18 - Properties of Logarithms (Log x) - Part 1 - Laws of Logs - Calculate Logs & Simplify - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

18 - Properties of Logarithms (Log x) - Part 1 - Laws of Logs - Calculate Logs & Simplify - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

18 - Properties of Logarithms (Log x) - Part 1 - Laws of Logs - Calculate Logs & Simplify - By Math and Science

00:00 Hello . Welcome back . The title of this lesson
00:02 is called the laws of logarithms . So in this
00:06 lesson , what we're gonna do is really dive into
00:08 the properties of logarithms and some of the most important
00:11 core laws of logarithms that you're going to be using
00:14 over and over and over again . So this material
00:17 is every bit as important as things that you might
00:19 have learned in the past , like laws of exponents
00:21 or laws of radicals . The laws of logarithms are
00:24 things that you would use through the rest of algebra
00:26 and pre calculus and trig and calculus in 12 and
00:30 three and on and on and on because algorithms are
00:32 not gonna go away . So what I want to
00:34 do in the beginning is I want to just have
00:35 them on the board . I don't want to hit
00:37 you over the head with them , but I want
00:38 to talk to you about what they really mean .
00:40 And then we're gonna solve some problems in the next
00:43 few lessons to use these laws of logarithms . So
00:45 you know how to use them . And I have
00:46 a lesson about two or three lessons from now ,
00:48 where I'm going to derive all of these . So
00:50 if you want to know where these laws come from
00:51 , I want you to kind of stick with me
00:53 and we'll do that a little bit later . I
00:54 don't want to bog the discussion down at the beginning
00:57 with deriving where they come from until we get some
00:59 practice . But if you stick with me , we
01:01 will talk about exactly where these laws come from and
01:03 it's very , very understandable . So here are the
01:05 laws of logarithms . I have five of them on
01:08 on the board here . Typically in most books ,
01:11 you're only gonna see three laws , you'll probably see
01:13 these 334 and five , you'll see them boxed in
01:17 on your paper number one and number two on my
01:19 board I think are so important . So that's why
01:21 I want to have them up at the top .
01:23 Because really and truly when we learn logarithms , we
01:26 learn them for a reason . We use all of
01:28 these laws , but we use number one and number
01:30 two all the time in dealing with equations and in
01:32 calculus and trig and other places down the road .
01:35 So they're so important . I want to put them
01:36 here . So even if your book says there's only
01:38 three laws of logarithms , I want you to now
01:40 know there's really five at least what I consider to
01:42 be five laws of log robes . The first to
01:45 come from . The fact that allow algorithm is an
01:49 inverse function from the exponential function . If you don't
01:51 remember that , then you need to go back to
01:53 learn to my basic lessons in what algorithm really is
01:56 . But if you remember what we have , we
01:58 have inverse functions is we have a function number one
02:01 and function number two . In this case an exponential
02:03 function and the law algorithm , which they're in verses
02:05 of when each other of one another . If we
02:08 stick an input into the first function , calculator result
02:12 , stick that thing into the second function , the
02:14 inverse function , what it does is it kind of
02:16 un does or it reverses the calculation of the first
02:19 function , that's what an inverse does . So when
02:22 you put a function with its inverse and put them
02:24 in a chain like that , basically , it kind
02:27 of does the first function and what you get back
02:29 is exactly what you started with , that's what an
02:31 inverse function is . And that's what these first two
02:33 laws are telling you what we're saying is the base
02:35 be law algorithm . You have to replace B with
02:37 a number , you know , every all these algorithms
02:39 have numbers . Base two logarithms , base 10 logarithms
02:42 , whatever . So in this case we're keeping in
02:44 general were saying the bases be if you take a
02:46 base be law algorithm of something that is itself an
02:50 exponential be raised to the power of some number K
02:54 . And then what happens is the law algorithm kind
02:56 of UN does or it annihilates the exponential . They
02:59 kind of cancel each other and all you get back
03:01 is K . That's extremely important for you to remember
03:04 . And in my opinion , most books don't emphasize
03:06 it enough . It is one of the most important
03:08 , most useful , most critical things that you don't
03:10 understand about logarithms . They can undo or annihilate or
03:15 if you want to use a rough word , they
03:16 can kill an exponential . So here you have this
03:19 exponential B to the power of K . Could be
03:21 two to the power of three or three to the
03:23 power of five or whatever . If I take a
03:25 long algorithm that has the same base of that whole
03:28 thing then the log rhythm kills the exponential , they
03:31 disappear and all you have left is K . So
03:33 you can see right away how it's useful for solving
03:35 equations because a lot of times I want to solve
03:38 for something but I may need to kill that exponential
03:41 to get rid of it . So that's how I
03:42 do it with a log rhythm . Now the law
03:44 number two is exactly the same thing in reverse .
03:47 Just like a log can kill an exponential . An
03:50 exponential can kill algorithm . See here we have a
03:53 long algorithm , a base beale algorithm of some number
03:56 but we take that whole thing and we raise it
03:58 B to the power of that . So we have
04:00 an exponential base B . But what we're taking the
04:03 exponential of YsL algorithm again . Same base B .
04:06 So the exponential cancels or annihilates the law algorithm giving
04:10 you the number back . Now , if you remember
04:12 back to in verses and discussions of inverse is we
04:15 did a lot of that recently . Again you take
04:17 an input into the first function , then run that
04:20 through the inverse and what you get back is exactly
04:22 what you put in . That's what an inverse function
04:24 is . So here if you think about it ,
04:27 if the input to this whole process is K right
04:31 then the first function you run it through is B
04:33 to the power of K . And then you take
04:35 that result and you run it through its inverse ,
04:37 which is a long algorithm , log rhythm based be
04:39 So you take an input of K . Run it
04:41 through the function which is an exponential , then do
04:44 its inverse , which is the logarithms . So they
04:46 all kill each other and all you get back out
04:48 is what you start with K . Here , you're
04:51 taking the law algorithm of a number in right ?
04:53 And so you're running it through the first function ,
04:55 which is a long algorithm and then you get the
04:57 result of that and you do its inverse . You
04:59 take B to raise to that power , which is
05:01 the inverse of the algorithm . So they kill each
05:02 other again and you get what you start with C
05:04 . In both cases you get when you started with
05:06 that's what an inverse function is . Okay now the
05:09 rest of these guys were going to use them as
05:11 we kind of encounter problems here in just a minute
05:13 . But I'm going to derive all of these in
05:15 a future lesson as I said . But basically when
05:18 you have two things multiplied together and you take there'll
05:20 algorithm then it becomes like addition of logarithms . So
05:24 multiplication of things that functions or numbers . When you
05:29 take the law algorithm becomes addition of logarithms . So
05:31 multiplication becomes addition of logarithms . Okay , likewise division
05:36 of numbers once you take the algorithm becomes like subtraction
05:40 . So it's kind of like it's like a transformation
05:42 rule like multiplication kind of becomes addition of logarithms and
05:46 division kind of becomes like subtraction . That kind of
05:49 it is subtraction of logarithms . It's kind of a
05:52 transformation . If you don't like working with multiplication .
05:54 No problem . You can make it into addition .
05:56 You gotta take algorithms first though to make it happen
05:58 . But you can do that right If you don't
06:00 like division . Maybe it's really hard to do take
06:03 the algorithm then your division goes away and you only
06:05 have subtraction . So some problems are really hard .
06:07 Maybe you have a very complicated division of two .
06:10 Very complicated things . No problem . Take the algorithm
06:12 and then division goes away , it becomes subtraction .
06:15 But then you have the added baggage . If you
06:16 have to take algorithms , right ? And then there
06:19 last one here is the odd man out , I
06:22 guess these kind of go together and these kind of
06:24 go together . This is kind of the odd man
06:25 out . And so basically if you're taking the law
06:27 algorithm of something raised to a power um where uh
06:32 yeah something raised to a party notice the base is
06:34 not the same , like it was up here ,
06:36 like it could be different . Right ? So anyway
06:38 , what you can do is take this exponents and
06:40 bring it to the outside of the law algorithm .
06:43 So basically everything else stays the same longer than based
06:46 B . Of M . That's here , we just
06:48 take the exponent and we go backwards and we can
06:50 pull it out in front K times the log of
06:52 that . So that's very useful as well when solving
06:55 some equations . So again , multiplication of things becomes
06:58 addition . When you're dealing with the algorithms , division
07:00 of things again becomes subtraction . When you're dealing with
07:03 the algorithms , exponents becomes where I can just take
07:06 the exponent out and bring it onto the front ,
07:08 times the log rhythm of the basic expression and then
07:11 the other two at the top just basically mean that
07:13 exponential can annihilate logarithms and logarithms can annihilate exponentials .
07:18 Okay inwards that is going to save you so much
07:21 time because in most textbooks you flip the page and
07:23 flip the page , you don't even know what they're
07:24 trying to say . This is all you need to
07:26 know now . What we need to do is start
07:28 solving some problems simplifying and solving some simple simplifications using
07:32 these laws of log room . So what we're gonna
07:34 do is get started with that right now let's take
07:38 our first problem . What if I give you ,
07:41 I want you to simplify the following law algorithm base
07:44 two of the number two to the fourth power .
07:48 What is that equal to now ? In the past
07:51 the way you would do it would be a different
07:52 a different way we'll talk about in just a second
07:54 . But now that you know that law algorithms can
07:58 annihilate exponential is just giving you back what's in the
08:00 exponential then you look back here and you say that's
08:03 exactly what I'm doing . I have an exponential two
08:05 to the power of something the bases to but I'm
08:07 taking the law algorithm of that thing with exactly the
08:10 same base . So the law algorithm completely annihilates the
08:13 exponential and all you have is the number four that
08:15 comes out , the four goes in , goes through
08:18 the function , then it gets run through its inverse
08:20 with the same base . And so what you get
08:22 back is what you started with , which is the
08:23 number four . Now the old way that we would
08:26 do that . So you can just write this down
08:27 without any math and you know , the annihilate ,
08:29 you just write it down . But the way we
08:30 do it in the past , as we would say
08:32 , the base to the power of something , it's
08:35 got a equal to what we're taking , the long
08:37 rhythm of which is two to the fourth power .
08:39 And you can then see since the basis of the
08:40 same X has to be equal to four . And
08:43 so this longer than reduces to four . So ,
08:45 you see these laws of logarithms really are not that
08:47 different from what you've been doing before , but a
08:49 lot of times , especially with very large equations ,
08:51 it's gonna be much easier to understand these rules and
08:55 use them rather than some of these other techniques that
08:57 we have learned . All right , let's take a
09:00 look at the next problem . Let's say we have
09:03 la algorithm base five of the number five to the
09:08 power of six . Again , you don't have to
09:11 calculate anything . You have a base five to the
09:14 power of six . This is an exponential , but
09:16 you're taking a long algorithm of that thing . So
09:18 the log of the exponential , same base means they
09:21 annihilate each other and all I have left is a
09:23 number six back . Because I take that six ,
09:26 I run it through this exponential function , then I
09:28 take the result and I run it through its inverse
09:30 the law algorithm . And so everything annihilates and I
09:32 get what I start with again , it would be
09:34 the same thing as we had . The way we
09:36 have done it before . You would say base five
09:39 to the power of something is equal to what I'm
09:41 taking the log five to the power of six .
09:43 And you didn't know that X is equal to six
09:45 . So you could do it that way if you
09:46 want . I'm just trying to show you how to
09:49 use the laws of logarithms here . All right now
09:54 let's switch gears a little bit . Instead of taking
09:56 a log of an exponential , let's take the exponential
09:59 of the law algorithm . Let's say we have to
10:02 to the power of law algorithm based too . Uh
10:06 of the # seven . So this is all in
10:09 the exponent of the two . So it's exactly reversed
10:12 instead of doing the exponential first . And then taking
10:15 the law algorithm here , we're going to take the
10:17 law algorithm first and then we're gonna take the answer
10:19 and raise that to to the power of two .
10:22 So notice how you have a base to in a
10:24 base to here . So this exponential completely cancels with
10:27 the logger in them and you don't even have to
10:29 do any math , you just say the answer is
10:30 seven , Right ? You just say that the answer
10:32 is seven . And that comes back to this rule
10:35 right here . It's a little harder to read without
10:37 numbers in my opinion , but that's what it's saying
10:39 . Base be raised to a law algorithm with a
10:41 base be of some number . The logarithms completely annihilate
10:44 the exponential . And so you just left with what
10:46 you start with because you've taken the seven . You
10:49 ran it through algorithm based too . You've got the
10:52 answer then you ran it through its inverse , which
10:54 is an exponential with the same base . And so
10:56 you get back what you start with . That's what
10:57 an exponential is or that's what an inverse function is
11:02 . All right . What if we have 11 Raised
11:06 to the power of the law algorithm , base 11
11:09 of the number three ? Well , you can see
11:10 right away you have a longer than base 11 .
11:12 You're taking that thing and you're saying the base 11
11:15 race to that . So the exponential annihilates what the
11:17 law algorithm and you can say that the answer is
11:19 three without any further work , because it falls directly
11:22 under the laws of algorithms . I'm doing these kind
11:26 of simple problems with numbers because I want you to
11:28 understand what the laws are really saying . But you're
11:30 gonna have to trust me here . When you get
11:31 to more advanced math , you might have an entire
11:34 equation which is an exponential and you want to kill
11:36 that thing . So you're gonna take a log rhythm
11:38 of both sides in order to kill whatever it is
11:41 . You're trying to isolate or to simplify something and
11:44 so knowing these laws that will save you a ton
11:46 of time when doing real problems . All right ,
11:49 let's do something a little more challenging . Let's say
11:52 we have eight to the power of two plus X
11:56 . Now this two plus X is all in the
11:57 exponent of eight of the number eight is equal to
12:00 two . And I want to solve this equation .
12:02 Now actually this equation , we've solved it before because
12:05 remember we learned about the exponential function and then we
12:08 learn how to solve exponential equations and the way we
12:11 solved it before , as we said , okay I
12:12 can write eight as two to the power of three
12:16 . So I can say this is two to the
12:17 power three and that's raised to this . And then
12:20 when I do the multiplication and set the exponents equal
12:22 , I can solve for X . We've done that
12:23 in the past . I'm gonna show you an alternative
12:25 way now that you understand the laws of logarithms notice
12:30 that when I take a log a rhythm of an
12:32 exponential with the same base it kills it . And
12:35 I just get back what I start with here .
12:37 So that's what I have . I have an exponential
12:39 with a base raised to the power of K .
12:41 A base raised to the power of quote unquote K
12:44 . So if I want to get rid of this
12:46 exponential right ? I can take the law algorithm of
12:48 both sides . So I'll take the law algorithm and
12:51 I'm gonna take the base eight algorithm of the quantity
12:54 eight to the power of two plus X . Taking
12:58 the log rhythm of the whole thing . And if
13:00 I do it to the left I have to do
13:01 it to the right because that's how equations work .
13:03 So you see I'm allowed to do what I want
13:05 to both sides . I'm gonna take the base eight
13:07 law algorithm . Why am I choosing base eight ?
13:09 Because this exponential has a base of eight . So
13:11 I know from the laws of algorithms if I take
13:13 a log base eight of an exponential that also has
13:16 a base eight , the exponential completely annihilates with the
13:20 law algorithm . And all I have left is what
13:21 I started within the exponent two plus X . It's
13:23 gone . It's like I don't want to strike through
13:25 but it's like you can just strike through it ,
13:27 it's gone . They cancel each other . It's like
13:29 adding two and then subtracting to , you don't you
13:32 don't have any change . It's like multiplying by five
13:34 and then immediately divided by five . Running something through
13:37 an exponential and then immediately threw a log a rhythm
13:40 of the same base . Just one does the whole
13:41 thing and you get back what you started with in
13:43 this case is what the exponential is , where you
13:45 started . It goes through the exponential through the law
13:47 . That's what you get at the end on the
13:49 right hand side . You still have to deal with
13:51 this log Base eight of the # two . That's
13:54 true , that's there . But we know how to
13:55 do logs . So let's go ahead and solve this
13:59 . Let's go off here to solve that log base
14:03 eight of the number two . How do we solve
14:05 that ? It's the base eight to the power of
14:07 something is equal to two . But you know that
14:09 eight can be written as two to the power of
14:11 three . That's all I did there . So you
14:14 multiply the exponents three times . Access three eggs and
14:18 I can equate these exponents three . X . Is
14:20 one , so then X . Is one third .
14:22 I did all this on the side just to figure
14:24 out that the right hand side was equal to one
14:26 third . So I have two plus X is one
14:30 third . So all I have to do to solve
14:33 this equation is say that X is 1/3 two right
14:39 now . A lot of you can do this kind
14:41 of thing in your mind in your head . That's
14:42 no problem . But for those of us who can't
14:44 this is what you would do , you have to
14:45 get a common denominator . So you have one third
14:48 minus 2/1 . That's what you're subtracting . But then
14:52 I'm gonna multiply this fraction by 3/3 so I can
14:54 get a common denominator of three , so I'm gonna
14:57 have one third minus two times three is 66 3rd
15:01 . And so what I'm gonna have is X is
15:03 going to be equal to the common denominators , so
15:05 1 -6 is negative five thirds . What were you
15:10 trying to do ? You were trying to solve for
15:11 X . And that's what we did we solve for
15:13 X . Now it's a little confusing because when I
15:15 came over here , I also introduced an X .
15:17 This this over here was just for the purpose of
15:19 finding out what this law algorithm was . I should
15:21 have used probably a different variable here . I could
15:23 use Y or or a or B . Or anything
15:25 else . Just to use a dummy variable to calculate
15:28 this . But you see what we're doing here ,
15:30 You might argue with me and say , well taking
15:32 the law algorithm of both sides is way harder than
15:34 the other way we did it the other way we
15:36 did it , we just wrote eight as two to
15:38 the power of three , raised to this power and
15:41 we go through it . We've done that before .
15:42 It's actually easier to solve it using the other techniques
15:45 . But that's not the point . The point is
15:47 I'm trying to teach you how to do logarithms ,
15:49 how to use logarithms because I promise you there are
15:52 many , many problems where it's much , much faster
15:55 to use algorithm . So we have to kind of
15:57 crawl before we can walk a little more work here
15:59 . But we get the same answer here . If
16:00 you go back to your notes , we already did
16:02 this problem before you get exactly the same thing .
16:04 So the first couple of problems were mostly geared in
16:09 trying to get you to understand how to solve these
16:11 equations . The next few problems are going to be
16:14 uh well it's a mixture , but we're going to
16:16 be trying to use a little bit more of the
16:18 last three laws of logarithms . Remember multiplication . When
16:21 you have , dealing with the algorithms becomes addition division
16:25 . When you're dealing with logarithms become subtraction and raising
16:28 to an exponent just pulls the exponent out in front
16:30 and it's a log of the whatever it is you
16:32 were doing to begin with . So let's slide over
16:36 and try to tackle a few more to give us
16:38 some more practice with that . What if I have
16:40 log rhythm base nine of the number X is negative
16:46 one half . Now there's I guess I lied to
16:50 you a little bit . We're probably going to be
16:52 using a little bit more of the the first couple
16:55 of laws here . I forgot about this problem .
16:56 But how would you solve this ? You want to
16:58 figure out what this is . There's lots of ways
17:00 to do it . We've solved this problem before .
17:01 You already know you can solve this by saying nine
17:04 to the power of this is equal to this .
17:06 We've solved that exact problem into the power of that
17:09 is equal to X . And boom , you solve
17:10 for X . That's not the point here . The
17:12 point is for me to teach you how to use
17:14 these laws of logarithms to solve problems . We've already
17:16 done . So how would we kind of get rid
17:19 of the law algorithm ? We would have to do
17:22 the exponential to both sides . We have to use
17:24 the exponential , but it has to be the same
17:25 base . So I can write this as nine to
17:27 the power of log base nine of X . And
17:31 then if I do that on the left , I
17:32 have to make it nine to the power of one
17:34 half on the right . I take and make this
17:36 an exponential with a base nine . This exponential the
17:39 base nine . I know I have the same basis
17:41 . Exponential cancels with the log . So I'm left
17:43 with X . Nine to the negative one half .
17:46 Notice this is exactly what you get . If you
17:48 say nine to the power of this is equal to
17:51 this , Nine to the power of this is equal
17:53 to this . Using the laws of logarithms and using
17:56 the techniques we've learned before , yield exactly the same
17:58 thing . So , you know , you're on the
17:59 right track . So what we have here is 1/9
18:02 to the one half . And so you get X
18:04 is one third because of the square root of nine
18:07 is three there ? Same answer as before this problem
18:11 . And the last one we've already solved those problems
18:14 . All right . So now we want to switch
18:15 our gears to using Law # three . Law #
18:19 four . Law # five . So what we want
18:21 to do here is right . In terms of log
18:30 Base two of em and log Base two of end
18:34 . You'll see what I mean when I give you
18:36 the first problem , that's how we're simplifying these .
18:39 So what if I give you log base to of
18:43 the quantity em to the six power times in to
18:47 the third power . Now you have a little bit
18:48 of a combination of things happening here . You have
18:51 two things multiplied together , but you also have exponents
18:54 in there . So remember when you have two things
18:57 multiplied together and you're taking the longer than you can
18:59 just break them apart and make it the law algorithm
19:01 of both of those things . So do that part
19:04 first . Right . So what's this going to be
19:06 long algorithm based . Two of em to the six
19:10 plus log rhythm base two of end to the third
19:13 because these are multiplied together just like it was in
19:15 the law . So this thing is the law algorithm
19:18 of that . This thing is a log rhythm of
19:19 that . We add them together . So the multiplication
19:21 is now gone , it becomes edition . But then
19:23 we remember our last law of logarithms is any time
19:26 we're taking the log of something with an experiment ,
19:28 we can take the exponents out in front and just
19:31 take the log of what is left over and again
19:33 , we're gonna prove all of these later . We
19:35 haven't done that yet but we have exactly that situation
19:37 here . The six can come in front of the
19:39 log making six times log Base two of em plus
19:44 sign stays here . The three can come out in
19:46 front log base to and then six law to base
19:51 two of em three log base two of em .
19:53 This is the final answer . So we had to
19:56 write these in terms of log base two log event
19:58 and based to log event . That's exactly what we've
20:00 done . All right , put a little dot here
20:02 . If you want to denote the multiplication . All
20:05 right . How many more problems do I have ?
20:07 I think I have enough . I think I want
20:10 to do one more problem on this board . And
20:13 yeah , I think I want to do one more
20:15 on this board and then I have plenty of space
20:17 and the other . What if I have log base
20:21 to of the number m times the square root of
20:25 N . So I have two things multiplied together of
20:28 course . And so when I have two things multiplied
20:30 together , what do I do ? I break this
20:33 guy up into its own log rhythm of each thing
20:35 and I add them together . Multiplication becomes addition when
20:39 you're dealing with the algorithm . So what do I
20:40 have here ? This is going to then become log
20:45 Base two of em plus log base to Of what
20:51 is this square root event ? It's just another number
20:53 . Square root of N . Now if you circle
20:55 this on your paper , I probably would give you
20:57 most credit because at this point , you know how
20:59 to apply the law of logarithms . You recognize you're
21:02 multiplying something so you break it apart and make an
21:04 addition of algorithms . That's fine . But there's a
21:07 little bit more that you can do here because if
21:10 you think about it , what this is really equal
21:13 to is log base two of them plus log Base
21:18 to this radical can be written as into the 1/2
21:21 power . So this exponent here on the second term
21:25 , we can use this one here to pull the
21:27 exponent in front and that's going to basically make it
21:30 a little bit uh simpler because notice we want to
21:33 write it in terms of this and this , but
21:35 this is a square into the one half , this
21:38 is not log of end , this is into the
21:39 one half , so we have to do something to
21:41 get it there . Log base two of em plus
21:45 the exponent comes out one half times log base to
21:51 end . This is the final answer . Log base
21:53 two of them plus one half log base two of
21:55 end . Now we have written it in terms of
21:57 this and this . The previous step , even though
22:00 it kind of was halfway , there really wasn't because
22:02 this is the log base two of the square root
22:04 event . That's not exactly what we were trying to
22:07 accomplish . All right , we have two more just
22:11 to get kind of our feet wet and continue working
22:13 on this . Um and what if we have log
22:20 Mhm base to again , I'm using base to a
22:23 lot , you know , based do here for this
22:25 problem . But just keep in mind these laws of
22:27 logarithms apply and are used for any base of m
22:32 to the fourth power over , in To the 3rd
22:36 power . So it's a base two logarithms of the
22:38 quotient . And if you remember any time you're dividing
22:42 uh in something inside of al algorithm , it becomes
22:45 subtraction of the logarithms . So that's what you have
22:48 to really do their and so then what we're gonna
22:50 have then is log Base tube of em to the
22:54 4th power minus log base to end to the third
22:58 power . So you've effectively split this up in the
23:00 subtraction . But then you realize you have these exponents
23:02 here . So we use the other law of logarithms
23:04 , pull the exponent in front four times log base
23:08 two of them minus the three can come down three
23:11 times log base to event . And this will be
23:15 the final answer . Four times based to log of
23:17 m minus three times log base two . Event ,
23:21 that's the correct answer . All right , we have
23:25 one more . This was a little bit longer ,
23:26 but it's not that difficult . You just have to
23:28 take it one step at a time . What if
23:30 you have log base to of em over and cubed
23:37 . But this whole thing has a square root around
23:39 it . That's what you're taking the log rhythm of
23:41 . So it looks like a lot of stuff to
23:43 unpack and it is so let's go all over here
23:45 and do it one step at a time . This
23:47 whole thing has a square root around the whole thing
23:49 . So first we need to get rid of that
23:51 and make it a fraction Log Base two of mm
23:55 over into the third power . But the square root
23:58 now becomes a power of one half . You always
24:00 want to do that pretty much all the time .
24:02 Make your radicals into exponents like this right now you're
24:07 taking the log rhythm of something . This whole something
24:10 here raised to the one half . A lot of
24:12 students will look at this and start trying to apply
24:16 this rule to subtract the logarithms . But you gotta
24:18 look bigger picture than that . The thing that you're
24:19 doing on the outside of that is this whole thing
24:22 is to the one half power . So the proper
24:23 thing order of operations wise is to take the one
24:26 half out in front times long , Base two of
24:31 em over into the third power like this . So
24:35 you're taking that expanded out now you're taking the base
24:38 to log of a straight quotient like this , so
24:42 then what you'll have is now this one half is
24:44 multiplied times the log of the final results . So
24:47 you have to really should open up a bracket or
24:49 parenthesis because this is going to expand , it'll algorithm
24:52 based two of em minus because it's division logger them
24:57 , Base two of end to the third power because
25:00 that is what is on the bottom . Now this
25:02 whole thing is in a bracket because it's one half
25:04 times this this happens to be this , so there's
25:07 a bunch of different ways you can do it if
25:09 you want . Let's just do it like this ,
25:11 let's keep the one half on the outside , log
25:15 base two of em minus now this is a log
25:17 but you have a power here , so this power
25:19 can drop down also three times a log base to
25:23 event and then you have one half times this whole
25:27 thing . So then when you multiply the one half
25:29 in , you have one half times log base two
25:33 of minus . When you take the one half times
25:35 the three , you're going to get three halves log
25:39 based to event . Let me double check myself one
25:42 half , log base two of them minus three halves
25:44 , log base two of em . This is the
25:46 final answer . This is the most simplified form ,
25:48 remember we're trying to write them in terms of log
25:50 base two of them and log base two event .
25:52 So these problems are specifically crafted to get you to
25:58 force you to use the laws of logarithms and you
26:00 can see that rarely are you doing just one or
26:03 the other ? Like in this problem we had to
26:05 deal with the exponent bringing it down , then we
26:08 had to do the subtraction because it was a quota
26:10 , then we had another expanded to bring down .
26:11 Then we had to multiply the one half back in
26:13 . So we were doing a lot of different things
26:15 . And so you can see these laws of logarithms
26:17 , they work together . So again , to recap
26:20 , there are five primary laws of logarithms that I
26:22 want you to really remember and burn in your mind
26:25 when you have the log base B of an exponential
26:28 with the same base , they kill each other and
26:30 you just get back the exponents . When you have
26:32 an exponential of algorithms , same base , they kill
26:35 each other and you just get back what you were
26:36 doing the algorithm of the next minute there . When
26:39 you multiply things and you take the law algorithm ,
26:41 it becomes addition of logarithms . When you divide things
26:44 and take the algorithm it becomes subtraction of logarithms .
26:47 And when you have an exponent of something raised to
26:50 something else powered , the exponent can always come out
26:52 in front of the law algorithm multiplied by law algorithm
26:55 of what's left over same base obviously . Where do
26:59 these laws come from ? We talked about extensively where
27:01 the first to come from the last three . I
27:03 haven't given you any proof of where they come from
27:05 but I promise you they're not hard to understand .
27:07 What I want to do is make sure you understand
27:09 all of these problems , solve them yourself , make
27:12 sure you grab a paper and solve them yourself .
27:15 Go and do the next lesson or two with me
27:17 , Get some more practice with using these laws and
27:19 then I have a lesson on the books that I'm
27:21 gonna show you and derive exactly where they come from
27:23 . So you'll understand where everything is . So solve
27:25 these yourself , follow me on to the next lesson
27:27 and continue to conquer and practice the concept of the
27:30 laws of logarithms .


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