Word Study in Action: Vocabulary Development - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Word Study in Action: Vocabulary Development - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Word Study in Action: Vocabulary Development - By Knatim

00:05 when you're really , really no . Yeah , The
00:12 teacher in this segment has designed a word sort with
00:14 vocabulary based on the current classroom theme of emotions .
00:19 This is an open sort , meaning the teacher does
00:21 not dictate the categories that students should use for the
00:25 sort . Through small group exploration of the words ,
00:28 students realize that the cards can be sorted in terms
00:32 of opposites . The teacher has group students according to
00:35 needs and has built in differentiation through the word sort
00:39 . She works with each group , providing support as
00:42 needed . The students were then asked to add new
00:45 word pairs that fit the criteria of the source .
00:49 You're going to get a baggie that matches with your
00:52 name card . Inside this baggy are words on little
00:56 pieces of paper , just like we do every week
00:59 . What do we usually do with the pieces of
01:00 paper trump we eat ? We serve the words .
01:06 I'm not going to tell you how to sort .
01:09 You're going to have to figure it out . It
01:11 might be similar to what we usually dio . It
01:13 might be a little bit different . That's for you
01:15 to decide . You may also find blanks . Just
01:19 leave the blanks aside for now . Okay ? I
01:23 want to see equal participation with everyone taking part .
01:28 Any questions ? All right , You know how to
01:31 do this ? Good friends help . Perseverance use .
01:43 Now , this is a little bit tricky because sometimes
01:46 we're used to sorting with word parts , Right ?
01:50 I want you to think a little bit differently this
01:52 time . Were you having a little bit of trouble
01:54 with prefixes and suffixes and things that usually sort with
01:58 and word families ? You might have to think of
02:00 a different way . Would you like to give me
02:02 to give you a clue ? Why don't you try
02:05 the meanings of the words which we do that sometimes
02:09 . What do you notice about those They both have
02:15 . They're not saying one . These are not the
02:18 These are the opposite . So show the group .
02:20 And what do you think ? Do you think they
02:22 might be the opposite opposite of the emotions ? E
02:27 think that's a great idea . Why don't you stick
02:29 with that and see if that works for you ?
02:31 Okay . Can you maybe organize it in a way
02:34 so that you know which ones you've used ? Let's
02:37 see , J . Can you find one ? Give
02:40 up easily and , well , JC is making up
02:43 making a column That might be an idea just to
02:45 help you keep track . Mm . Sharon's found a
02:49 match where now you've got it . That hardworking ,
03:03 lazy is like . That's like you don't wanna do
03:07 your work . Oh , yeah , When you think
03:10 you've figured out the sort and you've checked in with
03:12 me , you are going to add to each column
03:16 using the blank cards . Hey , so just like
03:20 we do in math where your figure has to match
03:23 with the attributes , the words that you're selecting on
03:26 the cards need to match with your sort . And
03:32 that's all I'm going to say . I'll come around
03:33 to clarify to each group so we don't give it
03:35 away to those still working like we had to do
03:39 , like one way , which is the positive way
03:41 and negative way on . Then way switched it by
03:45 doing opposite on the positive way is respectful , responsible
03:51 , honest , play carrying and agreeable . And the
03:57 negative way is disrespectful , responsible , dishonest route on
04:04 caring and disagreeable way looked at the ones that were
04:11 that had the same way wasn't actually on opposite .
04:25 But since there was no way had to put them
04:28 together way waas , in agreeable , an agreeable or
04:36 disagreeable said that disagreeable makes sense . So we said
04:41 that disagreeable you called the right place . When I
04:45 met with this group I What I noticed was that
04:47 they were discussing which prefixes to use in order to
04:50 make the word theocracies it . So I thought that
04:52 was really great , thinking that they realized that a
04:54 prefix could change the meaning of the word . But
04:56 then they were discussing which one sounded better . And
04:58 that's how they decided , which prefix to use .
05:01 They were discussing . Should it be this should be
05:02 in should be a new which was great transfer of
05:05 what they've been learning with prefixes and suffixes to a
05:08 different context . So your next step is you're gonna
05:10 create your own little mini anchor chart . And just
05:14 like you talk to me positive and negative , you're
05:16 gonna label it or whatever you wanna label the top
05:18 the attributes of the characteristics , and then you're gonna
05:20 glue and tape them on just like that , so
05:22 we can refer to them and we're doing our writing
05:24 in our reading . So you've been working pretty hard
05:27 . You've tried many different combinations Do you think you've
05:29 found one that might work for you now ? So
05:31 tell me what you've sorted . How you've sorted like
05:36 negative emotions Way . Thank you . That's why way
05:41 . Put that on top E . I noticed you
05:43 went from three columns to two columns . So is
05:45 there a relationship or connection between the two sides of
05:49 the opposite ? So that wasn't there The opposite .
05:52 So let's do a quick check . Enthusiastic , unenthusiastic
05:55 , polite in polite , unreliable , reliable is positive
05:59 . Unreliable ? No , you reliable celebrates . That's
06:04 okay . This is all part of figuring it out
06:06 . Right ? Calm , nervous , cooperative , Uncooperative
06:10 , respectful , disrespectful , respected , disrespected , perseveres
06:15 , relents , Courageous , cowardly , responsible , un
06:19 responsible . And I like what you've done here by
06:22 doing the opposite . What did you add on to
06:23 the beginning ? I'm un That's good thinking . Why
06:28 were you thinking that ? Because when you add on
06:30 , that means less or thank you . Now we
06:33 have to think about that sound right . Un responsible
06:36 . She was unresponsive ble because she didn't do her
06:38 homework un responsible in responsible in That could be .
06:43 That might sound better . Here's another one . This
06:46 is a tricky one . Irresponsible e r . Irresponsible
06:51 . Which one sounds better un responsible . Irresponsible ?
06:55 What did you say ? Do you think all of
06:57 what was the second one that he said in response
07:01 , in responsible . So which one sounds the best
07:04 There is irresponsible . Try that one . Sometimes we
07:07 have to say things a few times to figure out
07:09 how it sounds . Let's debrief what we just did
07:11 . There was some good thinking going on at the
07:13 tables , and sometimes it takes a long time to
07:15 figure out how the words go together . And every
07:18 group eventually figured out that these there was one half
07:23 of the words that were positive characteristics and one half
07:26 that were negative characteristics . And I saw some interesting
07:29 thinking going on as I was circulating around the tables
07:32 when you had to fill in the blank cards with
07:36 opposite words . And a few of the group's did
07:39 something that I'd like to bring to everyone's attention .
07:42 Happy , unhappy , agreeable , disagreeable , attentive ,
07:48 in attentive . If you notice anything , what the's
07:54 group this group do this group did . It is
07:56 well over here to change , happy to the opposite
07:59 , which is unhappy , agreeable to dis agreeable ,
08:08 attentive to in attentive , just thinking your heads for
08:13 a moment quickly talk with a shoulder partner , making
08:19 sure everyone's included less like air Disco . Oh yeah
08:24 , it's Diva . Shahrani and Casual could share their
08:28 conversation because I sort of listened in and I like
08:31 what I heard . Can you tell the class what
08:33 you noticed about these words ? Somebody's comfortable speaking .
08:36 Hey , diva , go ahead . Like for the
08:39 negative worth . Sometimes they have prefixes like on Earth
08:44 this and they're mostly opposite . They're mostly opposite .
08:50 So by putting the prefix on And how did you
08:53 decide which prefixes to put on ? Because look at
08:56 this group had un attentive . Then they crossed it
08:59 out and put inattentive . What if I said dis
09:02 happy ? So we know that dis and unknown means
09:05 the opposite This happy ? Does that sound right ?
09:09 No . So I'm wondering what you were thinking in
09:11 your heads before you decided which prefix to put on
09:15 talk with your people again . How did you decide
09:22 ? Because people can't like reading , I said To
09:26 make sure make sense , E had to pick the
09:30 right one because there's a whole bunch of juice .
09:31 Somebody picked the exact frontage . So let's hear some
09:37 sharing . Then what were you thinking ? Are you
09:40 thinking that it had to make sense before you write
09:43 down , which you were gonna put even that they
09:46 both mean like , if it's negative , But you
09:49 have to make sure make sense before you write it
09:51 down . Thank you . That's great thinking . So
09:53 you've said a lot of them can make a word
09:55 negative . But you have to think , Does that
09:56 make sense before writing it down ? Or does it
09:59 sound right ? What were you thinking , Anson ?
10:02 Unhappy is actually at the right way . This happy
10:06 doesn't cells cells properly . It doesn't sound proper .
10:11 We don't talk like that . Right ? Good thinking
10:13 . Everyone . Give yourself a big pat on the
10:14 back . That was good word work this morning .


In this video, the teacher presents an open word sort.


Word Study in Action: Vocabulary Development is a free educational video by Knatim.It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards RF.4.3.A.

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