Making Connections with Students - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Making Connections with Students - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Making Connections with Students - By CanvasLMS

00:00 Yeah , yeah , It is session three and these
00:25 go by really fast . They do , they're thinking
00:30 the same thing . She's like , I was just
00:31 here like they go by so fast but they're very
00:37 , very well received so far . We're getting a
00:38 ton of comments and and likes and retweets from everywhere
00:42 across the world . So thank you so much .
00:45 Today we're having a little bit of a digital Learning
00:47 showcase with Keep Indiana Learning and they were powered by
00:50 Central Indiana Educational Service Centre . So we've got a
00:53 great session planned for you with Diana knocks my good
00:57 friend from the west side of indiana , I represent
01:02 . We turn over here so we oh we always
01:07 love that . But before we get started , I
01:09 do want to make sure that all of these sessions
01:11 , we mentioned some great new things happening with canvas
01:15 studio and if you're not using canvas studio , it
01:19 is one of our premier platforms that's kind of baked
01:22 into canvas . Diana . You guys use canvas studio
01:24 , we have canvas to , this is our first
01:26 year and I love it . Let's go . Right
01:29 . Yeah . It is absolutely fantastic . If Diana
01:33 loves it , just like jim , there's a lot
01:35 of people you need to know in the campus community
01:36 . Diana is one of them . If they say
01:38 they love it , then you might as well take
01:40 that money to the bank because there is a lot
01:44 of great things happening and they are always in the
01:46 know on these campus studio , fantastic platform baked into
01:51 canvas . A great place to create some interactive .
01:54 You know what , I just just stop talking ,
01:55 we should just show it . Learning wasn't meant to
02:03 be a one way street for learning to stick .
02:06 Students need to do and make not just watch and
02:09 listen . They need interaction , collaboration , feedback canvas
02:15 studio transforms video learning by turning content into conversation .
02:19 Here's how it works . Educators can create a variety
02:23 of media experiences for their courses , from self recorded
02:26 video to interactive discussions around other content . Students can
02:31 create videos to as assignment submissions , presentations , peer
02:35 feedback or ways to practice . Everyone gets their own
02:39 personal media library . Wanna bring Youtube content into the
02:43 mix . No problem . And accessibility is built right
02:47 in focus . Students attention with timestamp comments , then
02:52 turn those comments into conversations . Embed quiz questions to
02:56 gauge understanding of key concepts at key moments , then
02:59 send the scores straight to the grade book . Want
03:02 a deeper look at engagement Studio offers , second by
03:05 second student by student analytics . See what sinking in
03:09 and what's falling flat , personalized , refine , repeat
03:14 . And of course , canvas studio integrates seamlessly with
03:17 the canvas LMS . That means studio can deliver videos
03:21 exactly how students and teachers want to see them through
03:24 canvas mobile apps . It means your institution gets full
03:28 control of its video assets and a simple storage and
03:31 bandwidth solution and your students get richer canvas courses ,
03:35 no extra Loggins and a more fluid learning experience ,
03:39 whether they're online in person or somewhere in between ready
03:43 to make video learning more powerful , learn more about
03:46 canvas studio at in structure dot com . I just
03:53 love , I love that video , get so excited
03:55 because I love the studio so much , I loved
03:58 it as a client . And what better way to
04:01 talk about making connections with students than just segue Right
04:05 from Cayman studio to my friend Carrie from keeping Learning
04:11 and Diana knocks . I'm so excited to see what
04:13 you have in store for us . Thank you Eddie
04:15 . So I just want to say really quickly ,
04:17 I'm gonna , I'm gonna say about Diana , she
04:19 is one of our 18 digital learning coaches with Keep
04:21 indiana Learning and our coaches helped support schools all across
04:25 the state , but specifically 30 schools that we are
04:27 supporting in conjunction with the University of Indianapolis and their
04:32 cell program and we are funded through one of the
04:35 governor's gear grants . And so Diana has been one
04:37 of our amazing coaches and I'm super excited for you
04:40 to hear what she has to share today , all
04:42 about making connections with students and how canvas can help
04:46 you do that . So thank you so much .
04:48 Diana , go ahead and take it away . Thank
04:51 you so much . I'm excited to be here .
04:53 I'm a little nervous . I mean , you know
04:54 when you follow the canvas casters , that's a ,
04:56 that's a big deal please . We talked about ,
05:00 we talked about laundry laundry chutes . Listen , there's
05:04 a lot got off task pretty quick . We're not
05:07 the best student , right ? Yeah . Do you
05:11 want to go ahead and share your screen so I
05:12 can get that set up on the back end .
05:14 Like lots of people loving it though while you're doing
05:17 that , let's just throw some up , joe .
05:19 Our friend joe and Michelle would have a session coming
05:22 . You're super excited to see you . Um saying
05:25 hi , Diana , can't wait to see you Kyle
05:27 Cline . I can't , I'm not surprised he's not
05:29 on the golf course , you know , getting a
05:31 little sunshine , probably snowing up there , right ?
05:33 It's already snowing on him , but you know ,
05:35 it's a Diana can't wait to be your session .
05:37 So super excited to have you , we've got the
05:39 stream ready , we've got the screen going , so
05:41 take it away . Perfect . Thank you so much
05:44 . So , um , as we get in here
05:47 today , making connections with students , I think for
05:50 me that was my favorite thing about being in the
05:52 classroom sometimes . I absolutely loved getting in there and
05:58 um meeting my students , getting to know them um
06:03 and making those connections . So I do have a
06:05 little bit , we here at the bottom of the
06:07 screen that you can access these slides if you want
06:10 . And I have some comments in the speaker notes
06:13 because I'm afraid I'm going to forget something . There's
06:15 so much I could talk to you about . So
06:18 as a driving force for me , one of my
06:19 things that I always focused on was the fact that
06:22 my relationships with my students probably did help me have
06:26 less problems with classroom management and disruption and students behavior
06:30 . That's not to say they were all perfect because
06:32 Lord have mercy . We all know that there are
06:34 some stinkers out there . Um but those stinkers are
06:36 usually that some of the most lovable ones , you
06:38 can make those connections and get to know them .
06:40 Um but relationships with our students are important and we
06:44 know the reasons why we know that it's important to
06:47 give their students a sense of belonging , um give
06:50 them a feeling of voice when they feel comfortable and
06:53 know that they can share their thoughts , their ideas
06:55 , their their plans , and sometimes even their disagreement
07:00 with you if they feel safe , that they can
07:02 do that and know that they're still going to be
07:04 respected , those connections are everlasting and super strong .
07:08 Um we also know that stronger connections with our students
07:11 show an increase in academic achievement and that's why we're
07:14 here , we want to , our students to achieve
07:16 and to know and to learn and grow . And
07:18 so these pieces are important to help us with that
07:21 . Um we all have a huge , huge treasure
07:26 trove bag of tricks that we could pull from to
07:28 create relationships with students in the , in the classroom
07:33 face to face traditional settings . But when we start
07:37 to look at flipping the lens on this one on
07:40 one time discussing expectations , these things that you see
07:44 listed here , doing that in an online or virtual
07:49 environment can be a little bit more challenging . So
07:51 how do we flip that lens ? How do we
07:53 make that work ? And canvas can help you do
07:58 this ? There are many features of canvas and more
08:00 than I have listed here . Um , and I
08:03 have to confess a lot of my ideas . They're
08:05 not a virgin . I invent them . I followed
08:08 when the canvas casters were talking and they gave you
08:10 that list of people to follow . Uh , those
08:13 are some of the very people that I gleaned some
08:14 of these initial ideas from uh , the canvas casters
08:18 kona jones , uh , the elementary campus for elementary
08:22 Kerry and lindsey and Jim Wolf and Oh candidate tweets
08:27 . And you know , some of the people that
08:28 I've never had the privilege of meeting in person .
08:30 But I've , I've watched the information that they can
08:33 , his family has shared and put out there and
08:36 I've gleaned a lot of really great ideas . So
08:38 we're going to kind of go through these in order
08:40 and talk about how you can use these things to
08:42 create connections with your students . Um , and hopefully
08:46 this will go pretty well . Um , so the
08:52 inbox , I love the canvas inbox feature and the
08:55 inbox for us lets us communicate with the entire class
09:00 in just a couple of clicks . And so you
09:02 can go in , select a class , select everybody
09:05 in the class or select specific people . Each person
09:08 can be sent their individual message and then that will
09:14 go out and it creates a log and there are
09:18 , this doesn't really apply to my session , but
09:20 I love the new analytics . So a new analytics
09:22 , you can kind of track how many times you've
09:24 reached out to a student and how many times they've
09:25 reached back . Um if you have your notification set
09:29 up correctly or I guess I shouldn't say correctly a
09:32 preference . I haven't come to my inbox of my
09:34 email . So these come right to your email .
09:37 It's not like managing a couple of different places .
09:39 You can reply right back . So this inbox is
09:42 a great way to make those connections and reach out
09:44 if it's something you want to share with the whole
09:46 class or an individual where you want to just check
09:48 in on them and see how things are going because
09:50 you notice that they required in the online session today
09:53 . Those are things that are important to note with
09:56 the inbox discussions . This is something admittedly it's probably
10:01 my area of weakness . I don't have a lot
10:04 of discussions in my treasure trove to use from ,
10:07 but it's one of my missions is to improve .
10:10 And so I remember attending a session with the fabulous
10:14 Megan Tolan and Joanna Ray and it was at a
10:18 summer of a learning session at Richmond and they had
10:20 a whole session on discussions and one of the ideas
10:23 that they gave us was you kind of put your
10:25 students into groups and assign some roles . And so
10:29 you have students that are deliberately taking on maybe a
10:32 stance that isn't what they personally believe , that they
10:34 have to give information and defend it . And I
10:37 thought that was a great way of engaging the students
10:39 in the , in the course and asking them to
10:41 really amp up their critical thinking . But if you
10:44 also insert yourself into those discussions , it's another way
10:47 for the students to get to know you on another
10:48 level , to get to know things that you have
10:52 that you want to share with them . Um ,
10:54 and then they will feel safer speaking up adding information
10:59 sharing with you . So mix up those discussions .
11:02 They don't have to be the standard that maybe some
11:05 of us went to college with with discussion boards .
11:08 There's lots of creative ways to use discussions and to
11:10 create those connections . And it's not even just the
11:13 connections with your students , between the teacher and the
11:15 student , but you want to also establish those connections
11:18 , students , a student . And then that will
11:20 also trickle back to you and you can read the
11:22 benefits from it . Um , canvas quizzes . This
11:25 is an idea that I have to say kona jones
11:28 . I first heard her on an episode of the
11:30 canvas casters . I think it's episode number two .
11:33 Um She talked about using canvas quizzes not just as
11:38 a quiz . So don't let that name trip you
11:41 up . Don't let let you think that that can
11:43 only be used for assessment or quick checks and things
11:45 like that . You can use it as an SCL
11:48 check in . And I know here in the state
11:49 of indiana we're really starting to focus heavily on SCL
11:52 . There's been huge talk of it during the pandemic
11:55 about making sure we're keeping up with our students and
11:58 understanding how they're feeling and where they are . And
12:01 you can use the quizzes to replace your beginning of
12:03 the year questionnaire . Um and I loved Conan's idea
12:06 . I think she uses it together , feedback from
12:08 students just kind of a general how are you checking
12:11 in ? May not necessarily be content related , But
12:15 she talked about using quizzes just to learn about her
12:18 students and know where they were in the world and
12:20 where they were with what was going on in their
12:22 lives . That might help her understand a bit better
12:25 , um how to um what was what was going
12:31 on in the world and how to make those connections
12:33 , And I .



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