eSpark Learning: Using Context Clues to Find the Meaning of Words Instructional Video (4.RL.4) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

eSpark Learning: Using Context Clues to Find the Meaning of Words Instructional Video (4.RL.4) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

eSpark Learning: Using Context Clues to Find the Meaning of Words Instructional Video (4.RL.4) - By eSparkLearningVideos

00:06 Hello , readers . It's Miss Bushman . Today we're
00:09 going toe work on a strategy to help us become
00:12 better readers . This strategy helps us figure out the
00:15 meaning of unknown words . It's called using context clues
00:21 when we use the text to figure out unknown words
00:24 were using context clues , Context Clues can be found
00:28 around a word or phrase or even in a picture
00:32 to help us figure out what words mean . For
00:36 example , if I have this sentence in my book
00:39 , I can figure out what it means by looking
00:41 for clues . Sarah felt famished . Her stomach was
00:46 growling , and all she kept thinking about was the
00:48 red lunch bag sitting on the shelf across from her
00:52 . Let's go back to the word famished and use
00:55 context clues . I can see that Sarah Stomach was
01:01 growling and that she was staring at her red lunch
01:03 back . This must mean that famished is hungry or
01:08 starving . Are you ready to try using context clues
01:16 ? Today we're gonna practice using clues while reading a
01:19 myth . Have you ever heard of a myth before
01:23 ? Myths are made up stories with gods and goddesses
01:27 ? I just love myths because they're usually full of
01:30 adventure . We're going to read a myth called The
01:35 Story of Iraq . Knee Toe . Help us learn
01:38 and practice context clues . Let's read the beginning of
01:41 the myth as I read watches . I use clues
01:44 to figure out the meaning of words . The story
01:48 of Iraq , Me a , Rodney said at her
01:51 loom , weaving brilliant threads into wonderful patterns . She
01:55 smiled as she worked and sang a happy little song
01:59 . People in her village and from all over the
02:01 country came to see the beautiful things . This young
02:04 girl wolf Iraq . TNI loved hearing them . Tell
02:08 her how clever she waas , and she very conceded
02:12 I can . With better patterns and even the goddess
02:15 Athena , she boasted to an old woman , Let's
02:21 go back to two words that I didn't know in
02:23 this story . First I see the word loom .
02:27 I'm not sure what this means , but I confined
02:29 clues to help me . I see the word weaving
02:33 and threads in the same sentence , along with the
02:36 word I can figure out that a Loomis some type
02:42 of machine to help someone making weavings using thread .
02:49 Let's now look at another word I didn't know .
02:51 I see the word conceded can you find it ?
02:55 I see the conceded is a word that describes Iraq
02:58 Me . It says that people all over the village
03:01 can see Iraqis , weavings , Arak . Me also
03:04 said that she could spin a better pattern than the
03:08 goddess Athena . It seems like a re acne is
03:13 talking a lot about herself and how great her weavings
03:15 are . I can figure out the conceded means that
03:18 Iraq me is full of herself or she's too proud
03:20 of herself . No , we're going to keep reading
03:26 . As we read , we're going to look for
03:28 clues to define the word scurried . We're also going
03:31 to look for clues to describe the goddess in our
03:34 story named Athena . Hush , Athena may hear you
03:39 , whispered the woman . I don't care , said
03:42 a re acne loudly . Now everyone knew that it
03:46 was very dangerous to talk about the gods and goddesses
03:49 . If they hurt something they didn't like , they
03:51 could play nasty tricks on people . At that moment
03:55 , Athenee appeared in the doorway of Iraq knees house
03:58 Iraqi leaped up from her loom and knelt in front
04:02 of the goddess of weaving , looking proudly up her
04:05 . I think I heard you speak my name ,
04:07 said Athena . I've come to see your weaving .
04:11 She smiled , but her voice was so icy ,
04:13 everyone watching scurried away in fright . Ah , Thena
04:17 looked at the weaving on the loom . Yes ,
04:19 she said , I have to admit it is very
04:22 good . Readers . Can you see the word scurried
04:29 if you can read the context , clues around the
04:33 word scurried to figure out what it means . If
04:40 you guess that scurried means to move quickly , you
04:43 were right . Let's finish the story to see what
04:47 happens to Athena and Iraq knee . Could you do
04:53 better ? Asked Iraq me boldly . We shall see
04:58 , answered Athena . We will have a competition ,
05:01 you and I , and then we shall see Athena
05:04 in Iraq . Me set to work at their looms
05:06 , weaving for days . They used the brightest threads
05:09 and most unusual patterns . At last , the two
05:12 pieces were finished . They took them off the looms
05:15 and laid them down , side by side . Everyone
05:18 came to admire them and try to decide which was
05:21 best . Athena stared at the two lovely pieces of
05:26 weaving in silence . Then she screamed with rage .
05:29 Although she would never admit it , she could see
05:31 that Iraqis weaving was better than her own . She
05:35 grabbed it and ripped it from top to bottom .
05:38 As you are so clever at weaving , she screamed
05:40 at the terrified Iraq Me , you shall leave forever
05:43 and no one will ever want what you leave .
05:47 She tapped her acne lightly on her shoulder . The
05:50 girl dropped to the ground as everyone watched in horror
05:54 . She shriveled to a small dark blob , grew
05:56 eight legs and ran away into a dark corner .
05:59 Ah , Thenia turned Iraq me into a spider .
06:02 From that moment on , Iraq knee and all her
06:04 many descendants have woven beautiful webs . You may see
06:08 them industy corners or sparkling with dew in the early
06:11 morning . Wow , I can't believe what happened to
06:17 Iraq . Me looking at Iraq knees name . We
06:20 can then see that other words in our language have
06:23 formed because of her name . I look at the
06:26 word Iraq Ned , which looks like Iraq . Me
06:29 and Iraq needed is an insect related to a spider
06:34 . By knowing the word Iraq me , I can
06:37 then figure out the meeting of other words


Students see how context clues can help show a word's meaning. The teacher demonstrates using this skill while she reads a myth about Arachne.


ESpark Learning: Using Context Clues to Find the Meaning of Words Instructional Video (4.RL.4) is a free educational video by eSparkLearningVideos.It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards L.4.4,L.4.4.A,.

This page not only allows students and teachers view ESpark Learning: Using Context Clues to Find the Meaning of Words Instructional Video (4.RL.4) but also find engaging Sample Questions, Apps, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.

1. L.4.4 : Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 4 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies..

2. L.4.4.A : Use context (e.g., definitions, examples, or restatements in text) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase..





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