04 - Solving Logarithmic Equations - Part 1 - Equations with Log(x) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

04 - Solving Logarithmic Equations - Part 1 - Equations with Log(x) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

04 - Solving Logarithmic Equations - Part 1 - Equations with Log(x) - By Math and Science

00:00 Hello . Welcome back to this lesson in dealing with
00:03 logarithms . The title of this lesson is called solving
00:06 logarithmic equations . If you go up to a random
00:09 person and you say you know what we're going to
00:10 talk about solving logarithmic equations . Most people are gonna
00:14 think you're crazy or they're gonna think that whatever you're
00:16 talking about is extremely complicated . What we're gonna do
00:19 is we're gonna learn how to solve equations that contain
00:21 logarithms . Another way to say that is logarithmic equations
00:24 and by the end of it , once you get
00:26 practice with it I hope you'll understand that . It's
00:28 not really very much more involved than solving regular equations
00:31 in algebra . The things that you have to keep
00:33 in the back of your mind in order to solve
00:35 any equation that contains the algorithm is mostly that you
00:38 have to understand the laws of algorithms . Now actually
00:41 I did several lessons on the laws of algorithms and
00:44 just in the last couple of lessons . So if
00:45 you haven't watched those you really have to understand that
00:48 in order to get this , I went ahead and
00:50 erase them from the board because we need to commit
00:52 them to memory anyway . And so ultimately you need
00:55 to have them in your mind . The number one
00:57 thing you need to know is that whenever you have
00:58 a long algorithm , you can kill that law algorithm
01:01 or annihilated by raising that law algorithm to an exponent
01:04 with the same base because the exponential function and the
01:08 law algorithmic function are inverse functions of each other .
01:10 So whenever you do the opposite function , then you
01:14 annihilate and it disappears . And that's one way that
01:17 we're gonna use to solve these equations . Other than
01:19 that , you have to understand the laws of algorithms
01:22 . What happens when you multiply something together ? It
01:24 becomes addition of law algorithms . What happens when you
01:27 divide something ? It becomes a subtraction of logarithms and
01:30 so on and so forth . So we have to
01:32 just go ahead and do it . Uh And that's
01:34 what we're gonna do here . Let's take a look
01:35 at our first problem . Log rhythm base three of
01:39 some number X plus log rhythm Base three of some
01:43 number X -6 Is equal to three . Now this
01:47 is what we call a log arrhythmic equation . It
01:49 has an equal sign . So it's a it's an
01:51 equation and it contains algorithms Now in this case the
01:55 unknown quantity is X . But that X appears in
01:57 two locations . So what we have to do for
02:00 these kinds of equations is very similar to regular equations
02:03 . We want to isolate and get X on one
02:05 side of the equal sign all by itself . That's
02:07 all we want to do . And we're going to
02:09 have to use the laws of logarithms to do that
02:12 . So we see immediately , we have a term
02:14 over here that's a log arrhythmic term and a term
02:16 over here , it's the same exact base . And
02:19 we know that when we're ADL algorithms together , we
02:21 can combine them to basically one single term as follows
02:26 . You can combine it like this , it has
02:27 to be a long algorithm base three of X ,
02:31 which is this term times X -6 , which is
02:36 this term . And that's going to be equal to
02:38 three . If you do not understand this step ,
02:40 then it just means you never watch the lessons on
02:43 the laws of algorithms . You can think of it
02:45 going backwards . We have things multiply two things multiply
02:48 this term times this term inside of the algorithms .
02:50 So we can break it out into addition of those
02:52 algorithm in terms that is the law of logarithms we've
02:54 already learned in the past . So now we have
02:57 to continue to multiply through to get X by itself
03:00 log base three . This is going to be x
03:02 squared minus six X on the inside . Just multiplying
03:05 the X through And then we get equal to three
03:09 . All right . So as often happens in math
03:12 , there's almost always multiple ways to proceed . When
03:15 you saw the equations , there's lots of different paths
03:17 you can take . So when you get to la
03:19 algorithms , there's actually even more paths you can take
03:22 and they all should get to the same answer .
03:24 So if I'm doing something here and you're thinking I'd
03:27 rather do it a different way . That's fine .
03:28 Do it your way . As long as you get
03:30 to the same answer , I'm fine . Now when
03:31 some of these problems , I'm gonna go ahead and
03:33 work the problem two completely different ways because I want
03:36 you to understand that no matter what you pick ,
03:38 as long as you're following the correct rules , you're
03:41 always going to get to the same exact correct answer
03:44 . All right . So , there's two ways to
03:45 proceed . I'm gonna call this 1st 1 method .
03:50 It's not really a method , but it's it's kind
03:52 of the way I'm doing it number one . And
03:53 then over here I'll do number two . So ,
03:56 what do I have ? This is a long algorithm
03:57 , has a base three so I can write three
03:59 which is the base to the power of three ,
04:01 which is what's on the right hand side is equal
04:03 to what I'm taking the law algorithm of X squared
04:05 minus six eggs . You see in this way ,
04:08 I've completely eliminated the law algorithm from the equation .
04:11 It's gone . So that law algorithm where the variable
04:14 is wrapped up inside of that law algorithm , it's
04:15 now gone . I don't have to worry about that
04:17 because I used the definition of the law algorithm ,
04:19 The base to the power of whatever the law algorithm
04:22 returned is equal to this . And that is just
04:24 simply a polynomial now . So what you have is
04:28 you have X squared minus six X . I'm gonna
04:30 move this to the other side . So to be
04:32 a minus sign . And three times three is nine
04:35 . And so what you're going to actually not three
04:36 times three is nine . It's three , not three
04:38 squared is three cubed . So you're gonna have 27
04:41 . Sorry about that . So we subtract it ,
04:43 bring it over here , it's gonna be a negative
04:44 sign 27 that's equal to zero . So now your
04:47 log arrhythmic equation just now reduced to uh to a
04:52 polynomial that we've solved many many times . So let's
04:56 try to factor this thing open parentheses equal to zero
05:00 X times X . We can pick whatever you want
05:03 here . But ultimately nine times three is going to
05:05 work . We need a minus sign and we need
05:06 a minus sign here . So the way that's going
05:08 to work is minus and plus double check yourself X
05:12 times X is x squared . This times this is
05:14 negative 27 . Here's a negative nine X . Here's
05:17 a positive three X . You add that you get
05:19 a negative six X . So it appears that we
05:23 have two solutions . We have x minus nine is
05:26 equal to zero , so X can be equal to
05:28 nine and we have X minus three is equal to
05:31 zero and that means X is equal to three .
05:34 Right ? Actually there's a plus sign here . Sorry
05:36 about that . So this could be a negative right
05:38 there . So it appears that we have two solutions
05:40 X minus +90 X plus three zero . So X
05:43 can be nine or x can be negative three .
05:45 So if you were to circle those answers , you
05:49 would actually be wrong or at least partially wrong .
05:51 Can you spot what the problem is ? It's kind
05:53 of tricky . But the problem is this negative sign
05:56 here , Right ? Remember what you're doing ? You're
06:00 trying to find the values of X that satisfy the
06:03 original equation that you have , which is this one
06:05 , X appears here and X appears here . But
06:08 when you look at the plot of the law algorithm
06:10 function , a logarithms is never ever ever defined .
06:14 When you stick a negative value into that algorithm ,
06:17 it doesn't exist or at least it doesn't exist in
06:19 terms of real numbers . Why is that if you
06:21 remember back to the plot of algorithm , it's the
06:25 inverse of the exponential function . right ? So if
06:28 this is X and this is fx and were plotting
06:30 a log rhythm here , then what's gonna basically happen
06:34 is it goes through the number one , That's this
06:37 spot right here , It starts very close to the
06:38 axis , it goes through this point and then it
06:41 bends over something like this . So this is an
06:43 ascent . Oh it never really gets to the axis
06:46 right here . So these are negative values of X
06:48 negative one , negative two , negative three . And
06:51 this is positive one , positive to positive three and
06:53 so on . So the law algorithm has values for
06:56 1234567 And all also very , very close to 0.5
07:00 point 3.1 point oh one . But it does not
07:03 exist over here . You cannot put a negative value
07:06 into a log a rhythm . Um And this comes
07:08 about because this law algorithm is a reflection of the
07:12 exponential function . It's a reflection of an exponential function
07:15 across this diagonal line , Y is equal to X
07:18 . So if you can imagine an exponential function doing
07:21 something like this , then reflecting it gives the inverse
07:24 , and that's why it's down here . So just
07:27 like an exponential function doesn't exist down here . A
07:29 log rhythmic function does not exist over here because it's
07:32 a reflection . So what you need to know is
07:35 that negative values are not allowed to be stuck into
07:38 law algorithms , and so you cannot have a negative
07:41 value like this . So what you say is not
07:45 a solution , if you take a negative three and
07:48 try to stick it in a calculator , it's going
07:50 to give you an error because it's not defined ,
07:52 it doesn't exist . It's like saying , give me
07:53 a square rectangle , square rectangle , I'm sorry ,
07:56 a square triangle or give me a square circle .
07:58 It's not gonna work . There's no it's not defined
08:01 . So we throw away this and we say this
08:03 is our solution , we have one solution of this
08:06 equation . Alright , one solution to this equation .
08:10 If you stick to number nine in here and calculate
08:12 this log and here and subtract and calculate this log
08:14 and add it , then you're gonna get the number
08:16 three . Now that was method number one . Using
08:18 the definition of the large rhythm , there's always different
08:20 ways to do a problem . So I want to
08:23 talk briefly about what I'm going to call Method number
08:26 two because there's always more than one way to do
08:31 something . So let's go around here and try to
08:34 keep things as tidy as I can . Okay ,
08:37 so we have this log arrhythmic equation here , we
08:39 combine the logarithms , we get down to this point
08:42 , this is the point where we branch off and
08:43 we say there's two methods . What else can we
08:45 do at this step ? Right here ? Remember we
08:48 talked about the fact that a log a rhythm is
08:51 the inverse function of an exponential . They are opposites
08:54 of one another , they annihilate each other , they
08:56 kill each other , they undo each other . Whatever
08:59 word you want to do , the opposite of algorithm
09:01 is an exponential . The opposite of an exponential is
09:04 a logarithms . We've done problems like this in the
09:07 past but this is the first time where we're going
09:09 to solve more complicated equation using this . So if
09:12 I don't want to do this but I want to
09:13 start at this point then what I can do is
09:15 I can sense this is a logarithms that I want
09:18 to get rid of . I can raise both sides
09:20 With a base of three . I can say 3
09:23 to the power of lager and um base three X
09:26 squared minus six X . Is equal to three to
09:30 the power of three . See what I've done .
09:32 I can do anything . I want to both sides
09:34 of this equation . As long as I'm doing it
09:35 to both sides I choose to raise the left hand
09:37 and put it in the exponent of the three and
09:40 the right hand side . I'm gonna also put it
09:41 in the exponent of the three . So I'm basically
09:44 the equation is still balanced . I've raised both sides
09:47 to the power of three . But here I have
09:49 a power base three and then in the expanded to
09:51 have a log rhythm based three . So the exponential
09:55 base three cancels or annihilates or kills the law algorithm
09:58 based three . And all I have left down here
10:00 is X squared minus six X poof ! This it's
10:03 like you could draw a line through the log and
10:05 through the base and this is what I have left
10:07 equals nine . Keep one to say nine . This
10:10 is three cubed is 27 . Look at what I've
10:12 written down here , X squared minus six X .
10:15 Is equal to 27 which is exactly what I have
10:17 here . X squared minus six , X minus 27
10:21 is equal to zero . It's exactly the same polynomial
10:23 we wrote down right here . So whatever way you
10:26 want to do , I want you to do that
10:28 . However I do want you to start thinking about
10:31 oh I want to kill that logarithms . Gonna raise
10:33 that thing to an exponential . Oh I want to
10:34 kill that exponential . I'm gonna I'm gonna take a
10:36 log rhythm on that boy because then I can get
10:38 rid of it right ? I know that . It
10:40 doesn't really seem like it's something you want to do
10:43 in these kinds of problems here . It seems like
10:45 maybe it's easier to do it this way and whatever
10:47 you want to do . But I'm telling you that
10:49 as you get some more complicated problems , you're going
10:51 to want to annihilate and eliminate both sides of an
10:53 equation by doing the opposite or the inverse operation .
10:56 And that means if you have a log then you
10:58 take the exponential of both sides to kill that log
11:01 and so on and you get exactly the same solution
11:03 either way , we're not going to do that every
11:08 single time . I'm not going to solve the problem
11:09 twice every single time , but a few times along
11:12 the way , I will do that problem . Number
11:14 two , let's say we have log rhythm and here's
11:18 something weird . The base is actually not a number
11:20 . It's a letter . Call it a . I'll
11:22 explain in a second Of the variable X . is
11:25 equal to two times algorithm . Base A three Plus
11:30 logger in them . Base A . of five .
11:34 All right . So you might look at that and
11:35 say I've never seen an equation like that makes no
11:37 sense at all . Well , it's because you haven't
11:39 seen it before so once you see it the first
11:41 time it's not so scary . What's going on here
11:43 is you know , normally we have basis of logarithms
11:46 . Base two logarithms based three logarithms . Base 10
11:48 logarithms whatever here . I'm just saying I don't care
11:51 what the bases its base a some numbers here .
11:54 I don't know what it is but it's something and
11:56 whatever that is . It's the same base for this
11:57 algorithm and it's the same base for this algorithm Is
12:01 not what I'm trying to solve for . Though .
12:02 I'm trying to solve for the variable X . X
12:05 is my unknown . It just so happens that in
12:07 this equation base a base a base , it doesn't
12:10 actually matter . You're going to find out as we
12:12 do the solution that the base the particular base of
12:14 this algorithm . It doesn't matter if I have a
12:17 base to in all three of those locations are a
12:19 base 10 and all three of those locations , the
12:20 answer will be the same . So don't let that
12:23 stress you out . Just treat it as a base
12:26 and follow the rules of logarithms . What do I
12:29 want to do again ? There's a couple of different
12:31 ways I'm gonna do this , but let's start working
12:33 on the right hand side , let's say on the
12:35 left log a of the unknown variable X . Here
12:38 I have a two times log . So I'm gonna
12:40 bring that too and put it in the exponents .
12:42 That's one of the rules of logarithms that we learned
12:44 in the past . That I can take an outside
12:47 multiplier number and move it into the exponents on the
12:50 inside of a log rhythm like this . And then
12:52 I have logged again base A . Of the number
12:55 five . So on the right hand side I have
12:57 a log rhythm plus they log rhythm . And I
12:59 can now combine those algorithm base A . Of the
13:03 number X . Log rhythm , Base A . of
13:06 three times 3 is nine times the five . So
13:10 basically multiplying inside because multiplying um uh and the inside
13:16 of algorithm becomes edition of algorithms . So when I
13:19 continue , I have log Base . a . 45
13:25 . And now you see exactly what the solution of
13:27 the equation is . I have a base a log
13:30 rhythm on the left and a base a log rhythm
13:32 on the right . It's the same exact algorithm ,
13:33 same exact base . So the only difference between the
13:35 two is what exes and it has to be equal
13:37 to 45 . And that's how you write the answer
13:40 . Now I got into a position where everything else
13:43 was the same so that X had to be equal
13:45 to what I can read off on the right hand
13:47 side of the equation . Right ? And now you
13:49 can see that it doesn't matter what base you put
13:51 in here . If I chose this to be base
13:54 to base two in base to all that would happen
13:57 is I would get base to here . In base
13:59 to hear . X would still be 45 . If
14:01 I choose to base 10 , 10 and 10 .
14:03 All that's gonna happen is it will be based 10
14:05 in base 10 X will still be equal to 45
14:08 . Don't get so wrapped up when you see that
14:10 you don't think you can get to the end from
14:13 the beginning . You have to just start working and
14:15 start carrying things through logically . Okay , now there's
14:19 always one more than one way to do something .
14:21 And I want to show you that way . Let's
14:23 write the equation over again . Log Base A of
14:27 X two times log Base A of three plus log
14:34 Base A of five . All right . So ,
14:38 I told you , I said , you know ,
14:39 ultimately I want these this X variable over here .
14:42 So forget about the rest of this thing . I
14:43 want X by itself , but X is wrapped up
14:46 inside of algorithm . A bass ale algorithm . How
14:49 do I get X by itself ? It's wrapped up
14:50 inside of a package . How do I get rid
14:52 of that algorithm ? I have to do the inverse
14:54 . The opposite function . The opposite of algorithm is
14:57 an exponential function . So if I take the left
15:00 hand side and I say base A . And I
15:03 raise it and put this thing in the exponent base
15:06 A . Of X . I have taken what I
15:09 have and I've raised it to the exponential of the
15:11 base A exponential . So I have an exponential and
15:14 log rhythm up here , they cancel each other .
15:17 So that's how X . Is gonna drop out on
15:19 the left . But I have to do the same
15:20 operation on the right hand side . So it'll be
15:22 a to the power of two times log A three
15:27 plus log a . They say five . I know
15:32 it looks crazy . All I'm doing is I'm raising
15:34 the left hand side of the equation to the power
15:36 A to the power of that and then a to
15:38 the power of this . But the nice thing about
15:40 it is because log is exactly the inverse of A
15:43 . Then on the left hand side the only thing
15:45 left is exit drops out . It's like it cancels
15:47 with it just like 4/4 . They cancel 5/5 ,
15:51 they cancel 10/10 . They cancel A . To the
15:53 power of log . They canceled . So the X
15:55 drops out on the right hand side . I have
15:57 all of this stuff . But notice that in the
16:00 exponent here I have a plus side . So I
16:02 can write this experiment is a to the power of
16:05 to log Base A . three multiplied by a log
16:13 base A five . How can I write it as
16:15 a multiplication ? Because these exponents are added . So
16:18 because the base is the same , I can add
16:20 these exponents which is exactly what I would have here
16:23 . So I'm just breaking up going in reverse .
16:25 I have an addition of exponents . I'm gonna treat
16:26 as multiplication and I can add these experts and get
16:29 what I have uh there . Right ? So now
16:33 notice what's going on over here . I have two
16:35 times log base A of this . So I need
16:37 to take care of that . So it'll be a
16:40 log base A three squared . This floats in front
16:45 and makes goes into the square here because it's sitting
16:48 outside of the law algorithm . That's another one of
16:50 our rules of logarithms dealing with Xbox , multiplied by
16:54 a raise to the power of log A . To
16:58 the fifth . I'm not to the fifth log of
17:01 the number five . So here we're very close ,
17:03 we have X on the left . What do we
17:05 have on the right ? The a raise to the
17:07 power of log base A . The logs in the
17:09 egg completely canceled . All I have is three square
17:13 . This cancels cancels . I have the number comes
17:15 and drops down the A . And the log base
17:17 a cancel here . Leaving me with five now I
17:20 have nine times five X . Is equal to 45
17:23 . It's exactly the same answer we got here .
17:25 Now you might look at this and say , oh
17:26 , there's more steps . I don't like that .
17:28 Oh , there's fewer steps . I like this .
17:29 I'm trying to show you both ways mostly . So
17:31 you understand how it's done because later on , some
17:35 equations will be really hard to solve this way ,
17:37 especially in advanced calculus . So I'm trying to teach
17:39 you , you know the path to get from here
17:42 to there . All right . You get the same
17:44 answer either way , but you have complete freedom on
17:47 how to proceed . As long as you're following the
17:49 correct rules . All right . Let's go back to
17:52 a little more of an easier problem . Let's say
17:54 we have low algorithm base B of X plus three
17:59 . I don't know what the base is . I
18:00 don't care what some bit . Number B equals log
18:04 base B of the number one erased us . Of
18:08 the number eight minus log base B of the number
18:12 two . Yeah . All right . So , there's
18:14 lots of different ways to do this . I'm not
18:16 going to solve every problem . Two ways . Right
18:18 . But you by now know that there's two ways
18:20 to do it . I can use the laws of
18:22 law algorithms , which is how most textbooks will probably
18:24 show you . Or I can because because I want
18:28 this variable X to pop out . I can raise
18:30 both sides . Base be raised to the to this
18:33 and then base be raised to that and I'll get
18:35 the same exact answer either way . Just like I
18:37 did in the last problem . So you have to
18:39 pick away . There is no correct way . I
18:41 will do some problems one way and some problems .
18:43 Another way . This way let's just use the laws
18:45 of logarithms , log base B X plus three on
18:50 the right hand side . What do we have A
18:51 subtraction of logs . So I can write this as
18:54 log base B . Of 8/2 because this minus this
18:58 becomes division 8/2 . So what I'll have is log
19:02 base B . X plus three of equals log base
19:09 B . Of what ? For now you see what
19:11 you have log on the left , log on the
19:13 right . Base be based B . Everything is the
19:15 same . So that means this thing inside of the
19:17 log has to be equal to four . X plus
19:20 three is equal to four . So then X .
19:22 When you subtract the three you just get a one
19:24 . This is the final answer . I'm not going
19:27 to solve every problem every way . But if you
19:29 were to do this the other way , if you
19:31 would raise the left hand side , B to the
19:33 power of this and the right hand side B to
19:36 the power of this , it would look really really
19:38 similar to what we did here . It's almost the
19:40 same exact problem . Everything would fall out so that
19:43 you would still get X is equal to one .
19:44 I'm just from now on , I'm just gonna pick
19:47 a path . I'm not gonna particularly choose one specific
19:50 way to do things . Okay ? Um let me
19:54 slide to the next board to do the next problem
19:57 because it's a little longer and then our last problem
19:59 is actually going to be fairly short . What if
20:02 we have log base A . Of the variable x
20:07 minus log Base AX -5 is equal to log base
20:15 A . Of the number six . Again , I
20:17 can do what I want . I can use the
20:19 laws of logarithms . I have subtraction of two logarithms
20:22 . I could do that . It would probably be
20:23 a shorter answer , just like it did in the
20:25 last uh the last one . But I really want
20:28 you to understand both ways of doing it . So
20:30 instead of doing it like this where we use the
20:33 laws of logarithms , it'll probably be pretty short to
20:35 be honest with you . Let's do it the slightly
20:37 longer way . Because I want to show you that
20:38 both ways work . All right . So here have
20:41 log base a log , base a log base a
20:45 right . So what I wanna do is I want
20:46 to kill all those algorithms . So on the left
20:48 hand side I'll raise it and put all of this
20:51 stuff in the exponent of a base A . This
20:55 whole thing on the left hand side , AX -5
20:59 . This entire thing is in the exponent of a
21:01 . Over here on a log . They say six
21:07 . All right . But again , I have a
21:09 subtraction in the exponents have subtraction . So I can
21:12 write this as log in the expo A of X
21:16 multiplied by A . To the head . I want
21:21 to do this negative log Base AX -5 . And
21:27 on the right hand side the A . Is gonna
21:29 kind of cancel with the log because in verses of
21:31 one another I'm just gonna have a six now ,
21:33 make sure you really understand the left hand side .
21:35 All I'm saying is that I have the same base
21:37 here , so I can add these expos if I
21:38 add this to this in the expo and I'm gonna
21:40 get exactly what I have before . That's why I
21:42 had to have the negative sign there because ultimately they're
21:44 subtracted . But so I can work in kind of
21:46 the exponential kind of realm . If I want to
21:49 know what do I have this log base A cancels
21:54 with this exponential with base A . So I just
21:56 have the X popping out from the top this A
21:59 cancels with this . However , there's one little gotcha
22:02 here , you have a negative sign in front before
22:04 you can do the cancellation . This is like a
22:06 negative one out here . So what I want you
22:08 to do is say log base A X minus five
22:13 to the negative one . Power this is like a
22:15 negative one times this . So forget about everything else
22:18 here . If you just had this this negative one
22:21 you can float it in and put it as a
22:23 power log . Base A X minus five to the
22:25 negative one . Log base a X minus five to
22:27 the negative one . I want to get rid of
22:29 it here and bring it here . So now I
22:31 have a very clean cancellation A canceling with log .
22:34 Uh This is equal to six so I'm gonna have
22:36 X multiplied by the A . It's a base cancels
22:40 with log A . So all I have left is
22:42 x minus five to the negative one . Let me
22:47 just double check myself . And so now I'm home
22:49 free . I've got rid of all the algorithms now
22:51 it's just a basic algebra problem . Let's bring this
22:53 to the bottom X over X -5 to the first
22:56 power . I can drop the Prince Caesar leaving their
22:58 whatever you want . six . So I have to
23:00 solve for X . Mhm . So I'm gonna multiply
23:05 the left and the right hand side by the denominator
23:07 X -5 on the left . I'm gonna be left
23:10 with X on the right . It'll be six times
23:12 X -5 . I multiply the left by X -5
23:16 . It cancels . That's what I'm left with on
23:18 the right and multiply by the same thing . Here's
23:19 what I have . So I have now six X
23:22 -30 when I distribute this in . And then I'm
23:26 gonna move the six over here by subtraction . So
23:29 one minus six is negative five X . And then
23:34 I'm going to divide by negative five . I'm going
23:36 to get a positive six X . Is equal to
23:38 positive six X , correct . All right . And
23:42 again , there's there's there's always more than a way
23:45 to do the problem . But in this case I
23:47 wanted to really show you that you can if you
23:49 have logarithms running around your equations , just kill them
23:52 . With exponentials , raise the left to an exponential
23:54 , the right to an exponential , same base and
23:57 all of those logs will get eliminated . All right
23:59 now , just for giggles , I want to make
24:01 sure you understand that there's obviously an equivalent way of
24:05 doing this here . So let's go down here and
24:07 I'm gonna show you were going to start with the
24:09 black line . How would we do it ? Just
24:10 using the laws of logarithms . I have a log
24:12 rhythm minus algorithms so I can write this as a
24:15 division log base A . of this divided by this
24:20 X over X -5 equals this log base A six
24:27 . So you see just with a simple line ,
24:29 I now have basil algorithm based algorithm and the thing
24:33 I'm taking the log rhythm of they have to be
24:34 equal X over x minus five is equal to six
24:37 . This is exactly where I arrived right here .
24:39 X over x minus five is six . So from
24:42 here the solution is the same . You will get
24:43 the same thing . I agree with you that this
24:45 is fewer steps . This is typically what you would
24:48 see , you know in most textbooks , especially at
24:50 the introductory level . But they really want you to
24:52 understand how algorithms and exponential can annihilate each other because
24:55 when you get farther along in math it becomes incredibly
24:58 useful . And so I want to make sure you
25:00 understand that . All right , we have one more
25:03 problem . It's actually not a very long problem .
25:05 So I'm gonna slide back here and do it underneath
25:09 but it's a good problem . What if I have
25:12 log rhythm based too , X squared minus nine is
25:17 equal to four . Now , I just got through
25:20 telling you I can kill the algorithm with an exponential
25:22 . I can raise both sides to an exponential with
25:25 a base to I can do that . But instead
25:27 of doing that let's just use the definition of algorithm
25:29 just for variety two To the power of four is
25:33 equal to what this is inside the log rhythm .
25:36 X squared minus nine . Now the law algorithm has
25:39 again gone . 2 to the power of four is
25:41 16 . X squared minus nine . I'll move the
25:45 nine over by additional have 25 equals X squared .
25:49 I never like having it like this . So let's
25:50 flip it around 25 and then we'll go over here
25:54 . I think you can see what the answer is
25:55 gonna be . Uh X is going to be plus
25:57 or minus the square root of 25 Because they take
26:01 the square root of both sides . So X can
26:03 be five . X can be negative five . This
26:07 is the final answer . Xs five Xs negative five
26:10 . You have two answers you might say whoa ,
26:11 whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa . You just
26:13 told me that I cannot have negative numbers feeding into
26:16 a longer term . You just told me I cannot
26:18 have negative numbers going into a long rhythm . So
26:21 why do I have two answers here ? Well here's
26:23 why If I put five in here it's squared .
26:27 That's gonna be 25 -9 . That is what I'm
26:29 taking the log rhythm of a positive number . If
26:31 I put negative five in here I still get positive
26:34 25 I still get the positive number here . I'm
26:37 still taking away algorithm of a positive number . So
26:40 you have to check both solutions . Don't just throw
26:42 it away if it's negative , go and see if
26:44 the solution is requiring you to take a log rhythm
26:47 of a negative number . Original problem , The original
26:50 problem would have me feed a negative three directly into
26:53 a log rhythm that's not allowed . So I could
26:54 just kill it . But here I had to go
26:56 and check and make sure both were valid . So
26:58 here we have started the process of learning how to
27:00 solve logarithmic equations . There is more work to it
27:04 and you have to understand the rules and the laws
27:06 of logarithms , but it's not black magic and there's
27:09 always more than one way to do it . So
27:11 make sure you can solve all of these yourself .
27:13 If I were you , I'd solve both of them
27:14 two different ways . Just to make sure you understand
27:16 . Follow me on to the next lesson . We're
27:18 gonna get more practice solving more complicated log arrhythmic equations
00:0-1 .


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