Orbits are Odd: Crash Course Kids #22.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Orbits are Odd: Crash Course Kids #22.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Orbits are Odd: Crash Course Kids #22.2 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 you already know how objects like the moon and artificial
00:12 satellites managed to orbit the Earth , but there's all
00:15 kinds of stuff up there orbiting other stuff that's not
00:18 the Earth . So how do those orbits in space
00:21 work ? Are they the same as here at home
00:23 or different ? Or maybe both . Now as much
00:31 as I enjoy our little chats . Unfortunately , I
00:33 don't have the time to talk about every single object
00:36 in space that orbits something else and explain how their
00:39 orbits work . So how about we just go over
00:41 a few of the important kinds of orbits instead ,
00:44 let's begin with what we're most familiar with and look
00:46 at how and why Earth orbits the Sun . The
00:49 Sun may just be a medium sized star , but
00:51 its gravity is strong enough to hold several planets in
00:53 orbit , not to mention countless comets , asteroids and
00:57 other things . And their planet orbits the sun ,
00:59 sort of the same way that the moon or artificial
01:01 satellites orbit the Earth . It travels in a nearly
01:03 circular path around the star , completing the whole trip
01:06 every 365 days . But why do we orbit the
01:09 sun and not the other way around ? Well ,
01:11 lighter objects tend to orbit heavier ones and the sun
01:14 is the heaviest object in our solar system . It's
01:17 about 1000 times heavier than jupiter , our largest planet
01:21 and is certainly heavier than Earth . So the Earth
01:23 , the lighter object in the scenario , is easily
01:25 drawn towards the larger object , the Sun by its
01:28 intense force of gravity . As we learned earlier though
01:31 , the Earth doesn't totally get sucked into the Sun
01:33 because it's moving fast enough around it to avoid that
01:36 very hot and probably very horrible fates . That's why
01:40 the Earth plus the other planets and all kinds of
01:41 space rocks orbit around the sun . Okay , let's
01:44 zoom out a little more . Why does our whole
01:46 galaxy orbits a black hole ? What ? You didn't
01:50 know ? Well it's true but it's nothing to be
01:52 spooked out about . Let's start by defining some of
01:54 those terms . You know what the sun is ?
01:56 But what's a galaxy And what's a black hole ?
01:59 A galaxy is a group of stars , gas and
02:01 dust bound together by gravity . Our Son is just
02:04 one of billions of stars that are hanging out together
02:06 in what scientists call the Milky Way Galaxy . If
02:09 it shares its name with the chocolate bar , you
02:11 know , it's got to be a good galaxy and
02:13 the black hole is an object that has a gravitational
02:15 pull stronger than anything else in space . It's so
02:18 strong even light can't escape it . That's why they
02:21 say it's black . Think of it like a bottomless
02:23 pit , swallowing up whatever other objects get near it
02:26 . Our Milky Way Galaxy has a black hole at
02:28 its center , but don't freak out , luckily Earth
02:31 is located thousands and thousands of light years away from
02:34 this black hole , so we won't be swallowed up
02:36 by it . But we are close enough so that
02:38 the massive stars , planets , dust and gas inside
02:41 of our galaxy , combined with the enormous mass of
02:43 this black hole holds us in our orbit . So
02:46 for us here on Earth , the black hole is
02:48 actually a good thing . Okay , so bringing things
02:51 back to our solar system , you know why everything
02:53 in it orbits our sun but does everything orbited in
02:56 the same way ? Not so much . Let's visit
02:59 one of our dwarf planets which has a super odd
03:02 orbit at least when compared to the other planets .
03:05 Mhm mm . The eight main planets tend to orbit
03:10 the sun in a relatively circular way on the same
03:12 imaginary plane or level , But the orbit of the
03:15 dwarf planet Pluto is weird because not only is it
03:17 off center from the sun , but it's also not
03:20 on the same plane , depending on where it is
03:22 on its path around the sun , it can be
03:23 on a higher or lower level than the other eight
03:26 planets . Pluto . You rebel . So why does
03:29 it do that well , while orbiting the sun ,
03:31 Pluto passes through the orbital path of another planet ?
03:34 Because of its strange orbital path . Pluto s actually
03:37 sometimes closer to the sun . The Neptune is it
03:40 actually crosses Neptune's orbit . When this happens , Neptune's
03:43 gravitational pull forces Pluto into a lower orbit for a
03:46 short period before it swings back into its higher orbit
03:50 . Yeah , so gravity has a lot to do
03:54 with Pousada orbit and it's proof that not everything in
03:57 our solar system orbits the sun in the same way
04:00 . Let's bring this back to our big question .
04:02 How do other orbits in space work ? Well ,
04:05 they work a lot like things that do orbit the
04:07 Earth , and also they sometimes don't . Each object
04:10 in space follows orbital patterns that we can sometimes predict
04:13 , but there are always oddballs out there that keep
04:15 us on our toes . So don't ever let me
04:17 catch you saying space is boring .



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