Interactive Read Aloud (video style format for all learners) The Greedy Triangle - YouTube - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Interactive Read Aloud (video style format for all learners) The Greedy Triangle - YouTube - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Interactive Read Aloud (video style format for all learners) The Greedy Triangle - YouTube - By Mathster Vakkas

00:05 The Greedy Triangle , written by Maryland Burns , illustrated
00:11 by Gordon Silveria . Read to You by math .
00:14 Starve Acas . Once there was a triangle that was
00:21 , as most triangles are always busy . The triangle
00:25 spent its time holding up roofs , supporting bridges ,
00:28 making music in a symphony orchestra , catching the wind
00:32 for sailboats , being slices of pie and halves of
00:36 sandwiches , and much , much more . Kids .
00:41 Do you see the sandwich , the pie , the
00:44 sailboat and the houses ? Look at the roofs ,
00:48 all triangles . The triangles . Favorite thing , however
00:54 , was to slip into place when people put their
00:57 hands on their hips . That way , I always
01:00 hear the latest news , it said , which I
01:03 can tell my friends . Kids , put your hand
01:06 on your hip . Do you see the triangle ?
01:09 You formed the triangles . Friends liked hearing the news
01:18 . One day , the triangle began to feel dissatisfied
01:23 . I'm tired of doing the same old things ,
01:25 it grumbled . There must be more toe life .
01:29 So the triangle went to see the local shape shifter
01:33 . Kids , a shape shifter can shift shapes or
01:38 change shapes . How may I help you ? The
01:42 shape shifter asked the triangle . I think if I
01:46 had just one Mawr side and one Mawr angle ,
01:50 said the triangle . My life would be more interesting
01:54 . That's easy to Dio said the shape shifter .
01:59 Poof . The shapeshifter turned the triangle into a quadrille
02:05 . Lateral kids look at the quadrilateral , How maney
02:10 sides and how Maney Angles does a quadrilateral have right
02:17 ? Four Quad means . Four . What other Quadra
02:23 laterals are there in the real world ? Kids .
02:27 A rectangle . Ah , square Ah , parallelogram .
02:32 Rambus's Let's Continue . Life changed in a wonderful way
02:40 . The quadrilateral was happy with all the new things
02:43 it could dio . The quadrilateral could be a baseball
02:47 diamond or 1st , 2nd or third base . It
02:51 could take a position on a checkerboard or a chess
02:54 board . It could be a television screen , Ah
02:58 , computer screen or a movie screen . It could
03:01 frame windows or frame pictures and much , much more
03:08 . Wow , kids look at all the things the
03:11 triangle can do . Being a quadrilateral , having four
03:16 sides and four angles , he looks pretty happy .
03:22 The Quadra laterals favorite thing , however , was to
03:25 be the pages of a book . I learned so
03:29 many interesting stories that way , it said , which
03:33 I can tell my friends the Quadra laterals friends liked
03:38 hearing the stories . But one day the quadrilateral began
03:45 to feel dissatisfied . I'm tired of doing the same
03:49 old things , it grumbled . There must be more
03:52 to life . So the quadrilateral went back to the
03:56 shape shifter . How may I help you now ?
04:00 The shapeshifter asked the quadrilateral . I think if I
04:04 had just one more side and one mawr angle ,
04:08 said the quadrilateral , my life would be more interesting
04:13 . That's easy to Dio , said the shape shifter
04:17 . Poof . The shapeshifter turned the quadrille lateral into
04:22 , Ah , Pentagon kids Look at the Pentagon .
04:27 How many sides and how Maney angles does the Pentagon
04:30 have right five kids wear in real life ? Do
04:38 you see Pentagon's shapes with five sides and five angles
04:47 ? Let's find out . Life changed in a wonderful
04:52 way . The Pentagon was happy with all the new
04:55 things that could dio on a baseball diamond . The
04:58 Pentagon could be home plate . It could be a
05:01 section on a soccer ball or appear inside whenever someone
05:06 drew a five pointed star . The Pentagon's favorite thing
05:13 , however , was to be the headquarters of the
05:16 United States military near Washington , D . C .
05:21 I hear all the top secrets that way . It
05:24 said . It's too bad I can't tell them To
05:26 my friends . The Pentagon's friends couldn't help feeling left
05:30 out . Do you see them at the bottom of
05:33 the page ? They seem a little left out .
05:39 After a while , Time seemed to pass slowly for
05:42 the Pentagon , and it became dissatisfied . I'm tired
05:48 of doing the same old things , it grumbled .
05:51 There must be more toe life . So the Pentagon
05:54 went back to the shapeshifter . So you're here again
05:59 , the shape shifter said to the Pentagon . Now
06:02 what would you like ? I think if I had
06:06 just one mawr side and one Mawr angle , said
06:10 the Pentagon , my life would be more interesting .
06:14 That's easy to do , said the Shape shifter kids
06:18 . If the shape shifter gives the Pentagon one MAWR
06:22 side and one more angle , what shape is the
06:26 Pentagon going to become ? What shape is the Pentagon
06:32 going to turn into ? Let's find out , poof
06:39 . The shape shifter turned the Pentagon into a hexagon
06:44 . Kids , look at the hexagon , How maney
06:47 sides and how Maney Angles Does a hexagon have correct
06:52 ? Six . Where in real life do you see
06:56 six sided shapes ? Where do you see six sided
07:02 shapes six sides and six angles . Let's find out
07:09 life changed again in a wonderful way . The Hexagon
07:13 was happy with all the new things it could dio
07:16 . The hexagon fit in as floor tiles and houses
07:20 and patios and fancy crackers at parties and picnics .
07:24 It worked as the socket of certain bolts and the
07:28 prongs of certain wrenches . The hexagons favorite thing ,
07:35 however , was to be a cell in a beehive
07:39 . I love watching the bees as they buzz in
07:42 and out , it said . The hexagon spent so
07:45 much time in the beehive it was too busy to
07:49 talk to its friends . The friends missed the hexagon
07:53 and couldn't help feeling ignored kids . Do you see
07:56 the hexagons friends sitting on the bench ? They look
08:00 sad . They missed their friend again and again .
08:08 The shape became restless , dissatisfied and unhappy with its
08:13 life . Again and again , it returned to the
08:16 shapeshifter for mawr sides and Mawr angles . The shapeshifter
08:21 agreed to turn it into one shape after another .
08:25 Ah heh . PTA gone . An octagon , a
08:29 Nana gone a decade gone and on and on .
08:34 Kids , How maney sides and angles . Do you
08:37 think a hep Tegan has seven ? What about an
08:42 octagon , a Nana Gone a decade gone , let's
08:49 continue . Finally , the shape had many , many
08:54 sides and many , many angles . Its sides were
08:58 so small that it had trouble keeping its balance .
09:02 Kids look . It has to lean against the tree
09:05 to keep its balance . It's friend couldn't tell which
09:09 side it was on and began tow . Avoid the
09:12 shape it's friends are staying away . Kids . What
09:17 do you think is happening to the shape as it
09:21 gets more sides and mawr angles ? What do you
09:24 think the shape will eventually turn into ? What do
09:28 you think a shape will turn into if it has
09:32 many sides and many angles ? Let's find out .
09:38 One day , when the shape was going down a
09:40 hill , it began to roll faster and faster .
09:45 It went screeching around corners , crashing into fences and
09:49 trees , colliding with bicycles and terrifying walkers . Kids
09:56 , what is the shape becoming ? At last ,
10:01 the shape came to a stop . It felt tired
10:05 and dizzy , lonely and sad enough . Thought the
10:14 shape . I don't know which side is up .
10:17 I can't keep my balance . My friends don't want
10:20 me around . The shape could no longer remember why
10:24 it had been so unhappy as a triangle very carefully
10:29 , it made its way back to the shapeshifter .
10:32 Aren't you happy yet ? The shape shifter asked .
10:37 I want to be a triangle again , said the
10:39 shape . I'm not surprised , said the shape shifter
10:45 kids . Why do you think the shape shifter is
10:49 not surprised that the shape wants to be a triangle
10:52 again ? And why do you think the shape wants
10:57 to be a triangle again ? Do you think it's
11:00 life will be better ? Let's find out , poof
11:07 the shape shift to turn the shape back into a
11:10 triangle . Kids , look at the triangle . Do
11:15 you think he's happy now ? The triangle was delighted
11:22 . Toe have its old shape back again and kept
11:25 itself very busy Once again . It held up roofs
11:30 , supported bridges , made music in a symphony orchestra
11:35 , caught the wind for sailboats , became slices of
11:38 pie and halves of sandwiches and much , much mawr
11:45 kids . The triangle does look happy again . Still
11:52 , the triangles favorite thing was to slip into place
11:56 when people put their hands on their hips . That
12:00 way I always hear the latest news , it said
12:04 , which I can tell my friends . Kids ,
12:07 put your hand on your hip . Do you see
12:10 your triangle ? It's friends liked hearing the news ,
12:17 and we're glad the triangle was back in shape again
12:23 . Kids . This story was called The Greedy Triangle
12:28 . Do you think the title The Greedy Triangle is
12:31 a good title for this book ? Why and kids
12:39 ? Do you think the triangle learned a lesson and
12:42 the story ? What do you think the moral of
12:45 this story is ? What lesson did the triangle learn
12:55 ? Kids , if you could be any shape ,
12:58 which would you be ? And why ? Where would
13:02 you be found in real life kids ? You could
13:07 also take a trip around the school and neighborhood and
13:10 identify shapes in the real world . You can also
13:15 draw pictures using different shapes . Be aware . Math
13:21 is everywhere . If you'd like to buy a copy
13:24 of the Greedy Triangle , the publisher is scholastic


Interactive Read Aloud (video style format for all learners) The Greedy Triangle - YouTube


Interactive Read Aloud (video style format for all learners) The Greedy Triangle - YouTube is a free educational video by Mathster Vakkas.It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards RF.4.4.B.

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