14 - Solve Quadratic Systems of Equations by Addition - Part 1 (Simultaneous Equations) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

14 - Solve Quadratic Systems of Equations by Addition - Part 1 (Simultaneous Equations) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

14 - Solve Quadratic Systems of Equations by Addition - Part 1 (Simultaneous Equations) - By Math and Science

00:00 Hello . Welcome back to algebra . Were conquering the
00:02 topic of solving systems of quadratic equations . Also called
00:06 solving quadratic systems . It's a short way of putting
00:09 it . Last few lessons . We talked about substitution
00:11 that's kind of your go to technique . You're gonna
00:13 use that almost all the time and you can use
00:15 it for every quadratic system . We've talked about substitution
00:18 techniques in great detail . But there is another technique
00:20 called addition that we're gonna use here . Now if
00:23 you remember back when we solve regular old linear equations
00:26 , equations that evolve lines to find the intersection point
00:29 , we can add the equations together . And we
00:31 went through great discussions of why you're allowed to do
00:34 that and how it works and so on . But
00:36 the same technique that we used in the past for
00:38 lines can be applied to these quadratic systems . But
00:40 if you remember back to that technique , the way
00:42 it works is you have to add them together in
00:44 the process of adding them . You can also multiply
00:47 an equation by something and add it . But at
00:49 the end of the day , when you add them
00:51 together , one of the variables must be eliminated in
00:54 order to let you solve for something . So you
00:56 have to eliminate the variable when you add them together
00:58 . So you're allowed to multiply equations by numbers ,
01:01 you're allowed to add them . But some sort of
01:03 way at the end of that process , you must
01:05 eliminate one of the variables in order to solve for
01:07 the other one and make any progress . If you
01:09 can't eliminate a variable doing that , then you cannot
01:11 use the method of addition . So what we're going
01:14 to find out is that some of these equations ,
01:16 you can't actually use this method because sometimes you cannot
01:20 eliminate variables by adding equations together . So let's crawl
01:23 before we can walk and let's show the first one
01:26 here and show how you can do it . And
01:28 then we'll show some examples of when you can .
01:30 So what about X squared minus Y is equal to
01:32 five ? What about two X plus Y is equal
01:36 to three . Now this system of equations might look
01:39 similar actually all of these problems and all of the
01:41 problems in the next lessons . We've already solved them
01:44 . We solve them by substitution . Now we're solving
01:46 them again by addition . So what you might say
01:48 , why are you doing the same problems ? That
01:49 doesn't help me . Well it does because when we
01:52 learn a new technique with the same equations , it
01:54 gives you some confidence that either technique you use is
01:58 going to give you the same answer . So that's
01:59 number one and number two . The process is so
02:02 different that you're going to get the same answer at
02:05 the end . But the math in the middle is
02:07 so different . That doesn't even matter that the problems
02:08 are the same . So these equations we've already solved
02:11 , we've already gotten the answers by substitution . Now
02:13 we're going to use edition . So the first thing
02:15 you do is you say , can I add these
02:18 these equations together and eliminate a variable ? And the
02:21 answer is you can . And let's see what happens
02:25 if you add the two X squared to the two
02:27 X . You cannot directly add those because you have
02:30 an X squared term in an X . But you
02:31 can just say when you add these guys , you're
02:35 going to get X squared plus two X . Right
02:39 Now , when you add these guys together , you
02:41 have a negative Y plus A . Y . So
02:43 these can be added together and it just gives you
02:45 zero . So you don't have to write anything down
02:47 here on the right hand side . You add these
02:49 together and get an eight , you might say .
02:51 Well that didn't really help me . I still have
02:53 an X . Squared and X . But you know
02:54 how to solve these equations to X . I'm sorry
02:57 X squared plus two X . Move the eight over
02:59 by subtraction . And then you factor and solve ,
03:02 you're never gonna get away from having a factor .
03:04 Things when you have quadratic equations like this . So
03:07 you go ahead and open up your parentheses and you
03:10 say X times X is X squared . You can
03:12 do two times four is 8 and the signs are
03:15 gonna work out like this negative two X . Positive
03:18 forex give you this and the two times before with
03:21 a negative sign gives you negative eight . Okay .
03:23 The biggest problem up until now that students make is
03:26 they start getting confused when you add this to this
03:28 , they try to actually add them together . One
03:30 plus two equals three . You can't do that because
03:32 you cannot add X square two X . They're different
03:35 . So you just have to carry it through .
03:36 But notice we did eliminate a variable . We eliminated
03:39 why And that's what I told you in the beginning
03:41 . You must eliminate a variable . Otherwise you cannot
03:43 use this method . So here we now know that
03:47 when we set this equal to zero we're gonna get
03:49 X . Is equal to positive two . When we
03:51 set this equal to zero we're gonna get X .
03:52 Is equal to negative four . And then we have
03:55 to plug these values in to any one of these
03:58 original equations . It doesn't matter which one you pick
04:00 . Um You can pick this one , you can
04:02 pick this one . I'm just gonna plug it into
04:04 this one so I'm gonna rewrite this down to X
04:06 . Plus Y is equal to three . So I'm
04:09 gonna substitute it in there . The value of X
04:11 goes in here , so it's two times the to
04:14 the value of X going in there . Plus Y
04:16 is equal to three . This is four . We
04:18 move the four over . We're gonna get a Y
04:20 . Is equal to negative one because three minus four
04:22 . You get a negative one there , we'll plug
04:24 this into the same equation . Two , X plus
04:28 Y is equal to three . I do not have
04:30 to use this equation , it's a solution so the
04:32 X values work in both . So I could plug
04:35 it in there . It's the same thing . But
04:36 let's just go and put it into this one two
04:39 times X . Being negative four plus Y is equal
04:42 to three . So we're gonna get negative eight plus
04:45 y . Is three and we can add this over
04:47 . So three plus eight is going to be 11
04:51 . Okay then you have to values of X that
04:55 fell out . Each one corresponding to a single value
04:57 of Y . So you have two solutions . The
05:01 first x value was two common negative one because it
05:05 goes with this why ? And then the next one
05:07 was negative four comma 11 X comma Y two solutions
05:11 . So two comma negative one negative four comma 11
05:14 . If you dig back into a few lessons ago
05:17 when we solve these by substitution , the math in
05:19 the middle looks different but the answers are exactly the
05:22 same . So either technique is fine substitution . You
05:25 can use all the time . There really is no
05:27 case which you can't use substitution . But addition it
05:31 requires the system to be able to eliminate a variable
05:34 either straight away . We didn't have to actually do
05:36 anything to eliminate because they just add to zero .
05:39 But you're allowed to multiply these equations by whole numbers
05:42 or fractions or whatever you want . As long as
05:43 their numbers two put the coefficient such that you can
05:48 cancel a variable . Like just like we did when
05:49 we solve linear equations by addition . Now let me
05:53 give you an example of something that you run into
05:54 problems with . What if you have the equation X
05:58 squared minus Y squared Is equal to 15 ? Yes
06:04 . What if you have X plus why Is equal
06:07 to 1 ? This is a system of equations .
06:10 Of course I can use substitution . We did that
06:11 before . In fact this we solve this problem for
06:14 solve for X . Put it in here or you
06:15 can solve for why I put it in here .
06:17 But let's say you want to add them together .
06:18 So you start saying okay well what if I add
06:21 them ? Well I'm gonna have an X squared plus
06:22 an X . And you say oh this will cancel
06:24 . But then it doesn't because you have this is
06:26 a Y squared in a Y . So you have
06:28 X squared terms in one equation , but only X
06:31 terms in the other equation . You have y squared
06:34 terms in the first equation , but only why terms
06:36 in the second equation . So no matter how you
06:38 add them together , you cannot eliminate these variables because
06:41 you can't even add them together , they're different exponents
06:44 . You can multiply the equations by whole numbers but
06:46 that's not gonna help you . You multiply this by
06:48 two or one or three . You still cannot add
06:50 these variables together because the exponents of the problem .
06:53 So you're allowed to multiply by whole numbers , you're
06:56 allowed to add them together . And there's no way
06:58 you can eliminate a variable uh by doing that .
07:01 So you can't use addition . It does not mean
07:09 there's no solution to this . It does not mean
07:11 you cannot solve it . It does not mean you
07:13 can't graph it . It does not mean you can't
07:14 use substitution . It just means you can't use this
07:16 method of addition . All right , let me give
07:19 you another one that runs into problems . I have
07:21 them on different pages , but let's just go ahead
07:23 and and uh let me actually figure out where it
07:26 is . Yeah , let me just show you here
07:28 . I'm gonna put both of the problem Children in
07:30 the same place . What if I give you the
07:31 equations , X plus Y is equal to six and
07:35 then X Y is equal to eight . We solve
07:37 this system of equations already by substitution . Let's say
07:40 you want to add them together . You have the
07:42 X plus this term . But it's Xy . So
07:45 you can't really add X plus x . Y .
07:48 You can't really add Y plus X . Y .
07:50 Even if you multiply this by whole numbers . You
07:53 know , you're not supposed to multiply by variables .
07:54 Okay . You're supposed to multiply by whole numbers .
07:56 You cannot really make it where I can eliminate those
08:00 guys . So since you're sticking to the rules of
08:03 multiplied by whole numbers and adding and and so on
08:06 and so forth , you really shouldn't use addition as
08:09 a method to solve this guy . Okay . All
08:12 right . So those are problems problems there . All
08:15 right . Um Let's go and solve one . That
08:22 does work two times Y squared plus 33 X is
08:27 equal to 33 . I'm sorry . three x .
08:31 Is he cool . 2 33 and then X plus
08:36 four , Y Plus seven is equal to zero .
08:39 Okay . So this one works . Why ? Because
08:42 I have X terms and I have X terms .
08:45 Now this is a Y termina . Why ? So
08:46 I cannot add them together but I can add the
08:48 excess together so I can eliminate something . So let's
08:50 tidy this up a little bit more . So let's
08:53 tidy this up a little more and right to I
08:55 squared plus three X . Is equal to 33 .
08:59 This one we're going to write it with the Y
09:02 term first for why ? The X term second .
09:06 So I can put it under this guy here is
09:08 33 . Yeah . All right now I cannot I'm
09:13 sorry is equal to uh are totally and a moment
09:19 there . That's not correct . So you have a
09:20 seven . Let's move this negative seven . On the
09:22 right hand side . You have two Y squared plus
09:25 three X . 33 flip these terms around move to
09:28 seven over to make a negative seven . Okay now
09:30 if we add these guys as they sit three X
09:33 plus X . Is gonna give me four X .
09:34 So that's not gonna cancel . It's not going to
09:36 eliminate a variable . So what I need to do
09:39 is I need to multiply this equation by what ?
09:44 Not by three . By negative three Multiply by -3
09:50 and when I do that I'm gonna rewrite the system
09:52 again . Two Y squared plus three X . Is
09:55 33 . Multiply the negative three here becomes negative 12
10:00 . Y . Multiply the negative three here becomes negative
10:03 three X . Multiply the negative three becomes positive 21
10:09 . All right now you see you can add them
10:11 so I can add . And what happens is when
10:15 I add these together I can just write it down
10:17 . I can't actually perform the addition to Y squared
10:20 minus 12 . Why ? Because when I add it
10:22 , I can't actually combine the variables together . But
10:24 these at 20 And on the right hand side you're
10:27 gonna get 54 54 . So now I can solve
10:31 this guy , let's move it over two , Y
10:33 squared minus 12 . Y will subtract the 54 equal
10:37 to zero . Now this polynomial is the same polynomial
10:40 we got when we did it by substitution . So
10:43 from here right now the solution process is the same
10:45 . But we're gonna go in and do it .
10:46 We're gonna factor out of two here . Just to
10:48 make the factoring easier , Y squared minus six .
10:51 Y 54 . 5 by two . Double check myself
10:54 , 27 equals zero . The two is ultimately not
10:59 going to matter at all . We can divide the
11:01 two away , divide by two and cancel divide by
11:03 two and you'll start zero . So let's go ahead
11:06 and just factor it as it sits , why times
11:09 y is y squared nine ? Times three is 27
11:13 ? And the signs are gonna work as -10 .
11:16 Yes . All right now we set this equal to
11:20 zero in this equal to zero . So we found
11:21 that why is equal to nine and why can be
11:23 equal to negative three ? We set this equal to
11:25 zero and now we have to plug in . We
11:28 can choose what equation to plug into . I can
11:32 take these values of why and I can put them
11:33 into here or I can take the values why I
11:35 put them in here but I don't like the squaring
11:37 so I'm just gonna pick the second equation . So
11:41 what I'm going to get is I'm going to plug
11:43 in to the bottom equation which is X plus four
11:48 , Y plus seven is equal to zero . I
11:51 gotta stick the value of Y in here . So
11:53 X plus four times nine plus seven is equal to
11:56 zero . So X plus nine times four is 36
12:01 plus seven is equal to zero . X . Is
12:03 equal to . Let me just double check myself here
12:05 . 43 . Well it's gonna be 43 and when
12:08 we move it to the other side you're gonna get
12:10 -43 . As an answer negative 43 and we're gonna
12:15 take this guy and we're gonna plug in to the
12:18 exact same equation . It's gonna be X Plus four
12:22 times y . Which is negative three plus seven is
12:28 equal to zero . So we have this is gonna
12:30 be minus 12 plus seven is equal to zero and
12:34 then exits will be negative five equals zero . So
12:37 then X . Is five by moving the five over
12:39 to the right hand side . So then for this
12:42 value of why I get this value of X .
12:44 For this value of why I get this value of
12:45 X . And so I have two solutions . X
12:51 is -43 . Why is nine excess five ? And
12:59 why is where's that -3 ? These are the two
13:03 solutions negative 43 coming 95 comma negative three . Same
13:07 answers that we got when we solve this problem before
13:09 . So when you look and try to decide if
13:11 you're gonna use addition or not , just see if
13:13 I can multiply these by whole numbers . If I
13:15 can uh allow one of the variables to cancel and
13:21 in this case by lining it all up . That's
13:23 the other thing they put the variables out of order
13:25 . So it's hard to see . So you need
13:26 to write all the X terms in the white terms
13:28 on top of each other so that you can see
13:29 what you need to multiply by in order to have
13:32 it cancel . Right ? So let me just double
13:36 check myself . Let's see here . Yeah . Actually
13:41 I have one more problem left . It's not as
13:45 long as this one actually . So we're gonna do
13:48 that one next . It's gonna be as follows why
13:52 is equal to X squared and X squared plus Y
13:56 squared is 12 . Now we've solved this one before
13:59 . We did it by substitution . You can substitute
14:01 in for the Y . Substitute for the X .
14:03 Squared if you want to . It's kind of begging
14:05 to be solved by substitution but you can use addition
14:08 . So we're gonna figure out how to do that
14:10 . Okay , the first thing you need to do
14:11 is write all the variables on top of each other
14:13 . So the way I want to write this is
14:15 move the X squared over . And it's gonna be
14:17 negative X squared . Then I'm gonna add the Y
14:20 equals zero , move this over . It makes negative
14:22 X squared plus the y zero . This I'm gonna
14:24 right underneath it is X squared plus Y squared is
14:27 12 . You see why I added I do it
14:30 like this because then I can immediately see I'm gonna
14:31 add these and I'm gonna immediately gonna get a cancellation
14:34 . So I'm allowed to use this technique This is
14:37 going to add to give me zero . But then
14:38 I'm going to have over here . Why squared plus
14:41 why is he 12 ? Just add these together ,
14:44 add these together . Now I have to solve this
14:46 by moving the 12 over -12 . And then I
14:51 factor why times why is why squared And then three
14:56 times four is 12 double check , myself and the
14:59 signs are going to work as this negative three Y
15:02 . Positive four is going to give you the positive
15:04 one there . And of course this multiplies to give
15:06 you the negative 12 . Yeah . So now what
15:09 we have is why is equal to three . Set
15:12 that equal to zero . Set this equal to zero
15:14 . We're gonna get y is equal to negative four
15:17 . So we have two solutions and now we're gonna
15:20 have to plug in . I can plug this into
15:22 anything I want , I can put it into here
15:24 or I can put it into here . But this
15:26 one is just a much simpler equation . So I'm
15:27 gonna put it into here . Why is equal to
15:29 X squared ? But I'm gonna write it is X
15:31 squared is equal to Y . The same exact thing
15:33 . I flipped it around because I want to solve
15:34 the value of X . So X squared is equal
15:38 to three . Put the value of Y , N
15:40 X is plus or minus the square root of three
15:43 . So X can be three , sorry square root
15:46 of three and X can be negative square root three
15:50 . Mhm . And then I go and do the
15:51 same thing here . I'm gonna plug in . X
15:55 squared is equal to Why now why is negative four
15:57 ? So X squared is negative four and X is
16:01 plus or minus the square root of negative four .
16:03 So this will give you an imaginary number . So
16:05 this you just write down not real . So for
16:09 each value of why that had negative four you would
16:11 get plus or minus two I which is an imaginary
16:14 number . Right ? So remember when I said the
16:17 coordinate turns out to be imaginary , you just throw
16:19 that solution away . It's not a real number ,
16:20 it's not a physical crossing point . So you don't
16:23 actually write any of this down in your answer even
16:25 though this is real , it corresponds to an imaginary
16:28 value of X . So there's only in this case
16:31 to solutions right to solutions . And the X value
16:37 here is the square root of three and the y
16:39 value came out to be positive three . Yeah ,
16:44 negative square root of three was the other value of
16:46 X . And positive three was the value of why
16:48 ? So that's the answer here . All right .
16:51 So I hope you understand now how to do these
16:53 uh solving these systems of quadratic equations with the concept
16:57 of addition . You need to find an equation to
17:00 eliminate by addition or by multiplying my whole numbers and
17:04 adding . And that's an example of what we did
17:06 right here . We have to multiply the second equation
17:08 By a number in this case -3 so that it
17:11 would cancel with what was above . And so what
17:14 you have to do is arrange the term so that
17:15 you can quite easily see that once you add ,
17:17 you must eliminate a variable and then you proceed throughout
17:20 the solutions . We have done now , I was
17:22 cautious to tell you that you can always use um
17:26 you know uh the method of substitution um but you
17:30 cannot always use the method of addition . I kind
17:32 of fibbed a little bit there in the beginning .
17:34 What most textbooks are going to tell you is that
17:37 you can use the system of addition as long as
17:39 you're multiplying the equations by whole numbers and adding them
17:42 . So in this equation this equation we didn't have
17:45 to multiply by anything . We just added them together
17:47 and it all worked out and this one over here
17:50 , if we just add them , it doesn't work
17:51 . So we have to multiply by a number and
17:54 of course this one over here . Once we arranged
17:55 everything , then we didn't have to multiply by a
17:58 number . But typically your book is going to tell
18:00 you multiply by a whole number and then you can
18:03 use the method of addition . But actually this equation
18:07 for for most equations , you can actually multiply by
18:09 variables if you want to . And i it works
18:12 for the cases that I can show you here and
18:14 test in front of you know , for these problems
18:16 here . But I cannot guarantee you that it's gonna
18:18 work for all cases because depending on what the equations
18:21 are , you can run into extraneous roots and other
18:24 things that become problems . But in some cases you
18:27 can multiply by something other than a number . So
18:29 this was one that we did just a minute ago
18:31 and I told you you really can't use the method
18:33 of addition . Because it doesn't you can't get these
18:36 guys to cancel . You cannot add this to cancel
18:39 and you cannot add this and you can't multiply by
18:41 a number to make it work either . So typically
18:43 you would just use substitution . I still think that's
18:45 the best way forward . But in this case notice
18:48 if you multiply the first equation by the variable ,
18:50 why multiply this by Y . It will become X
18:53 . Y . I'm sorry multiply by not by Y
18:55 . Multiplied by negative Y . It will become negative
18:57 xy This will become negative Y squared , this will
19:00 become negative six Y . So we multiply the first
19:02 equation by negative y . Second equation remains unchanged .
19:06 Then when we add it um this drops away to
19:09 zero . This it comes along for the ride just
19:12 adding zero to it . And then this is a
19:14 negative six Y plus eight . Now you have a
19:17 quadratic and why ? So then you can move the
19:20 Y terms over here and you can factor and you'll
19:22 get two and four as solutions for Y . And
19:25 then you can take these two values and plug them
19:26 into either one of the original equations . Sorry ,
19:29 down here that you want , we'll choose this one
19:31 , X y is equal to eight . When you
19:32 put the two value in , you get a Y
19:34 value of an X . Value of four . And
19:37 for when you put the four value in you'll get
19:39 an X value here of two . So you get
19:41 four come into into come before when you go back
19:43 and look at how we did this particular problem in
19:45 substitution . This is the exact answer you get .
19:48 So I kind of fibbed a little bit when I
19:50 said you cannot use the method of addition unless you're
19:53 multiplying only by numbers . For certainly for some equations
19:56 it works . I cannot sit here and swear to
19:58 you that it's going to work for every set of
20:00 equations you have because some equations can have singularities ,
20:04 meaning they go to infinity . Rational equations may get
20:07 weird if they have fractions or radicals , it may
20:10 be difficult for me to justify multiplying by variables like
20:13 this because when you multiply by a variable , you
20:16 kind of are making assumptions about what if the variable
20:19 is well behaved or not . And so I don't
20:21 want to get into all the theory . I'm just
20:22 letting you know that for some simple ones like this
20:25 , you can multiply by variables and get the things
20:28 to cancel . But what I really like you to
20:30 do is if you can't multiply by whole numbers and
20:32 get it to cancel . Just use substitution method .
20:34 I think that's the most straightforward path forward there .
20:38 So make sure you understand all of these , solve
20:40 these yourself , feel free to do this on your
20:43 own to make sure that it works when you actually
20:44 multiply by the variable negative y up here and then
20:48 follow me on to the next lesson . We're going
20:49 to wrap up the concept of solving quadratic systems by
20:52 addition .


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