07 - Graphing Parabolas in Vertex Form & Shifting Horizontally - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

07 - Graphing Parabolas in Vertex Form & Shifting Horizontally - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

07 - Graphing Parabolas in Vertex Form & Shifting Horizontally - By Math and Science

00:00 Hello , Welcome back to algebra . We're now going
00:02 to focus our attention on taking our basic shape of
00:05 a parabola and shifting it left and right . That
00:08 means we're only going to shift the parabola along the
00:11 X axis . In the previous lesson , we talked
00:13 about shifting the parabola in the Y axis . So
00:16 if you haven't watched that please stop and go do
00:18 that now . Now we'll be talking about shifting parabolas
00:20 in the X direction . And then in the next
00:22 lesson will shift it on both directions at the same
00:25 time . So we're kind of inching our way there
00:27 . So to get started , I want you to
00:29 re acquaint yourself with what we have left this on
00:31 the board in the last several lessons because it's the
00:33 basic shape of a parabola . So we have the
00:35 basic problem shape vertex is at the origin . This
00:39 is a table of values for this parabola . Why
00:41 is equal to X squared ? Now you all know
00:43 by now that the general idea of the general form
00:45 of a parabola uh for how it opens and closes
00:49 as far as being steep or shallow is a times
00:51 X squared the number in front here A governs how
00:55 steeply or how shallow the parabola opens up . We
00:58 talked about that before . So this table of values
01:00 is the basic shape where we have a equals one
01:03 . So it's basically why is equal to one X
01:05 . Squared . And here is the table of values
01:07 . Basic problem vertex , which is the minimum value
01:10 right at the origin . And then in the last
01:14 lesson , we talked about uh shifting horizontally . So
01:18 we're gonna say , I'm going to relabel this ,
01:19 I'm gonna say this is a summary of horizontal ,
01:21 I'm sorry , vertical , which is what we did
01:23 in the last lesson , vertical shift . And I'm
01:27 gonna mark up this board a little bit because I
01:29 want to inch you . They're one step at a
01:32 time . And by the way at the end of
01:33 the lesson we'll have another computer demo . So please
01:35 stick around for that because the computer can really help
01:38 solidify things after I've done the lecturing . Uh This
01:41 was a summary of a vertical shift , so here's
01:43 your basic parabola . No shift when it's just a
01:45 X . Squared . When you add one to the
01:47 side . Another way of thinking about it is pulling
01:50 that one over next to the Y . And that
01:52 is shifting up one unit . Uh Similarly shifting three
01:56 units would look like why minus one equals X .
01:59 Squared . And so shifting down is when you have
02:01 an opposite sign . So I told you in the
02:03 last lesson to in your brain when you have the
02:06 shift written next to the variable on the left hand
02:08 side of the equal sign when we're shifting up and
02:10 down , that if it was a minus sign ,
02:13 your shifting up in the positive direction , and if
02:15 it was a plus sign , your shifting down going
02:17 kind of in the negative direction . So it's kind
02:19 of exactly the opposite of what you would expect .
02:21 And we went to great lengths to explain why that
02:24 is the case in the last lesson . So if
02:26 you haven't watched that , please do it now .
02:28 But this is the results of that . Now .
02:29 What I wanna do , you wanna make too little
02:32 changes to this and I want to do their changes
02:35 don't don't matter . But they will help you understand
02:36 today's topic Here . I have the Y -1 in
02:39 this example written on the left , I'm just gonna
02:41 put parentheses around it . You would agree that parentheses
02:44 don't change anything , it doesn't make it a different
02:46 expression , I'm just kind of grouping it together and
02:48 you'll understand why I'm doing that in just a second
02:51 . I'm gonna put Princess around that because I'm gonna
02:53 say this kind of goes together . I'm gonna put
02:55 princes around that . Which kind of says that this
02:57 goes together and you already know this because we talked
03:00 about the shifting so much . But when we shift
03:02 up one unit , for instance , let me use
03:04 this color when we shift up one unit , which
03:06 is this equation as an example . Then in general
03:10 what I'm talking about is I don't have that much
03:12 space to write it . But basically if this is
03:14 your Xy playing then instead of the problem coming down
03:18 like this , it shifted up one unit , which
03:20 is what I'm trying to represent here . This is
03:22 one unit shifted in the up direction , so a
03:24 minus sign means we shift up one unit and there's
03:27 an example in the other direction . I'll draw a
03:29 little quick little access down here . I should have
03:31 drawn it kind of a little more favorably sorry about
03:34 that but minus two means we're gonna have to units
03:37 down and this parabola is going to be , that's
03:39 a very bad joining , I'm sorry about that but
03:41 it's supposed to be kind of like centered right there
03:43 . The vertex is two units down , so downward
03:46 shift , upward shift . And now I've drawn some
03:48 parentheses to group them here . So what I'm gonna
03:50 do is now I'm just gonna write on the board
03:53 um what it looks like when you shift a parabola
03:56 left or right and then after I write it down
03:59 you're going to scratch your head and say that makes
04:01 no sense at all . But then you're gonna have
04:03 to listen to me talk for a minute so you
04:04 understand why I could just tell you to memorize it
04:07 . But that's no fun . Plus you're just a
04:09 monkey and you're just not doing any thinking . I
04:11 don't want you to be a monkey . And do
04:12 I think I want you to understand ? So I'm
04:14 gonna write down how it looks to shift left and
04:16 right , which is a little bit weird looking .
04:18 And then you'll fully understand it when you listen to
04:20 me babble on for a few minutes about it .
04:23 All right ? So I'm gonna do it on this
04:24 board . So we're gonna talk about the horizontal shift
04:29 . And the reason I present the horizontal shift after
04:33 the vertical shift is it's a little bit harder to
04:34 understand , but I will make it clear horizontal shift
04:39 of a problem . So what I wanna do ,
04:43 a horizontal shift looks like this horizontal shift looks like
04:47 this . Uh The basic equation is why is equal
04:51 to X squared . So if you shift horizontally ,
04:55 it's gonna look like this parentheses X -1 squared .
05:00 Right ? This is a shift , right ? Let
05:05 me erase this . Actually . We're gonna shift the
05:07 equation . Let's do it like this . We're gonna
05:09 shift equation right ? One unit , one unit .
05:15 And I'm gonna do a quick little sketch . It's
05:16 not gonna be a graph in all of its glory
05:19 right here . I want to get as much on
05:21 the board as I can . So I kind of
05:22 have to squish things in a little bit sometimes .
05:26 So if the basic traveler goes and touches down the
05:28 center like that . So when we shift one unit
05:31 to the right , this is one unit to the
05:32 right . The problem is no longer centered in the
05:35 origin . It goes like this . That is what
05:37 we say . When we say one unit shifted to
05:39 the right now , before we go any farther .
05:42 Because I'm gonna give a lot more examples and I'm
05:44 going to talk to you a lot about why it's
05:45 happening before we go any further . I want you
05:48 to go back to what you already understand . A
05:50 vertical shift up , which is this Whenever you have
05:53 the plus one on the right hand side can be
05:55 written like this with the minus one on the left
05:58 hand side , a minus sign shifts it kind of
06:01 in the positive Y direction , a minus sign .
06:04 And why here shifts it in the positive y direction
06:07 . I'm telling you without any proof yet that a
06:09 minus sign here shifts it in the positive X direction
06:13 . So really what you need to know is that
06:15 when you write the shifts next to the variables ,
06:18 you just go in the opposite direction of the sign
06:21 . If it's a minus sign , it shifted to
06:22 the positive direction . So if it's a minus and
06:25 why it shifted positive , why if it's a minus
06:28 and X . It shifted positive X . Okay .
06:30 And that's why I put these parentheses around and that's
06:33 why you know we kind of do one before the
06:34 other . So this is a single unit shift to
06:38 the right . What do you think would happen if
06:40 we wanted to shift three units ? three units to
06:43 the right , I'm sorry , three units to the
06:44 left would be X instead of plus instead of minus
06:48 , it would be plus . Okay notice it's still
06:51 square . That makes sure . Makes allows you to
06:54 have a parable of shape . This is a shift
06:57 left three units , three units . Now , what
07:03 do you think that looks like a shift left of
07:06 three units looks like this . Here's negative one ,
07:09 negative two , negative three . Have to extend my
07:11 graph a little bit . So this is negative three
07:13 . And that means that graph no longer goes and
07:15 it's centered uh touching the origin , it goes down
07:19 and touches the negative three . So the vertex is
07:21 right here at negative three . That's what we mean
07:23 . When we say it shifted left three units along
07:26 the X . Direction . So of course this is
07:28 X . And this is why . So we've kind
07:31 of established that a negative science shift to the right
07:33 a positive signs shifts to the left . But just
07:35 for giggles , we'll do one more example Where we
07:38 say , what happens if we have the equation X
07:41 -4 quantity squared ? This means we shift because it's
07:46 a minus sign , it goes opposite so to the
07:48 right four units . And what does that look like
07:55 ? I don't really think I need to draw it
07:56 , but I will anyway , so we have 1234
08:00 units to the right . The problem is now centered
08:03 there and of course my shape isn't exactly right .
08:05 You gotta realize it's going to have that perfect parabola
08:07 shape when I'm drawing it freehand freehand , I'm not
08:10 gonna be able to do that . All right ,
08:13 So that is the bottom line . That's what you're
08:15 going to see in books . You're going to see
08:17 uh an equation that says , hey , if you
08:19 want to shift the problem to the right , then
08:21 you put parentheses around the X square term . Remember
08:24 the basic the basic equation for all of these is
08:27 just X square . What you're doing is you're replacing
08:29 the variable with the parentheses and you're putting a shift
08:32 inside . And that whole thing is square , right
08:35 ? And so it's like X square . But you
08:37 have now a shift in there and that whole thing
08:40 has to be squared . And I'm telling you kind
08:42 of without proof that when it's a minus sign ,
08:44 it shifts that many units that way . When it's
08:46 a plus sign it's that many units shifted that way
08:49 . But what we want to do now is discuss
08:51 why that's the case and that takes a few minutes
08:54 to explain . But it's not it's not crazy hard
08:56 but you need to kind of open your mind because
08:58 it's uh the first time I learned that it was
09:01 very hard for me to understand , I'm gonna try
09:02 to short circuit all of the difficulty and try to
09:05 cut down to the to the bottom line here .
09:07 I think the easiest way to do it . Uh
09:10 First of all is do a table of values .
09:13 So let's take let me think , I want to
09:16 do the table of values here . I want to
09:17 go to the next board . I want to go
09:19 to the next port . I'm gonna take one of
09:20 these examples . I'm gonna take this first example x
09:23 minus one quantity squared . This is the one we're
09:25 gonna work with . We're gonna do a quick table
09:27 of values on that and we're gonna examine it in
09:30 detail . So if you have x and y equals
09:34 x minus one quantity squared . And we're just gonna
09:37 do a table of values . This is exactly what
09:39 we did when we did the previous shifting . And
09:41 we're gonna go negative three negative two , negative 1012
09:46 and three . And I need you to kind of
09:48 bear with me because we do need to plug these
09:50 values into here and I want you to see what
09:52 the outputs really look like . So let's start with
09:56 zero . That's actually easier . If you put zero
09:58 in here Then what you're gonna get is 0 -1
10:01 quantity squared . That's what you would have if you
10:03 put it in there and of course you get negative
10:05 one quantity squared , you're just gonna get a one
10:08 out of that . Now , if you put a
10:10 one in here , one minus one is going to
10:12 give , you will do it like this one minus
10:14 one squared is going to be zero squared , Which
10:19 is going to be zero . So when you put
10:21 a one in , you actually get a zero out
10:23 . When you put a to win , what do
10:24 you get ? You get 2 -1 quantity square which
10:27 is one squared , which is one . Now I
10:30 want you to stop for just a second . I
10:32 haven't filled the rest of the table out , but
10:34 I want you to see that you can already see
10:36 some symmetry forming in here . Notice that there's always
10:39 symmetry in that first example , the symmetry was about
10:42 this point . All of the numbers on both sides
10:45 of zero were symmetric . That's why the graph is
10:47 symmetric about this zero point right here . Right .
10:50 But already , before we even finish any other part
10:53 of the table , uh we already see that we
10:55 have a center point kind of with some symmetry on
10:58 both sides , but it's not located in the middle
11:01 , it's shifted so that the symmetry , the symmetric
11:03 point is at X is equal to one . What
11:06 did I tell you ? I said that when it's
11:08 minus one is going to be shifted to the right
11:10 . That means that the center point of the problem
11:12 should be shifted over one unit . And we're already
11:15 seeing that the center point of the probable is actually
11:17 shifted over one unit before we even finished the table
11:20 . But let's go ahead and finish the table because
11:22 it's helpful Three plugged in here . The 3 -1
11:26 quantity square , which is two squared , which is
11:29 four . All right . So we have these values
11:31 . Let's go to the negative territory . Right ?
11:33 So we're putting negative one in here negative one minus
11:35 one , quantity squared . That's negative too , Quantity
11:39 squared , which is four . Let's pause for a
11:41 second . See how we have a center point .
11:43 We have symmetry here and we have a four and
11:45 a four . We have symmetry building here . Now
11:49 let's put it to in here . Um negative two
11:52 . I'm sorry , minus one quantity square . This
11:54 will be negative three , quantity squared , which is
11:57 going to give you nine . And the last one
11:59 will do . Is this 1 -3 -1 , quantity
12:02 squared is negative four , quantity squared . I can
12:06 barely fit in here to be 16 . Now ,
12:08 I didn't continue my chart this direction . I could
12:10 do that . In fact , it might be a
12:13 good idea to do that . Let's go up one
12:14 more unit 24 And let's put it in here 4
12:18 -1 . I didn't do this on my paper ,
12:21 but let's do it here . Three squared is nine
12:24 . Now the nine you see matches the nine up
12:26 here and just for absolute completeness will go to 55
12:30 minus one quantity squared is four squared is 16 .
12:34 So the 16 matches the 16 , the nine matches
12:36 the nine . The four matches the four of the
12:38 one matches the 10 is now in the center .
12:41 This parable is centered here , this is the center
12:46 . However , the center of this Parabola is no
12:48 longer at X is equal to zero . The center
12:50 of this parabola is now shifted one unit over to
12:53 when X is equal to one , right ? And
12:55 that's the bottom line . So this is a graph
12:57 of a parabola that looks something like this . If
13:01 you were to graphic , I'm not gonna do it
13:03 rigorously . But if you do this guy x minus
13:06 one quantity squared , the basic problem would go in
13:09 the center like this , but this has shifted one
13:11 unit over like this and it's just too sharp here
13:15 , it's more flattened out in the real shape of
13:17 a problem . But I'm doing things freehand . So
13:19 the bottom line is when you have a minus sign
13:23 here , it shifted over . So that's kind of
13:25 like the first veneer layer of of explaining to you
13:28 why shifts work like this . Of course the table
13:31 of values helps you understand . But I want to
13:33 probe just a little bit deeper . Talk a little
13:36 bit more so you'll understand . Why is it really
13:38 shifted to the right ? Let's write this equation down
13:41 in large letters , right ? Why equals X -1
13:47 quantity squared ? Why am I writing it in big
13:49 letters ? Because I want you to focus on this
13:51 thing right here . This is a parabola . What
13:54 it means is that whatever is inside and I want
13:58 you listen carefully here because these following words are the
14:00 most important in the whole lesson , right ? The
14:02 worthy whatever is inside of this thing , inside of
14:07 the princes , the whole enchilada inside of here ,
14:09 whatever is in here is what is squared . So
14:12 if I stick a three as what is the whole
14:15 thing inside here and squared ? I'm gonna get that
14:17 nine . If I stick to the whole thing ,
14:20 the entire thing evaluates to being a two in the
14:22 in the inside and then I get the four out
14:24 . If I Sticking whatever I put in here on
14:27 the inside of those princes . If I end up
14:29 with a five in there after I've done everything .
14:30 If I get a five inside the parentheses , like
14:33 the whole thing , then I squared . I get
14:34 the 25 . The shape of the Parabola basically comes
14:38 about because whatever I have in here is squared .
14:41 And so then I build my table of values .
14:43 But notice that whenever I I have something like X
14:49 -1 squared , then what ends up happening is I
14:53 have to have uh the easiest way to think about
14:56 it is to do the following , sorry , to
14:58 switch gears on you . But let me go back
14:59 to this . The basic parameters , shape is F
15:02 X is equal to x square . When I put
15:04 a zero into this , I square it and I
15:07 get a zero out . That is why the center
15:09 of the problem is right here . So let's focus
15:11 on this this point . This one right here ,
15:13 let's focus on this point right here , zero comma
15:15 zero . I put a zero in . I get
15:16 a zero out . If I put a zero and
15:19 and end up squaring it , then I get a
15:21 zero out . Okay , But what happens in this
15:24 equation is the only way that I can get a
15:26 zero in here to square it is I have to
15:28 have an X value , one unit bigger than I
15:31 do for the base equation so that I can have
15:34 a zero in there . Why ? Because I have
15:37 to have a one here for X to make one
15:39 minus one to give me a zero here to square
15:42 it . So in other words , the bottom of
15:44 this parabola is always going to happen when whatever I'm
15:47 sticking in here is zero and then I square it
15:49 and then I get zero , that's the bottom of
15:50 the parabola . But the only way to get a
15:52 zero in here is to have a to feed it
15:55 an X value , one unit bigger than the basic
15:58 equation . The base equation being y equals x squared
16:01 , Stick at zero in , get a zero out
16:03 . But here , if I stick at zero in
16:05 , I just have negative one squared and I have
16:07 one that's not the bottom of the parabola . The
16:11 only way to shift that zero point to the right
16:14 is to feed an X . Value in here one
16:17 unit bigger than I'm originally feeding for the base equation
16:21 . That's why it shifted to the right . You
16:23 see that happens for every single point , right ?
16:25 So if I put a a one in here ,
16:28 which is this point right here , one minus 10
16:31 square it . That's the very bottom of the problem
16:33 . And it happens for every other point here .
16:36 So that's why the center of the problem is now
16:38 at this point when X is equal to one .
16:40 If in an alternate universe , I had the equation
16:44 X -4 quantity squared . This equation , this Parabola
16:50 is a basic problem , shape shifted four units to
16:52 the right . Four units . 1234 Why ? Because
16:57 the only way that I can put a zero in
16:59 here to square it to get zero as the bottom
17:02 of the problem is to put an X value and
17:04 that's an X value along the X axis . Four
17:06 units bigger than usual , so that I have four
17:09 minus four , that gives me zero and I square
17:11 it , you see . And so that's how you
17:13 need to think about horizontal shifts . You need to
17:15 think of it . This x minus business here means
17:18 I need to be feeding values into the function four
17:21 units bigger to get to the same bottom point of
17:23 that Parabola that I do in the basic function ,
17:25 that's about as clear as I can make it .
17:27 I want you to roll that around your brain a
17:29 little bit um and make sure you kind of understand
17:32 and the same thing happens in the other direction .
17:34 So we didn't do a table of values , but
17:37 let's do it for for I've already told you that
17:40 shifting to the left , I said , hey ,
17:41 if you have , I can just look at this
17:43 one here . If you have the equation , uh
17:45 X minus four square . That's that's a shift ,
17:47 I'm sorry X plus three square . That's a shift
17:49 to the left three units . Why does this thing
17:52 shifted to the left three units ? Because the only
17:56 way that I can get a zero in here which
17:59 is going to be squared to give me a zero
18:01 for why ? Which will be the bottom of this
18:02 parabola . The only way that can happen is if
18:05 I stick a value of X in here , three
18:07 units less than usual , negative three plus three is
18:11 zero , which is squared . That's why it shifted
18:13 to the left . And that process happens for every
18:15 point on the parabola . So when you think of
18:17 the problem as a curve traced out by all of
18:20 these infinite points , right ? X comma Y they
18:24 all end up being carbon copied and moved over because
18:27 of that shift there . The x minus thing .
18:29 Because as I feed numbers in here to have the
18:32 same uh based , it's easier to think in terms
18:36 of the origin zero comma zero point , you need
18:38 to have it in this case three units smaller than
18:41 zero in order to get uh negative three plus three
18:46 giving you zero . Which will be the bottom of
18:47 the problem . And of course the same thing happens
18:49 for all the other points . So that's a lot
18:52 of talking . Most books are just going to tell
18:54 you if it looks like this , it shifted left
18:56 if it looks like this shifted right but I want
18:58 to give you a little bit more than that .
18:59 So now I think we're ready to write down my
19:02 little summary which is something I did . Um Before
19:08 where did I run a space here ? Let me
19:10 put it over here I guess . Um So I'm
19:13 gonna do a little summary of horizontal shifting to a
19:16 summary here . Now in all of these examples I
19:24 chose I said well it's uh like x minus one
19:28 quantity square . But you all know that there's another
19:30 little part of problems . You can have a number
19:32 in front of the X . Right ? It's a
19:34 X squared . So in general , when the shape
19:37 is a little more general than what I have here
19:39 , for instance , the equation why is equal to
19:41 A Parentheses , X -1 Quantity Squared . You shift
19:47 the equation a X squared , right ? Mhm .
19:54 One unit . See in these boards are just eliminated
19:58 because I'm trying to make it easy for you now
20:00 , I'm opening things up and I'm saying these problems
20:02 can have another value in front of the X ,
20:04 which determines how narrow or wide the parabola is .
20:07 But whatever this number is , you're just shifting the
20:09 whole thing to the right one unit . Right ,
20:12 let's pick another one . Uh If you have a
20:18 X -6 Quantity Squared , you're going to shift the
20:23 equation , the base equation A . X . Squared
20:28 . Right . one unit . Right . six units
20:34 by six units . Because of course there's a six
20:36 right there . And then lastly we're gonna go the
20:38 other direction . We're gonna say why is equal to
20:40 a X plus seven Quantity squared ? We're going to
20:45 shift the curve A . X . Where left ,
20:51 How many units ? seven years , right . Same
20:54 sort of thing . I need a negative seven in
20:56 here just to get a zero to square . That
20:58 means that the center of the problem is going to
21:00 be shifted left seven units . So in general ,
21:03 the most general thing that you might see in a
21:06 book is you might see something like this . Let
21:08 me write it right under here . I have a
21:10 little more room here in general . Yeah . Right
21:15 . In general you're gonna see something like this .
21:17 Why is equal to a X minus H quantity squared
21:22 ? Right ? And then what you see usually under
21:25 that is if A . Is greater than zero ,
21:28 not a . Sorry if H is greater than zero
21:32 . Yes , H is greater than zero . You
21:34 shift to the right . eight units shift right .
21:42 H . Units . And exactly the same thing if
21:48 H is less than zero shift left H units because
21:55 if H is less than zero , H . Is
21:57 negative . So if H is negative it's x minus
22:00 and negative , which means it's X plus something .
22:02 So when you see an X plus something here ,
22:04 you shifted to the left . When you see an
22:05 X minus something , you shifted to the right .
22:07 This is what you'll see in a book for shifting
22:11 horizontally , right ? But usually they won't explain it
22:14 or even tell you why it works or whatever .
22:16 They'll just tell you memorize it . But now you
22:18 can kind of see the cemetery of what's going on
22:20 when you're shifting in the Y direction . You put
22:23 your shift kind of in parentheses near the Y .
22:25 Variable . If it's a minus sign , you're shifting
22:27 the problem up . If it's a positive sign ,
22:30 your shifting that problem down for a for a horizontal
22:36 shift , you write that shift next to the X
22:38 . Variable . Again you have parentheses , it's got
22:40 to be squared because it's a parabola , X .
22:42 Has got to be squared . And then uh if
22:45 this is bigger than zero , you're shifting to the
22:47 right . If it's less than zero , you're shifting
22:48 to the left . So if it's like a minus
22:50 one , you shift to the right . If it's
22:51 a like a uh minus four again you're shifting to
22:54 the right , if there's a plus you're shifting to
22:56 the left . And I tried to explain why that
22:59 works by just thinking about the table of values .
23:01 So what I want to do now is follow me
23:03 onto the computer dima where I can play around with
23:05 it even more and show you how the shifting really
23:07 works . Okay , welcome back here , we have
23:11 shifting quadratic equations horizontally , so right now I want
23:15 you to focus on this side , I have the
23:17 parabola , X squared y is equal to export graft
23:20 . This is the same graph for the basic problem
23:22 that we always uh do and then what's above here
23:26 , ignore the one for right now it's X minus
23:29 in this case zero , there's no shift at all
23:31 . That's why the parable is sitting right here at
23:33 the origin . Now if we make it X -1
23:38 , what happens ? Okay , first , ignore ,
23:41 ignore this for a second and let's take a look
23:43 at the table of what's going on here . What's
23:46 happening is uh Let me go back for a second
23:49 and you can see a little clear right here this
23:51 value is 20 . Let's go to the one value
23:53 or the zero value . Let's go here , it's
23:55 000 . But when I move it over You can
23:58 see that that zero point here I've highlighted in red
24:01 has now shifted shifted down on the table . So
24:03 now it's 1:00 . And if I go over It's
24:08 2:00 and if I go over again , you know
24:11 four comma zero and so on . As I change
24:14 that guy , you can see the problem dancing left
24:16 and right and you can see this red zero shifting
24:19 around and that's the zero point of the parabola .
24:22 So when you have something like X plus two squared
24:25 , it's a left hand shift . And now the
24:27 zero point of the problem , the zero point of
24:29 the problem is here , right ? Why ? Because
24:32 I need to stick a negative two in here for
24:34 X in order to give me a zero in order
24:36 to give me a minimum of the proble way down
24:38 over here . And so as you go deeper ,
24:40 negative same thing , I need a negative three in
24:42 here to give me a zero to give me a
24:44 square to give me a minimum of the proble .
24:46 And so as I'm shifting the problem around , if
24:49 you look at this red zero here , you'll see
24:51 that minimum point that parabola dancing around . And that
24:55 is why the shifting really happens . Um you can
24:57 pick any other point on here . You want to
24:59 let's go to x minus one squared and take a
25:02 look at the value right above it . When you
25:03 put a zero in , you get negative one square
25:06 giving you positive one . And all of these are
25:09 basically just plugging in the table of values directly into
25:11 this equation as we said . So this whole shifting
25:15 business happens for every one of these points . That's
25:17 why the whole entire shape of the curve is what
25:19 is transferred . Because the shifting doesn't happen for anyone
25:22 point . It happens for any value of X .
25:24 We stick in here . All right now one more
25:27 thing I wanna talk to you about Notice over here
25:30 , I have something like this . So I have
25:32 X -1 quantity square . Where did I get this
25:34 from ? Remember ? You already know how to take
25:38 X minus one quantity squared and how to do foil
25:41 on it . That's x minus one times X minus
25:43 one . So F . O . I L .
25:45 If you do the first Outside Inside last multiplication and
25:49 collect terms , this is what you're gonna get .
25:51 So these two things , these two equations are exactly
25:55 the same thing , why is equal to x squared
25:57 minus two , X plus one is exactly the same
26:00 thing as why is equal to x minus one ,
26:03 quantity square . Because if I do the foil on
26:05 this , this is what I get as an output
26:07 here and you can see that that's happening . I've
26:10 done the equation two ways because I want you to
26:12 understand that basically when you see any parabola like this
26:16 , if it has a square term like this right
26:18 here , then you know , it's a parabola .
26:20 But looking at it like this doesn't really give you
26:23 any idea which way it shifted . I mean x
26:25 squared minus four X plus four . It doesn't tell
26:27 you at all that it shifted to units to the
26:29 right . You basically can't tell by looking at this
26:32 where this thing is shifted . It's very hard to
26:34 tell , but you can tell very easily by looking
26:37 at this version over here . Right ? So this
26:40 version over here , when we're talking about shifting problems
26:43 is usually what we focus on . But just keep
26:46 in mind , you can do F . O .
26:47 I L . And this is a totally equivalent way
26:49 of writing the problem . It's just you can't see
26:51 very easily how the thing is shifted . So we
26:53 can go over and look at another one like X
26:54 plus three or X plus . Uh Yeah let's do
26:57 X plus three quantity squared . So you can see
26:59 very easily that this has shifted three units to the
27:02 left . But when you blow it out with the
27:03 multiplication , this is what you get . And you
27:05 can't tell which way this thing is shifted by looking
27:07 at it , but just keep in mind , there's
27:09 always two ways to write parable is you can write
27:11 them all blown out and they're full blown multiplication .
27:13 Uh And then you can also compact if I factor
27:16 it and then this can tell you more readily which
27:18 way the thing is shifted . The last thing I
27:21 want to leave you with is also very important .
27:23 This whole shifting business . Uh for this equation I
27:25 have a one out here because remember the general form
27:28 is a X squared . Now let's change it to
27:31 make it a two , or let's change it to
27:33 make it a three C . It makes it more
27:34 and more narrow as I increase this guy . So
27:37 let's land on four quantity X minus zero squares .
27:40 Which means it's basically for X square . This is
27:42 the table of values , but whenever I go to
27:46 the right , that shape is what is shifted to
27:48 the right . So the shape of the curve is
27:51 really governed by the four that's out in front .
27:54 The shifting is governed completely by is what is inside
27:57 of the parentheses here . And if you take this
27:59 X plus one quantity squared and do foil on it
28:02 and then multiply by the four on the outside .
28:04 This is the full blown equation that you get again
28:07 , you can't tell which way the thing is shifted
28:09 by looking at that you kind of have to use
28:11 these other forms and that's why we're learning them or
28:13 one of the reasons why we're learning them . But
28:15 no matter what shape you pick , the shifting still
28:17 happens exactly as you would expect and notice that zero
28:20 point going up and down . In fact , even
28:22 if I turn it upside down and make it like
28:24 negative two X squared the minus two means that shape
28:28 is shifted to the right and the mind and the
28:30 you know the plus three or plus four means is
28:32 shifted to the left . So all you have to
28:34 do to worry about the shifting is figure out what's
28:36 inside the parentheses . That tells you how it shifted
28:38 the coefficient out in front tells you if it opens
28:40 up or opens down and how narrow the thing is
28:43 because you can see that it gets more narrow as
28:46 we make as we change that coefficient . So now
28:48 follow me onto the board , we're going to complete
28:50 and conclude this lesson . Hello , welcome back .
28:54 I hope you've enjoyed the computer demo . I like
28:56 putting them together because it really can help solidify some
28:59 difficult kind of concepts ahead of time . It's very
29:02 very powerful I think for you to see how things
29:04 move around by just dragging some sliders and you can
29:06 see a bunch of equations that once there was one
29:08 thing that I showed in the video demo or the
29:11 computer demo that I want to point out here notice
29:14 I want to show you one more thing that I
29:17 did talk about in the computer demo and that is
29:19 that if we're talking about these parables being shifted left
29:22 and right , this is the best form to use
29:24 because it's very easy to see how many units .
29:26 The thing is shifted , but keep in mind that
29:28 this is still a binomial square , this is a
29:31 binomial squared and you can expand and multiply these guys
29:34 out As follows . For instance , this would be
29:38 X -4 times x minus four . And you know
29:41 how to do this , multiplication , Just multiply it
29:43 out and you get x squared minus this is four
29:46 X . Outside terms to give you minus four X
29:50 . And then I'm gonna four times negative four is
29:52 positive 16 . And so , what you'll get is
29:54 X squared minus eight X plus 16 . So ,
29:58 the equation why equals x squared minus eight X plus
30:01 16 . If you make a table of values and
30:03 plot it , it is exactly the same thing as
30:06 this . Why ? Because this is just a factor
30:08 form of this . That's all right . But it
30:11 is very hard to look at this thing . This
30:13 X squared minus eight X plus 16 is basically impossible
30:16 to look at it and off top your head .
30:17 No , where that parable is shifted . But by
30:20 having it in this form , it's very easy because
30:23 when you factor it and get it into this exactly
30:26 this . Easy to understand form . We already know
30:28 that any time it's X minus something quantity squared ,
30:31 we just shift the basic shape to the right ,
30:33 right ? So sometimes you'll see parable is written like
30:36 this and sometimes you'll see Paraiba was written like this
30:38 . And I remember the first time I learned this
30:40 stuff , I was like , why do we have
30:41 different ways of writing stuff ? Well , the truth
30:43 is they both represent the same thing , but writing
30:45 it in this form , which is what we're focusing
30:47 on in these lessons , it is much , much
30:49 easier for figuring out where the thing is moved to
30:52 . That's why we have different ways of writing things
30:54 . So make sure you understand this , We have
30:56 now covered the concept of shifting a parable horizontally .
30:59 And in the previous lesson , we've covered the concept
31:01 of shifting a parable of vertically . Now , in
31:04 the next lesson , we're going to combine those two
31:05 and shift a parabola anywhere in the xy plane .
31:08 Using a vertical shift , combined with a horizontal shift
00:0-1 .


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