Famous Landmarks for Kids - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Famous Landmarks for Kids - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Famous Landmarks for Kids - By CrashCourse

00:0-1 wherever I go , I like to look for things
00:02 called landmarks , which is what this video is all
00:05 about . And you might be wondering what is a
00:08 landmark ? What are landmarks ? Well , landmarks are
00:11 things that help you identify where you are . For
00:14 example , if you see this landmark called the Eiffel
00:18 Tower , you know you are in paris France or
00:21 if you see Big Ben , you know you are
00:24 in London England in this video , we are going
00:27 to be learning about famous landmarks . Let's start out
00:31 with a natural landmark that is incredibly powerful . Niagara
00:36 Falls . So what exactly is Niagara Falls ? Well
00:42 , it is a group of three waterfalls on the
00:45 border of the United States and Canada . Here ,
00:49 we'll show you on the map . Niagara Falls is
00:51 right here on the map , on the border of
00:54 Canada and the United States . One of the falls
00:58 is mostly in Canada . The other two are in
01:01 the United States . The biggest waterfall of the three
01:07 is called horseshoe falls or Canadian Falls , depending on
01:10 who you ask . It is called horseshoe falls because
01:13 of its shape . It looks like a horseshoe .
01:16 Many people also call it Canadian falls because most of
01:20 it is in Canada . Now , horseshoe falls is
01:23 huge . Okay , It is 2590 ft wide ,
01:28 with a drop of 187 ft . Horseshoe falls isn't
01:33 just big , it is powerful . In fact ,
01:36 horseshoe falls is the most powerful waterfall in all of
01:40 North America . You can see the power of horseshoe
01:46 falls by seeing just how much missed is generated by
01:50 the falls so much missed . Mhm . The other
01:57 two waterfalls are american falls and bridal veil falls .
02:02 Both of them are on the United States side .
02:05 They are much smaller than horseshoe falls . American falls
02:08 is the largest of the two and is called american
02:11 falls because it is on the american side of the
02:14 border , bridal veil falls is the smallest of all
02:18 and is called bridal veil falls because it looks like
02:22 the veil that a bride wears at a wedding .
02:27 Now , here is a super easy fact to remember
02:31 the waterfalls are on the Niagara River . Okay ,
02:34 Niagara Falls , Niagara River . Alright , real easy
02:38 . Really simple . Okay , share that fact with
02:41 your friends . Okay now catch this . If you
02:45 ever visit , you can ride on a boat on
02:47 the Niagara River and see the falls up close .
02:51 Everyone has to wear a poncho because you'll get wet
02:54 . The amount of mist that comes from the falls
02:57 is amazing . Speaking of visiting , did you know
03:04 over 30 million people visit Niagara falls every year .
03:09 It is one of the most inspiring natural wonders in
03:12 the world Now , through the years , not everyone
03:18 has come just to visit . Okay , for example
03:21 , 11 people have walked a tightrope across Niagara falls
03:26 . Tightrope walking is when someone walks across a very
03:29 thin rope , it requires amazing balance and focus .
03:33 A man named Charles Blondin is pictured here walking a
03:37 tightrope across Niagara falls while carrying his manager on his
03:44 back . Can you imagine being that guy , thankfully
03:47 Charles Blondin and his manager made it across safely .
03:51 Charles Blondin walked across Niagara falls on a tightrope many
03:56 times . Yeah , One lady named Annie Edson .
04:01 Taylor also did something dangerous with the falls in 1901
04:06 . You can see her picture here . She got
04:08 in a barrel and rode down the falls . That's
04:12 right . She was the first person to do that
04:15 and she survived although she did get hurt if you
04:21 visit the falls , just look at the falls .
04:25 Okay ? They are beautiful . Just look at them
04:28 and if you think they look beautiful during the day
04:30 , they are lit at night . Those are LED
04:33 lights and they look almost magical . Wow . Niagara
04:37 Falls . Okay . Yeah . This guy isn't allowed
04:41 to visit Niagara Falls . It's for your safety .
04:44 Okay . You just shouldn't go . You'd be tempted
04:47 unless if you promise just to look at them like
04:50 everyone else . All right , okay . We have
04:53 one more fact about Niagara Falls to share with you
04:57 something we referenced at the beginning of the video ,
05:00 Niagara Falls generates a lot of electricity . The type
05:07 of power generated by Niagara Falls is called hydro electricity
05:13 . That's a fancy name . Hydro electricity . The
05:16 fast movement of the water allows the generators at the
05:20 plants to make electricity . Hydro electricity is electricity that
05:26 is powered by water . Niagara Falls a beautiful place
05:32 , an incredible natural wonder and also a source of
05:35 energy and electricity to the surrounding areas . Mhm .
05:40 The next landmark we are learning about is Big Ben
05:46 . We are talking about one of the most famous
05:49 clock towers in the world . It's called Big Ben
05:53 . Big Ben might sound more like a nickname for
05:56 the kid next door that Fido is scared of .
05:58 Okay . But it's this clock tower . It is
06:03 part of a very special building in London called the
06:06 Palace of Westminster . It is located in the north
06:11 end of the palace . So this huge clock tower
06:16 at the Palace of Westminster in London . Why is
06:20 it called Big Ben ? That's a good question to
06:23 be honest . We don't know . No seriously we
06:27 don't , no one does . There are rumors and
06:29 stories but we don't know for sure . Even stranger
06:34 . The real name for the tower is Elizabeth Tower
06:37 . A name it was given in 2012 in honor
06:41 of the queen queen Elizabeth the second before that ,
06:47 it was simply called the Clock tower by many .
06:50 Which is a very honest name , isn't it ?
06:53 That is exactly what Big Ben is . It's a
06:56 clock tower . Now , while we may not know
06:59 why it is called Ben , we do know why
07:02 it is called Big . It is 315 ft tall
07:08 . That's huge . Of course The clock itself is
07:12 massive . To the hour hand is nine ft long
07:15 and the minute hand is 14 ft hug , wow
07:21 , that's a big clock . Yeah . Not only
07:25 is the clock huge . It is lit at night
07:28 . It's like a huge night light for the people
07:31 of London . People from all over London can see
07:34 what time it is by looking at Big Ben in
07:38 the evening . Well , here's a question . So
07:41 , okay , How long has Big Ben Ben around
07:45 . Okay , when did they build this clock tower
07:47 ? When did they build this thing ? Well ,
07:49 here's a hint . It is . Super old .
07:52 Super old . No offense Big Ben , But you
07:56 are a very old clock tower . So when was
08:00 it felt ? Well , Big Ben was completed in
08:02 18 59 . It has been a famous part of
08:06 London for a very , very long time . Now
08:10 . Through the years , as you might imagine ,
08:12 Big Ben has been a reliable and accurate way of
08:16 keeping track of time . Not just because Big Ben
08:19 displays the time . There are also five bells in
08:23 Big Ben that chime Four of the bells chime every
08:29 15 minutes . The main bell called the Great Bell
08:33 chimes every hour . It's the really , really big
08:37 one . Okay , it's pretty loud because you know
08:40 , everyone in London has to hear it right .
08:44 Originally the nickname Big Ben belonged to the Great Bell
08:48 . That's right . But over time it came to
08:50 mean the whole clock and tower , not just the
08:54 Great Bell . What we've had so much fun talking
08:57 about Big Ben . Big Ben is a symbol of
09:00 the United Kingdom . When people think of the United
09:03 Kingdom or think of the city of London . Big
09:06 Ben is what pops into their minds when movies and
09:10 television shows film in London . They usually want to
09:14 film near Big Ben or at least have Big Ben
09:17 featured in the background because it is such an iconic
09:21 part of the city . Since it is such a
09:25 special landmark , it has been important to keep the
09:28 tower safe and in good working order repairs and renovations
09:32 have happened which keep Big Ben looking its best .
09:35 These eyes are cleaning the clock okay careful . Don't
09:39 fall and with exception to sometimes of crazy weather or
09:42 times of repair , the clock has just kept going
09:46 and going and going as it will for future generations
09:51 . What a beautiful landmark . If you ever visit
09:55 London , you will see Big Ben or Elizabeth tower
09:58 . You will hear the chimes . You'll tell the
10:00 person next to you that Big Ben is 315 ft
10:04 tall . You can tell them that Big bed has
10:07 five bells , four of them smaller and one great
10:11 bell . You can tell them . You know that
10:13 that building it's attached to , that's the Palace of
10:16 Westminster . Okay . You might take a picture ,
10:21 eat a sandwich , walk around , wear a hat
10:25 . Okay . All right , we're done cool .
10:28 Now we are going to learn about a landmark in
10:31 Washington D . C . Called the Lincoln Memorial .
10:36 The Lincoln memorial is an american monument in Washington ,
10:40 D . C . The capital of the United States
10:44 . Yeah . Mhm . As you could probably tell
10:48 from the name , the Lincoln Memorial Honours Abraham Lincoln
10:53 , the 16th president of the United States . Mhm
10:58 . Abraham Lincoln is most famous for being the president
11:02 of the United States during the Civil war and abolishing
11:06 slavery . He was one of the most influential presidents
11:10 in american history . Yeah , we mentioned earlier that
11:17 the Lincoln memorial is in Washington D . C .
11:20 The capital of the United States . Mhm . Mhm
11:25 . The Lincoln Memorial is in a section of Washington
11:28 D . C . Called the National Mall . Can
11:31 you say the National Mall ? Uh The national Mall
11:36 . The national mall is a big park in downtown
11:39 Washington D . C . With many important historical monuments
11:46 . Mm Right down here you can see the Lincoln
11:50 Memorial High Lincoln memorial . How you doing Then ,
11:56 right in front of the Lincoln Memorial is a big
12:00 pool . That's right , a big pool , a
12:03 pool called the reflecting pool . It is a large
12:07 rectangular pool that was built shortly after the Lincoln Memorial
12:11 was dedicated in 1922 . There are beautiful walking paths
12:20 around the reflecting pool . It is an amazing sight
12:24 to see the reflections of the monuments in the water
12:28 . It's not for swimming , you know , it
12:30 looks so beautiful . Then across from the Lincoln memorial
12:34 , on the other side of the reflecting pool is
12:37 the Washington monument . A monument honoring George Washington ,
12:42 one of the founding fathers of the United States of
12:45 America and the first president of the United States .
12:49 There are other monuments as well in the National Mall
12:52 that pay tribute in honor to significant people and events
12:56 in american history . So if anyone says I'm going
13:02 to the national mall , they aren't talking about going
13:05 shopping . All right . They're talking about visiting the
13:07 large park in downtown Washington D . C . And
13:11 the monuments there . Hey , do you remember what
13:17 year the Lincoln memorial was dedicated ? We mentioned it
13:21 briefly when we were talking about the national mall .
13:24 Do you remember ? Uh huh . Okay , 1922
13:32 . The Lincoln Memorial was dedicated in 1922 . On
13:40 May 30 , the Lincoln Memorial was dedicated . Here
13:45 is a picture of President Warren G harding on that
13:49 day . It was such a special day . Plus
13:52 Abraham Lincoln's son , Robert Todd Lincoln was able to
13:56 attend the dedication . He was the last surviving son
14:00 of Abraham Lincoln And was 78 years old when the
14:03 Lincoln Memorial was dedicated . Everyone was so impressed with
14:10 it . It's designed like a classic greek temple and
14:14 it's made of marble from colorado . You might have
14:21 noticed . The Lincoln Memorial has a lot of columns
14:24 . The Lincoln Memorial has 36 columns representing the 36
14:30 states that were in the United States during his presidency
14:35 . Mm The most memorable part of the Lincoln Memorial
14:39 for most people is the statue of Abraham Lincoln .
14:43 Inside the statue is 19 ft tall and is made
14:47 of marble that came from the state of Georgia .
14:50 It took four years to finish the statue . That's
14:54 a long time . Four years . Mm Now here's
15:00 something cool . Okay , the Lincoln memorial is open
15:03 24 hours a day . Okay . That means you
15:07 can even visit the Lincoln memorial . Uh No ,
15:10 I I mean look how cool is this ? This
15:12 is the statue of Abraham Lincoln at night . It
15:15 looks awesome at night because it is well it allowing
15:18 people to stop by and reflect on the legacy of
15:22 Abraham Lincoln regardless of what time it is . That's
15:26 so cool . Yeah . Here is another amazing fact
15:32 . On August 28th , 1963 Dr . Martin Luther
15:36 King jr gave his famous I have a dream speech
15:40 from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial . Yeah ,
15:44 that's where he delivered that speech that famous . I
15:48 have a dream speech . It was delivered on the
15:51 steps of the Lincoln memorial . Mm Here's the fact
15:59 that's a little sad . You know the U .
16:00 S . Penny used to feature the Lincoln memorial on
16:03 the back . You could even see a little abraham
16:05 Lincoln inside of the Lincoln memorial . Super cool .
16:08 Right . But in 2000 and eight they changed it
16:11 to the Union shield in the Union shield is cool
16:14 . But you know the Lincoln memorial used to be
16:16 there , you know , we like the Lincoln memorial
16:19 . Right , comment below do you think the Lincoln
16:22 memorial should have stayed on the penny ? Let us
16:24 know we still have the $5 bill , right ?
16:26 The $5 bill still has the Lincoln memorial but you
16:30 know it used to be on the penny too ,
16:32 you know and then they changed it . Mm Here
16:37 is our final fact about the Lincoln memorial . The
16:40 Lincoln memorial is a popular monument to visit . In
16:44 fact , it is estimated that over six million people
16:48 visit the Lincoln memorial every year . Over six million
16:52 people . Not only is the Lincoln memorial , a
16:56 tribute to Abraham Lincoln , but it has also become
16:59 a symbol of Washington D . C . Itself .
17:05 Next we are going to learn about the great wall
17:09 of china . The great wall of china is the
17:14 longest wall in the world . How cool . How
17:18 fun . How interesting is that ? There's not a
17:20 single wall that's longer than the great wall . The
17:23 great wall is the longest wall in the world and
17:28 it's the biggest ancient structure ever built . You might
17:32 be wondering how big , how long is this thing
17:35 ? Okay , The Great Wall of China is over
17:40 13,000 miles long , wow . Think of it .
17:46 A wall that's 13,000 miles long . Now as the
17:54 name implies because it's called the Great wall of china
17:58 . The great wall of china is in china .
18:01 And this is the flag , the chinese flag .
18:04 And you see it's a red flag and it's got
18:07 five gold stars , one big gold star and four
18:11 smaller gold stars . This is the flag of the
18:15 country of china . Mhm . Now if you remember
18:22 china is in the continent of Asia . Right about
18:26 here . Okay . Right about here . If you
18:29 remember your continent , China is in the continent of
18:33 Asia . Ok , now you might be wondering where
18:38 in china is this great wall ? Hey where is
18:42 it ? Well we're about to share that with you
18:44 , millions and millions of people visit each and every
18:48 year because it's such a special place and you're about
18:51 to find out where . So that if you ever
18:53 in china you can say hey I know where to
18:56 go to go to the wall . I want to
18:58 see the great wall of china . Yeah the great
19:03 wall of china is in the northern part of china
19:06 . On this map it looks like the entire wall
19:10 is continuous . The whole thing is connected but it's
19:13 not there are places where there are very high mountains
19:16 or rivers that form a natural barrier and so the
19:20 wall doesn't go over those places but from a distance
19:23 it looks like the wall is one great big wall
19:28 . Now this is insane . The great wall of
19:33 china is over 2300 years old . Now that doesn't
19:39 mean every part of the wall is that old .
19:41 But that's when they started building the great wall of
19:45 china and connecting some of the regional walls that were
19:49 already there . Mhm . Alright before we continue ,
19:54 we want to ask you this question . This question
19:58 to see if you remember . Yeah . How many
20:03 miles long is the great wall of china ? Do
20:08 you remember ? We mentioned it earlier in the video
20:12 . How many miles long is the great wall of
20:16 china ? Thank you . Yeah . Over 13,000 miles
20:24 . Oh my goodness . Over 13,000 miles , wow
20:31 . 13,000 . All right , let's get back .
20:37 Here we go . The Great Wall of China as
20:39 we said , is over 2300 years old . To
20:47 be honest , the history of the Great wall of
20:50 china goes back even further than that from the eighth
20:57 to the fifth centuries . Bc china went through the
21:01 warring States period . Whoa . It was called the
21:07 warring states period because china was not one country but
21:12 instead was made up of multiple states that were fighting
21:16 all the time . They would fight , they would
21:18 fight , they would fight , they didn't work together
21:23 during this time leaders built small defensive walls in the
21:27 north , in the northern part of china which remember
21:31 is where the great wall of china is today .
21:36 But then this man came along . His name was
21:42 Chin Xi wang and he was the first emperor of
21:46 china . He brought china together . He unified china
21:52 . Can you say that with me ? Chin xi
21:55 wang . Oh come on you can you can do
21:59 better than that right Jin xi wang . Yeah it's
22:04 pretty good Jin Shi Hwang United China and began connecting
22:12 many of the northern walls to protect China against northern
22:16 invaders and that was 2300 years ago , 2300 years
22:23 ago . The start of the great wall of china
22:29 . Now this map shows the great wall of china
22:33 today . Back then it was not that long and
22:36 also it was made mostly of wood and stone and
22:39 when you visit today you'll see the great wall of
22:42 china is mostly made of brick . Mm mhm .
22:47 Now most of the wall you see today was built
22:51 during the Ming dynasty . The Great Wall of China
22:56 has been built by millions of people over these 2300
23:02 years . Wow ! Oh my goodness . Yeah the
23:08 great wall of china still fascinates and amazes people every
23:13 single year that want to visit And just say wow
23:16 how did they build something this magnificent , this huge
23:20 with such rich history . It's so cool . And
23:24 if you ever visit someday you could say listen I
23:28 know a little bit about this place . All right
23:31 now we are going to learn about the Eiffel Tower
23:38 . The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous
23:41 structures in the entire world , the entire world .
23:49 It is made out of iron and is 1,050ft tall
23:55 . That's absolutely massive and it's made out of iron
24:00 . This is huge . Here's a picture of the
24:04 base of the Eiffel Tower and look how tiny the
24:07 people look . They look like little baby ants .
24:10 And this is just the base of this incredibly huge
24:16 iron tower . Look how tiny they look . They
24:19 look like little baby ants . This is such a
24:22 huge structure . All right , so where is the
24:29 Eiffel Tower ? Yeah , the Eiffel Tower is right
24:33 here in the country of France which is in the
24:37 continent of europe . Here is the french flag ,
24:44 the flag of the country of France . You can
24:47 see that the flag has three vertical stripes , a
24:50 blue stripe , a white stripe and a red stripe
24:55 . Now you might be wondering where in France is
24:58 the Eiffel Tower ? Well , the Eiffel Tower is
25:03 in paris the capital of France . Here is the
25:08 city of paris at night . Do you see the
25:12 Eiffel Tower ? Yeah , Yeah , there it is
25:18 , right there . It's kind of hard to miss
25:20 . It's so huge . The Eiffel Tower remember is
25:23 1,050ft tall and it looks like it's lit up .
25:28 That's because it is it , It's incredible . There
25:33 are over 20,000 light bulbs on the Eiffel Tower .
25:38 Over 20,000 light bulbs so people can see the Eiffel
25:42 Tower at night . All right . So what's the
25:47 history behind the Eiffel Tower ? Why did they build
25:51 it ? And why does it look the way it
25:52 does ? Why do they call it ? The Eiffel
25:54 Tower ? What's what's the story here ? The Eiffel
25:58 Tower was built to be the entrance for the 1889
26:03 World's Fair . Here is a poster they put up
26:08 in France , telling people about how the Eiffel Tower
26:12 was going to be featured in the 1889 worlds fared
26:16 . So many people were excited because the entire world
26:20 was looking at Paris that day , because it was
26:22 the world's fair was a huge deal . The Eiffel
26:27 Tower was named after Gustave Eiffel . Well , his
26:34 company designed and built the Eiffel Tower , so they
26:38 thought , well let's name it after you , Eiffel
26:41 Tower , you know Eiffel Tower . So Eiffel was
26:44 an actual man , Gustave Eiffel and he's the one
26:48 that designed and built the Eiffel Tower , him and
26:52 his company . So they started building it in 1887
26:58 , they needed a lot of iron , a lot
27:00 of metal and they just kinda heaped in the beginning
27:03 and they started building the foundation . This is a
27:06 picture of what it looked like right at the start
27:08 . These guys have a lot of work . Oh
27:11 my goodness , that must have been so overwhelming .
27:17 And then they finish the base , How cool is
27:21 that ? They're doing such a great job , that
27:23 must smell so good to finish the base . And
27:26 then they just kept working and working and working .
27:30 Then they started building the middle section of the Eiffel
27:33 Tower , careful , we don't want to follow is
27:36 starting to get really high up . Really , really
27:39 , really high up . Now here is a picture
27:44 of the last stage of building the Eiffel Tower when
27:47 they were building the very , very top of the
27:50 tower , which is called the cupola . And then
27:55 after a lot of hard work in 1889 , the
27:59 Eiffel Tower was completed in time for the world's fair
28:05 . Yeah . Are you ready for Eiffel Tower ?
28:09 Fact , I know this video has been full of
28:12 facts , but we're going to share one . That's
28:14 really , really , really , really interesting . Did
28:18 you know every seven years the Eiffel Tower has to
28:21 be repainted ? Yeah , literally . They have to
28:26 paint the Eiffel Tower every seven years . And here's
28:30 a real picture of a guy in the 1950s painting
28:35 the Eiffel Tower by hand . Can you believe it
28:38 ? Look how high up this guy is . He
28:40 doesn't even look scared . He's just like a lot
28:42 of that . And I'm really high up and I'm
28:44 painting , I'm painting the Eiffel Tower , This is
28:48 what I do , This is what I do .
28:51 And he seems to be pretty happy apparent . It's
28:53 amazing . Has to be painted every seven years now
28:59 . What color do you think they paint the Eiffel
29:02 Tower ? Here's a picture of the Eiffel Tower .
29:04 What color do you think they paint it ? It's
29:10 a good question . The Eiffel Tower is actually painted
29:15 brown and there are three shades of brown they use
29:18 with the darkest shade of brown on the bottom and
29:21 the lightest on the top , The Eiffel tower is
29:24 painted brown . Mhm . So there you have it
29:30 , the Eiffel Tower and amazing brown iron structure that
29:34 was built for the 18 89 World's Fair and is
29:38 one of the most famous symbols of France . Bring
29:41 in millions of visitors every year . Who want to
29:44 see this incredible structure for this next landmark . We're
29:51 going to get help from our other narrator who will
29:54 be telling us about Mount Rushmore . This is Mount
29:58 Rushmore . It is located in South Dakota in the
30:02 Black Hills National Forest . Do you know where South
30:07 Dakota is ? South Dakota is here in the midwestern
30:12 United States and this is where Mount Rushmore is .
30:17 Mount Rushmore is a monument . A monument is something
30:23 that is made to give honor to a person or
30:26 an event . This monument gives honor to four United
30:33 States Presidents , George Washington , Thomas , Jefferson ,
30:40 Theodore , Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln . Before the monument
30:49 was made , the mountain was already named after a
30:53 man named Charles Rushmore Charles Rushmore was a lawyer from
30:58 New York . He visited the Black Hills in the
31:02 1880s , Over 400 people worked to Carve Mountain Rushmore
31:10 out of stone . That's a lot of people carving
31:16 is changing some things appearance by cutting it . The
31:20 workers used explosives like dynamite for a lot of the
31:24 carving . They used smaller tools for the details on
31:33 the President's faces and to smooth it out . A
31:37 south Dakota state historian thought of the idea for the
31:41 monument as a way to bring more visitors to the
31:45 state . The historian originally wanted the faces of different
31:51 people on Mount Rushmore , but the artist he hired
31:55 said more people would come to see the president's Mount
31:59 Rushmore started being made in the 1920s . Work on
32:05 it began in 1927 and it was finished in 1941
32:11 , Which was 14 years later . That's a long
32:15 time . The artist wanted the monument to show more
32:20 of the president's upper bodies . But the United States
32:27 was getting ready for war in 1941 . So the
32:31 money for finishing Mount Rushmore stopped coming . Some native
32:36 American groups don't like the monument because the land used
32:41 to belong to them . The United States government treated
32:48 them poorly and took the land away from them .
32:52 So they are upset that Mount Rushmore was built on
32:56 that land . So a native American chief from the
33:00 Soup tribe planned his own monument near there . That
33:04 would honor a native American named crazy horse . So
33:10 we learned today that Mount Rushmore was carved out of
33:13 stone work on Mount Rushmore began in the 1920s .
33:21 It has the faces of four United States presidents .
33:27 Do you remember the president's names ? What is his
33:35 name ? Great job , That's George Washington . How
33:44 about him ? That's right . That's thomas jefferson .
33:52 What is his name ? Yes , that's Theodore Roosevelt
34:02 . Can you name this president ? Yes , you
34:10 got it . That's Abraham Lincoln . Great job you
34:15 did so well , guessing those presidents names and learning
34:19 all about Mount Rushmore today . That's wonderful . Next
34:24 we are going to learn about Hoover Dam . If
34:30 you've ever been to the Hoover Dam , you've seen
34:32 this sign . This is the sign . When you're
34:34 really close to the hoover dam , it lets you
34:36 know , you know , it's Hoover Dam Time ,
34:39 it's really exciting , you know , and you want
34:41 to dance in front of the side and it's cool
34:43 , and it's fun . What an amazing place !
34:47 And we're going to talk about it , but real
34:49 quick , if you've ever been to the Hoover Dam
34:51 , we want to hear what you thought about it
34:53 . So , write in the comments section , if
34:56 you've been to the Hoover Dam and we're going to
34:58 jump right in . But this is the sign .
35:00 This is the sign that you see when you get
35:02 to the Hoover Dam , and you might think it's
35:04 not impressive . It is . It's a great sign
35:06 . It's an amazing sign . Great sign for the
35:09 Hoover Dam . Mhm . Well , G will occur
35:12 . This is quite a structure , you're looking at
35:15 it right now , on that picture , it's amazing
35:18 . It's made of 3.25 million tons of concrete .
35:24 It weighs more than 6.5 million tons . The hoover
35:30 dam is an amazing structure . Now , where is
35:34 the hoover dam ? The hoover dam is near the
35:36 west coast of the United States of America . It's
35:40 actually on the border between the states of Nevada and
35:44 Arizona , you can see right where it is ,
35:48 where that red dot is , right there , That's
35:51 where the hoover damage . Okay , it crosses the
35:55 Colorado River , which you could see right here .
36:00 And of course , here's the hoover dam , this
36:01 big concrete structure . I wonder if the river gets
36:06 angry about this , Right ? Wouldn't you think the
36:09 river would get upset ? Right ? Just flowing along
36:12 and all of a sudden boom ? You know ,
36:13 there's there's concrete , the concrete wall , you know
36:16 , the river does flow through , but it's a
36:19 big , it's a big hassle , right ? I
36:22 mean , you know , it's it's blocking the way
36:24 , you know , it's a big deal . You
36:25 don't you don't think you don't think the river is
36:27 upset ? Okay . The river doesn't have feelings .
36:31 Okay , Okay . I just just throwing it out
36:36 there . Okay . No need to nit pick Okay
36:42 . They started building the Hoover Dam in 1931 and
36:47 they finished building it in 1936 , which is a
36:51 little confusing because on the Hoover Dam it says 1931
36:55 and 1935 , but it was in 1935 , the
36:59 year before It was finished , that they dedicated it
37:03 . Okay , so they dedicated it before it was
37:05 actually finished , but it was in 1936 That they
37:09 finished construction and by the end of it , 21,000
37:14 total people helped build it huge achievement . You might
37:20 not realize this , but there was a big controversy
37:23 back then about what we should name it , what
37:26 should we name it ? While some people wanted to
37:29 name it , Boulder Dam and in the early days
37:32 a lot of people did , it was originally thought
37:35 that it was going to be called the Hoover Dam
37:37 after President Herbert Hoover . You see President Herbert Hoover
37:43 was not popular . In fact , when he ran
37:45 for re election in 1932 , he lost . And
37:49 so a lot of people didn't like him and a
37:51 lot of people didn't want to name the damn after
37:54 him . It might seem silly and funny to us
37:59 today , but back then it was a big deal
38:01 and there was a big fight over it . In
38:03 fact , map makers didn't even know what to put
38:06 , they didn't know whether to put Boulder Dam or
38:08 Hoover Dam and there's so much disagreement . Eventually ,
38:12 thankfully everyone just decided , hey , let's call it
38:16 the Hoover Dam . There are other things that we
38:19 can argue about and fight about , let's just call
38:23 it the Hoover Dam . We mentioned earlier that the
38:27 Hoover dam has two main purposes . I mean it's
38:31 not just there to look pretty . If it was
38:33 , they would have put the home school pop logo
38:36 on the damn right , if they wanted it to
38:39 look pretty , that's what they would have done .
38:41 Okay . That's a joke . The two purposes of
38:51 the Hoover dam are to control the Colorado River and
38:55 also to generate electricity . Remember this ? It's easy
39:02 to see how the Hoover dam helps control the Colorado
39:05 River to make sure the levels are always where they
39:08 need to be . Yeah , yeah . But it
39:12 also generates a ton of electricity for people to use
39:17 . It uses things called turbines , which are spun
39:21 by the water and generates electricity . It generates enough
39:25 power for 1.3 million people . The Hoover Dam is
39:31 a massive powerhouse , which is amazing and that energy
39:35 is really good for the environment . The Hoover Dam
39:40 , made from 3.25 million tons of concrete . It's
39:45 amazing . It took five years to build . It
39:48 weighs more than 6.5 million tonnes . It looks cool
39:53 . It controls the Colorado River and it gives enough
39:58 power for 1.3 million people . What an amazing structure
40:03 ! The Hoover Dam is all right next we are
40:08 going to learn about the Golden Gate Bridge . The
40:14 Golden Gate Bridge is a massive suspension bridge that is
40:18 almost a mile long . It's an impressive bridge .
40:25 In 1994 , the Golden Gate Bridge was declared one
40:28 of the seven wonders of the modern world and today
40:33 it is still one of the most famous structures in
40:36 the world . The Golden Gate Bridge is on the
40:41 west coast of the United States of America in the
40:44 state of California . And here's an arrow that shows
40:49 where the Golden Gate bridge is in California . It's
40:55 right at the edge of California by the pacific ocean
40:59 . A straight called Golden gate separates san Francisco from
41:05 marin County . A strait is a narrow waterway .
41:08 The Golden Gate strait is only about a mile wide
41:14 . Mhm . The Golden Gate Bridge was built to
41:18 connect san Francisco to marin County because the Golden Gate
41:21 strait was causing a lot of issues with traveling .
41:25 Mhm . Well , construction began in 1933 . Some
41:30 people worried it would cost too much . Other people
41:33 worried it wouldn't be safe . Safety was important .
41:41 Really important . They made sure all the workers were
41:44 safe , workers had to wear hard hats and there
41:46 were safety nets in case someone fell and that did
41:50 happen . It saved the lives of 19 people because
41:54 they knew safety was important . Just like today ,
41:58 safety is important , 1937 , it was completed ,
42:06 it only took four years to build and by the
42:08 time it was completed it was the longest bridge and
42:12 the tallest bridge , making it the biggest bridge in
42:15 the world . Mhm . Yeah , SAn Francisco is
42:21 a very busy city . A Golden gate bridge was
42:24 built so people could more easily get in and out
42:28 of the city . And this is so fascinating .
42:31 Over 100,000 cars cross every day . Over 100,000 cars
42:39 drive on the Golden Gate Bridge every single day .
42:46 Mhm . Now , here's an interesting question we have
42:50 for you about this bridge . What color is the
42:54 Golden Gate Bridge ? It's an interesting question . Did
42:59 you know this is something a lot of adults don't
43:02 know . A lot of grownups don't know what color
43:04 it really is . There's a specific color . Do
43:08 you know what it is ? The Golden Gate Bridge
43:14 is International Orange . That's the color of the Golden
43:18 Gate bridge . And it's interesting . There are so
43:20 many people that don't know that . So just for
43:22 a second , why don't we stop ? And I
43:25 think just for a second we're just going to put
43:27 it in our memory bank . And if anyone ever
43:30 asks you what color the golden Gate bridge is ,
43:34 you'll say international orange , can you say that ?
43:39 International orange ? So what color is the bridge ?
43:44 International Orange ? Wow . I think I think you
43:48 got it . I think you got great . The
43:51 last landmark we are learning about in this video is
43:55 the statue of Liberty . The statue of Liberty is
44:01 a massive statue in new york city . It is
44:08 on Liberty Island in what is called new york harbor
44:12 . Now they called it Liberty Island after the statue
44:15 of Liberty got there because the statue of Liberty is
44:18 the coolest thing about Liberty Island . It's actually a
44:21 very , very small island in New york harbor .
44:27 Okay , so you might look at pictures and wonder
44:29 , oh my goodness , How big is it ?
44:32 How big is this thing ? Well , the statue
44:35 itself is over 151 ft tall . This is a
44:40 massive statue , huge . Now you may not know
44:48 this the word Liberty means freedom . The statue of
44:52 Liberty is a statue that celebrates the freedoms we all
44:57 share . Now there are symbols of freedom all throughout
45:03 this statue . The torch itself that she carries represents
45:08 freedom and in the statue she is stepping over broken
45:13 change . The statue of Liberty is a statue of
45:17 freedom . Hey , did you know the statue of
45:24 Liberty was a gift from France . How cool is
45:28 that ? The country of France gave us the statue
45:32 of Liberty . Pretty huge gift . A really generous
45:35 gift . It costs them a lot of money to
45:36 make mm As you might have guessed the statue was
45:41 built in France and august Bartholdi sculpted the statue .
45:47 This student was like an amazing sculptor . Right .
45:51 Didn't he do a good job and they did it
45:53 out in the open because they wanted the people of
45:55 France to get excited about paying for the statute because
45:58 it costs a lot of money to make , it's
46:00 made out of copper and it's a whole lot of
46:03 cover . And so they built this thing in France
46:09 . It was completed in 1886 which was actually 10
46:15 years after when they wanted to finish it . They
46:17 wanted to finish it by 1876 . The 100 year
46:22 anniversary of when the United States became a country .
46:28 I mean , wow , even though it took longer
46:30 to complete than they thought , what an incredible accomplishment
46:34 . Just look at this statue made in the 1800s
46:38 . Such an amazing gift from France , Wow .
46:43 Who is this guy ? Hey , get out of
46:49 here . What do you , what do you think
46:50 this is ? I got to just show up here
46:54 . Oh my goodness . Oh boy , Okay ,
47:01 I'm sorry . That wasn't nice . How about this
47:04 ? We've got , you know , it's a statue
47:07 of Liberty video . Why don't you , why don't
47:09 you help us out the last , the last little
47:11 bit ? Okay , okay , good . Well the
47:16 last thing we want to share with you is why
47:18 the statue is green . Why is the statue of
47:21 Liberty Green ? Well , remember the statue of Liberty
47:26 is made of copper When copper is exposed to air
47:30 and water , it can have a protective green coating
47:34 called copper oxide . It's almost like it's a coat
47:37 a jacket to protect the copper called copper oxide .
47:44 Here's what the statue of Liberty's face used to look
47:47 like and that was the color of the entire statue
47:50 and then it looked like this . The statue of
47:54 liberty is now covered in copper oxide . It took
47:58 30 years for the statue of liberty to turn completely
48:02 green . If you want to try something fun ,
48:06 you can take a penny . A penny is also
48:09 made out of copper and you can do the same
48:11 thing to the penny that happened to the statue of
48:15 Liberty . You can leave it outside and over time
48:19 that penny as it's exposed to the air into the
48:22 water from the rain , it will be covered in
48:26 copper oxide over time that green protective coding and you
48:32 can see that happened for yourself . You can check
48:35 back with that Penny over time and you'll be like
48:38 , oh my goodness , you're turning green just like
48:41 the statue of liberty . Abraham Lincoln can turn green
48:45 too . Mhm wow . The statue of Liberty ,
48:51 a symbol of freedom in new york harbor in new
48:54 york city , a gift from France , a reminder
48:58 of the freedoms we all share For many people who
49:02 came to the United States of America in search of
49:05 a better life . The statue of Liberty was the
49:08 first thing that they would see a statue of freedom
49:11 for you and me . Special thanks to our patrons
49:16 who make these videos possible if you would like to
49:19 help us and also get some cool homeschool pop tattoos
49:22 , click the link below the video or visit home
49:25 school pop dot com to learn more . As always
49:28 , you are so awesome . Thanks for learning with
49:31 us .



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