What's an Engineer? Crash Course Kids #12.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

What's an Engineer? Crash Course Kids #12.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

What's an Engineer? Crash Course Kids #12.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 how do we get around from place to place without
00:12 having to walk everywhere ? How can we communicate with
00:14 people who live far away ? These were problems that
00:16 people struggled with for a long time until recently before
00:20 there were things like cars and phones and computers and
00:23 you know , who solved those problems , engineers ?
00:26 But do you know what an engineer is ? The
00:32 short answer is that an engineer is someone who wants
00:34 to know how and why things work . Now ?
00:37 I want to know how and why things work .
00:39 But does that make me an engineer ? Not quite
00:41 besides being naturally curious . And engineer is a person
00:44 who designs and builds things like machines or systems or
00:47 structures that help solve a specific problem . There's more
00:51 than just one type of engineer too . But no
00:53 matter what type of engineer someone is , they have
00:55 to ask themselves three very important questions when they're working
00:58 , Number one , what is the problem that needs
01:00 to be solved ? And number two , who has
01:03 the problem that needs to be solved ? And most
01:05 importantly , number three , why is this problem important
01:08 to solve ? Let's take a look at some examples
01:12 . A really famous example of engineering is the Golden
01:17 gate bridge in san Francisco California . I mentioned that
01:20 there are different kinds of engineers and a civil engineer
01:23 is someone who designs and constructs buildings , roads and
01:26 yep bridges . For the person who designed the Golden
01:28 Gate bridge , what was the problem that they needed
01:30 to solve ? People couldn't travel in or out of
01:32 SAn Francisco which is surrounded on both sides by water
01:35 without a boat who had the problem . Residents of
01:38 SAN Francisco mostly , but really anybody traveling in the
01:41 area and why was the problem important to solve ?
01:43 Well , you didn't want a whole bunch of SAn
01:45 Francisco residents trapped in san Francisco forever , even if
01:48 it is super cool city . Plus you wanted people
01:51 outside of SAn Francisco to be able to travel to
01:53 the city easily if they needed to . So the
01:55 golden gate bridge was engineered as a solution to this
01:58 problem . In addition to civil engineers , they're also
02:00 mechanical , electrical , chemical , computer , nuclear and
02:03 software engineers . And the list goes on , let's
02:06 talk about what some of the other types of engineers
02:08 do . First up electrical engineers , electrical engineers study
02:12 electricity , they design electrical systems like circuits and computer
02:16 chips . Think of an electrical object that you used
02:18 pretty regularly . How about your microwave ? What problem
02:21 was the microwave ? A solution to cold food ?
02:23 Right . You have an electrical engineer to thank for
02:26 the ability to reheat that leftover pizza you just had
02:29 for lunch . But while you might not have heard
02:30 of joseph Strauss , Sir Percy spencer . The engineers
02:33 responsible for the Golden gate bridge and the microwave ,
02:35 respectively . You've probably heard of Henry Ford as in
02:38 ford cars . Henry Ford was a mechanical engineer or
02:41 someone working in the manufacturing industry making mechanical things like
02:45 tools , engines and machines , machines like cars ,
02:48 Ford didn't invent the automobile , but his ford motor
02:51 company made a lot of them . His model T
02:54 car was famous for being affordable for plenty of americans
02:57 , ford saw that lots of people who wanted to
02:59 drive cars just couldn't because they couldn't afford the pricey
03:02 vehicles that were for sale . So he engineered a
03:05 cheaper model as a solution to this problem , his
03:07 fellow engineers started to do the same and now well
03:10 cars are everywhere . Henry Ford is not the only
03:13 big name engineer , a famous engineer around today is
03:16 Marissa Mayer . Mayor is the president of the internet
03:19 company Yahoo and is also a software engineers . Software
03:22 engineers work on computers and other products that use software
03:25 to write programs to make them faster and able to
03:27 do more things . Mhm No matter what kind of
03:34 engineer someone is . Their job at its most basic
03:37 level is problem solving . Each engineer just specializes in
03:40 solving certain kinds of problems . While it might seem
03:43 like there are too many types of engineers to keep
03:45 track of just wait 15 years or 50 or 100
03:49 because we'll probably have a ton of different types to
03:52 add to the list by then . Think about it
03:54 . Over 100 years ago , we didn't have jobs
03:56 in fields like aerospace engineering where people design and construct
03:59 planes and spacecraft . We didn't have planes like we
04:02 do today or need spaceships . So we didn't need
04:04 people to engineer them . Who knows what machines or
04:07 tools or everyday objects we'll have in the year 30
04:09 15 personally , I'm hoping for underwater cities . But
04:13 whatever these things are , we'll need engineers to make
04:15 them . So what do you say ? Who wants
04:17 to be an engineer ?



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