Learn 10 More English Adverbs of Manner - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Learn 10 More English Adverbs of Manner - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Learn 10 More English Adverbs of Manner - By EspressoEnglish

00:0-1 10 more English adverbs of manner from espresso english dot
00:04 net . You can make your sentences more interesting and
00:08 more colorful by using adverbs of manner , which tell
00:12 us how or in what way in action was done
00:15 . For example , he quickly drank the water .
00:19 I laughed nervously . She read the letter carefully ,
00:24 thes adverbs of manner quickly , nervously and carefully add
00:28 more detailed to the sentence . So today I'll teach
00:31 you 10 more adverbs of manner . Number one .
00:36 Hastily , the adverb hastily is another way to say
00:41 quickly or fast . It's also possible for hastily to
00:46 have the connotation of being too fast without taking the
00:49 time to do things properly . For example , I
00:53 hastily packed my suitcase because I was already late for
00:57 my flight . The ambulance arrived hastily at the scene
01:02 of the accident . Number two irritably . If you
01:08 look at someone or say something irritably , it means
01:12 you are demonstrating your annoyance or slight anger in your
01:16 eyes or tone of voice . For example , he
01:20 watched irritably as the mechanic fixed his car for the
01:23 third time this month . You always forget my birthday
01:28 , she said irritably . Number three painfully , the
01:34 adverb painfully means that something causes pain . It makes
01:39 part of your body hurt physically , or it causes
01:42 an unpleasant or uncomfortable feeling . For example , I
01:47 painfully stretched my legs after sitting in the same position
01:51 for an eight hour flight . This action made my
01:55 legs hurt . It's painfully obvious that he's not qualified
02:00 for the job in this case . Painfully obvious refers
02:05 to something that makes us uncomfortable , even though it's
02:08 not physically painful . Number four Poorly The adverb poorly
02:16 doesn't mean not having money . Instead , poorly means
02:21 badly . For example , I was poorly prepared for
02:25 the interview , and I couldn't answer any of the
02:28 questions many of these students did poorly on the final
02:33 exam . Number five . Promptly , the adverb promptly
02:40 means without delay or on time . For example ,
02:45 the meeting will start promptly . At two o'clock ,
02:49 she lay down and promptly fell asleep . Number six
02:55 Recklessly . If you do something recklessly , it means
02:59 you are not careful . You do things that might
03:02 have a bad result in the future . For example
03:06 , my sister spends money recklessly , and now she's
03:09 in a lot of debt . If we continue to
03:12 use , natural resource is recklessly will destroy the planet
03:17 number seven . Reluctantly , if you do something reluctantly
03:23 . It means you don't really want to do it
03:26 . For example , he reluctantly admitted that he was
03:30 wrong . My son reluctantly shared his toys with his
03:34 classmates , Number eight repeatedly . If something happens repeatedly
03:42 , it means it happens again and again . Many
03:45 times , for example , you were expelled from school
03:49 because you repeatedly broke the rules . I've contacted the
03:54 company repeatedly , but I haven't gotten a reply .
03:59 Number nine smoothly . If something goes smoothly , it
04:05 means it happens without difficulties or problems . For example
04:11 , the negotiations went smoothly and it was easy to
04:14 reach an agreement . Moving to a new house never
04:18 goes smoothly . There's always some last minute problem .
04:23 Number 10 wildly . The adverb wildly can mean in
04:30 an uncontrolled way , or it can mean extremely .
04:34 For example , she waved her hands wildly to attract
04:38 the attention of a police officer . That joke you
04:42 made was wildly inappropriate for a professional context . So
04:48 now you know 10 more English adverbs of manner ,
04:51 and to continue your vocabulary building , check out my
04:55 vocabulary builder course where you can learn , practice and
04:59 improve your vocabulary so you can be more fluent


Learn 10 More English Adverbs of Manner


Learn 10 More English Adverbs of Manner is a free educational video by EspressoEnglish.It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards L.4.1.A.

This page not only allows students and teachers view Learn 10 More English Adverbs of Manner but also find engaging Sample Questions, Apps, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.

1. L.4.1.A : Use relative pronouns (who, whose, whom, which, that) and relative adverbs (where, when, why)..





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