Hunting for Properties: Crash Course Kids #9.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Hunting for Properties: Crash Course Kids #9.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Hunting for Properties: Crash Course Kids #9.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 Hey guys remember what it was like in preschool .
00:12 If you don't remember , here's a reminder , it
00:14 was way easier playing with colored blocks , learning shapes
00:18 . Those were the days . Good times . But
00:20 here's a fun fact when you were learning how to
00:22 put all those yellow blocks in a line or stuffing
00:24 square shaped blocks through a square hole . You are
00:27 also learning something very fundamental and that is how to
00:30 judge and objects properties . But what do we mean
00:33 when we talk about the properties of stuff ? Well
00:39 , let's start with this . The stuff that makes
00:41 up everything is called matter doesn't make any difference if
00:45 it's a tiny grain of sand or all of the
00:47 air that surrounds the earth , everything is made of
00:50 matter and a property of matter is just any characteristic
00:53 that we can list about it like how it looks
00:55 feels or acts for example , my characteristics include having
00:59 black hair , wearing glasses , having some wicked awesome
01:03 nerd cred and well , you get the idea properties
01:06 of matter are also things that we can observe .
01:08 This means that they have differences that are big enough
01:10 to notice . For instance , I'm currently observing that
01:13 my desk is messier than it was five seconds ago
01:16 . And to round it out properties of matter are
01:18 also able to be measured . That is we can
01:20 compare objects to each other but instead of just looking
01:23 at them and getting a general idea of how they
01:25 compare . We measure them by using tools that give
01:27 us values or numbers . Now let's put all of
01:30 these ideas to work by demonstrating how we can find
01:33 a few basic properties of a simple object . Let
01:35 me grab my measuring tape . Okay , okay .
01:41 Look , I know I was just talking about how
01:43 fun it was to play with blocks . But let
01:45 me be clear . I am not playing with these
01:47 blocks . This is science people . Now let's start
01:50 with a couple of questions . One , what properties
01:53 does this block have ? Well , there are some
01:56 properties that we can observe but we can't really measure
01:58 or describe them with numbers like this blocks color or
02:01 what it's made of . Or even the fact that
02:03 it holds its shape , which makes it a solid
02:05 . So a better question to ask might be what
02:08 can we observe and measure about this block ? Let's
02:11 start with the big one here , length length is
02:13 just a distance of something from end to end and
02:16 this blocks length is 8.5 centimeters with meanwhile is the
02:20 distance of something from side to side and its width
02:23 is 8.5 centimeters height . That's an easy one .
02:27 It's the distance of an object from its bottom to
02:29 its top . Not to mention a major factor in
02:32 being able to play basketball successfully in the height of
02:34 this block is nine centimeters so length , width and
02:39 height are some of the most commonly used properties ,
02:41 but there are a lot of others to for instance
02:44 , our block is also an object shaped like a
02:45 box that takes up space . That is , it
02:48 fills up the space it's in . We call that
02:50 space the blocks volume . We can measure the volume
02:53 of this block using math based on the measurements that
02:55 I just made , but we can also get a
02:57 more general idea of its volume by making other observations
03:00 , like the medium block easily fits into the bigger
03:02 block . So we know that the medium block has
03:04 less volume than the bigger block , but there's no
03:07 way the medium block is fitting into the little block
03:09 . So we know that the medium block has more
03:11 volume than this small block . Finally , wait ,
03:14 is another measurable property of matter . Wait just tells
03:16 us how heavy an object is when you go to
03:19 a doctor's office and they ask you to stand on
03:21 a scale . They're using that scale to measure your
03:23 weight , got it good . So all Matter has
03:30 properties and properties are observable measurable characteristics that we can
03:34 use to tell them apart . And we got to
03:35 know some of the most common and useful properties that
03:38 we can put a value or number on like length
03:40 with height , volume and weight . So hey ,
03:44 blocks , not just for little kids , also super
03:47 handy for doing science .



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