Star Personalities: Crash Course Kids #25.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Star Personalities: Crash Course Kids #25.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Star Personalities: Crash Course Kids #25.2 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 Mhm . My brain still hurts from last time .
00:12 It's like intergalactic whiplash . You too . But there's
00:15 a reason we zoom through the mega giant , unbelievably
00:18 huge vastness of space . It helps us understand how
00:22 big the universe really is , not just how big
00:24 it appears from our perspective down here on our itty
00:27 bitty Earth . If you glance up at the night
00:29 sky , the stars seem like they're all on the
00:31 same plane that is at the same distance from Earth
00:34 and the stars all seem pretty similar . But don't
00:37 let your eyes fool you . Some stars are relatively
00:40 close , just four or so light years away and
00:43 some are hundreds of thousands of light years away .
00:46 The furthest stars are billions of light years away ,
00:49 billions people . And in the big , huge space
00:52 penis of space , there's a lot of room for
00:55 variety . Even in our galaxy , The Milky Way
00:57 there's a wide range of stars so stop stereotyping them
01:01 . Let's take a look what are the different kinds
01:03 of stars ? Yeah , Well scientists organized stars by
01:10 their color and size , which also happens to be
01:13 how I organize my rock collection . We've learned that
01:15 stars glow because they create energy through nuclear fusion .
01:18 But not all stars produce the same amount of energy
01:22 and stars can produce different amounts of energy throughout their
01:24 lifetimes . I mean they're not alive , but in
01:27 a sense , stars are born , grow up age
01:30 and eventually die once they burned through all of the
01:32 hydrogen in their core . And don't feel bad .
01:35 This all happens over billions and billions of years now
01:38 . First thing to remember , stars that produce less
01:41 energy glow red . These stars are relatively cool with
01:44 the surface of about 2760 degrees Celsius . But the
01:49 very hottest stars in the universe glow blue white .
01:52 Put on your shades because these stars can have a
01:54 surface temperature of over 30,000 degrees Celsius . Our son
01:59 , by the way , is a perfect Mello Yello
02:01 temperature right in the middle with a surface temperature around
02:04 10,000 degrees . Stars also come in a range of
02:06 sizes . The smallest known stars , just a little
02:09 bit bigger than jupiter . Pretty small considering you could
02:11 fit about 1000 jupiter's inside our son . Meanwhile ,
02:14 the largest star that we know of is many hundreds
02:17 of times larger than the sun . If it were
02:19 in our solar system , it would extend past Saturn's
02:21 orbit . Once again , our son is in the
02:23 middle of this range . We're in a real life
02:25 goldilocks situation here . So now that we know how
02:28 stars are classified , let's see if we can identify
02:30 two of our star neighbors . I've got the perfect
02:32 stars in mind a foot and an armpit . Oh
02:36 , have you met a Ryan ? Mm . He's
02:42 one of the most recognizable constellations and he's got two
02:45 body parts that are made from totally different kinds of
02:47 stars . Remember Beetlejuice ? We talked about this star
02:50 in a previous episode , it's the right shoulder ,
02:52 some people like me call it the armpit of Orion
02:54 and let me introduce you to reschedule Orion's left foot
02:57 . Beetlejuice and Rachel are both in our home galaxy
02:59 . The Milky Way , take a look at this
03:01 picture of Orion based on the evidence that you can
03:04 see . Which would you argue is hotter . Does
03:06 one star look kind of reddish in another kind of
03:09 blew you smarty pants ? I bet you already guessed
03:12 the answer . Beetlejuice . The armpit star is a
03:14 red supergiant , it's much , much cooler than Rydell
03:17 and sadly it's nearing the end of its starry life
03:20 on the other hand , or foot raj , Eliza
03:23 , blue white supergiant star , this star is in
03:25 the prime of its life , burning super hot and
03:28 super bright , but stick around a few million years
03:31 and Rachel will probably start to look like Beetlejuice ,
03:34 red and cool now since Rachel shines more brightly ,
03:37 you might assume that it's closer to us and that
03:39 would be a great guest . But using brightness to
03:41 judge distance can be tricky . Rydell has much greater
03:45 true brightness or luminosity than Beetlejuice . So the foot
03:48 outshines the armpit . So in summary a star isn't
03:56 just a star from here on earth . The stars
03:58 may look similar , but you know better now they
04:00 come in different colors and different sizes . You could
04:03 say they've got their own personality stars , they're just
04:06 like us except millions or billions of miles away and
04:11 gigantic . They're not really like us .



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