01 - Shifting Ellipses and Hyperbolas in the XY Plane - Part 1 (Central Conics) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

01 - Shifting Ellipses and Hyperbolas in the XY Plane - Part 1 (Central Conics) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

01 - Shifting Ellipses and Hyperbolas in the XY Plane - Part 1 (Central Conics) - By Math and Science

00:00 Hello , welcome back to algebra . We're continuing to
00:02 study the concept of comic section . Specifically here we're
00:05 going to talk about when we shift ellipses in hyperbole
00:08 is in the xy plane . So up until now
00:11 we have a great length discussed all of the comic
00:14 section circles ellipses , parabolas and hyperbole . But as
00:17 you might now know , the circles and the parabolas
00:21 are a little easier to graph and a little easier
00:23 to understand . The ellipses and the hyperbole are a
00:25 little bit more involved . Specifically the hyperbole is take
00:28 a lot more effort to graph and sketch them .
00:30 But if you remember back all of the lessons ,
00:32 which by the way , if you haven't watched those
00:34 lessons , please stop now and go watch those those
00:36 original lessons . The last lesson we've done on ellipses
00:39 and hyperbole as you'll need that information for what we're
00:41 talking about here . But in those previous lessons we
00:44 have considered ellipses and high purple is only centered at
00:48 the origin . So here is the xy plane and
00:51 that ellipses centered right there . It's either horizontal or
00:54 vertical , but its center is on the origin .
00:56 And also the hyperbole was centered either horizontally or vertically
01:00 , but the center of it was on the origin
01:02 . Now we're going to talk about how do we
01:04 take those ellipses in those hyperbole and shift them around
01:07 to different locations in the xy plane ? Now ,
01:10 if you remember back , we have learned how to
01:13 shift functions and shift graphs already in this class .
01:16 When you think about the simple case of the line
01:18 mx plus B , that's just uh denotes what the
01:21 line is . Well , if you change the y
01:23 intercept or if you change the equation of the line
01:26 , you can put that line anywhere you want in
01:28 the xy plane . You can what we call shift
01:31 that line . Later we talked about parabolas and we
01:34 also talked about circles and we talked about how do
01:36 we shift Parabolas ? And circles around in the Xy
01:38 plane ? We've already done that material . But since
01:42 it lifts isn't hyperbole is worth so much more complicated
01:44 . I'm saving the shifting part until right now .
01:47 So before we get there , I want to talk
01:49 to you about something you might see in your textbook
01:51 called The Concept of a Central Comic . I know
01:53 the first time somebody told me it was a central
01:55 comic , I didn't understand what that means . A
01:57 Central Connick is very simple . It's just the Konik
02:00 sections that have a center to them . It turns
02:03 out that if you think about it only a circle
02:05 has a center and the lips has a center and
02:08 the hyperbole has a center . We call those the
02:10 Central comics . The other comic section called the Parabola
02:13 , it actually doesn't really have a center . So
02:15 we don't really call it a Central Connick . So
02:17 if you're in your book and you talk about the
02:19 concept of a Central Connick , you're only talking about
02:23 the circles the ellipses or the hyperbole is . So
02:25 here we have the Central Connick now , they're all
02:29 comic sections , even the Parabola as a comic section
02:32 . But when you think about it , a circle
02:35 has a centre that is the equal distant point from
02:38 from all of the boundaries of what we uh call
02:42 a circle . So we have the concept of a
02:43 circle . That is a central concept because it has
02:46 a center , we can't have any lips and I'm
02:48 terrible at drawing ellipses . I know that's really bad
02:51 , but if you think about it , it has
02:52 a central center . So , you know , the
02:54 ellipses and the lips has a central uh center also
02:58 . So it's called a central Central Connick . Also
03:01 , the hyperbole , whether or not is horizontal like
03:04 this or vertical , you might say , well ,
03:05 where is the center of this thing ? In fact
03:07 , that's kind of a bad drawing . Um it
03:09 should come in and be a little more , I'm
03:11 really bad at freehand drawing these things . It should
03:13 come in and be more kink like that . Yeah
03:15 , something like that . So you might say where
03:17 is the center of this thing ? Well , yes
03:19 , the curves are kind of weird , but the
03:20 center of it is still well defined . The center
03:23 of this thing is right in the middle . It's
03:24 equal distance from all the other little parts of this
03:27 thing that we call the comic section . So the
03:29 circle of the ellipse and the hyperbole to are all
03:34 what we call Central Comics uh there . So we
03:37 can you can draw a little line here like this
03:41 and a little line around this to show you that
03:42 these are the Central Comics now . What about The
03:44 Lonely Parabola out here ? So Parabola can either look
03:47 like this . Mhm . Or it can have of
03:53 course the mirror images upside down . Where is the
03:56 center of this thing ? Well , there is no
03:58 center up here is not equal distant to all the
04:00 places on it down here isn't . So there is
04:02 no real center to , it tipped down here isn't
04:05 the center , It's not equal distance for all the
04:07 points . Now , it is true that the Parable
04:09 has a focus . The problem has a focus somewhere
04:11 right around there , but that's not equal distant to
04:13 all the points on the Parabola . So this is
04:15 not a central colic . All four of these are
04:22 what we call the comic sections , because you can
04:24 take a cone and slice them and you can get
04:26 all of those shapes , but you do not have
04:28 a center of the parabola . So it's not called
04:30 a central Connick . Now , why do we care
04:32 about that ? Well , you can shift these guys
04:34 around . Of course we've taken in graph parabolas shifted
04:37 in the xy plane all day long , but we
04:40 talk about the Central Comics because these are the ones
04:42 we're going to focus on shifting here . Now ,
04:44 it turns out that we've already shifted the circles before
04:46 we're gonna talk in a minute about the equation of
04:48 a circle . Have already done many lessons on shifting
04:50 circles around because they're so easy . But here we're
04:53 going to focus only on the ellipse and only on
04:55 the hyperbole . So let's go down a trip down
04:59 memory lane before we talk about the election hyperbole .
05:01 And let's talk about the circle , which we have
05:05 discussed at great length . The equation of the circle
05:07 is X squared . The basic equation plus why square
05:11 Is equal to the Radius Square ? So you might
05:13 have a radius of 20 radius squared of 25 on
05:16 the right square root of that is five . So
05:18 the radius would then be five . So what this
05:21 equation of a circle means is it means the radius
05:28 is are the square root of what's on the right
05:31 hand side , and the center was located at zero
05:35 comma zero . Right . So this was the basic
05:38 equation of a circle , X squared plus , Y
05:40 squared is equal to some number squared . And then
05:43 the number of the radius just defines how big the
05:45 circle is in the center of it is in the
05:46 xy plane . How did we shift circles around long
05:50 ago . All we did is we did a replacement
05:52 . We replaced the X variable with something . We'll
05:55 talk about the second , we replace the Y variable
05:57 with something . And whatever we replace it by is
05:59 the numbers that shift the graph of that circle around
06:03 the xy plane . So for example , if instead
06:07 of this which is centered at 00 you have the
06:10 equation uh X minus two , quantity squared Plus Why
06:17 -4 , quantity squared is equal to some radius squared
06:20 . I don't care what the radius is right now
06:22 let's just say it's the same radius is a circle
06:24 above . Then what this equation means is that this
06:28 guy has a center in a new location given by
06:31 these numbers here . Now this is a minus to
06:33 any -4 . So that means basically this guy is
06:36 going to have the same size the same radius are
06:41 , but the center Is going to be located at
06:44 2:04 . Now the one thing you do have to
06:48 remember , we talked about this before is when you
06:50 have a minus sign , when you basically replace the
06:53 X variable with x minus two and you replace the
06:56 y variable with y minus four . The minus sign
06:59 means you shift it to the right in the positive
07:02 X direction . And the minus sign for the why
07:04 means you shift in the positive Y direction , that's
07:07 very backwards from what you might think . You probably
07:09 think that a minus sign will shift it to the
07:11 other to the left , toward the negative , but
07:13 it doesn't shift it to the right . And we
07:14 talked about this at great length but I'm going to
07:16 review it really quickly for you here . Now let's
07:19 say this circle has a radius of five . This
07:22 graph means it's centered at the origin . That means
07:24 the circle boundary are the X and Y values .
07:27 So when you put the X and Y . Values
07:29 of that that are on that circle in here and
07:32 you square the x and Y values , you're gonna
07:34 get five square 25 on the right hand side .
07:36 That is what defines the boundary of the circle .
07:39 Now , when you look at this thing , you've
07:41 replaced X with something called x minus two And you've
07:44 replaced why with Y -4 ? What that means is
07:47 for these numbers to be squared and still equal ,
07:50 let's say it's the same radius 2025 5 squared on
07:53 the right hand side . Then in this equation I
07:55 must put values of X . M two units bigger
07:58 than I did here . And I must put why
08:00 values in four units bigger than I did up here
08:03 . Why ? Because I'm subtracting off the number four
08:06 . So if I I'm subtracting off the number two
08:08 . So if I know the circle at the origin
08:11 has to equal let's say 25 on the right hand
08:13 side . Then in order for this equation to also
08:15 equal 25 , I need to put units two units
08:19 bigger than whatever the numbers were over here , because
08:22 then I'll subtract off the two and I'll square it
08:24 and then also tracked off before in our square it
08:26 . So because I need to put X values two
08:29 units bigger to make it equal the same thing as
08:31 it did up here , I've shifted the X coordinates
08:34 of every point on the circle to the right along
08:37 the positive X direction . Two units . Right ?
08:40 Because I have to put why values of the circle
08:43 and four units bigger than I do up here ?
08:45 It means that all of the y values of the
08:48 coordinates of the circle are all shifted up . So
08:50 that's why the minus signs shift to the right and
08:53 up . Okay , if you were to have plus
08:55 signs here it would be exactly opposite . You would
08:57 shift them down or to the left . All right
09:01 . So the way that we pull off the shifting
09:03 business in general for pretty much for any function is
09:07 we take the X variable and we put either X
09:09 plus or minus the number , we take the Y
09:12 value and we do plus or minus the number .
09:14 So in order to do the shifting Mhm . What
09:17 we do is we take the X . Variable and
09:19 we replace it with something called x minus H .
09:22 This H is just a number in this case I
09:23 picked two but in your books you're going to see
09:26 h it shifted h units to the right and we
09:29 replace the y variable with y minus . Usually you
09:33 see the letter K in the text books in this
09:35 case I picked the number four for an example .
09:37 But here all you have to know is that to
09:39 shift any circle any number of units you just replace
09:42 the X variable with x minus some number that you're
09:44 going to shift and why minus some number for the
09:47 Y shift ? If you want to shift , it
09:48 shifted in the opposite direction , the minus has become
09:51 a pluses plus for the same sort of arguments .
09:54 Okay . The reason I'm bringing up all this is
09:56 because we've graphs circles before and we've shifted circles all
09:59 over the xy plane , so you know how to
10:00 do it now . It turns out that for ellipses
10:03 and for hyperbole is the exact sort of same thing
10:06 happens . All you have to do is find the
10:08 original equation of the ellipse and replace the X values
10:12 with this x minus H , which is a shift
10:14 X minus however many units you want to shift it
10:16 and the y value gets replaced with a Y with
10:20 a wise shift . And so when you go back
10:22 to the equation of the ellipse that we've used for
10:24 many , many , many lessons , you just take
10:26 the X variable . You replace it with x minus
10:28 some number or X plus some number and you take
10:31 the Y variable and you replace it with at Y
10:34 plus or minus something that's going to shift in the
10:36 y direction . Same thing for the ellipse . So
10:39 it's not so difficult once you know how to sketch
10:41 ellipses and high purple is at the origin , shifting
10:43 them around is really not that difficult . So that's
10:47 the general idea of what we're doing . And so
10:49 here we're going to revisit all of the equations that
10:53 we have already come to know and love in terms
10:56 of their shifted versions . I've did a summary of
10:59 this when we had the lips is at the origin
11:02 and when we had high purple is at the origin
11:03 , all I have done here is take the exact
11:05 same equations and put a shift in there and then
11:08 I shift the graph around . So for instance ,
11:10 if you remember , the equation of an ellipse can
11:12 be horizontal or vertical . If it's a horizontal ellipse
11:15 , the original equation was just X squared over a
11:18 squared plus Y squared over B squared is one .
11:21 Here . All we've done is we've introduced a shift
11:23 in X and a shift and why it's exactly the
11:25 same idea as the circle . This c square is
11:28 a squared minus b squared , is exactly what we've
11:30 already learned before . Nothing has changed the some of
11:33 the focal radi i is exactly what we've already learned
11:35 before . Nothing has changed . What has happened though
11:38 is that this ellipse is no longer centered at the
11:40 origin . We've shifted it to the right H .
11:42 Units and we've shifted it up K units . If
11:46 you have minus signs , you go to the right
11:48 and up in the positive X . And Y direction
11:50 . If you have plus signs up here , then
11:51 you go the opposite directions . Just like we do
11:53 for circles . Now , when you if you remember
11:57 back in your mind when we did ellipses , we
11:59 said that the X intercept in the Y intercept where
12:02 the ellipse crosses come , comes from what's on the
12:05 bottom here , Right ? So if you think about
12:07 an ellipse centered at the origin , it's going to
12:09 look something like this is gonna be like this and
12:11 the X intercept is going to be A and the
12:14 Y intercept is going to be be . But since
12:16 now the ellipses now shifted , it's really not the
12:18 intercept , it's just the distance from the center to
12:21 the edges . What we call A . That's the
12:23 same thing as if the ellipse was centered at the
12:25 origin , it would be a unit . It's just
12:27 , this is the distance we call it A .
12:29 And then the distance in the Y direction from the
12:31 center to the edge of the ellipse is called be
12:33 . So before those were the intercept locations . But
12:38 the lips may not have an intercept with X and
12:40 Y . Like , like here if you shift it
12:42 far enough away , so A and B . Are
12:44 just the length of the ellipse in the X direction
12:47 , Well , half of half of its length and
12:50 half of its length in the Y direction . Right
12:52 now , when this equation c squared is a squared
12:54 minus B squared C . Is always in the distance
12:56 from the center of the ellipse to a focus .
12:58 So that's how I have it drawn here . So
13:01 these definitions and the center here is that hk these
13:04 definitions don't change , They're not different . It's just
13:07 that when it's at the center we usually say oh
13:08 the X intercept and the Y intercept . But now
13:10 that you know , it may not be at the
13:12 center , we just say A . And B .
13:13 Are the length in the X . And Y .
13:15 Direction of the ellipse . Same exact song and dance
13:18 for this . Here we know this one's vertical because
13:22 notice the equation is exactly the same . But here
13:25 we have A . And B flipped the B .
13:26 Number is always the smaller number for the ellipse .
13:28 So since A . Is always bigger , that means
13:31 that's horizontal . And since A . Is bigger here
13:34 , that means it's going to be stretched more in
13:36 the Y . Direction . But the numbers mean the
13:39 same exact thing A . Represents how long is in
13:42 the Y direction . The long direction B . Represents
13:45 how wide it is in the short direction , the
13:48 center is here . And then A . And B
13:51 . Uh I've already told you X . And Y
13:52 . Direction . And then see is just the distance
13:54 from the center to the focus . So it's the
13:56 same meanings as what we have above . So ,
13:58 if you think about that too , what we learned
14:00 in regular lips is A . B . And C
14:02 . Mean exactly the same thing as they do there
14:04 . The only thing different is that we have now
14:06 shifted this thing over . So when you're gonna sketch
14:09 this first , you have to figure out where the
14:11 center is and then you sketch from there . All
14:14 right now we talk about our friend , the hyperbole
14:18 , same exact thing . The original equation of a
14:20 hyperbole at the origin is just X squared over A
14:23 squared minus Y squared over B squared is one here
14:27 . All we've done is introduced a shift in X
14:29 and Y . This equation C squared is a squared
14:33 plus B , squared is exactly the same as it
14:34 was before . So the equation is the same .
14:37 We've just introduced a shift . Now this one is
14:40 what we call horizontal horizontal here because the X term
14:45 is positive . The X term is the first term
14:48 here . It's the positive term . So it's in
14:50 the X direction , horizontal . If you look at
14:52 the vertical version , A and B are in the
14:54 same locations . A and B . For hyperbole is
14:56 don't flip around , but they always stays in the
14:59 front in the first term . But in this case
15:01 the wise term is squared and is positive . So
15:04 that means it's vertical . That's exactly the same rules
15:06 we learned in hyperbole as I just told you to
15:08 figure out if the hyperbole with horizontal or vertical ,
15:10 you just look and see what term is positive .
15:12 It's exactly the same thing here . All we have
15:14 done is introduce a shift in the X and Y
15:17 directions , which shifts the center of the hyperbole off
15:20 in those directions . This equation is exactly the same
15:23 . The difference of focal radio for hyper polices called
15:26 the difference of focal radio is to a that definition
15:29 has not changed either . So really it's not that
15:32 big of a deal to deal with ellipses and hyperbole
15:35 is that are shifted . But there's just a couple
15:37 things you got to remember number one . The rules
15:39 don't really change . The definitions of A . B
15:41 and C Are not different , but you do have
15:43 to be a little bit careful because for instance ,
15:46 when we get to graphing these hyperbole as you're going
15:48 to have to sketch the assam tops in order to
15:51 actually sketch the graph . And we've done that many
15:53 many times when it's at the origin , it's very
15:56 easy . But whenever it's shifted , you got to
15:58 be careful because the way in which you draw the
16:01 the asem top lines here , everything is relative to
16:05 the new center of this guy here . So it's
16:08 just like in the ellipse case , you know ,
16:12 A . And B is the length and width of
16:14 the ellipse , but that's all reference to the center
16:16 of the ellipse , right ? And so the same
16:18 thing is happening here . Whenever we get to graphing
16:20 these and we have to graph these Assumpta these lines
16:23 in order to sketch it , we're going to have
16:25 to reference everything we do when we sketch these things
16:29 relative to the new center of just like we were
16:32 doing before . We sketched everything before . We always
16:35 referenced it from the center . It's just the center
16:37 was always the center of the xy plane . So
16:40 here we have to be a little more careful when
16:41 we're shifted over to graph all of our lines and
16:44 all of our sometimes and everything relative to the new
16:46 center , which is not at the origin anymore .
16:50 So that's a general overview of what a shifted Connick
16:53 section is and what a central Connick is . I
16:56 do want to do a couple of quick problems .
16:57 Um they're not hard problems , but I want to
17:01 get our feet wet here by doing a couple of
17:03 quick things and we're going to start that process right
17:07 now . So let's right , we want to write
17:10 the equation of this comic section with the new center
17:13 that I'm gonna give you here . So for instance
17:15 , if if you give you a comic section X
17:17 squared over 25 plus why squared over four ? And
17:24 that's equal to one . And I want the new
17:26 center of this thing to be located at zero comma
17:28 negative five . I want to write the equation of
17:31 this guy , first of all , what kind of
17:34 iconic is it ? Well , if you look at
17:36 this it's got a plus sign . So you know
17:38 right away and it's got different numbers on the bottom
17:40 . So you know right away . It's in the
17:41 lips . All right . So what do we do
17:44 to take this ellipse which is at the origin ?
17:46 And shift it over here to the location where the
17:49 center is at zero comma negative five . All you
17:51 do is take the shifted values and stick them in
17:53 here . So the X . has shifted zero units
17:58 . So really you don't need to do anything at
18:00 all . But I'm going to put it as a
18:01 shift of zero . The y numbers are shifted by
18:05 negative five units . Now you can put a plus
18:07 on here that's fine . But I'm just gonna show
18:08 you it's like shifting a negative of negative five units
18:11 . So every time you do it you have a
18:13 minus sign and whatever you shift is going to either
18:15 be plus or minus . So you'll see in a
18:17 second that's going to turn into a plus sign .
18:20 All right . So you can just put the plus
18:22 right away . That's fine with me . But I'm
18:24 gonna show you it's shifting shifts always go with a
18:27 minus sign and then whether you shift left or right
18:29 , you just put however many units you want to
18:30 shift . That's why it becomes a plus sign at
18:34 the end of the day anyway . All right .
18:36 So what you're gonna have here , this is going
18:37 to become x squared over 25 . This is going
18:41 to become y plus five squared over four and this
18:46 is going to equal one . And this is the
18:48 new equation of this ellipse which is no longer centered
18:51 at the origin , its center is at zero comma
18:53 negative five . Okay . And you know it's any
18:58 lips because it has the form of an ellipse with
19:02 a plus sign . And also is this a horizontal
19:05 or a vertically oriented lips ? Well , since the
19:07 X squared has a 25 under it and the Y
19:09 . Term has a four under it . The bigger
19:11 number here is 25 . So it's going to be
19:13 stretched more in the X direction . So this is
19:16 a horizontal you live . So it might look something
19:19 like this . Who knows where it is in the
19:21 ex wife . Well we know exactly where I could
19:23 draw an X . Y . Plane and I can
19:24 put the center right here . Whatever I just I
19:26 want you to know that it's a horizontal lips shifted
19:29 where the center is at 00 comma negative five .
19:32 So it's right along on the Y axis shifted down
19:35 essentially . And that's all I want you to know
19:38 . I'm not gonna graph a sketch of every one
19:39 of these things . It's gonna slow us down .
19:42 Mhm . Alright , next problem , what if I
19:44 tell you , take this comic section and put write
19:48 an equation where the center is , where I give
19:49 it to here . So it's X squared minus y
19:52 squared is 49 . And the new center of whatever
19:55 this thing is , I wanted to be a negative
19:57 four comma three and I ask you to draw that
19:59 for me . Okay well first of all what kind
20:02 of comic section is it ? You might not be
20:04 100% sure at first but we want to one on
20:06 the right hand side . So we'll take the X
20:08 squared minus two Y squared . We'll divide the left
20:11 hand side by 49 . We'll take the right hand
20:14 side and also divide by 49 . So on the
20:18 left will we break this up ? Which we've done
20:20 many times will be X squared over 49 . The
20:23 minus sign drops down . Why squared over 49 ?
20:27 And that's going to equal to one . So it
20:29 looks exactly like a hyperbole right ? Because it has
20:32 an X squared term of Y squared term numbers on
20:34 the bottom and a minus sign . Now this is
20:36 a high purple is centered at the origin because of
20:38 the X . Shift and the Y shift or non
20:40 existent . So it's already centered at the origin .
20:43 So in order to shift it into this location I'm
20:47 going to shift the X . Direction . All shifts
20:49 go with the minus sign , I'm shifting negative four
20:51 units , I'm gonna write it like this And then
20:55 over 49 Minour sign comes down because it's a hyperbole
20:58 and this guy is going to be why minus all
21:01 shifts have a minus sign and then three units And
21:05 then 49 and that's going to equal one . Now
21:08 I said all shifts have a minus side . Well
21:10 what happens is if you shift a negative unit a
21:13 negative direction this becomes a plus sign . So you
21:15 have x plus four quantity squared over 49 minus y
21:21 minus three quantity squared over 49 Equals one . And
21:27 that's what you have . Let me double check myself
21:30 . That's correct . And then you ask yourself well
21:31 , what is this thing ? Well , you know
21:33 , it's a hyper Bella right ? Is it a
21:39 vertical or horizontal hyperbole ? You do not look at
21:42 the bottom numbers to figure out if hyperbole is a
21:44 vertical or horizontal for hyperbole . As you just check
21:46 and see which term is positive , The X term
21:48 is positive . The y term is negative because the
21:51 X term is positive . This is a horizontal hyperbole
21:56 . Okay , horizontal hyperbole . All right , So
21:59 you see what you have to do to shift any
22:02 kind of section to a new location . You're just
22:04 simply substituting in what the shifted version of X and
22:07 Y are now I ran out of space over there
22:10 . So what we're gonna do is our final problem
22:12 over here and I think we have enough room .
22:14 What if I give you the context ? Section four
22:16 , X squared plus Y squared is equal to 16
22:22 . And I say , well let's first put it
22:23 into the standard form of a comic section . We're
22:25 gonna divide by the 16 . So we're gonna have
22:27 the four X squared over 16 plus the Y squared
22:31 over . The 16 is equal to the 16 over
22:34 the 16 . And then in the next step ,
22:36 I can simplify this because the four and the 16
22:38 4 divided by four is one and 16 divided by
22:41 four is four . So this would just be x
22:43 squared over four plus Y squared over 16 . And
22:48 on the right hand side is just going to equal
22:49 one . So this is any lips actually that is
22:53 centered at the origin and the four and the 16
22:56 govern how the thing is uh kind of shaped what's
22:59 what's the what side is bigger , but now what
23:01 we want to do , I forgot to actually even
23:02 write it down in the problem statement . I want
23:04 this ellipse to be at the location of one common
23:07 negative four . I want the center of it to
23:09 be at one common negative four . So all I
23:11 really have to do is take this version of the
23:13 equation I have and substitute that shift in . So
23:17 the X term becomes X shift by one unit Quantity
23:23 squared over the four on the bottom . Then I
23:27 have the plus sign and then the Y is shifted
23:29 by a negative for units Squared . And on the
23:34 bottom of that is going to be the 16 And
23:37 that's going to equal to one . So when you
23:40 figure all that out , it's going to be X
23:42 -1 , quantity squared over four plus y plus four
23:48 quantity squared over 16 is equal to one . Double
23:52 Check myself , X minus one squared over four .
23:54 Y plus four squared over 16 is equal to one
23:56 . That's all correct . And you can tell by
23:58 looking at this because of the plus sign . It's
23:59 in your lips What kind of ellipses is a horizontal
24:04 or vertical for ellipses ? Since there's no plus or
24:07 negative terms , you just look at what's on the
24:08 bottom . The X term has a four and the
24:11 white term has a 16 . That means the Y
24:13 direction is stretched more . So this guy is a
24:16 vertical . If I can spell vertical , your lips
24:20 , sorry , I ran out of space there .
24:21 So it's in the lips that looks something like this
24:23 . And of course it shifted where the center of
24:25 it . Is that one uh over to the right
24:27 one unit and negative four down . So this is
24:30 the equation there . It's a vertical ellipse . All
24:33 right , so , we've done quite a bit in
24:35 this lesson . We have reviewed the concept of shifting
24:38 in general . We've taken a look at circles and
24:41 reminded ourselves how we shift circles around . We've done
24:43 that before and we're using that concept to shift comic
24:46 sections . In fact , this concept of shifting functions
24:49 around by just replacing the X and Y variable can
24:52 be used for any function or any graph . If
24:54 you want to shift it , X number of units
24:56 , you just put the shift in as we've done
24:58 here for the X . And the Y variable .
24:59 And that's going to shift the whole graph wherever you
25:01 want it to be in the xy plane . But
25:03 we're not done with shifted hyperbole as an ellipses .
25:06 We need to get some practice graphing and do some
25:08 other things . So follow me on to the next
25:10 lesson , we're gonna conquer that stuff right now .


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