10 - What are Composite Functions? (Part 1) - Evaluating Composition of Functions & Examples - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

10 - What are Composite Functions? (Part 1) - Evaluating Composition of Functions & Examples - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

10 - What are Composite Functions? (Part 1) - Evaluating Composition of Functions & Examples - By Math and Science

00:00 Hello . Welcome back . The title of this lesson
00:03 is called composite functions . This is part one of
00:06 two . Now I'm excited to teach this because I
00:08 get lots and lots of correspondence with students . They
00:11 get really confused with composite functions . Let me break
00:14 it down in the beginning and tell you that the
00:15 concept is very very simple to understand . We have
00:18 to go through some background material before you kind of
00:20 kind of clicks with you . Remember a function in
00:23 general is like a black box . It's like a
00:26 mathematical box . Inside that box is a mathematical calculation
00:30 called a function to the input of the box are
00:33 input values . We call those X values . Those
00:36 X values are fed one at a time into this
00:38 box . Inside the box the calculation happens you know
00:42 ffx and the calculation you know happens according to whatever
00:45 the function is . And then on the output you
00:47 get the corresponding output which is what we call F
00:50 of X . And we can plot X versus F
00:52 of X . And that's what we get . We
00:53 get a graph of all the input functions in showing
00:56 what all the output functions are . A composite function
00:59 at the biggest overview is basically if you take two
01:03 separate functions , totally different functions , we call one
01:06 of them F of X and we call one of
01:08 them G of X . We have to give them
01:10 different names because if we call them both , ffx
01:12 will get confused . There are two different functions .
01:15 And then what we're gonna do is we're going to
01:16 change those functions together . We're going to send the
01:19 input into one function . We're gonna get the output
01:21 , we're gonna take that output , we're gonna send
01:23 it right back into another function over here and we're
01:26 gonna get its output . So together those two functions
01:29 operate as a team input comes in into one function
01:32 . You get an output and intermediate output . But
01:35 that output goes right into the next function and we
01:37 get the final output composite function means we take two
01:40 things and make a composite calculation which is kind of
01:43 a combination of the two , this composite function thing
01:46 we learned in algebra and pre calculus but we use
01:49 it extensively and calculus because very quickly the problems get
01:53 much more complicated and you have to understand what a
01:55 composite function is to do almost anything in calculus .
01:58 So let's take it with a very very simple example
02:02 . Let's say we have a function let's call it
02:05 G . Of X . Because we have to have
02:07 different names F of X and G . Fx .
02:08 We're gonna say this function is equal to two times
02:10 X . And we're gonna say we have another function
02:13 called F of X . And this function is X
02:16 squared . So the job of this function is to
02:19 take whatever I stick into this function and just square
02:22 it . All it does is it squares the input
02:24 . If I put a two in there I get
02:25 a four . If I put a three in there
02:27 I get a nine . If I put a four
02:28 in there I get a 16 and so on .
02:30 This function in the job of it is just to
02:32 double the input . If I put a two in
02:34 I get a four . If I put a three
02:36 in I get a six . If I put a
02:38 four in I get an eight because whatever I put
02:41 into that g function I just double it right now
02:44 . What we're gonna do is link these functions together
02:46 , we're gonna send an input into here , get
02:48 an output and we're gonna send it right back into
02:50 the other function and get the final output . And
02:53 that thing that process is called a composite function .
02:56 So graphically what we're gonna do is we're gonna take
02:59 X values and we're gonna stick them in not just
03:02 into one function but into two functions . The first
03:05 function that we're going to send them into is the
03:08 G of X functions . We're gonna get some answer
03:11 right . Whatever the answer is , we're gonna get
03:13 it but we're gonna send that answer directly into another
03:16 box . And in this box contains the F of
03:19 X function , right ? And then this is the
03:23 part that usually confuses students but should shouldn't confusion .
03:26 Now the output of this thing is written like this
03:30 F of G of X . You see the way
03:36 you need to read this is , you know ,
03:38 order of operations . Remember order of operations When you
03:41 have nested parentheses . What do you do you look
03:44 at the inside parentheses first . If you have some
03:47 addition going on and the innermost parentheses , you have
03:49 to do it first . Then you go a little
03:52 bit beyond and a little bit beyond expanding and going
03:54 through the princess from inside to outside . Same thing
03:57 here you have to put the uh value into the
04:01 innermost function first evaluate the answer . But whatever you
04:05 get out of that is what is sent into the
04:07 F function because remember F of X . Whatever is
04:09 in here gets passed to the F function . So
04:12 first you evaluate G . You get an answer and
04:16 you stick it into the F function , go from
04:17 inside to outside graphically . You stick on number in
04:20 calculate G of X . That number gets fed into
04:23 ffx . But this is how you write it .
04:25 It's called a composite function . We're not gonna be
04:27 drawing pictures , you're gonna be writing this . You
04:29 need to know you work inside to outside . All
04:33 right now these are called I'll just write it down
04:36 composite functions because there are composite of two other functions
04:45 . But I think I have some better terminology for
04:48 you . Uh actually need to learn how to spell
04:51 composite . There's an E . Right there . Um
04:54 I like to say that they are chained functions and
05:05 you can see why because you do one then you
05:06 do the other . And by the way you can
05:08 have a composite function with more than two functions .
05:10 You can take an input going into one function and
05:13 feeds into another function feeds into a third function .
05:15 Maybe it even feeds into a force function and you
05:17 get the final answer . Those are kind of chained
05:20 together . So I like to actually call them chained
05:22 functions . But even a better word than change functions
05:26 would be this nested functions if you like this picture
05:35 better . It looks more like a chain . But
05:37 if you like this picture better , it looks more
05:39 like a nested nested , like in computer program nest
05:42 nested means one thing inside of another , inside of
05:44 another , inside of another . They're nested inside .
05:46 But you always have to go into the innermost thing
05:49 first . Just like order of operations and work your
05:51 way out . All right , so , we have
05:53 a concrete example . We have these two functions .
05:56 Uh And what I'm gonna do is write them down
05:58 again because I've used so much board space . I
06:00 want to make sure and have it very uh clear
06:03 here . G of X is two . X .
06:07 Eh Fedex is X squared . So now let's do
06:11 some real calculations and show how easy this really is
06:13 . If you take an input value of X is
06:15 equal to two , I can pick any number at
06:17 what I'm gonna stick a number of X is equal
06:19 to two and I'm gonna stick it into G of
06:21 X . So I have to evaluate G at X
06:24 is equal to two , then I'm gonna stick it
06:26 in here and then two times two is gonna give
06:28 me four , but then I'm gonna take the output
06:30 of this guy and I'm gonna feed it directly into
06:33 uh the function F . Of X . But really
06:37 what you're doing is you're saying F of G of
06:39 X because what you're doing is the argument , what's
06:42 going into the f function is whatever you calculated prior
06:45 to that . So it's going to be F of
06:48 G of two because that's the number I use .
06:50 So I got a four here , so I'm evaluating
06:53 F of G F two , which means I'm evaluating
06:55 the function at the number four , I'm taking this
06:58 and I'm sticking it right into this function And that
07:00 is equal to 16 . Why ? Because when I
07:02 take this and stick it in here , four times
07:04 four is 16 . All right , let's do another
07:08 one . What if I say X is equal to
07:10 three ? Well , I have to go into G
07:14 first evaluated at three . I'm gonna double it .
07:17 So three plus three or three times two is six
07:20 . I'm gonna take this and then I have to
07:21 feed it into the next function . So F .
07:23 Of G of three . Right ? Because I take
07:27 whatever I got in the output and I stick it
07:29 in here means it's F of whatever I calculated before
07:34 . And then six goes right into here . Six
07:36 times six is 36 . So , you would say
07:38 F of G of three is 36 . F of
07:40 G . Of two is 16 . Now . We've
07:44 done it with numbers . We can stick numbers in
07:47 here and get numbers all day long . But what
07:49 if we keep it a little bit more general ?
07:50 What if we just feed a general value of X
07:53 . N . We're not gonna say X . Is
07:54 equal to one or X is equal to two or
07:56 X is equal to negative three . We're just gonna
07:58 keep it general because remember , a function can take
08:00 any value of X . N . That's in its
08:02 domain . So let's just keep it general say let's
08:05 feed the value of X . M . We're gonna
08:07 again go and feed into the G . Function .
08:10 But in this case we're putting a generic thing and
08:12 so we're gonna make it G . Of X .
08:13 Because that's what we're sticking in , right ? And
08:16 what is that going to be ? Well , we
08:17 stick this in here and we're gonna get to X
08:20 out . Whatever goes in gets multiplied by two .
08:22 So the answer to G of X two X ,
08:25 we're gonna take this and we're gonna feed it in
08:27 here , F of G of X Is going to
08:32 be f of whatever I got here , two x
08:37 . And whenever I put it in here , what
08:39 am I going to get ? I'm gonna get to
08:41 X quantity squared because whatever I put in to the
08:44 f function is what is square , This whole thing
08:47 is here . So the whole thing is squared .
08:49 So , kind of a summary , you can see
08:52 it very clearly with numbers what we're doing by changing
08:54 these functions together , students sometimes get a little bit
08:57 more confused whenever we just keep it as variables .
09:00 But what we're basically saying is that uh in conclusion
09:04 , I would say so dot dot dot right F
09:07 of G of x is called a composite function of
09:11 the g function evaluated first , then the f function
09:14 . And what we get from that by doing it
09:16 and running it through there is we get to x
09:18 quantity squared or you can write it and say that
09:21 F of G of x is equal to , we
09:25 have something squared . We can apply the exponent here
09:28 and get four x squared . We just apply the
09:30 exponents of both things for x squared . So this
09:33 is called a composite function . Notice that what we're
09:36 saying is that we have two functions . One of
09:38 them is G fx . One of them is ffx
09:39 when we combine them together in this way , so
09:42 that we first evaluate the g functions , then evaluate
09:45 the F function . The resulting function is not the
09:49 g function , and the resulting function is not the
09:52 X function . It's kind of like a baby function
09:54 that's like a daughter or a son product of the
09:57 original two functions , right ? Four X squared is
10:00 kind of like this and kind of like this ,
10:03 but it really has characteristics of both . And so
10:06 this is called a composite function . So if something
10:09 on your test said , hey , you have a
10:10 G function and an F function , tell me what
10:12 F of G of X is , all you have
10:13 to do is take this guy sticking into here .
10:16 And this is the general thing that you would get
10:18 back . You can see that it's nested in the
10:20 way that we write it here you go inside to
10:22 outside . Or you can think of , it doesn't
10:25 change however you like to think about it . Um
10:29 Now what we need to do is solve some problems
10:31 because everybody can kind of get the general idea of
10:34 it . But until we do a few problems ,
10:36 it's gonna be a little bit fuzzy . So now
10:38 let's turn our attention and let's redefine the two functions
10:41 we have . So no longer are we talking about
10:43 these two functions ? Now we're gonna change the functions
10:45 and make them a little bit different than these .
10:47 So we can get a little practice . So ,
10:50 I give this to you . Given F of X
10:55 Is three X -5 . G of X . Is
11:00 the square root of X . All right , let's
11:04 take a look . Let's do a part a here
11:07 . What would f of G of four be equal
11:12 to remember ? You can think of it as nested
11:14 or change however you want to think of it .
11:15 But ultimately , you got to go on the inside
11:17 first and do this first . So , this is
11:19 what I recommend that you do look at the innermost
11:22 princes and say , well , first I have to
11:23 figure out what G . F four is equal to
11:25 . I have a definition of G right here ,
11:28 so it's going to be the square root of whatever
11:29 is here . Plugging into this location . So G
11:33 of four Is going to be equal to two .
11:36 That's what that's equal to . Yeah . And then
11:39 directly kind of like the next part of the process
11:43 is you're going to go and say , well ,
11:45 then I have to take this and plug it into
11:47 the F function . So F of G of four
11:51 is F of whatever I calculated in the previous answer
11:55 , which is this thing , which is to So
11:58 I now have to take that to and plug it
12:00 into the F function . Which means it's going to
12:03 be three times two minus five because I'm just sticking
12:07 this value exactly where the X . Is , so
12:10 three times two is six minus five which is equal
12:13 to one . So what you have figured out is
12:16 that F . Of G . Of four is equal
12:21 to one . This is the final answer . So
12:24 you're asked to calculate what this composite function is ,
12:26 literally all you have to do is look at the
12:28 innermost thing , calculate that first , take the answer
12:31 , run it through the other function , which is
12:33 the slightly most outermost function and calculate the answer .
12:36 You want to believe the number of students that I
12:38 get with this confusion on this topic because it looks
12:42 really complicated double parentheses , different functions . This so
12:45 look so hard . But if you just look in
12:47 the inside work your way out , it's all going
12:49 to be the same thing . Mhm . All right
12:51 , so now what we wanna do is uh calculate
12:55 , I'm gonna do the exact same thing . I'm
12:57 gonna say , I'm gonna rewrite the function . So
12:58 ffx Is three X -5 G . of X .
13:04 Is the square root of X . So I'm gonna
13:06 we're gonna do a function . That's a calculation is
13:08 very similar right here . Instead of F of G
13:11 . F four , Let's do G of F of
13:15 four . Now , a lot of students get confused
13:18 because you look at these two things F of G
13:21 four G . Of F . Of four and you
13:23 think , oh well it's gonna be the same exact
13:25 thing is going to be , what did I get
13:26 here ? One is gonna be one . Right ,
13:28 and a lot of times , I think students think
13:30 this , because you think about multiplication , three times
13:33 two is 62 times three is six . Okay ,
13:36 same thing , two plus three is five , three
13:39 plus two is five . Same thing . So it
13:41 seems that in math things often happen in reverse order
13:44 . No problem . But for composite functions it's not
13:46 the case . You cannot just reverse the order of
13:49 things and get the same , calculate the same answer
13:51 . Let's see why we have to look at the
13:54 innermost parentheses first . So we have to calculate F
13:57 of four . First F is this function ? So
14:01 it's going to be three times the four minus the
14:03 five . Right ? So f of four Is going
14:09 to be equal , this is 12 -5 , so
14:12 f of four is going to be equal to seven
14:16 . Okay . And then whatever I get at the
14:18 output of this function , I got to run it
14:20 through the outermost function which is G . So then
14:22 you say G of F of four is going to
14:27 be equal to whatever I got for this , Which
14:30 means GF seven Stick it in there . Right ?
14:33 And what is that ? I stick a seven into
14:35 the G function . That's the square root of seven
14:38 . And that's the answer squared of seven . So
14:40 you get g . of f . of four Is
14:44 equal to the square root of seven . And I
14:45 know that you can see that this answer is completely
14:47 and totally different than this one . So in general
14:51 in general F of G of X is not equal
14:58 to G of F . Of X . You see
15:01 how this thing looks . So complicated . Even when
15:03 I write it down like oh my gosh , it's
15:04 so complicated . But now that we've done a couple
15:07 and you can see what I'm talking about , all
15:09 it's saying is that if I make a composite function
15:11 where the innermost is G . And the outermost is
15:13 death . And make another composite function where the innermost
15:16 is F . Done first . And then going into
15:18 G . And you do those calculations , you're not
15:20 gonna get the same thing , I'm gonna write down
15:22 here in general . It turns out there's actually a
15:29 very important exception to this . And we're gonna get
15:32 to that very soon . It's called an inverse function
15:35 . When I craft a very specially created function called
15:39 an inverse function . Then it turns out that these
15:41 can actually be equal . But in general , for
15:43 two random functions , I just pull off the shelf
15:46 , I just pull this one from over here .
15:47 This one over here , randomly . Then the composite
15:50 functions when you flip them around and are not gonna
15:52 be the same thing . All right . So we've
15:55 done a couple of these with numbers . Now I
15:57 want to do just a little bit to wrap it
15:59 up with variables . So let's rewrite these functions again
16:02 , The ffx function was three x minus five .
16:06 The g fx function was the square root of X
16:09 . Now , what I want to calculate next ,
16:11 uh for part C you could say is F of
16:16 G of X . You might say , didn't we
16:18 just do that ? Well , no , we calculated
16:20 F of G of the number four , then we
16:22 calculated G of f of the number four . Now
16:24 we're changing it , so we're not just putting a
16:26 number and we're just gonna leave it general and say
16:28 it could be anything , we're gonna call it X
16:30 . So how do you do that ? Well ,
16:32 you first have to say , well I put the
16:34 value into G and I'm gonna get whatever I get
16:37 out of G , what am I going to get
16:38 out of G ? I'm gonna get the square root
16:40 of X . Whatever I put in here , I'm
16:42 gonna get the squared of X . Um So what
16:44 you're going to have here is f . Of the
16:47 square root of X . Because that's what G .
16:49 Of X . Is equal to you . Take this
16:51 and you have to pass that into the F .
16:54 Function . So then you have to put it into
16:57 here three times the square root of X minus five
17:01 . I take whatever is in here and I stick
17:03 it into the F . Function . Then when I
17:04 get is F . Of G . Of X is
17:08 equal to three times the square root of X minus
17:11 five . This is what you would circle on your
17:13 paper , F . of G . of X is
17:16 three times a squared of X -5 . Now the
17:21 next part of the problem , the d . Part
17:24 is we want to flip this order around G .
17:26 Of F . Of X . Here we did G
17:29 first then plug it into X . Here , we're
17:32 gonna do F first , then plug it into G
17:34 . What do you think we're gonna get ? You
17:35 think we're gonna get the same exact thing ? No
17:37 , you're not because in general when you do the
17:39 order of the composite backwards , it's gonna be a
17:42 different answer . And so that's what we're gonna see
17:44 here . If we look at the innermost function ,
17:47 it's just ffx . We stick an F . We're
17:48 gonna stick an X . In , we get ffx
17:51 out . So what we have to do is pass
17:53 whatever this is into the G function , It's gonna
17:56 be g . of this three X -5 because the
18:01 FFX function is equal to this . Then we have
18:05 to take whatever is here and stick it into the
18:06 G function , which is just the square root of
18:09 that . So what we're going to get is G
18:12 . Of F . Of X is equal to the
18:16 square root of three x minus five . You see
18:19 if we take this entire thing and that goes into
18:21 the g function , which means it's a square root
18:24 of that whole thing . So this is the answer
18:26 . So F of G of x is three times
18:28 the square root of x minus five , And G
18:30 of F of X is three times X -5 .
18:33 And then the radical around the whole thing . Now
18:35 , I know that you think this kind of looks
18:36 sort of like this , but because the radical is
18:38 in a different location , you agree with me that
18:40 these are gonna give different answers and that's exactly why
18:43 we got the different answers when we just stuck to
18:45 numbers there . So here we introduce the very important
18:49 concept of a composite function . I know it's hard
18:51 to see why we care about composite functions in the
18:53 beginning . We have to crawl before we can walk
18:56 . The truth is they're important because they feed into
18:59 what an inverse function is very soon . And inverse
19:02 functions feed into law algorithms and algorithms feed into other
19:05 things . So we're building , we're kind of like
19:06 building the foundation . We're down here at the bottom
19:08 , building the foundation , understand composite functions and make
19:12 sure you can solve all of these problems . Follow
19:14 me on to the next lesson . We're going to
19:15 get some more practice with composite functions before moving on
19:18 to the concept of an inverse function . And as
19:21 I said before , in general , when you flip
19:23 the order of the composite here , F of G
19:25 of X in general is not equal to G F
19:27 fx in general . But the special case exception to
19:30 that is when we when we introduce the concept of
19:33 an inverse function later , that's a very special function
19:36 where the order of the composite actually doesn't matter .
19:39 So we're gonna save that for later and you're gonna
19:41 see how important inverse functions are in math . So
19:43 solve these . Follow me on to the next lesson
19:45 . Get more practice with composite functions right now .


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