Questions vs. Statements: American English Pronunciation - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Questions vs. Statements: American English Pronunciation - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Questions vs. Statements: American English Pronunciation - By Rachel's English

00:04 today , I'm going to talk about word stress and
00:08 questions versus statements in English . Statements generally tend to
00:14 go down and pitch throughout the phrase . I'll be
00:18 there by three . All is higher than three .
00:24 Questions , on the other hand , tend to go
00:26 up at the end . Have you seen Mary ?
00:30 Have you seen Mary ? Let's look at three phrases
00:34 that can be either questions or statements , for example
00:39 , you know what I mean ? This could be
00:41 a statement if you're talking to somebody and you're explaining
00:45 something , but you know that they understand maybe because
00:49 they've had the same experience . You might say ,
00:52 You know what I mean ? Statement . But if
00:55 you're talking and you want to make sure that the
00:57 person is understanding you , you might say , you
01:01 know what I mean , asking a question statement ,
01:05 you know what I mean ? You know what I
01:07 mean ? Voice goes down question . You know what
01:11 I mean ? You know what I mean ? Voice
01:15 goes up at the end . The simple word me
01:18 could be a question or a statement . Let's say
01:21 , for example , if you're with a group of
01:23 people and someone says who can help me tomorrow ,
01:26 you might volunteer and say me , me , me
01:31 voice goes down and pitch me . But let's say
01:35 the person who asked who can help me is staring
01:38 right at you . And you feel like , Are
01:40 they asking me ? Then you might say me Question
01:44 me , as in . Are you specifically asking me
01:49 to help me ? Statement me ? Question . See
01:56 you tomorrow . Let's say you're at work and you
01:58 know that you're going to be at work tomorrow .
02:00 And so is your colleague . When you part ways
02:03 you might say See you tomorrow Statement . But maybe
02:08 you're not sure that your colleague will be there .
02:10 Then you might say See you tomorrow . Question .
02:13 That would be like asking , Are you going to
02:16 be in tomorrow ? See you tomorrow . Statement .
02:20 See you tomorrow . Voice goes down Question . See
02:24 you tomorrow . Voice goes up at the end .
02:37 You know what I mean ? You know what I
02:40 mean ? Me , Me . See you tomorrow .
02:49 See you tomorrow . Now you will hear some phrases
02:54 you need to decide if it is a question or
02:56 a statement based on the word stress . You're coming
03:00 at three . You're coming at three question . I
03:06 am trying to confirm that this person will be coming
03:09 at three . You're coming at three . Voice goes
03:13 up at the end . He saw her yesterday .
03:17 He saw her yesterday . Statement . He saw her
03:23 yesterday . Voice goes down throughout the phrase . We're
03:28 going , We're going statement . We're going . Voice
03:35 goes down and pitch . We're going , We're going
03:42 . Question voice goes up in pitch . He hurt
03:46 her feelings . He hurt her feelings . Question voice
03:52 goes up the end . He hurt her feelings .
03:56 They said no . They said No statement . They
04:02 said No voice goes down and pitch throughout that phrase
04:07 . We'll see them Monday . We'll see them Monday
04:12 . Question voice goes up at the end . We'll
04:15 see them Monday .


YouTube presents Questions vs. Statements: American English Pronunciation, an educational video resource on english language arts.


Questions vs. Statements: American English Pronunciation is a free educational video by Rachel's English.It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards RF.4.4.C.

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