12 - Solving 3-Variable Linear Systems of Equations - Substitution Method - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

12 - Solving 3-Variable Linear Systems of Equations - Substitution Method - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

12 - Solving 3-Variable Linear Systems of Equations - Substitution Method - By Math and Science

00:00 Hello . Welcome back to algebra . The title of
00:02 this lesson is solving systems of linear equations in three
00:06 variables with three variables with substitution . Part one .
00:10 So it's a very lengthy , very complex sounding title
00:14 . The basic idea is we have learned already how
00:17 to solve linear systems of equations before we did that
00:19 a long time ago when we had two lines .
00:22 Remember linear means line right or something that doesn't curve
00:26 . So two lines of course can intersect and they
00:28 can have a crossing point and we found those solutions
00:30 by substitution . We also did addition and we also
00:33 use graphing back then with two lines is very easy
00:36 to graph things and and know what's going on .
00:37 But whenever you have three variables X , Y and
00:41 Z . Then it gets difficult because the math to
00:44 find the solution is it's more involved and also it's
00:48 a lot more involved to visualize what's happening with a
00:51 line is very simple to lines either across or they
00:54 don't if they cross there's an intersection point and we
00:57 find it , that's the solution . But if they're
00:59 parallel means they don't cross , then there's no solution
01:02 is very simple cases . But when you have three
01:04 variables X , y and Z . Then the graphs
01:07 become hard to graph . You can't really graph them
01:09 so easily . And it's hard to visualize what's going
01:12 on . So in this lesson , what we're gonna
01:13 do is introduce what a system of equations in three
01:16 dimensions looks like . As far as the math goes
01:18 , we're gonna sketch some pictures . So you understand
01:21 kind of what's going on in terms of what their
01:22 graphs would look like kind of . And then we're
01:25 gonna solve the problem at the end to show you
01:27 how to actually figure out what the solution to a
01:29 system like that looks like . All right , So
01:31 let's crawl before we can walk . Let's go back
01:33 down memory lane down to a system of linear equations
01:36 with only two variables X and Y . And we'll
01:39 extend that to talk about what happens now that we
01:41 have three variables called Z . The third variable called
01:44 Z . And also I'd like to say if you
01:45 haven't already watched my last lesson , please do it
01:48 . Now . In the last lesson , I told
01:49 you all about three D . Graphing three D .
01:52 Points and three D functions . So if you haven't
01:54 already looked at that , then then it's gonna seem
01:56 confusing here . But I've already talked about the fundamental
01:58 basics of what you need to understand to be with
02:01 me here . So what we're gonna do is talk
02:03 about uh system of equations in two D . So
02:06 we're going to call this a linear system . That's
02:10 what S . Y . S . Means uh linear
02:12 system in two dimensions , two dimensions means X and
02:16 Y . So they're basically going to be lines .
02:18 Lines means linear . Okay , so what would example
02:21 system like that looks like ? Well it might have
02:23 something like this to exp plus Y is equal to
02:27 three and the other equation might be x minus three
02:30 . Y is equal to negative one . Now this
02:33 is a system of equations because there's two equations ,
02:36 there's also two unknowns , X and Y . So
02:39 what you're really trying to do is figure out what
02:41 value of X and Y . Well , both satisfy
02:44 both equations at the same exact time . That's gonna
02:46 be the intersection point . Now , what are the
02:48 graphs of these things look like ? I mean I'm
02:50 not a computer , I don't know exactly what they
02:52 look like but I know that their lines and you
02:54 should know that their lines to . And the reason
02:56 that you know that their lines and not some kind
02:58 of crazy curved kind of graph is because if I
03:02 wanted to I could solve the top equation and put
03:06 it into why is equal to mx plus B .
03:08 For how do I know I could do that ?
03:10 Well because this is why I could subtract the two
03:13 X . It would be negative two X plus three
03:14 . That's mx plus B . And I can look
03:16 at the slope and the Y intercept . This means
03:18 this is a line . Some kind of lines .
03:20 In other words , it's not a parabola , it
03:22 doesn't curve , it's not any lips , it's not
03:24 a hyperbole A it's not a cubic function . It's
03:27 not a cortical function . It's not a square root
03:29 radical function . It's not an exponential function , it's
03:31 none of those . It has to be a line
03:33 because of the simple nature of the way the variables
03:36 just have coefficients in front . Now this equation ,
03:39 same sort of thing . If I wanted to I
03:41 could solve it and put it in an mx plus
03:43 B form because I could take the X and move
03:45 it over there . I could divide by three .
03:47 I'd have some fractions but it would still be mx
03:49 plus B , which is a line . So any
03:51 time you have a number of times X plus number
03:54 of times Y equals number , number of times X
03:57 plus number of times Y equals number , then you
03:59 automatically know it's a line . These are two lines
04:01 . That's how you know that . Now , if
04:03 you were to have an X squared running around then
04:06 you would know it's not a line . If a
04:07 y squared is running around , you would know it's
04:09 not a line . If there's a radical anywhere on
04:11 a variable like a square root or cube cube root
04:13 or something , you would know it's not a line
04:16 . Those are what the things to look for .
04:17 Think back to all the ellipses . We graft all
04:20 the circles we graph . They always have squares everywhere
04:22 . So you know those aren't lines but these are
04:23 lines . That's why it's a linear system of equations
04:26 . Also notice if there's two variables in this case
04:29 , X and Y . The only way to solve
04:32 that system for X and y is to have two
04:34 equations , you have to have the same number of
04:36 equations as you do variables . Otherwise you can't solve
04:40 it . So we have two equations , X and
04:42 Y . We have to uh variables . So that
04:45 means this set of equations insolvable . Okay . We're
04:49 not gonna solve it because we've done it many times
04:50 in the past , we've had entire lessons on this
04:52 . But you know that this is a line and
04:54 this is a line . So what's in general going
04:55 to happen is these lines are gonna cross somewhere probably
04:58 uh They may or may not but they probably will
05:01 cross somewhere in this intersection point . The single intersection
05:04 point is called the solution . Specifically , there's only
05:07 one solution because the solution is the crossing point ,
05:11 it's the point that's common to both lines that satisfies
05:13 both equations . And so you say uh that it
05:16 has one point in common with each with each of
05:23 the equations . Right , That's what that means .
05:24 Now , of course lines do not have to intersect
05:27 . You can have a system of equations where I
05:29 have a line going up like this and a line
05:32 exactly parallel to it . Now I can't draw exactly
05:34 parallel , but you have to pretend these are exactly
05:36 parallel . And if these actually are the two lines
05:40 that you have , these are parallel lines sure .
05:43 Which means there's no solution the word solution in your
05:49 mind . You need to replace with intersection points points
05:52 in common between the two graphs . That's what you're
05:55 looking for . That's what the solution is . It's
05:56 a common point between two graphs . Right ? But
05:59 if the lines are parallel then I could go 65
06:02 million light years away and you'll still never cross .
06:05 There's never any crossing points for parallel lines , but
06:08 if there ever so slightly not parallel , eventually they
06:11 will cross maybe it's 10 million light years away ,
06:13 but they will cross somewhere and the solution is way
06:16 way , way down there . Okay , so this
06:18 is a system of equations in two dimensions , we
06:20 need two equations . We have two variables . We
06:22 know how to solve these systems . All right .
06:24 And we first we solve them by graphing and then
06:26 we solve them by substitution and we solve them by
06:28 what we called addition . Okay . So what we
06:32 want to do now is talk about , what does
06:34 the system of equations look like in three dimensions ?
06:37 And not only what does it look like as far
06:39 as the math , but what does it look like
06:41 in terms of physically if we try to graphic ,
06:43 what does it look like ? And what kind of
06:44 solutions can we have for a system of equations in
06:47 three dimensions ? So let's take a look at that
06:49 . What if we have a linear system of equations
06:55 in three dimensions ? What does that look like ?
06:57 Well , up here we had something times X plus
07:00 something times Y is equal to a number for all
07:03 of those . So here we have to have a
07:05 system that looks like this two X plus Y plus
07:09 Z is equal to a number . Notice the form
07:12 of this equation is exactly the same as a form
07:14 of this one . It's something times X plus something
07:16 times Y plus now we have something new . Something
07:18 times E . Is equal to a number . It's
07:20 exactly the same form . It just has a new
07:22 variable in it . All right . So I can
07:25 have another equation underneath it . three x plus two
07:28 , Y minus Z is equal to negative two .
07:32 That's another equation there in the system . And then
07:35 I have a third equation , let's say negative X
07:37 minus Y Plus six times Z is equal to 10
07:41 . So , I have three equations . Notice up
07:44 here I had two equations and two unknowns that allows
07:47 me to solve this system . Notice here I have
07:49 three equations and I also have three unknowns , X
07:52 , and Y , and Z . So , because
07:54 I have three variables , I must have three equations
07:57 to solve it . That is a , that is
07:58 something that's true of any kind of system of equations
08:01 in algebra . If you only have two variables ,
08:03 you need two equations to solve it . If you
08:05 have three equations , you need three variables to solve
08:07 it . If you have four variables , then you
08:11 need four equations to solve it . If you're working
08:13 in quantum mechanics and 11 dimensions , right then you
08:16 have 11 variables , you need 11 equations to solve
08:18 it . If you have 65 variables , which sometimes
08:22 actually happens , believe it or not , for very
08:23 complex problems with electric fields and All kinds of weird
08:27 configurations in different directions , 65 variables , you need
08:29 65 equations to solve it . That's why predicting the
08:32 weather is so hard . People say , Why can't
08:34 we predict the weather ? The weather is no big
08:36 deal . Well , the weather is one of the
08:38 most complex systems we have on the planet , because
08:40 every point in space has a pressure , it has
08:44 a temperature , it has a velocity because the air
08:47 is moving . And there's also other things , like
08:49 there's heating coming in from the sun , there's all
08:53 kinds of other effects . I don't want to get
08:54 into . There's tons of effects that come into play
08:56 for every point . And there's almost an infinite number
08:59 of points and all of those points influence all of
09:02 their neighboring points . So there's tons of variables .
09:05 And so because of that , you need tons of
09:06 equations . So in order to it's really solve the
09:09 weather systems , you have to have computers to crunch
09:11 through all of those equations . Now we only have
09:13 three equations and three unknowns . But for something really
09:16 complex , you might need 1000 equations seriously . And
09:19 when you get into gravity and black holes , you
09:21 could easily have thousands of equations to solve what's going
09:23 on near a black hole with thousands of variables ,
09:25 right ? It's true . So we need we have
09:29 three variables . We have three equations . Now the
09:31 question is , if these things look like lines ,
09:34 what do these things look like ? So these things
09:36 can't look like lines , but when you have three
09:39 variables like that and they're linear meaning , there's no
09:41 squares , no terms have squares anywhere . These do
09:44 not look like lines . These look like planes .
09:47 When you think about it , this pencil is a
09:49 line , it just goes like this . If you
09:51 take and stretch this thing in the other dimension ,
09:54 then this line then becomes a plane . It's still
09:58 kind of flat . There's no curve venous to it
10:00 . There's no beautiful like elliptical shaped or anything ,
10:03 it's still flat , it's just flat in another dimension
10:06 . Other than this one , it goes this way
10:08 and it goes this way , but it's flat .
10:09 So these things are lines . These things are planes
10:13 . You kind of have to kind of take my
10:14 word for it a little bit because these are lines
10:16 and this is by extension , these are planes .
10:18 But you can you can convince yourself of that .
10:20 If you were to plot them , I'm not going
10:23 to plot them , it would take too much time
10:24 for us to plot them . But for instance ,
10:26 one way in which you could do that is you
10:28 could solve this equation for Z and you can solve
10:31 this for Z and solve this for Z . And
10:33 then you could have an equation in terms of Z
10:36 as a function of X and Y . And we
10:37 talked about that in the last lesson . So for
10:39 instance , here is the X direction , Here is
10:43 the Y direction , here is the Z direction ,
10:46 let's pretend I'm not going to use these equations right
10:48 here . Let's say that I solved for some other
10:51 equation of Z . And it came out to be
10:53 something like this , let's say it was X .
10:56 Um Plus to I minus four notice that if I
11:00 solve for Z , I'm going to take and move
11:02 these numbers over to the other side . So I
11:04 I could have used this equation , I just didn't
11:06 , you know , negative two Y negative two ,
11:08 X minus Y plus one . Whatever you can see
11:11 there's a number in front of X , a number
11:13 in front of why in a constant . If I
11:14 move these over there's gonna be a number in front
11:16 of X , a number in front of Hawaiian ,
11:17 a constant and Z is what's equal to over here
11:20 . So Z is a function of X and Y
11:24 . That means I stick X values in and I
11:27 stick Y values in and I calculate the value ,
11:29 the height , the value of Z like this .
11:32 And because there's no squares anywhere . If you actually
11:35 made a table of values and put values of X
11:37 and values of Y and calculate the values of Z
11:39 . What you would figure out is that for a
11:42 given value of X right over here and a given
11:47 value of why ? So an X value in a
11:49 Y value , right ? You would get some value
11:52 of Z . And when you uh so let's say
11:56 this is let's say three for X and four for
11:58 why you would calculate this would give you a value
12:00 of Z for like seven or something . I'm just
12:01 making it up , right ? But then if you
12:04 did it for more and more and more points ,
12:05 what would end up happening you would find is that
12:08 this is going to form a plane . Yeah ,
12:12 it would form a plane . In other words ,
12:13 it would form a surface in three dimensional space where
12:16 the X . And Y plane is underneath it .
12:18 I I take a little points . I calculate the
12:20 value of Z . And that's gonna give me the
12:22 height . Now . The plane might be tilted like
12:24 this , or the plane might be tilted like this
12:26 or the plane might be tilted like this or like
12:28 this . You see the plane can go any which
12:29 way , just like when you have lines up here
12:32 , lines can be any which way as also .
12:34 But when you have a third dimension , the plane
12:36 can be pointed any which way you want . And
12:38 that's why it's almost impossible to graph these things on
12:40 paper . But you can put them into computers and
12:42 see beautiful pictures like that . I'm just showing you
12:45 that if you have equations that has something times X
12:47 plus something times Y plus something times Z is equal
12:50 to a number and there's no squares anywhere , no
12:53 radicals . Nothing crazy . Just the linear things .
12:56 It's always going to look like this if you saw
12:58 for Z something like this , and that's always going
13:00 to yield a plane which is just a line which
13:03 has been stretched in another direction . So , you
13:06 have to accept for a minute that these linear systems
13:08 of equations are always going to form planes . They're
13:11 always gonna look like planes . You cannot predict by
13:13 looking at them how they're going to be oriented ,
13:15 but they will always form planes . All right .
13:19 So because they can form planes the way that these
13:22 things make solutions are difficult to predict because this is
13:25 a plane . This equation represents some planes somehow in
13:28 space . This is a separate equation that forms some
13:32 different planes somehow in space . This third equation isn't
13:35 yet a third plane oriented somehow in space . So
13:38 how do we find solutions what the solutions look like
13:41 for three planes that intersect like this ? Because up
13:44 here it was easy for lines . They intersect band
13:47 . There's there's a point , it's easy to see
13:48 , oh , they parallel . Okay , there's no
13:50 solution . Okay , So how do they look when
13:52 you have planes ? Three planes ? What did the
13:54 solutions look like ? So it's gonna get cumbersome here
13:57 , but I'm gonna try to use a prop .
13:58 Okay . Because it's the best I can do .
14:01 Let me see if I can put this down here
14:04 . Um There's a couple of different cases we need
14:06 to look at . All right . The first case
14:09 , if you go back to linear systems of lines
14:12 , we had the parallel line case when there was
14:14 no solution . So , it is possible when you
14:16 have three planes like this to have no solution .
14:20 Sometimes you're going to solve the system of equations so
14:23 there's not gonna be any solution at all . What
14:25 do you think that means if there's no solution ,
14:27 that means that the plane's never intersect each other ,
14:30 but it means they never intersect at a common point
14:33 . Because remember , a solution is a common point
14:35 between all three . So , if this is a
14:37 plane and this is a plane and this is a
14:40 plan , I don't have three hands unfortunately . But
14:42 if you can visualize this is a plane coming to
14:44 you , the yellow plane is coming parallel exactly parallel
14:47 to this one . And the third plane is also
14:49 exactly parallel . Maybe there's like this , Maybe they're
14:52 angled like this , but they're all parallel , then
14:54 they never intersect . Those planes will never have a
14:57 common points , so they'll never have a solution .
14:59 So , no intersection . I can spell intersection ,
15:08 which means you have parallel . That's what that means
15:11 planes . So basically , how do you draw that
15:14 ? How do I draw that on ? You know
15:17 , on a board ? I don't know . You
15:19 could say here's a plane , Here's a plane ,
15:21 Here's a plane . I'm drawing them as lines .
15:23 This is a top view . In other words ,
15:28 you have to use your imagination , but this is
15:30 a plane right here . Then this is a plane
15:32 right here . Then this is a plane right here
15:33 . And you're looking down on them plain plain plain
15:35 . They never intersect . So there's no solution .
15:37 So , that's one way that you can get no
15:39 solution . All right . And then what is the
15:43 other thing that you can have ? You can have
15:44 no solution . Let me see . We'll check my
15:46 notes here . You can have no solution . They
15:48 don't have to be parallel to have no solution .
15:51 They can also have no solution if they just don't
15:53 intersect at a common point . So let's take a
15:56 look at another example of this . What if I
15:58 had one plane that went over like this ? Looking
16:02 again down like one plane that's like this and then
16:05 another plane that intersects it like this . But then
16:08 the third plane goes like this . So you see
16:11 I have three planes . I have one plane like
16:14 this . One plane like this in one plane like
16:16 this . But you see I do have two of
16:18 the planes intersecting and two of the planes intersecting ,
16:21 and two of the planes intersecting , but they never
16:23 all three intersected the same spot . Right ? So
16:27 here's a plane , right ? I can't do this
16:29 without being crazy awkward . There's an intersection point between
16:33 planes , right ? But then the third one intersects
16:35 the other two , but never at the same spot
16:37 because a solution has to be common to all three
16:40 of them . So this is there's no point here
16:42 that's common to all three of them . You know
16:44 like this . You could also have a plane like
16:46 this , A plane like this , A plane like
16:48 this . So yes , you have intersection points between
16:50 two of the three , but never among all three
16:53 . So , it's very common to have no solution
16:55 for planes because it's very easy to have them oriented
16:59 where they're not all going in the same spot .
17:02 Okay , now , you can also have an interesting
17:06 case where you have infinite solutions . All right .
17:16 And it's going to be a little bit easier for
17:18 me to gesture this by pretending that one of the
17:22 planes is actually the chalk board , the board here
17:24 . So pretend that one of the three of the
17:27 planes , one of the three planes actually this board
17:29 right here . If I take another plane intersect it
17:33 , then you can see that what's going to happen
17:35 . I mean , just with these two planes ,
17:36 I mean you got to pretend that this yellow plane
17:38 is going through an intersecting . You see , there's
17:41 an infinite number of points here that are common to
17:44 both of this plane . This plane is here and
17:46 this plane is right here . There's an infinity number
17:48 of points right here that are common to this .
17:51 So then if I take my third plane , let's
17:53 say here is one of the three planes . Here's
17:55 one of the three planes . Here is one of
17:57 the three planes and it intersects exactly on this line
17:59 . You see , this one also goes through the
18:02 board . This one also goes through the board and
18:03 they go through it exactly the same spot . There's
18:06 an infinity number of points right along this line that's
18:09 common to this plane , to this plane , and
18:11 also to this plane all at the same spot and
18:14 there's an infinite number of them . So if you
18:16 had , if you wanted to draw that , it's
18:18 very difficult . But from a top view , you
18:21 could say you had one plane , here's another plane
18:23 and the third plane goes right through top view ,
18:28 looking down on the plains , it looks like a
18:30 single point . But really these are all planes .
18:33 So this thing forms a line that goes down there
18:35 and that's why there's an infinite number of points .
18:37 So sometimes you'll solve your system of equations in three
18:40 dimensions and you won't get a single answer . You'll
18:42 actually get an infinity of answers . And that's because
18:45 the three planes came together in such a way that
18:47 they all just kind of found one infinity of one
18:49 line , which forms an infinite number of points like
18:53 this . Now , finally I saved the best for
18:56 last . There is a way in which you can
18:58 have one single solution . You can also have one
19:00 solution right now . Again , it's gonna be easier
19:06 for you to pretend that the board is one of
19:10 these planes . What if the board was one of
19:12 the three planes and then I have one of this
19:17 guy coming in like this . So you see if
19:19 I have him going through this forms an infinity of
19:22 commonality between them . But then if I take this
19:24 one and it's really hard to do because I can't
19:26 cut through . But what if I have this plane
19:28 going through as like this as well , cutting through
19:32 the orange one and cutting through the board down here
19:35 ? So you see what's going to happen is this
19:37 is an infinity number of points . But once this
19:39 one slices through , there's only gonna be one point
19:41 where all of them kind of touch , right in
19:44 the middle , I can try my best to draw
19:46 it , but it's gonna be different . Let's difficult
19:48 . Let's say I have a plane here in a
19:50 plane here . I'm looking at a top view .
19:53 Mhm . So there's an intersection point plane here and
19:57 a plane here just like this and this forms a
20:00 line of infinite solutions . But then the third plane
20:04 is actually uh is actually kind of like perpendicular to
20:10 those . So , in other words , it's a
20:12 flat board and you have these two planes cutting through
20:15 it . So , even though it would have been
20:18 an infinity a line of infinite points , it cuts
20:21 through a board . And so there's really only one
20:24 point right here in the center where everything crosses criss
20:27 cross and the other one cuts through one point one
20:32 solution , it's a single point , It would be
20:35 like X comma y comma z , it would be
20:37 some number and that would be the single solution .
20:40 So again , it's difficult because everything is in three
20:43 dimensions and it's very hard to gesture , but you
20:45 can very easily have no solutions if you have three
20:48 parallel planes , or if the three planes cut in
20:50 such a way that they don't all go in the
20:52 same , cut in the same exact location , that's
20:55 gonna give you no solution at all . Or if
20:57 they cut through each other where they all go through
21:00 a common line , then you have an infinity of
21:01 solutions common to both . Or if you have to
21:04 that form kind of a line of solutions and have
21:06 the third one slice through that . Then you're only
21:08 gonna have one point right at the intersection of all
21:11 three of them . That's going to form a single
21:12 point X comma , Y commas e that's going to
21:15 be your solution . So what we need to do
21:17 now is keep this in the back of our mind
21:21 while we solve our first set of equations , because
21:25 the type of solution you get is going to be
21:27 one of these essentially . So our first system is
21:31 going to look like this . Let's say we have
21:33 two X plus three , Y plus two . Z
21:38 Is equal to 13 . The next equation is two
21:41 , Y plus Z is equal to one . And
21:44 the third equation is Z is equal to three .
21:48 So you might say this does not look like you
21:51 told me it would look , you said it would
21:53 look like this , but notice this is something times
21:55 X plus something times Y plus something times Z is
21:57 equal to a number , something times X plus something
21:59 times Y plus something times . He is , he
22:01 will know the same thing for here here , it's
22:03 the same thing . It's still something times X .
22:05 It's just zero . And then something times why in
22:08 something times for this one , it's still something times
22:10 X . It happens to be zero X , zero
22:12 Y . And something times the so you see all
22:14 of these still form planes . Um uh it's just
22:18 that some of the variables are set equal to zero
22:20 . So they all still form three planes in a
22:23 space and they're all going to intersect in some kind
22:25 of way . Now I want to point out to
22:27 you that the shape of this thing kind of looks
22:31 like a triangle like this . Notice has got a
22:34 point in here goes down like this . This is
22:36 called triangle for when a system of equations in three
22:44 variables in general a system of equations . Let me
22:47 just back up for a second . If you wanted
22:50 to solve this thing by substitution , you can definitely
22:53 do it . But it's very hard to do .
22:54 It's just it's not crazy heart . It's just a
22:57 lot of work on the paper to do it .
22:59 Why is that the case ? Because if I wanted
23:01 to solve this by substitution , I have to pick
23:05 two equations to solve for different variables and then substitute
23:08 into the third one . So I could solve this
23:10 one for X . X . Is equal to some
23:12 junk . And then I would have to pick this
23:14 one in salt for why ? Why is equal to
23:16 some junk ? I move everything over once . I
23:18 have X . And Y . I take both of
23:19 them and put them into here . And then I'm
23:22 gonna have and be able to solve for something and
23:23 then I have to back substitute several times . And
23:26 so you're taking two equations solving for different things .
23:28 You're plugging in your rearranging your plugging it again and
23:31 it's just it's kind of a spaghetti mess . Okay
23:33 If your system of equations already looks like this ,
23:37 it's much , much easier to solve . And let's
23:40 look at why that is the case . We call
23:42 this triangular form . It makes it easy to solve
23:44 . Why ? Because then I can just take the
23:46 Z . Value which is already given to me and
23:48 I can plug it in directly into the equation above
23:52 . I don't want to put it into this one
23:54 . If I do put it into this one that's
23:55 fine . But I don't have X and Y ,
23:57 which is still unknown and I cannot solve for them
24:00 . But if I put it into here then I
24:02 can solve for something . So the way I do
24:04 that , as I say two times Y plus Z
24:09 . But nano Z is equal to three is why
24:12 I just take and plug it into that second equation
24:14 To Y is equal to subtract to get -2 .
24:17 Why is equal to negative one ? So now I
24:19 know that Y is equal to a number . It's
24:22 one of the three numbers I need I need X
24:23 . I need Y and N . E . Z
24:25 . And actually I know what Z is equal to
24:27 and now I know why is equal to . So
24:29 actually all I need is to know what X is
24:30 equal to . How do you think I figured that
24:32 out ? Well , now I know what she is
24:34 now I know what why is I take both of
24:36 those and stick them back in here . So what
24:38 I do is I plug in , why is equal
24:42 to negative one and Z is equal to three in
24:46 to the following equation . The big one at the
24:48 top two X plus three . Y plus two .
24:51 Z is equal to 13 . I just stick these
24:54 values in so I get to X plus three times
24:58 wide which is negative one plus two times Z which
25:01 is three , it's 13 . So I have two
25:05 X . This becomes negative three , this becomes six
25:10 like this . I add these together to X Plus
25:16 three , add these together . Get three is equal
25:17 to 13 and now i subtract 13 minus three is
25:22 10 and then I divide by two and I get
25:25 five I get X . Is equal to five .
25:27 So now I know X is five and why is
25:28 negative one ? N Z is equal to three .
25:30 So now I can write my solution , it's going
25:32 to be only one solution is just one point that
25:35 I found . The X value was five , the
25:38 y value is negative one and the z value was
25:42 three . And this is of course X comma Y
25:45 comma Z double check myself five , comma negative one
25:48 , comma three . All right now this was so
25:52 easy to solve because the system was already in what
25:56 we call Triangle form , triangle forms really easy because
25:59 it basically means that one of the variables has already
26:01 given to you , essentially you take that single variable
26:04 that was given to you and you put it into
26:05 the next bigger equation right above . And because it's
26:09 a triangle , if you stick it in here ,
26:10 you're always going to be able to find the next
26:12 variable . Once you have those two , you stick
26:14 them both into the triangle above . So you kind
26:16 of work above the up and up and up like
26:18 this , eventually getting to where you find that third
26:21 variable . Now this system of equations is not in
26:24 triangle form . So what we're gonna do is we
26:27 solve these is we're going to get a little more
26:28 practice with solving these in triangular form to make sure
26:31 you kind of get a little more practical , what
26:32 I just showed you here , and then we're going
26:35 to do these kinds of equations here where the system
26:37 is not in triangular form like this , but guess
26:40 what we're gonna do ? We're going to learn a
26:42 technique to take this system and put it into triangular
26:46 form . We're gonna be able to take any system
26:48 like this and manipulate it so that it always looks
26:51 like a triangle like this . So then we can
26:54 do the easy solution method . Now , if you
26:55 look at other algebra books , even the ones I
26:58 learned on way back in the day , we may
27:01 have learned this , maybe we didn't , maybe we
27:02 did , but we learned other ways to solve these
27:04 systems . But almost all the other ways are actually
27:06 way more cumbersome trying to substitute backwards , substitute all
27:10 these different ways , trying to add them and eliminate
27:13 to everything all at once . It's very , very
27:16 difficult to do the way that we're gonna learn here
27:18 is bulletproof and it works for everything if it's already
27:21 in triangular form , do this method and it works
27:23 every time . If it's not in triangular form ,
27:25 we're gonna manipulate it to put it into triangular form
27:28 and then we're gonna do the same technique and we'll
27:29 get the solution correct every single time with a minimum
27:32 of heart of heart Farm . So we did a
27:36 lot in this lesson . We learned about the concept
27:39 of linear systems . In two dimensions , they form
27:41 lines , either they intersect and they have one solution
27:43 or their parallel and they have no solutions . A
27:46 linear system in three dimensions do not form lines .
27:48 They form planes , three planes which can be oriented
27:51 and intersect in very weird and interesting kind of ways
27:54 . You can have them not intersect at all or
27:57 intersect in ways where they don't all come together at
27:59 once and that has actually no commonality among all three
28:02 . So there's no solution or they can intersect in
28:05 such a way that they form an infinity of solutions
28:07 that run along the intersection line . So you have
28:09 an infinite solution . This is also called by the
28:11 way , a dependent set of equations . It's called
28:14 dependent set of equations . When you have infinite solutions
28:17 like that , or you can just simply have one
28:19 point is a solution where you have a plane where
28:22 two more planes crisscrossing go into it . You only
28:24 have one point and that is the exact kind of
28:27 solution that we had or the type of system that
28:29 we had here , we had one point , you
28:31 cannot figure out by looking at your system if it's
28:34 going to have one solutions , no solutions or infinite
28:36 solutions , you have to try to solve it .
28:38 So follow me on to the next lesson after you
28:40 have practiced this , we're gonna get some more practice
28:43 with solving these triangle systems by substitution . And then
28:46 we'll work on the more general , more complex uh
28:50 linear systems and three variables . As I mentioned ,
28:52 we're gonna make them into triangular form before we solve
28:55 them . So we'll work on that at the very
28:56 last part . So make sure you can do this
28:58 . Following on to the next lesson will continue building
29:01 your skills right now .


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