Relative Pronouns - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Relative Pronouns - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Relative Pronouns - By ElaineVazquez

00:0-1 Welcome back to educator dot coms , English grammar course
00:02 . This lesson is about pronoun case and relative pronounce
00:05 , but it's really about when to use who and
00:07 when to use whom . Let's get started . All
00:11 right . I'm sure you've been in this situation before
00:14 . You pick up the phone , somebody says something
00:16 and you say , Who are you calling for ?
00:18 And if the person who is calling is a grammar
00:19 Nazi , they go , No . For whom are
00:21 you calling and you get into this whole fight about
00:23 ? Do I say who or do I say whom
00:25 ? I've had this argument with my friends many times
00:27 , and I'm going to show you how to determine
00:29 which one to use . It's all about a grammatical
00:31 construct called pronoun case , so we're gonna go over
00:35 it , and by the end of this lesson ,
00:36 you will know exactly which one to use . We're
00:39 going to begin with looking at relative pronounce what they
00:43 are , what they dio . Now we're gonna look
00:44 at the three cases of pronouns in English subjective ,
00:48 objective and possessive . Trust me , you use this
00:51 stuff . Then we're gonna look at how to use
00:53 relative pronouns like who and whom you're going to look
00:56 at how to use them in comparisons , how to
00:58 use them as modifiers , when to use we and
01:01 when to use us . And finally , we're gonna
01:03 wrap it all up . With who versus whom .
01:07 Alright , what are relative pronouns and why do they
01:10 matter ? Relative pronouns take the place of mounds like
01:13 all pronouns , and they introduce subordinate clauses which you'll
01:17 find in our lessons in on sentence parts and patterns
01:19 and also in our lesson on conjunctions . Now there
01:23 are different relative pronouns for different purposes . You use
01:25 who , whom who's and sometimes that to refer to
01:30 people . Those are the personal relative pronouns use which
01:34 and that to refer to animals and two things unless
01:38 the animal is especially beloved . It's your beloved cat
01:40 , Fluffy , In which case go ahead and use
01:43 who and if anyone gives you trouble , just yell
01:45 at them , use which for clauses that are non
01:48 essential . So , for example , I'm going to
01:50 the Laundromat , which is my favorite place for people
01:52 watching . Well , you don't really need this whole
01:54 clause here to understand the sentence . You could just
01:57 say I'm going to the laundromat . Use that with
02:01 no common knows this comma right here that always precedes
02:03 , which use that with no comma for clauses that
02:06 are essential to the meaning of the sentence . I'm
02:09 going to the laundromat that offers free soap . This
02:11 tells you which laundromat you're going to , so it's
02:14 essential .


This video explains how to use the relative pronouns: who, whom.


Relative Pronouns is a free educational video by ElaineVazquez.It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards L.4.1.a.

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