01 - The Distance Formula, Pythagorean Theorem & Midpoint Formula - Part 1 (Calculate Distance) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

01 - The Distance Formula, Pythagorean Theorem & Midpoint Formula - Part 1 (Calculate Distance) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

01 - The Distance Formula, Pythagorean Theorem & Midpoint Formula - Part 1 (Calculate Distance) - By Math and Science

00:00 Hello . Welcome back to algebra . The title of
00:02 this lesson is the distance formula , the midpoint formula
00:06 and the pythagorean theorem . This is part one .
00:08 We have several parts to these lessons . So ,
00:10 as you can see from the title , we're going
00:12 to cover a lot of material in one lesson .
00:14 Now , most of you , probably everyone watching this
00:16 lesson has had some exposure to the Pythagorean theorem before
00:19 . You've also probably had some exposure to the distance
00:21 formula before , and some may or may not have
00:24 had some exposure to the midpoint formula . What we're
00:26 gonna do is first we're gonna review and talk about
00:28 what that pythagorean theorem is , why it's important .
00:30 And then we're going to show you that the distance
00:32 formula that we use in algebra and we're going to
00:35 learn in this lesson . It's basically a direct extension
00:38 , it comes from the Pythagorean theorem , so it's
00:40 almost like the same exact thing . And I'm gonna
00:42 show you that a lot of times students don't understand
00:45 that the distance formula is just nothing more than what
00:47 they already understand in the Pythagorean theorem , we'll also
00:50 talk about this midpoint formula , so we're getting kind
00:52 of into coordinate algebra , coordinate geometry , there's a
00:55 little bit of overlap between what we're learning now and
00:57 what we've learned in geometry in the past , but
01:00 we're gonna go a level deeper because we're into the
01:02 more kind of advanced algebra here , we're gonna go
01:04 a little bit deeper . I'm going to also take
01:05 the opportunity to show you why this stuff is so
01:08 important to modern science and math . I want you
01:11 to understand that the things that you're learning are not
01:13 just useless things , they're extremely important even to modern
01:18 science , Modern physics , modern Chemistry , modern Engineering
01:21 . And so I'm gonna get into it as we
01:23 get into the lesson a little bit more , But
01:25 just as a kind of an advanced preview , right
01:27 , this concept of the distance formula that we're going
01:30 to learn here , um it really only as we're
01:32 going to learn in this lesson , it applies to
01:34 when we draw pictures on a flat sheet of paper
01:36 , or we draw pictures on a flat board like
01:39 this , we can calculate the distance between any two
01:41 points . That's what the distance formula does , right
01:44 ? If you've studied it in the past , you
01:45 know that that's what it does . In other words
01:47 , I can put two points on the board and
01:48 I can figure out how many centimeters are between those
01:50 two points If I set up a coordinate grid and
01:53 go from there . Now in 1915 , someone you've
01:56 probably heard of , Albert Einstein proved what we call
01:59 now the general theory of relativity . It's Einstein's theory
02:03 of gravity , right ? So you might think ,
02:04 why are we talking about gravity and an algebra lesson
02:06 ? It's because when you really dig into the details
02:09 of relativity theory , which is one of the crowning
02:12 achievements of modern physics , right ? That the understanding
02:15 of of gravity not being a force between things ,
02:19 but gravity being the curvature of space and time .
02:22 You probably heard that curvature of space and time curvature
02:24 of what we call space time . When you drill
02:27 down into that theory into the nitty gritty details and
02:29 advanced physics , what you're going to find out is
02:32 the way that you measure distances in space . Time
02:35 is very similar to this distance formula that you're going
02:38 to be reviewing in this lesson right now . So
02:41 we're gonna be covering how to calculate distances between things
02:44 but just keep in the back of your mind something
02:45 that you think is simple like this is something that
02:48 Einstein worked on for many , many years to prove
02:50 that when space and time or curve , which you
02:53 can measure by using this distance formula , that gives
02:55 rise to what we actually call gravity here . And
02:59 I know that that's beyond the scope of an algebra
03:00 class , but that's something I want to point out
03:02 because it shows you that the things that you're learning
03:05 now have real uses for real science and advanced physics
03:10 and chemistry and engineering . So let's dive into it
03:13 . We're going to recall something before we get into
03:15 the distance formula , we're going to talk about and
03:17 review something we call the pythagorean theorem , pythagorean serum
03:24 . And I'm going to spend obviously time talking about
03:28 the Pythagorean theorem and the distance formula , all that
03:30 . And then I'm going to show you a little
03:31 bit more about this curving of space and time ,
03:33 just because I want you to understand generally how this
03:36 stuff is used in more advanced concepts . So it
03:39 all has to do with triangles . This Pythagorean theorem
03:41 has to do with triangles , right ? So when
03:43 you learn it , you taught you learn about the
03:44 concept of what we call a right triangle . A
03:47 right triangle is a triangle , any triangle . Uh
03:50 that has one special property and that is that one
03:53 of the angles is 90°. . So that means that
03:56 this is a 90° angle , 90 degree angle means
04:01 it goes straight perpendicular like this . So 90 degrees
04:03 is exactly like a , like a straight L .
04:05 There's no opening up of an angle it straight down
04:08 on top of perpendicular to the line under it .
04:10 So that's a 90 degree angle right here . Now
04:12 when you have a triangle like this , you have
04:15 uh side number one , Side , number two ,
04:17 Side number three , we generally call them side A
04:20 side B . And side sea . And side sea
04:23 here has to generally be the longest side . So
04:28 we kind of label the longest side being C .
04:31 A . And B . Doesn't really matter what we
04:32 call it , but we always want to use the
04:33 variable C . To represent the longest side of the
04:36 triangle . We also call this the hypotenuse of the
04:38 triangle . I know that you've probably learned that when
04:40 you when you studied geometry , you know , years
04:44 ago . All right . So the Pythagorean theorem basically
04:47 says that if you have a right triangle , it
04:50 has to be a right triangle with a 90° angle
04:52 . And if the longest side is labeled C ,
04:54 then it says that the square of that side is
04:58 equal to the square of the other side plus the
05:01 square of the third side . So C squared is
05:04 equal to a squared plus B squared . One of
05:05 the most famous formulas . I know you've probably seen
05:07 it . If you haven't seen it , that's okay
05:09 too . We're gonna go from the very basics here
05:11 , but you might look at this and say ,
05:13 what does this mean ? Right . What it means
05:15 is that if I take a right triangle as long
05:17 as I have a 90 degree angle here . If
05:18 I measure this uh to be 23 centimeters and I
05:22 measure this to be some other number of centimeters and
05:25 this to be some other number of centimeters . If
05:27 I square the length of this side and I square
05:29 the length of this side and I add them together
05:31 , it should always be equal to the longest side
05:34 squared . Now you might look at that and say
05:36 how is that true ? How do you know that's
05:38 true ? Well , it's kind of like how do
05:40 I how do I know I have five fingers on
05:41 my hand ? I count them 12345 half five .
05:44 You don't really prove ? How do I know I
05:47 have five fingers ? You look at it and you
05:48 say I have five fingers , how do I know
05:50 I have 10 toes ? You know , on both
05:52 feet , while I count them , I have 10
05:54 total , right ? It's an observation . How do
05:56 we know this is true ? It's because if I
05:58 take a ruler and measure this line and measure this
06:01 line and measure this line and plug it into this
06:04 equation , it actually always equals , No matter if
06:07 the triangle is really big , or really , really
06:09 small , as long as there's a 90° angle and
06:11 there the longest side squared is going to be equal
06:13 to the other two sides squared added together . That's
06:17 the call the Pythagorean theorem . It holds for all
06:19 triangles , but here's the big catch , right ?
06:23 We're gonna do a couple of examples here just to
06:25 show you . But this pythagorean theorem is only true
06:28 . When you draw the triangle on a flat space
06:31 , we call it a flat space , which means
06:33 this board is flat , right ? So we draw
06:35 the triangle on a flat space like this . Then
06:37 of course all works in that pythagorean theorem , if
06:40 in contrast , and I know this is not a
06:42 great glow , but it's a little sphere if instead
06:46 I draw those those points of the triangle on a
06:49 curved surface . So Einstein talked about curved space and
06:53 time . So this is a represent representation of curved
06:56 space , curve space time , right . If I
06:58 draw one point of the triangle , another point of
07:00 the triangle , another point of the triangle . And
07:02 I verify it is a right triangle , same as
07:04 this . It's just I'm drawing on a curved space
07:07 . If I take one side square the other side
07:09 squared and then add them together and then compare it
07:11 to the longest side squared , then it will not
07:14 be equal like this because this pythagorean theorem only holds
07:18 in a flat space . It doesn't hold when the
07:20 thing is curved , when you draw the triangle on
07:22 a curved thing . So you say why is he
07:24 telling me this ? Why do I care about that
07:26 ? I'm just pointing out that that's a use a
07:29 very , very famous use of a very important result
07:33 because when you have space and time that are curved
07:36 , which was what we call gravity , we call
07:38 that . That's what we call the thing that holds
07:39 us to the ground . That curvature of space and
07:42 time can be measured by how much it doesn't really
07:46 work in this equation . Other words , this equation
07:47 works for a flat triangle , but if it's very
07:50 slightly curved space , then it will be almost equal
07:53 . If it's really really curved like a black hole
07:56 , then this inequality will be really , really ,
07:59 really far off . The C . Square will be
08:01 totally different than a squared plus B . So the
08:02 more curvature you have , the farther away from the
08:05 pythagorean theorem , the farther away it doesn't hold anymore
08:09 . Right to flatter the space like this chalkboard or
08:12 this marker board here , it holds exactly right .
08:14 So keep that in the back of your mind as
08:16 a use a very famous important use and more advanced
08:19 math and science down the road . But for now
08:21 let's get back down to reality . Let's take a
08:24 look at our triangles . And of course this is
08:25 in a flat space . Right ? So let's have
08:27 a triangle with three centimeters This direction four centimeters in
08:30 this direction and five centimeters This direction . Is this
08:34 a right triangle ? Let's check it out . We're
08:37 gonna say that A is equal to three and B
08:39 is equal to four . And see which is the
08:41 longest side . Remember is going to be equal to
08:43 five . And we're going to check that out .
08:45 We're gonna say , well , is C squared equal
08:47 to a squared ? Plus B squared ? Ok ,
08:50 well , we put see in here we say ,
08:51 well , five squares on that side . Three squared
08:54 goes here . And then four square goes here .
08:57 And we're asking ourselves , is it actually equal like
08:59 this ? Well , five squared is 25 equals question
09:03 mark three times three is nine , and then four
09:06 times four is 16 . So then I have what
09:08 I have is 25 equals this . When you add
09:10 it up is equal to 25 . So because you
09:13 can look at this triangle and say three , A
09:16 distance of three , a distance of four , a
09:17 distance of five works exactly equally . In the Pythagorean
09:21 theorem , then you can say with certainty that this
09:25 has an actual 90° angle here . Yes , this
09:29 is a right triangle . It's a right triangle .
09:35 All right now , let's take another triangle . We'll
09:37 kind of make room over here . Let's take another
09:40 triangle . And and see how it compares . Let's
09:42 take another triangle . Let's say we have a triangle
09:44 is really long and slender like this . Let's say
09:48 this has a distance of one centim , a distance
09:50 of nine cm in the distance of 11 cm .
09:54 And want to ask ourselves is this also a right
09:56 triangle ? Well , in this case A would be
09:58 one , B . Would be nine . We don't
10:00 care labelling A . And B . These sides ,
10:02 but we care that the longest side C . Is
10:04 always labeled uh with the longest side , which so
10:07 C . Is equal to 11 . So again ,
10:09 we'll say C squared is a squared plus B squared
10:14 . We'll ask the question anyway , see square is
10:16 going to be 11 squared . We'll ask ourselves ,
10:18 is that equal to one squared Plus nine Squared ?
10:22 Well , 11 times 11 is 121 when you stick
10:25 that in your calculator And one times one is one
10:29 and nine times nine is 81 . So you can
10:31 see the right hand side is going to be 82
10:34 And the left hand side is 121 , so that's
10:36 not equal . So because you put these links into
10:39 the Pythagorean theorem and it didn't work out there not
10:41 equal . Then what you have learned from this is
10:44 this is not a 90 degree angle . I've drawn
10:50 it close to a 90 degree angle because I'm sketching
10:52 it . But if you actually measured one and nine
10:55 and connected it with 11 , then you would find
10:57 out that this angle is very far away from 90
10:59 degrees . Now , bringing it back to modern thinking
11:03 on on science . Okay . We looked at this
11:05 first triangle , we said this one fits with the
11:07 pythagorean theorem . Why ? Because three squared plus four
11:10 squared is equal to 25 which is the longest side
11:13 squared . What I was telling you before is that
11:15 this relation of the Pythagorean theorem , it only holds
11:18 when you draw things in flat space time , flat
11:21 space , right ? If I were to take that
11:23 globe that I just showed you and mark that triangle
11:26 off Exactly three units exactly up straight up four units
11:30 exactly over five unit . And try to connect it
11:32 , You're going to find it . It's not gonna
11:33 work . You're not gonna be able to draw the
11:35 triangle on a curved space and have it closed up
11:39 on itself like that . Because when you when you
11:41 it would be like taking this drawing and trying to
11:43 bend it into a sphere , you're gonna distort all
11:45 of the distances and angles there . So the Pythagorean
11:48 theorem for a 345 triangle , like that's not gonna
11:51 work when you curve it . So when we talk
11:53 about gravity around a black hole or gravity around the
11:56 planet , the space and the time are curved in
11:58 such a way that this pythagorean theorem , and later
12:01 on , what we're gonna talk about to be ,
12:02 the distance formula doesn't quite hold in the same way
12:05 that it does here . That's how we measure the
12:06 curvature of space , is what I'm trying to say
12:09 . All right enough , talking about physics , let's
12:11 get back into the pure math . Uh so this
12:14 is what we call the pythagorean theorem . Now ,
12:16 we're going to draw a direct extension to what I
12:18 know you've probably heard of before , but we're gonna
12:20 go a little bit deeper . It's called the distance
12:23 formula . Now , most people learn the distance formula
12:28 and they just use it because it's not too hard
12:31 to use . They don't really know where it comes
12:32 from . It turns out that the distance formula is
12:35 exactly the same thing as the pythagorean theorem , there
12:37 is no difference . And when I say there's no
12:39 difference , I mean , literally there is no difference
12:42 at all . If you already understand that this is
12:44 true , then you already know that . The distance
12:46 formula has to be true . And so I want
12:48 to show you that rather than just you know ,
12:51 telling you that and saying believe me , I want
12:53 you to understand that . So , let's I want
12:55 you to see that . So , let's draw In
12:57 order for me to do this , I have to
12:58 draw some kind of a coordinate system . So let's
13:00 call X . And let's call why some kind of
13:03 coordinate system . All right . So in this coordinate
13:06 system I'm going to have a couple of points .
13:08 I want to find the distance between these two points
13:10 . So this point is point number one . I'm
13:12 gonna call this P and it's going to be at
13:15 coordinates X one , comma Y one . Now ,
13:18 why am I labelling at X one and Y one
13:20 ? Well , because this point can be anywhere .
13:23 I'm just putting it right there to illustrate it .
13:25 But really the point can be anywhere because I can
13:27 measure the distance between any points I want . I'm
13:29 just drawing it here . I mean the coordinate here
13:30 is probably three comma two or three comma one but
13:34 that doesn't matter . It's really at some X coordinate
13:37 X . One and Y coordinate Y . One .
13:39 That's what that means . And I want to measure
13:42 the distance between P . I want to measure it
13:44 uh compared to the to another point Q . Which
13:48 has some coordinates X . Two comma Y two .
13:51 So it's basically point X one , Y . One
13:54 and point X two , Y two . Again I've
13:56 drawn this thing probably like you know 10 comma nine
14:00 or something but doesn't matter . I'm keeping all the
14:01 coordinates um basically uh general because it could be anywhere
14:07 . Now ultimately I literally want to find the straight
14:10 line distance even though I can't draw a perfect straight
14:12 line . I'm sorry about that . I guess I
14:14 could try a little bit better . I want to
14:16 find the straight line distance between these two points .
14:20 That's probably not that much better . But you see
14:21 if I got a straight edge out I could draw
14:23 a straight line between them and say how many centimeters
14:25 is it between P and Q . Now there is
14:28 a formula that we're going to learn but I want
14:30 to show you where the formula comes from . So
14:32 what we're gonna do is we're gonna say what is
14:35 the actual coordinates ? Let me switch colors here a
14:38 little bit . What are the coordinates of this point
14:40 ? P . What we already said it's X .
14:42 One ? Y . One . Right ? We said
14:45 it was X . One Y one . Um Let
14:47 me just double check one thing real quick . Yeah
14:50 . So if this is X . One , Y
14:52 . One basically you can see this coordinate here is
14:55 X . One and this coordinate here is why one
14:58 , that's what it means to have coordinates X .
15:00 One ? Y . One . Right ? And then
15:02 this coordinates of Q . Here is X . Two
15:06 . And the y coordinates of this point Q over
15:08 here is uh we're gonna put this somewhere else uh
15:12 Y two . Right ? So I'm gonna put the
15:16 white local Y axis label up above like this .
15:18 So all I'm doing is showing you this is the
15:20 coordinates of this point . This is the coordinate this
15:22 point in green , just like this . But if
15:24 I really want to find the distance between them to
15:26 to make it all come into focus for you ,
15:28 what I really should draw is the fact that this
15:30 forms a triangle . So this forms a base of
15:33 the triangle here , and I'm gonna draw this in
15:36 blue . I'm not going to cover up the green
15:37 to kind of kind of draw in parallel here .
15:39 So you can see it kind of forms a right
15:41 triangle . Notice this exactly looks like the right triangle
15:44 withdrawn right here . You have a longest side called
15:47 , see this is the distance between the points we
15:49 care about . But there are also these other sides
15:51 of the triangle and there's a 90° angle here .
15:54 So when you have any two points like this ,
15:56 it always has a 90° angle like this , and
15:58 you can always form a triangle like this . And
16:01 the distance between them is the distance that we want
16:04 to actually calculate . The distance in this case is
16:07 PQ . This is what we want to find the
16:11 distance between the PQ . Well , if we learn
16:14 from the Pythagorean theorem that the longest side squared is
16:18 equal to the other two sides of the triangle squared
16:20 and added together , then all we need to do
16:22 is figure out what are the other sides of this
16:24 triangle here , and we can see it , we
16:26 can read it directly from the diagram . What is
16:28 the distance of this side of this triangle from here
16:31 to here . What would it be ? It's going
16:33 to be the point X two minus x one .
16:35 Like if this were at nine and this were three
16:38 would be nine minus three , that would be the
16:39 difference in the in the coordinate . So that would
16:41 be the distance here , right ? And then this
16:44 distance here is going to be what it's going to
16:47 be , Y tu minus Y one because that's the
16:50 distance right here between these two points . So this
16:52 is why two minus Y one like this . So
16:57 if you want to put numbers on it at this
16:58 point , we're 10 and this point where why is
17:01 equal to 10 and why is equal to to be
17:02 10 -2 ? And you would have eight units here
17:06 . So , if you want to find or use
17:09 the pythagorean theorem , c squared is a squared plus
17:11 B squared . What we're gonna do is we're gonna
17:13 say PQ the distance here squared is equal to um
17:20 this side here squared X two minus x one squared
17:26 plus this distance here squared . Why too ? Minus
17:30 y one quantity squared . Make sure you understand what
17:33 I'm doing . This is the magic , this is
17:35 the secret sauce of what I'm trying to show .
17:37 You were gonna end up calculating and finding the distance
17:40 formula , which you've probably already seen before , but
17:42 I'm showing you that it comes exactly from the pythagorean
17:44 theorem . The longest side of this triangle is called
17:47 peak . You were saying that distance squared is equal
17:50 to this side of the triangle , which is just
17:52 X two minus X one squared plus this side of
17:55 the triangle , which is just y tu minus Y
17:57 one squared . So this is the pythagorean theorem ,
18:00 C squared is a squared plus b squared . That's
18:02 all it is . Now to find the distance .
18:04 Of course right now we have PQ squared . So
18:06 what we have to do is take the square root
18:09 of both sides . So all we'll have is the
18:11 distance PQ is equal to , We have to take
18:15 the square to both sides . So we take the
18:16 square to this side . The square goes away here
18:19 we have X two minus x one squared plus y
18:23 tu minus y one quantity squared . Now you may
18:27 have remembered from algebra uh in the previous lessons that
18:30 when you take the square root of both sides ,
18:32 you have to put a plus or minus in front
18:33 of the radical . But what we have here is
18:35 we're calculating distances when you have a distance between two
18:39 points in the plane , it's always gonna be a
18:40 positive number . The distance between me and you is
18:43 always going to be a positive number . Even if
18:45 I'm going a negative direction , the absolute value of
18:48 the distance going in any direction is always positive .
18:51 So even though you're always taught to put this plus
18:53 minus here , because we're talking about distances , we
18:56 never ever need the negative sign . So basically it's
18:59 always positive . So because of that , we don't
19:01 even need to write the plus or minus at all
19:02 . We just say the distance is the square root
19:05 of all of this stuff that's under there . Now
19:07 in your books , you're probably not gonna see it
19:09 written like that , you're gonna see it written like
19:12 this , it's going to be called the distance formula
19:19 . And what it says is the distance D is
19:22 X two minus x one squared plus Y tu minus
19:28 y one squared . And then take a nice big
19:31 fat square root around the whole entire thing . This
19:35 is one of the most important things . This is
19:36 probably the central uh concept in this lesson , the
19:40 distance formula . So if you want to find the
19:43 distance between a point here in the xy plane and
19:45 appoint way over there in the xy plane , all
19:48 you do is you subtract the x coordinates of the
19:50 points and square it . And then you subtract the
19:53 y coordinates of the points and square it . You
19:56 add those numbers together . And then the last thing
19:58 you do is you take a square root again ,
20:00 most people just use it because it's not that hard
20:02 to use , but they don't really know where it
20:04 comes from . It comes from the fact that these
20:06 things always form triangles , right triangles . And so
20:09 it comes from the Pythagorean theorem . This distance formula
20:12 is what we used to calculate the distance between points
20:14 in space . When you get to more advanced science
20:17 , like I told you about gravity , modern theories
20:19 of gravity , we don't talk about just space ,
20:21 we talk about space and time . There is a
20:23 very similar equation , not exact , but very close
20:26 to this one called the it's called the distance formula
20:29 in space time . It's really called the space time
20:32 metric really . But it measures the distance between points
20:34 in space and time and it looks really close to
20:37 this is big . Radical has quantity squared ? It
20:39 looks really similar to this . There's a slight change
20:41 to it . I don't want to get into it
20:42 right now . It has to do with how time
20:44 works . But the bottom line is something that you
20:46 think is kind of useless actually has far reaching consequences
20:50 . So we measure the distance between points in spacetime
20:53 . We measure the curvature of gravity by really using
20:55 a very similar formula to this uh , with space
20:59 and time all mixed together . All right . So
21:02 now what we want to do is we want to
21:03 use this distance formula to calculate a couple of things
21:07 in algebra here , we want to find as an
21:09 example the distance between the point negative one comma two
21:18 And the .3 comma four . So obviously I could
21:22 draw this on a xy plane , I could plot
21:25 them and I could draw the triangle . I could
21:27 do all the same stuff . I just did .
21:28 But ultimately , you don't need to do that anymore
21:30 . Once you have the distance formula , there's no
21:32 reason to plot it . Every time you can just
21:35 put the information directly into the distance formula , knowing
21:38 that it always works . So that distance formula is
21:41 what again it is X two minus x one squared
21:46 plus y two uh minus why ? One quantity squared
21:51 . And I'd have to take a square of the
21:53 whole thing . Yeah . All right , So now
21:56 we have to put the values in here . Now
21:58 here's the thing . You have to subtract the values
22:01 of X uh X coordinate of one point , an
22:05 X coordinate , another point . So let's do it
22:06 first one way and show you how it works .
22:08 Let's take this is the X coordinate and here's another
22:11 X coordinate . So inside of here will say three
22:14 minus the minus sign comes from the distance formula .
22:17 Then you have a negative one . So you have
22:19 a double negative there because it's a minus the minus
22:21 one . But then you have to square that and
22:24 then you have to go the same way . If
22:26 you go from this point subtracting this point , you
22:28 have to go to y values in the same direction
22:30 , 4 -2 quantity squared . You can't mix up
22:34 directions . If you go this way subtracting , you
22:36 have to go this way and the other point there
22:38 as well . So then you have over here three
22:42 minus of minus one is three plus one . So
22:44 you have four squared and then over here four minutes
22:46 to is two squared . And so you have the
22:48 square root of all of that . So the distance
22:50 between these points is 16 plus four , Which is
22:55 the square root of 20 . And so you have
22:57 to ask yourself what is the square root of 20
22:59 ? Well , I can do a factor tree here
23:01 , right ? I can do 10 times too And
23:04 five times too . So I can have a circle
23:06 of pair here . So what I'm going to get
23:08 is the distance this too comes out of the radical
23:12 square root of five , two square to five and
23:15 that's the final answer . So you say what is
23:17 two square to five means ? Well it means if
23:20 I grab a sheet of paper and put xy tick
23:23 marks on it , let's say I measured it in
23:25 meters or centimeter . Whatever the units you pick is
23:27 , what the unit of the answer is going to
23:28 be . If I put the first coordinate negative one
23:31 centimeter and then up two centimeters and I put this
23:34 one at three centimeters and up four centimeters then the
23:37 distance if I measured it with a ruler between those
23:40 points with literally putting a ruler between them would be
23:43 to times square to five . Now you can put
23:44 this in a calculator and get the decimal , you
23:46 could get some value and decimal but that would be
23:49 in centimeters . If you put the original points in
23:51 terms of meters then the answer you get for the
23:54 distance would be in meters . If the points were
23:56 in terms of light years , then the answer you
23:59 get would be light years . You see , it
24:00 doesn't it doesn't matter whatever units you use for the
24:03 points is going to give you and dictate the units
24:05 that you get in the answer between the two points
24:08 . Now , one more important thing I want to
24:10 point out is that it doesn't matter which point is
24:14 X two and which point is X one in this
24:16 case I did three minus two minus one . And
24:18 then because of that I did four minus two to
24:20 but it doesn't matter which point is X one in
24:23 which point is X two but you just have to
24:25 be consistent . For instance let's go the other direction
24:28 . So let's say instead of going calling this X
24:31 two in this X one we'll flip it around and
24:33 say this is X two and this is X one
24:35 . So we'll go the other direct the other way
24:37 , we'll say negative one minus three , subtracting this
24:40 direction squared . Then if we do it this direction
24:44 we have to be consistent . So we have to
24:45 do to minus four quantity squared . I want you
24:49 to make sure that you understand that this is exactly
24:51 backwards from what we did here . The negative three
24:53 minus the negative one is exactly backwards from negative one
24:57 minus three . And then the four minus two is
25:00 exactly backwards of the tu minus four . But we're
25:02 gonna get the same answer because what do we have
25:04 here ? Negative one minus three is negative four squared
25:08 to minus four is negative two squared . And you
25:11 can see that the negatives , it's not gonna matter
25:13 because everything is squared inside , you're still gonna have
25:16 the 16 , you're still going to have the four
25:18 , you're still going to have the squared of 20
25:20 and so you're still going to have to times square
25:22 to five . So the most important thing to realize
25:25 for the distance formula is when you're calculating distances ,
25:29 it does not matter which direction you subtract , but
25:33 you must be consistent if you pick a point and
25:35 say this minus this for X , then you must
25:37 also pick the same direction for why ? When you're
25:40 doing the subtraction . So , we covered a lot
25:44 so far , we've covered the pythagorean theorem , We've
25:47 shown you that when you draw these triangles on a
25:49 flat board like this anyway , And it has a
25:52 right 90° angle here , then the pythagorean holes uh
25:57 , squared is a squared plus B squared . We
25:59 showed you that the distance formula comes from the Pythagorean
26:02 theorem . So this distance formula you get will hold
26:05 for any points . Again , in flat space ,
26:08 we're not talking about black holes or gravity or neutron
26:10 stars . We're talking about on a chalkboard on a
26:12 sheet of paper and we calculated the distance between two
26:15 points . And we showed you that it doesn't matter
26:17 the direction used to do this attraction . So we're
26:19 going to do more problems . But that's the general
26:21 idea . Now , the last thing we want to
26:23 talk about is something called the midpoint formula . Some
26:26 of you have been exposed to this and some of
26:28 you have it , but it's really , really simple
26:29 to understand . What we want to do is if
26:32 we have two points , like we did in the
26:33 last part , what we're finding the distance between them
26:36 , let's say we don't care about the distance .
26:38 We just want to figure out if we have two
26:39 points in space , where is the point between them
26:43 ? Now ? Of course I'm holding my fingers up
26:44 . So you know , the point is somewhere here
26:46 in the middle between them . But what I mean
26:47 by where is the point I'm talking about ? If
26:50 I give you the coordinates of two end points and
26:53 you can put your finger in the middle of cutting
26:56 the thing in half . Where is that point ?
26:58 In terms of what are its coordinates ? That's called
27:00 the midpoint of the two original points you have .
27:04 And so we have something called the midpoint formula .
27:06 Now again , I don't want to just blab it
27:09 out for you . I want you to understand where
27:11 it comes from . So we have something called the
27:13 midpoint formula . It's very easy to understand . It's
27:21 actually easier to understand than uh any of the other
27:25 guys here . So what we have here is let's
27:27 go ahead and again draw an X . Y plane
27:32 , it's not going to be perfect . So this
27:33 is X . And this is why and same kind
27:35 of thing . I'm gonna draw to random points here
27:37 , P and Q . So I'm going to call
27:39 this again , P this is X one comma Y
27:43 one exactly the same before . And this thing we're
27:45 going to call it Q . It's going to be
27:47 at some coordinates , X two , comma Y two
27:50 . Right now , I know that there's a straight
27:53 line that that connects these guys . I mean ,
27:56 I've drawn that , I know how to calculate that
27:58 that's covered with the distance formula . Right ? But
28:01 I don't want to actually figure out the distance between
28:04 them . Let's say I want to figure out where
28:07 exactly is the midpoint of this line segments ? Probably
28:10 somewhere around around there . It's hard for me to
28:11 tell . But there's a point somewhere here that's exactly
28:14 midway between the two end points . Like if this
28:16 were five centimeters and this were five centimeters and the
28:19 whole thing will be 10 centimetres . It's right in
28:20 the middle . I want to figure out what is
28:22 the coordinates of this thing ? Right ? How do
28:25 I figure that out ? Well , first let's go
28:28 take a look at point . P . What are
28:30 the coordinates of P already talked about this before ?
28:32 This is X . one And over here is why
28:35 one . Right now we have some coordinate point Q
28:40 . And its coordinates are X . Two . And
28:43 the y coordinates of this point is why sub tube
28:47 nothing has changed from before ? Everything is exactly the
28:49 same . So my question to you is how can
28:52 I figure out what this point is in the middle
28:54 in terms of its coordinates ? How could I possibly
28:57 figure that out ? Well , this point has to
29:00 have some kind of X value and it has to
29:02 have some kind of why value . And the way
29:06 you figure out what the midpoint is is you kind
29:08 of forget about why for a second you just look
29:11 kind of , if you could just look down from
29:12 above then you would say the endpoint has some point
29:15 along X here and the endpoint has some point along
29:18 X here . So midway between this thing has to
29:22 be equal distance from here to here and from here
29:24 to here . So this point right here , the
29:25 X value of it has to be the average X
29:29 two minus X 1/2 . In other words , the
29:32 value of this X coordinate of the midpoint is the
29:35 average of X two and X one . In other
29:38 words , I mean if you think about it ,
29:40 if if I have the the endpoint , the X
29:42 coordinate of the point , is that two ? Or
29:44 let's make it easy if the endpoint is at zero
29:47 and the other end point is at 10 . I'm
29:49 talking along the X axis , then we know half
29:51 way , it's gotta be at five . So 10
29:53 plus zero divided by two is five . You're just
29:56 averaging the two points . If you pick any two
29:58 points , you want to find the middle of it
30:00 , you take the average , that's what you do
30:01 , right ? So to find the middle in the
30:03 X direction , you just average the X coordinates and
30:06 the exact same thing is gonna happen over here .
30:08 The y value here is going to be y tu
30:11 minus Y . One over to you . Just average
30:13 the Y values . So if I give you a
30:16 point P and a point Q . You can always
30:18 tell me the pinpoint , the midpoint is going to
30:20 have an average of the X . Values for the
30:21 X coordinate and an average of the Y . Values
30:24 for the Y coordinate . So the midpoint of the
30:32 segment joining P . located at X one , Y
30:41 1 and Q . Located at X . To comment
30:46 Y two is this is the way it's written in
30:50 a text book and it's really confusing the way it's
30:51 written a lot of times but this is the way
30:53 it's usually written Mm represents the midpoint . The x
30:56 coordinate of that midpoint is X one plus X 2/2
31:02 . That's the average of the X values . The
31:04 y coordinate is the average of the y values .
31:09 Let's put it just do it like this . Why
31:10 ? One plus Y 2/2 . You see all this
31:13 is saying it looks really confusing but all that's basically
31:15 saying is the midpoint has an X . Value of
31:18 the average of the x coordinates . And the y
31:20 value has the average of the y coordinates . So
31:24 it's gonna be easier to show with an example right
31:27 , what is the midpoint between the segment defined by
31:39 uh four comma negative six and negative three comma two
31:45 . Now , of course I could plot for common
31:47 , negative six and I could plot negative three comma
31:49 too . And I could put my finger in the
31:51 middle and say ha ha it's about right there and
31:53 do all that . But I don't need to do
31:54 that . I mean I have the midpoint formula ,
31:56 I know what it says . And so the way
32:00 to do this is you say OK , the X
32:02 value of the midpoint is just going to be the
32:05 average of these x values here . So it's gonna
32:08 be four plus the negative three over to four minus
32:14 three is going to give you one and then you're
32:15 gonna have a two . So the X value of
32:18 the midpoint there is just at a location of one
32:21 half and then you're gonna have the why value of
32:25 the midpoint ? Which is again the average of these
32:28 guys here , negative six plus two , negative six
32:30 plus 2/2 . That's how you average things . Right
32:33 , So you're gonna get on top , you're gonna
32:35 get a negative 4/2 and then you're gonna get a
32:37 negative two for this . So what you would write
32:40 down for your final answer is the midpoint exactly between
32:48 these two , join the line segment , joining these
32:51 two points is gonna have an X coordinate of one
32:53 half and a Y coordinate of negative too . And
32:55 I promise you , if you get some graph paper
32:57 out and you plot this point , you plot at
32:58 this point and you you look at this point ,
33:01 it's gonna be right in the middle of the segment
33:03 , just like this . All right . So that
33:06 was a long lesson . I had to kind of
33:07 cover it all together because in the next few lessons
33:10 , we're gonna have topics that uh kind of jumble
33:13 all of these concepts together . So you have to
33:15 know what each of them all is . And so
33:17 we can do some more complicated problems . Pythagorean theorem
33:20 is something that is not proven , it is something
33:23 that is just observed any time you draw a triangle
33:26 with a right 90 degree angle in one corner ,
33:29 then you always know that this relation holds if you
33:32 labelled along the side C . And the other two
33:34 side , it doesn't really matter then when you this
33:36 equality holds again , I showed you that in curved
33:39 space . I mean , I didn't really show you
33:41 , but I'm telling you that in curved space this
33:43 relationship doesn't hold the angles inside the triangle also get
33:46 distorted and looked weird as well . And then when
33:49 we look at the distance formula , you can see
33:51 it comes directly from the pythagorean theorem . We did
33:54 problems to calculate the distance between points . We talked
33:56 about it doesn't matter which direction you do the subtraction
33:59 , as long as you're consistent . When you pick
34:01 one direction , you have to pick the other the
34:03 same direction for the Y value . And then we
34:05 talked about the concept of midpoint between two points and
34:08 the fact that it's just an average of the X
34:10 coordinates and the Y coordinates . So I want you
34:12 to make sure you understand these concepts . Follow me
34:15 on to the next lesson . We're gonna do some
34:16 more complicated problems dealing with the pythagorean there in the
34:19 midpoint formula and the distance formula .


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