Reproduction: Crash Course Zoology #9 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Reproduction: Crash Course Zoology #9 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Reproduction: Crash Course Zoology #9 - By CrashCourse

00:0-1 one of the most enduring questions of humanity is what
00:03 is the meaning of life ? Well , spoiler alert
00:07 , we won't be answering all of your existential questions
00:10 today , but as far as evolution is concerned ,
00:13 the most important thing that animals can do is make
00:16 more of these . No no no not just the
00:19 baby's genes without passing down our D . N .
00:23 A . Through sexual reproduction . There would be no
00:26 adorable spring baby bears , No beetles , No us
00:30 . Sexual reproduction is part of the very definition of
00:34 what it means to be an animal . Even though
00:36 life has found other more efficient methods of reproducing ,
00:39 like cloning , which just takes one individual , most
00:44 living animals and the last shared ancestor of all animals
00:48 pass on their genetic makeup with sexual reproduction . I'm
00:52 Ray Wynne Grant and this is crash course psychology .
01:01 Yeah . Mhm . Let's lay down some ground rules
01:06 because sexual reproduction is complicated . All animals have some
01:10 sort of biological sex which is harder to define than
01:13 you think because it's a combination of our DNA hormones
01:17 and physical characteristics . Unlike other animals , humans can
01:22 also have a separate concept called gender , which involves
01:25 how people can view themselves in the context of our
01:27 society and culture . Today , our focus will be
01:30 on non human animals will use mail for animals that
01:34 produce reproductive cells , or gametes that don't take a
01:37 lot of energy to make like sperm and female for
01:41 animals that produce high energy investment . Gametes like eggs
01:44 and sexual reproduction is a process that happens when male
01:48 and female gametes fuse to form offspring , combining the
01:51 genetic material of both parents . Nonhuman animals whose biological
01:56 sex characteristics don't fit . The male female binary are
02:00 hama frenetic . We'll talk about hermaphroditic animals to refer
02:04 to the many non human animals that can produce both
02:08 types of gametes throughout their lives , like earthworms ,
02:11 land snails or our old friend C . Elegans .
02:15 The nematode binaries like yes or no or male or
02:20 female are actually pretty rare in nature . So let's
02:24 start by sorting through the puzzle pieces of biological sex
02:28 which varies across animals . It's a combination of a
02:32 lot of biological signals and structures that make sperm eggs
02:36 or both . Or neither genetically various biological instructions made
02:41 of DNA called genes influence animals , biological sex .
02:46 And in many species these genes , along with plenty
02:50 of other non sex genes , are found on Alice
02:53 OEMs or one particular pair of chromosomes , which are
02:56 big chunks of DNA . Like some animals , including
03:00 humans , have an xy sex determination system . We
03:04 don't all share the exact same X . And Y
03:07 chromosomes , but similar alyssum combinations produce similar biological sex
03:12 characteristics . So in the X . Y . System
03:16 , individuals that get two of the same Alice OEMs
03:19 produce high investment gametes and are called female . And
03:23 individuals with two different Alice OEMs produce low investment gametes
03:27 and are called mail . Other animals evolved a Z
03:31 . W . Sex determination system here , biologists picked
03:36 different letters because the patterns work differently . Animals with
03:40 two different Alice OEMs produce eggs and are called females
03:45 and males producing sperm have two Z's . And to
03:50 be clear not all Z . Or W chromosomes are
03:54 the same across animal species . Either just like not
03:57 all exes and wise are the same Z . W
04:00 . X . Y . And other chromosome systems evolved
04:04 independently multiple times from different non sex chromosomes throughout animal
04:09 evolution . Like the X . Zero sex determination system
04:13 , which shows up in our friends C elegans ,
04:15 the nematode and see elegance , the tarantula . This
04:18 system only has one type of Allison and biological sex
04:22 is determined by how many copies the animal gets .
04:26 Males get just one X . And individuals with X
04:30 . X . Are female or hermaphroditic depending on the
04:33 species very efficient . But like I said , genetics
04:37 is only one piece of the biological sex puzzle for
04:41 some animals . The environment they happen to be in
04:44 as they develop plays a bigger role than genetics .
04:48 The most famous example is temperature dependent sex determination ,
04:52 which shows up in some reptiles and fish under normal
04:55 conditions , some parts of the nest are cooler than
04:57 others and a mix of males and females hatch .
05:00 But if the nest is too hot or too cold
05:03 even by just a few degrees , we get only
05:05 one sex . All of the animals we've talked about
05:08 so far whether their biological sex is determined by their
05:11 genetics or their environment stay one sex . But many
05:16 animals are serially hermaphroditic and switch which type of gammy
05:20 they produce based on cues in their environment . Let's
05:24 live a day in the life of one of the
05:25 most famous examples allow me to introduce the clownfish .
05:31 Our clownfish is the largest male and leads his small
05:36 group with his mate , the female fish , cute
05:39 by the moon . These two are the only ones
05:43 to reproduce , laying their eggs on a flat surface
05:46 near their anonymity . The father takes good care of
05:50 his eggs , fanning them with his fins and chasing
05:53 off predators . Like all other clownfish , our clownfish
05:58 began life as an undifferentiated juvenile who are neither truly
06:03 male nor female because they don't make gambians and don't
06:08 mate with the leader fish . He spent his early
06:12 years tending to his an mne home , but even
06:16 big dominant clownfish don't live forever , and every once
06:21 in a while , the largest female gets eaten by
06:24 a predator or dies of natural causes , losing their
06:29 only reproductively active female would be a disaster for the
06:33 fitness of the colony . But our clownfish has a
06:36 creative solution . He grows rapidly and his biology changes
06:43 , taking her place as the largest female , The
06:47 largest juvenile then moves up and becomes a sexually mature
06:51 male and mates with the new female leader . The
06:55 new breeding pair takes over the colony and starts having
06:59 their own eggs . Finding Nemo would have been a
07:02 very different movie if it were 100% scientifically accurate ,
07:08 have a nice day clownfish so animals can end up
07:12 producing different gam . It's based on their genetics ,
07:15 their environment and even what their social group needs to
07:18 survive . But the challenges of sexual reproduction are just
07:22 getting started to get their gametes together . Animals still
07:26 have to find mates and do the whole sperm and
07:29 egg combining thing to help them find mates . Lots
07:33 of insects have special sensory organs . Like the male
07:36 silk moth has huge bushy supersensitive antenna that can sense
07:41 chemical signals from female moths from nearly three miles away
07:45 . Other animals , like deep sea anglerfish who live
07:48 in the vast , empty deep sea , are very
07:52 clingy . Once they find a mate , the male
07:54 latches onto his mate and doesn't let go eventually fusing
07:59 with her body and providing her with a reliable supply
08:01 of sperm . Once an animal knows where its potential
08:04 mate is . The next step is to get there
08:07 and actually combine gametes , which for some animals ,
08:10 like those with a rooted in place lifestyle is a
08:13 lot more complicated than it looks . One strategy is
08:17 to let the gametes do most of the traveling like
08:20 once a year when the moon and water temperature are
08:23 just write entire colonies of coral reefs , release their
08:27 eggs and sperm into the ocean , creating an underwater
08:30 blizzard of gametes once animals needed to mate on land
08:35 , many evolved a system with a gametes meet inside
08:38 one of the individuals , since they couldn't count on
08:40 their gametes floating in water anymore , which requires the
08:43 animal producing the low investment gamut like sperm to have
08:46 an intermittent organ to deliver those gametes , like spiders
08:50 , use their petit alps , their chemo sensitive front
08:54 limbs , although their testes containing the sperm are all
08:58 the way in the back of their abdomen , so
09:00 they have to first put their sperm on the ground
09:02 and then pick it up again with their pelts before
09:05 being ready to mate . Besides the actual logistics ,
09:09 many animals also have to contend with convincing a member
09:12 of the opposite sex to be there mate . This
09:15 is where sexually selected traits or traits that affect an
09:19 individual's ability to mate come into play like antlers to
09:23 fight off rivals or brightly colored ornaments or an impressive
09:27 song to attract a mate . Many of these traits
09:29 show up only in males because typically the sex that
09:33 has to invest more time and energy into reproducing gets
09:36 to choose the mate . And often that's females ,
09:39 since eggs take more energy to make . So in
09:42 many species , females choose mates , but it's the
09:46 opposite in seahorses , some spiders and others where only
09:50 males protect the eggs , that's assuming offspring are the
09:54 goal for offspring to be produced , Both high and
09:58 low investment gametes are needed , but that's not the
10:01 only mate pairing we see in nature . Same sex
10:04 sexual behavior happens all across the animal kingdom and has
10:07 been observed in 1000 species and counting . In fact
10:12 , it could be an evolutionary adaptation passed down from
10:15 a common ancestor , like red flower beetles engage in
10:19 same sex behavior where two males will couple with each
10:23 other , and we think this behavior helps the Beatles
10:25 get rid of old , low quality sperm , lots
10:28 of social animals , like dolphins and bonobos engage in
10:32 same sex sexual behavior to which may help maintain bonds
10:36 within their group . Whatever gambits you have , the
10:39 whole process of sexual reproduction is complicated , messy ,
10:43 inefficient and even dangerous . So we might wonder why
10:46 haven't we evolved something better . Actually . Some animals
10:50 have evolved to reproduce a sexually where sex isn't needed
10:54 to make offspring , but these species are way outnumbered
10:58 by sexually reproducing animals , which suggests that sex is
11:02 evolutionarily better . We're still exploring why that is ,
11:06 but there are lots of interesting hypotheses , including two
11:09 big ideas all about shuffling jeans around since sexual reproduction
11:14 results in offspring with a mostly random combination of genes
11:18 from their parents , It increases the genetic diversity or
11:22 the number of unique combination of genes in a population
11:25 . This can prevent harmful gene mutations from becoming widespread
11:29 and might lead to potentially helpful combinations of other mutations
11:33 . But there's also the red queen hypothesis , mixing
11:37 and matching jeans through sexual reproduction might be super important
11:41 for evolving defenses against external factors like parasites , viruses
11:46 and disease causing bacteria . But since these threats are
11:49 also constantly evolving animals are locked into sexual reproduction just
11:53 to keep up . And at the end of the
11:55 day , the work of sexual reproduction isn't really over
11:59 . Many animals put a lot of time and energy
12:02 raising their fused gametes into fully developed offspring by feeding
12:06 , protecting and even teaching their babies until they can
12:09 take care of themselves , sometimes with substantial costs .
12:13 But all that effort is worth it to pass their
12:15 genes down to the next generation . Sexual reproduction is
12:19 one of the four key parts of being an animal
12:22 , so it's maybe not so surprising that animals do
12:25 all sorts of interesting things to make it happen .
12:28 Next episode will keep with the theme of animals interacting
12:31 with other animals by covering how they work together in
12:34 colonies and societies to do things they couldn't do alone
12:39 . Thanks for watching this episode of Crash Course ideology
12:42 which was produced by complexity in partnership with PBS and
12:45 Nature . It is shot on the team Sandoval Pierre
12:48 stage and made with the help of all of these
12:50 nice people . If you'd like to help keep Crash
12:52 Course free for everyone forever , you can join our
12:54 community on Patreon . Yeah .



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