and sometimes
02:26 they hang up their stockings just as we dio Eliza
02:30 , Tell me what you're thinking . I think I
02:32 still think that's an informative narrative because it has topic
02:37 and information , but the information isn't like they live
02:42 in . Never lived or something . Um , I
02:46 see it as their comparing and contrasting us to that
02:50 . Okay . Are you ready to find out what
02:51 it is ? Yes . Okay . Informative narrative .
03:00 Okay , Now , if I wanted to describe this
03:06 informative narrative to someone else What kind of picture ?
03:09 What I make with my eye and my in that
03:12 would help describe this type of informative narrative .


4th Grade Text Structure Lesson - YouTube


4th Grade Text Structure Lesson - YouTube is a free educational video by TheSpaldingMethod.It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards RF.4.4.A.

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