Duck Facts for Kids - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Duck Facts for Kids - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Duck Facts for Kids - By CrashCourse

00:05 in this video , we are learning about ducks .
00:08 After this video , you might know more about ducks
00:11 than anyone else in your home or neighborhood or city
00:15 . Unless if a bunch of them watch this video
00:17 to . In that case you can be duck experts
00:20 together . The most basic thing that everyone needs to
00:24 know about ducks is that ducks are semi aquatic birds
00:28 , can you say semi aquatic ? Yeah , A
00:33 semi aquatic animal is an animal that lives partly on
00:36 land and partly in the water . Ducks spend most
00:40 of their time on and around water , but they
00:42 also can spend time on land . So they are
00:45 considered semi aquatic or semi a quack tick . Am
00:50 I right ? Which leads us to our next fact
00:55 , Ducks love the water . It even looks like
00:58 this duck is smiling in the water . Water allows
01:03 ducks to keep themselves clean and helps them with eating
01:07 . If ducks eat and do not have access to
01:09 water , they can actually choke . Plus there are
01:13 so many things ducks confined to eat in the water
01:16 . Have you ever seen a duck do this ?
01:20 Ducks often dunk their heads underwater to feast on things
01:24 in the water , like plants , insects and fish
01:28 . The next time you see a duck with its
01:29 head underwater , just think , wow , I hope
01:33 that duck finds something yummy to eat . Of course
01:38 that wouldn't be possible without a duck's amazing beak .
01:43 The beak or bill as it is also known as
01:46 , helps the duck discover food and is actually able
01:50 to filter out stuff that the duck doesn't want to
01:53 eat like mud . Then the duck swallows what is
01:59 left in its beak . What a cool system .
02:02 The beak finds food , snags the food filters the
02:06 food and then the duck swallows . What's inside ?
02:11 Another amazing thing that helps stocks do so well in
02:14 the water is their webbed feet . Ducks have webbed
02:19 feet . They work kind of like flippers work for
02:23 people . They're webbed feet help them swim without the
02:28 webbed feet , ducks wouldn't be able to move well
02:30 in the water . Webbed feet allows ducks to be
02:33 great swimmers and helps them get to where they need
02:36 to go in the water . Ducks have yet another
02:42 advantage . One that is super cool . It's like
02:45 a superpower . Ducks have waterproof feathers . Wow !
02:52 Ducks naturally produce a special waterproof oil as they rub
02:58 all over their feathers with their beaks . This is
03:02 called preening . When a duck is printing , it
03:05 is grooming its feathers and also applying the special waterproof
03:09 oil . Can you say preening ? Uh huh .
03:14 Preening without this oil . Their feathers would not be
03:18 waterproof , but once they apply the oil to their
03:22 feathers by printing the feathers closest to their skin ,
03:26 stay dry even when they are in the water .
03:30 This also helps ducks stay warm . Isn't that neat
03:34 ? All right now we need your help . What
03:39 our baby ducks called ? Mm yep . Baby ducks
03:45 are called ducklings . Oh , they are super cute
03:49 and tiny . These three ducklings are kind of like
03:52 the three musketeers look out for the ducklings after they
03:58 hatch their mother leads them to the water so right
04:01 away the ducklings learn that they are semi aquatic .
04:04 Remember semi aquatic means that they live partly on the
04:08 land and partly in the water . Are you able
04:11 to see the duckling in this picture ? Look closely
04:14 . Yeah . Is the duckling going in the water
04:17 or staying on land ? Who knows ? Okay ,
04:22 we've had fun . We've been learning about these interesting
04:26 birds , but now we have to share something that
04:29 is almost like a secret . It's like a duck
04:33 secret . Most people don't know this . Are you
04:37 ready for this duck secret ? Lots of ducks don't
04:42 quack . Isn't that strange ? The most common duck
04:46 in the world is the mallard duck . Here you
04:48 can see a female mallard duck and a male mallard
04:51 duck . Female mallard ducks quack , but male mallard
04:54 ducks do . Not . Many other types of ducks
04:57 don't quack either . So if you hear a quack
05:02 , there is a big chance that you are hearing
05:04 a female male or duck , a duck that looks
05:06 like this because most other ducks just don't quack .
05:09 Hey , what was your favorite fact about ducks ?
05:12 Did one stick out to you comment below . We
05:15 would love to hear what you enjoyed learning in this
05:18 video . Poor rubber ducky . So close to the
05:24 real water . All I ever wanted was to be
05:27 a real duck , not to just splash around in
05:30 bathtubs , but to explore the wild to catch food
05:35 with its beak . And to preen , you know
05:38 , printing always did look fun for now . Be
05:42 glad you're owner took you on a boat ride .
05:44 Be thankful , rubber ducky . Be thankful . So
05:51 where are we going next ? It's really up to
05:54 you . Here are two videos you can watch ,
05:56 you know , if you want to keep learning and
05:58 if you haven't yet , you can click the circle
06:01 in the center of the screen to subscribe to our
06:04 channel . That way you don't miss any of our
06:06 videos . So what do you want to learn about
06:09 next ?



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