Introduction to Wind Power - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Introduction to Wind Power - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Introduction to Wind Power - By MITK12Videos

00:12 Yeah . Mhm . Mankind has been harnessing wind to
00:25 do useful work for centuries . Over 2000 years ago
00:28 , Chinese and Persian engineers independently developed the first windmills
00:32 to pump water for irrigating crops When mills first appeared
00:35 in europe during medieval times , where they were used
00:37 for agricultural and industrial purposes . This windmill is an
00:41 example of a classic Dutch style windmill built in the
00:44 1800s . The blades were once covered with canvas to
00:47 catch the wind , although these early windmills were not
00:49 very efficient by today's standards , The ways in which
00:52 they increased production at the time made them a useful
00:54 tool . Modern electricity generating wind turbines first appeared in
00:58 the late 1800s . However , it wasn't until the
01:00 energy crisis of the 1970s when the focus shifted to
01:03 the large scale development of wind power . By the
01:06 late 1990s , large wind farms started to appear in
01:08 wind generated electricity became commercially available . Modern wind turbines
01:18 consist of three parts rotor blades nestle in tower .
01:25 Most wind turbines have three rotor blades that can be
01:27 up to 100 ft long . The blades convert wind
01:30 energy into mechanical energy . Wind turbine blades look much
01:34 like an airplane wing that curved on the top and
01:37 flat on the bottom . The air flowing over the
01:39 top of the blade has to take a slightly longer
01:42 path and therefore move faster in order to keep up
01:45 with the air flowing under the blade . Bernoulli's principle
01:50 dictates that this difference in air speed would create a
01:53 pressure difference to develop across the blade . This pressure
01:56 difference is the origin of the lifting force that allows
02:00 for the blades of the turbine to rotate the nestle
02:05 houses the inner workings of the wind turbine that are
02:07 responsible for electrical power generation . All three rotor blades
02:11 are attached at the hub . The hub slowly turns
02:14 a shaft connected to the gearbox , which turns a
02:16 faster shaft in order to power the electrical generator .
02:19 Electrical power is then distributed to customers via the electrical
02:22 grid . The average utility scale wind turbine has a
02:26 two megawatt capacity , which is enough to power about
02:29 500 average sized homes . The tower supports the structure
02:33 of the wind turbine and lifts the rotor blades high
02:35 above the ground into stronger , more continuous winds .
02:38 Towers can be 250 ft tall in this experiment will
02:42 use a scale model of a wind turbine to generate
02:44 electricity . This particular model is 2.5 ft tall ,
02:48 with one ft long blades . This is about 100
02:51 times smaller than the average utility sized turban . However
02:54 , it has all the same parts , the tower
02:57 venice L in the rotor blades . Right now ,
03:04 wind energy is being transformed to electrical energy by the
03:07 wind turbine . The volt meter is measuring how much
03:11 electricity is being produced by the turban . The turbine
03:15 is producing about 0.8V , which is enough electricity to
03:19 light a small led . What changes could we make
03:23 to produce more electricity , pause this video and brainstorm
03:26 Some changes . Some ways to increase the turban output
03:31 include faster wind , changing the blade angle , using
03:36 longer blades having a larger generator . Wind power has
03:42 its supporters in its opposition . Let's take some time
03:44 to consider the pros and cons of wind power .
03:48 Some advantages of wind power include wind turbines used the
03:51 wind a natural and renewable source of energy to generate
03:54 electricity . Fossil fuels are required to produce and construct
03:58 wind turbines , but they're no longer a factor .
04:00 Once the turbine is up and running , most wind
04:02 power costs are associated with turban installation . Wind turbines
04:07 can be constructed almost anywhere . They are consistent and
04:09 favorable winds . Some disadvantages of wind power include presently
04:15 , wind power infrastructure is only capable of supplementing other
04:18 non renewable technologies . Studies suggest that the noise and
04:22 light flicker from wind turbines may cause illness , and
04:24 people who live close by . Some environmentalists believe that
04:27 large wind farms can impact the behavior of local wildlife
04:30 . Construction of wind turbines does not affect all local
04:33 residents equally . Some may obstruct views and decrease property
04:35 values . Do the global benefits of wind power outweigh
04:39 the local downsides . This is a question for all
04:42 of us to discuss as we face the uncertain future
04:44 of our environment and energy needs . Mhm .



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