Slavery in the American Colonies: Crash Course Black American History #2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Slavery in the American Colonies: Crash Course Black American History #2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Slavery in the American Colonies: Crash Course Black American History #2 - By CrashCourse

00:0-1 Hi , I'm Clint smith and this is crash course
00:02 black american history Today . We're talking about slavery in
00:05 the american colonies . In your high school U .
00:07 S . History class . There's a decent chance you
00:10 learned about mercantilism , a system in which home countries
00:14 or some other country in Western europe , established extensions
00:17 of themselves in far off places around the world to
00:21 produce highly sought after raw materials . One of the
00:23 basic concepts is that exports must always be greater than
00:27 imports to make a profit simple enough . And as
00:31 is the case with most businesses , one must consider
00:34 how to maximize their profit . And one of the
00:36 ways to do that is to minimize production costs .
00:39 This basic econ one on one . Right what it's
00:43 worth ? I never did too well in economics ,
00:45 but even I think I understand this , but how
00:47 do you reduce production costs when those costs rely almost
00:50 entirely on manual labor ? Well for the british colonists
00:55 , the answer was just to have workers you didn't
00:57 pay , which is to say , slavery in high
01:01 school . Many of our history textbooks provided broad though
01:05 not always deep overview of the role that slavery played
01:08 in the early american economy . And they don't always
01:11 make clear how slavery became illegally accepted practice in the
01:14 first place and how it contributed to the colonies .
01:17 Early economic success . Yeah . In the future United
01:29 States and what is now the state of south Carolina
01:31 . A Spanish magistrate founded the colony of San Miguel
01:34 de Guadalupe in 1526 with an unknown number of enslaved
01:38 Africans . But the colony was a failure though .
01:41 Some historians suggest that the Africans fled to the Wall
01:44 , Indians to set up their own colony . Nearly
01:46 a century later , 20 to 30 captured Africans or
01:50 20 and our negroes as they were referred to ,
01:53 arrived at point comfort Virginia in 1619 . It is
01:57 the arrival of this group that has come to represent
01:59 the origins of chattel slavery in the United States because
02:03 they were the first to arrive to an english colony
02:05 , a colony that would a century and a half
02:07 later become the United States . These captives would become
02:11 instrumental to the success of the Jamestown colony which succeeded
02:16 where previous colonies had failed . We might imagine the
02:18 first group of african captives to be foreign to the
02:21 new world , but they had already had significant contact
02:24 with Europeans , particularly those from Spain and Portugal .
02:27 They were part of a group . Historian Ara Berlin
02:29 describes as atlantic creoles . They were versed in many
02:33 languages , had some familiarity with Christianity and sometimes even
02:37 worked alongside white indentured servants . Europeans did attempt to
02:40 utilize other sources of labor before turning to enslaved Africans
02:44 , but the indentured servitude of european immigrants Post issues
02:48 that prevented columnists from extracting long term systemic labor from
02:52 them . one european indentured servants could only legally be
02:56 indentured for a contracted period of time , Usually somewhere
03:00 between four and 7 years when their contracts expired .
03:03 New indentured laborers had to be found and trained ,
03:07 which resulted in inconsistent levels of production . Secondly ,
03:11 well , european indentured servants were white and Europeans regardless
03:17 of their origin , still viewed other Europeans as fully
03:21 human . Some Europeans were reticent to discipline other Europeans
03:24 with the same harsh punishment that Africans received . Historical
03:28 evidence suggests that when mixed groups of Africans and european
03:31 servants ran away , the Africans within the group would
03:35 receive the harshest punishment . Settlers also attempted to enslave
03:38 indigenous people , but this didn't really satisfy their labor
03:41 needs . And while Europeans did not immediately give up
03:45 on indigenous labor , ongoing conflicts with native americans made
03:49 imported Africans a much more desirable source of labor ,
03:52 slavery however , had not yet been defined and codified
03:56 by law , but that wouldn't last . The colonists
03:59 would soon discover that in order to effectively govern this
04:02 emerging society , uniform policies would have to be established
04:06 in order to clearly demarcate the social and political hierarchy
04:10 before any legislation had passed to solidify the parameters of
04:13 slavery as an institution . There were some allowances that
04:17 enslaved men and women experience That would be unfathomable .
04:20 Just 20 years down the line , Anthony Johnson ,
04:23 a man who lived in captivity and who eventually worked
04:26 his way out of bondage , illustrates some of the
04:28 possibilities for black people in Jamestown Virginia before blanketed restrictions
04:32 were placed on them . While johnson's story is not
04:35 representative for all three black people in the region ,
04:38 it is helpful in understanding the process by which slavery
04:41 evolved into something more concrete . Let's go to the
04:44 thought bubble only a year after his arrival in 1621
04:48 , Antonio who later anglicized his name , experienced one
04:51 of the many bloody conflicts between indigenous communities and columnists
04:55 . That year , the power tin launched an attack
04:58 on the Bennett family plantation . Antonio was owned by
05:00 the Bennetts and was one of the few survivors of
05:02 the attack . He was later commended for his hard
05:06 labor and known service . The Bennetts then granted Antonio
05:09 who would change his name to Anthony johnson permission to
05:12 farm independently on his own land even though he was
05:16 still enslaved , he was also allowed to get married
05:19 , which he did to a woman named mary and
05:22 to baptize their Children . Eventually johnson and his family
05:25 became free though it's unclear exactly how which reflects the
05:30 scarcity of documentation that plague scholars of early african american
05:34 history records show that johnson's landholdings and property were recognized
05:38 as legitimate by the local government and after he lost
05:41 much of his home in a fire , the county
05:43 court forgave his taxes . He even defended his ownership
05:47 of an enslaved african in court , stating that the
05:50 african , Jon Cassar was not an indentured servant .
05:54 Castle alleged that Johnson had violated an indenture contract between
05:58 the two , but johnson claim did he actually purchase
06:01 castor as an enslaved worker ? Thanks thought bubble .
06:05 Sometimes johnson's story can be used in bad faith to
06:09 say , hey look , there were black slave holders
06:12 too , and people do this in an attempt to
06:15 portray slavery is something that both races participated in and
06:19 were equally culpable in . But those claims ignore the
06:23 nuances of how the very notion of slavery changed and
06:26 evolved over time . This point is significant because in
06:29 the coming years , even the right to speak in
06:31 court would be stripped from enslaved persons . Johnson himself
06:35 exemplified the shift between race and enslavement as a social
06:38 status , according to scholar , Henry louis Gates .
06:40 Following johnson's death , a court ruled that he was
06:43 quote a negro and by consequence in alien . Subsequently
06:48 his family's land was seized and his descendants faded from
06:52 the historical record between 1640 and 1660 . The rules
06:56 around who could or could not be enslaved became more
06:59 formalized in the legal system . The John Punch case
07:02 , one of the most significant during this period ,
07:04 illustrates how courts would begin to differentiate between the two
07:08 . In 1640 three indentured servants , two white and
07:12 one black , all fed up with brutal abuse ,
07:15 escape from Hugo wins plantation , but once they reach
07:19 Maryland , they were caught and they were made to
07:21 stand trial in court . The Dutchman in the scott
07:24 received 30 lashes an additional year indenture to Gwinn And
07:28 three additional years of manual labor in service to the
07:31 colony . But john Punch , the only african ,
07:35 he was sentenced to serve for the rest of his
07:37 life as a laborer . Following the john Punch case
07:41 , planters in Virginia enacted measures that would expressly establish
07:45 the connection between race and social status . These ideas
07:50 would help shape future generations of slavery in the United
07:52 States . The new laws Only further cemented the subordinate
07:57 status of black people . In 1662 , the Virginia
08:01 General Assembly adopted the rule of parties secret of interim
08:05 . The rules stated that the mother's race would determine
08:09 the child , slave or free status . This policy
08:13 would ensure that there would be no question of the
08:15 status of black women's Children , even if the father
08:19 happened to be white . Unfortunately , quite intentionally ,
08:23 this set a precedent for how black women's bodies would
08:26 be used for years to come . What's more these
08:30 legal codification , we're often justified using religious arguments .
08:35 Many christians often equated darkness or blackness with sin .
08:40 Several biblical passages served as the backbone for the negative
08:44 and superior attitudes that Europeans had towards Africans . They
08:48 were described as as savages incapable of governing themselves and
08:52 as such , they needed white rule in order for
08:55 christ to accept them . The essence of this argument
08:59 was that God intended for white men to rule over
09:03 black men . Religious doctrine would continue to be used
09:06 by many over the course of centuries in order to
09:10 justify the forced labor , subjugation and violence . Black
09:14 people experienced at the hands of their enslave . Others
09:16 understanding the conditions and development of slave societies in America
09:20 is crucial to recognizing the racial and economic disparities that
09:24 have long persisted through us . History grounding ourselves in
09:27 the origins of how captured Africans arrived in what would
09:30 eventually become the United States provides us with an important
09:34 opportunity to explore how the relationship between race , servitude
09:38 and bondage evolved . Over time , the institution of
09:41 slavery developed and changed over the course of decades ,
09:45 becoming increasingly qualified in law and more central to the
09:49 economic infrastructure of certain regions in the young colony ,
09:53 reviewing the court cases of early Africans in the Americas
09:55 provides an outlook on the specific rights and liberties denied
09:58 to Africans compared to the landowning white men who had
10:02 a voice in the early colonial society . As we
10:04 dive deeper into black american history , we will see
10:07 just how vulnerable to exploitation and manipulation someone can be
10:11 when the law does not see them as a full
10:13 person , the implications of who is and is not
10:16 seen by the law as fully human . We'll have
10:19 wide reaching implications as we move forward through american history
10:23 . There's a long way to go and a lot
10:25 more to try to make sense of . Thanks for
10:27 watching . I'll see you next time . Crash course
10:30 is made with the help of all these nice people
10:32 and our animation team is thought Cafe Crash course is
10:35 a complexity production and if you'd like to keep crash
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10:41 series at Patreon , a crowdfunding platform that allows you
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