eSpark Learning Asking and Answering Questions Instructional Video (3.RI, Quest 1) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

eSpark Learning Asking and Answering Questions Instructional Video (3.RI, Quest 1) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

eSpark Learning Asking and Answering Questions Instructional Video (3.RI, Quest 1) - By eSparkLearningVideos

00:0-1 have to wait . Hey , East Parker's few Sorry
00:11 I'm late . I was reading a story and just
00:13 couldn't put it down . Today , we're gonna learn
00:15 to ask and answer questions while we read . Can
00:18 you guess what kinds of questions we ask ? We
00:21 ask who , what , when , where , why
00:27 and how questions . While we're reading effective readers ask
00:31 questions before , during and after they read . And
00:34 we can usually find answers to our questions in three
00:37 main places in the text , in our heads or
00:41 from another source . The reason we do this is
00:44 because it helps us to understand a story better .
00:47 Let's look at an example . We're going to read
00:50 the first part of this article from time for kids
00:53 . The title says , Get moving animals . I'm
00:56 already wondering where the animals have to move and why
01:00 . I want you to ask questions as we are
01:02 reading , too . We might not get answers to
01:05 all of our questions , but that's OK . Sometimes
01:08 we may want to go to another source to find
01:10 out more about what we read . Let's start by
01:12 reading this first part called Go Canada Geese in the
01:16 fall , geese go south for the winter they migrate
01:19 to find food . They fly for miles . Have
01:22 you seen geese flying in a V shape ? They
01:24 take turns flying at the front of the V .
01:26 Great teamwork yeasts . I think we found an answer
01:29 to our first two questions . Do you know where
01:31 the animals fly ? That's right . They fly south
01:35 . But why do they fly south ? Awesome job
01:39 . They fly to find food , asking and answering
01:42 questions . It's fun , isn't it ? Let's keep
01:44 reading . Every fall , millions of monarch butterflies fly
01:48 south to they migrate because they can't live in the
01:52 cold . They spend the winter in warm places .
01:55 Are you still wondering anything ? I'm wondering how else
01:58 the animals move south . Do they only fly ?
02:01 Could some animals walk or swim ? Let's find out
02:06 . This next part is titled Go Humpback Whales ,
02:09 it says In the fall , these whales swim south
02:12 . The water in the south is warm . The
02:15 whales spend the winter . There . They have babies
02:18 . When spring comes , the whales migrate back north
02:20 with their babies . Did this paragraph talk about how
02:23 animals fly south ? No , we learned that some
02:26 animals swim south . Great job . Let's read the
02:29 final paragraph . It's titled Go mountain goats , it
02:33 says . In the summer , these goats live on
02:35 the tops of mountains . In the fall , they
02:37 walk and lead down to the bottom of the mountains
02:40 . It's warmer there , and more plants grow there
02:41 for the goats to eat . I'm still wondering where
02:44 the goats go to find food on the top of
02:47 the mountain . I would guess that there's probably some
02:49 grass on the top of the mountain that they can
02:51 eat , but I might have to look at another
02:53 source to find the exact answer to that question .
02:56 Throughout this video , we asked lots of questions while
02:59 we're reading . We were able to answer many of
03:01 the questions either in our heads or in the text
03:04 , but found that we might have to find the
03:06 answers to a couple of our questions from another source
03:08 . While you are reading , make sure that you
03:11 ask and answer lots of questions to because it will
03:14 help you understand the text better . I can already
03:17 tell you're going to do great , have fun


This video models the reading strategy of asking and answering questions. As an example, it uses four short sections of an article about animal migration. Different question types and sources are reviewed


ESpark Learning Asking and Answering Questions Instructional Video (3.RI, Quest 1) is a free educational video by eSparkLearningVideos.It helps students in grades 4.

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