Consistency, Canvas, and Templates for Elementary and Middle with Fruitvale School District - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Consistency, Canvas, and Templates for Elementary and Middle with Fruitvale School District - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Consistency, Canvas, and Templates for Elementary and Middle with Fruitvale School District - By CanvasLMS

00:0-1 All right . We are live again . Session four
00:06 , no five . This is what happens when you
00:08 do more than more than one live streaming day .
00:10 Your brains a little fried . Uh , this is
00:12 actually session five today of the California canvas collaborative where
00:17 we are highlighting districts all across California and talking a
00:22 little bit about their experiences with not only canvas ,
00:25 but in their specific individual instance of doing a little
00:30 little here or there . This , this specifically is
00:33 about elementary templates in middle school , got a chance
00:36 to meet all of these ladies just a few minutes
00:39 ago and just fantastic things happening there at Fruitvale School
00:43 District in Bakersfield California . I can't wait to see
00:47 what they have in store . We don't talk a
00:48 whole lot about elementary usage or middle school usage .
00:53 I know templates make these a lot easier . So
00:56 I'm just gonna sit back , grab a little popcorn
00:58 , I've got my water here and just enjoy what
01:01 they've got going on . Dr lisa Gilbert . Why
01:04 don't you introduce all of these fine folks at Fruitvale
01:07 School District ? Thanks , I really appreciate that .
01:10 So hey , good afternoon everyone . Um as Eddie
01:14 said , I'm lisa Gilbert , I'm deputy superintendent for
01:17 instructional services , that the current county superintendent of schools
01:20 . So as a county office , um we have
01:23 truly invested in making sure that we are providing the
01:27 support necessary for all of our 47 school districts um
01:31 to make sure that we have continued to provide a
01:34 high quality education for our students , almost 200,000 students
01:37 here in current county . So we are very proud
01:40 today to get to have one of our outstanding districts
01:44 share with you their journey about how they chose and
01:48 have implemented the canvas horny management system . Um Their
01:52 fruitful school district is a high achieving k . Kindergarten
01:56 T . K . Through eighth grade district and they
01:59 have a little over 3000 students . Um They have
02:02 a long held reputation of excellent . All five of
02:06 our schools have been named California distinguished schools as an
02:10 example . Um and that really is a an example
02:14 of the outstanding leadership and teaching staff and instructional team
02:19 that they have there at Fruitvale today . They're going
02:22 to be sharing with you the implementation process they followed
02:26 to make sure that the use of campus across their
02:29 district was successful and consistent . Um they did not
02:34 go with canvas in the , during the first school
02:37 closure . So during that spring of 2019 , um
02:40 after they had done their own program , they reflected
02:44 on that and thought , you know , we want
02:46 to do a little bit more in terms of providing
02:49 high quality and consistency in our instructional program . And
02:52 so made a decision to join 31 of our districts
02:57 here in Kern County . Um that took this journey
03:00 together um in using the canvas funding management system .
03:03 So it is my pleasure to introduce their awesome team
03:07 . I'm so excited they're here and we're gonna learn
03:09 so much from them . Um Leslie Garrison is the
03:12 superintendent approval school district . Um , you also have
03:16 jennifer Megatech who is the coordinator of curriculum and instruction
03:20 and Leslie name for their canvas guru . Um that's
03:24 been Garnett , the principle of Endeavor Elementary . Um
03:28 , and interesting enough , she and jennifer are both
03:31 parents of students in the district as well , so
03:33 they had that perspective and then you also have Glennis
03:36 podgy who is one of their junior high math experts
03:39 um and actually joined our county office in developing nine
03:43 weeks of curriculum that were used across the state actually
03:46 . So thank you for being here and representing current
03:49 county Fruitvale and and take it away awesome . Well
03:53 we're really excited to believe where I can't quietly enough
03:56 about this team and our county office actually . Their
03:59 support was incredible . So they do need to shout
04:01 at least this team is unbelievable . And we wouldn't
04:04 even know about how canvas would apply to the elementary
04:07 if they weren't a part of our rollout . So
04:09 thank you for doing that . So I want to
04:11 share a little bit about Fruitful school district quickly .
04:14 We are in elementary school district were in Bakersfield California
04:18 . We have four elementary than one junior high .
04:20 But the interesting part about Fruit Bowl is that our
04:22 demographics are changing rapidly . So we are now at
04:25 55.4% and duplicated people count over 50% of our students
04:30 are socioeconomically disadvantaged and we have over 13% student with
04:35 disabilities and um only 6% L . D . And
04:38 we're roughly almost half and half white hispanic and then
04:41 a mix of all other ethnicities . So as lisa
04:45 said , we do have high performance history . In
04:48 fact our mathematics has jumped up drastically . So yeah
04:51 , Gwyneth and so that's our old data . But
04:56 we recognize through this experience especially with school closures ,
05:00 that even the most high performing schools are going to
05:02 experience learning loss . So that was a great concern
05:05 to us . And so canvas helped us address that
05:09 and still continues to help us address that . So
05:11 today we are going to be talking about our lessons
05:14 of how we rolled out canvas and then how we
05:16 created a district wide consistency and that was the goal
05:19 of all of our leadership . That we wanted consistency
05:22 throughout the district for everyone , teachers , students and
05:26 administrators . And so this was an extremely extremely valuable
05:30 tool for us . And as you can say ,
05:32 well we did that through templates modules and then schedules
05:36 . So in the spring that reality was grim .
05:39 We did our best in the midst of just sheared
05:44 misunderstood . We didn't know what was gonna happen .
05:46 And so we did our best to make sure that
05:49 we ended the year strong , but we knew that
05:51 something was missing and we learned we used 1000 different
05:55 platforms and we had inconsistent time for synchronous learning and
06:00 some did a lot and some did less and there
06:04 was varying amounts of work assign . And so ultimately
06:06 , I think all school districts recognized that we needed
06:09 to do better now that we knew what that looked
06:11 like . And so we had a challenge also because
06:14 we were rolling out a new student information system through
06:17 the summer as well . Okay , So based on
06:21 our realities in the spring of 2020 , uh ,
06:27 we knew something needed to be done and the decision
06:30 was made to go ahead into adopt canvas um ,
06:34 as our learning management system for the next school year
06:38 . Um , that started in about May , we
06:41 did an overview of canvas for a district and K
06:45 . C . S . O . S . Put
06:46 that on . Um , just to give us just
06:49 a quick idea of what what canvas was , like
06:52 , what it would be like um , to work
06:54 in canvas . And then , um , I started
06:56 meeting with K . C . S . O .
06:58 S . Staff and um , canvas course designer to
07:03 really look at what do we want , our platform
07:07 and what do we want our canvas courses to look
07:09 like ? We knew that um , going into canvas
07:13 and creating a course , um , for all of
07:16 our teachers , it could be a daunting task .
07:20 And so we knew that we wanted to provide them
07:22 with a template so that they didn't have to just
07:25 start from scratch . And we also knew based on
07:28 what our spring was like , that we needed consistency
07:32 for our students um and for the parents , for
07:35 administrators for everyone . So we wanted everyone using the
07:39 same template um for their courses . So , um
07:44 after meeting with K . C . S . O
07:45 . S . Staff and the canvas designer , uh
07:48 we created a template and then we had teacher input
07:52 . So we had grade levels of teachers who volunteered
07:55 to to meet and we showed them what we had
07:58 come up with and they gave their input . We
08:00 made changes based on their input . Um and then
08:04 we spent the summer working on modifying and fine tuning
08:09 those templates to send out to teachers . Um We
08:13 also continue doing summer canvas training that was optional for
08:17 our staff with Casey Casey S . O . S
08:20 . They put out great canvas trainings all summer long
08:25 . They made the videos accessible even after they were
08:27 finished . And so those were invaluable to us throughout
08:32 the year . We also pushed out our canvas courses
08:36 early to teachers . So we had some teachers that
08:38 were just ready to go and wanted to get a
08:40 head start on creating their canvas courses . And so
08:43 we made those templates available early on so that if
08:47 they wanted to get a head start , they could
08:49 . And then we also recognize that our parents would
08:53 , would need some training . So before school started
08:56 , we did some parent trainings to introduce canvas to
09:00 our parents in english and in spanish . We partnered
09:03 with Casey S . O . S . Again and
09:05 um , and did those trainings for them so that
09:08 parents were familiar with campus as well as our teachers
09:13 . So what was really important to us is that
09:15 there was a consistent format . Um , we used
09:19 , um , the courses at K . C .
09:21 S . O . S . And teachers in our
09:23 county created as a model . We really liked the
09:26 way that it looked , we felt like it was
09:28 user friendly . And so we created templates for our
09:32 teachers , um , that they could take and use
09:35 right away . They wouldn't have to do any creating
09:38 except just personalizing , but if they wanted to personalize
09:43 it , then they have the option to do that
09:45 as well . Um , we know that two teachers
09:48 creating your classroom environment is very important and some teachers
09:52 spend a lot of time um decorating and personalizing their
09:56 classrooms and they didn't have that this school year .
09:59 And so we knew that they would want to create
10:01 a personal environment for their students in their canvas classroom
10:06 . And so we allowed for that . Um ,
10:08 so this is an example of what our second grade
10:11 through eighth grade template looks like . Um and you
10:14 can see that there's highlighting and red X's and that's
10:17 just just to let teachers know delete this and personalize
10:21 it . Here's what you need to adhere . Um
10:23 , but everything stays the same as far as the
10:27 wording . Here's our kindergarten to first grade template .
10:31 Actually . TK to first grade template . It's a
10:34 little more uh primary looking . One thing that our
10:38 primary teacher said is we need very simple and so
10:43 we removed a lot of the list on the side
10:46 . We removed the modules button for kids so they
10:50 didn't even have access to it . And we used
10:52 a lot of the linking through buttons on our canvas
10:56 pages . So our primary teacher said , we just
10:59 want a big button that says go , so that's
11:02 what they got . They got a big button and
11:04 it says go , um I have a first grade
11:07 daughter . And so I showed the template to her
11:10 and I said , okay , where do you go
11:12 ? So the first time she was like , oh
11:13 the arrow , I go to the arrow . So
11:15 it was obvious that our kids are going to be
11:17 able to navigate using this template . Um the other
11:21 thing was that the home page for all grade levels
11:26 was going to stay the same if they didn't ,
11:28 if they wanted to personalize the colours of the buttons
11:30 , if they wanted to change the buttons , teachers
11:33 had the ability to do that , but the word
11:36 , he needed to stay the same so that as
11:38 a parent , if I go to my third graders
11:41 canvas page or I go to my sixth graders canvas
11:44 page , I know that the student is going to
11:47 click the start learning button to get to their work
11:50 for the week . So whether that looks like a
11:52 green frog or a bit mo ji button or this
11:54 button , it's all going to be the same .
11:57 Um , so all students would have the same home
12:01 page and then we did use the icons to link
12:03 to pages as opposed to going through them modules in
12:08 the sidebar . Um , the other thing that we
12:10 wanted was we wanted what , what we loved about
12:13 canvas was that it is a platform for everything that
12:16 they needed . So they didn't have to go and
12:19 open a brand new page to get to this site
12:22 and a new page to get to this site ,
12:23 everything is housed within canvas and we can link to
12:26 those pages . And so we wanted easy zoom access
12:30 . We knew that the first day of school kids
12:32 just needed to get to zoom and so we created
12:35 easy access for zoom and then we allowed teachers to
12:38 personalize it . And the other thing that they had
12:41 , once they click that start learning button was a
12:44 clear learning plan for the week posted so that kids
12:48 and parents could see exactly what was coming up for
12:51 the week . And then at the bottom of every
12:53 page was a return to home button and has a
12:57 little house as the easy icon to remember . That's
13:00 where you go back to your homepage . The other
13:03 thing that we did for our teachers was how to
13:06 set up this course . So on the home page
13:07 there was a link . You can go to this
13:09 page and it tells you everything you need to do
13:12 to get your canvas course up and running and ready
13:15 to go for the first day of school . And
13:19 then the other thing that we noticed in the spring
13:21 was that we had teachers who were still teaching ,
13:24 like they had been in the classroom , but then
13:26 we also had teachers that were just pushing out assignments
13:29 . We needed some consistency and we hadn't provided that
13:31 for our teachers in the spring and we needed to
13:34 moving forward . So we provided some guidelines as to
13:39 what is going to look like when they zoom and
13:41 what their asynchronous work will look like . And we
13:45 set up specific lesson templates for them as well .
13:48 So even the modules would be provided for them in
13:51 the courses , um that we pushed out to them
13:54 and it was consistent daily . They had a place
13:56 to put their uh their recorded zoom session or their
14:01 recorded lesson . They had a place to put their
14:03 assignments and then they had a finished page for the
14:06 day and we follow the CDC recommendations for the synchronous
14:09 asynchronous work time for those . Um The other great
14:14 thing that we had , our teachers were on board
14:17 with this . Um even our special services teachers um
14:22 and providers were on board using canvas . They recognize
14:25 that if we as a whole district we're moving to
14:27 canvass , they wanted to be a part of as
14:29 well . And so we created um some courses for
14:34 speech . We created courses for R . O .
14:37 T . We created courses for counselors . So all
14:41 of these people were creating their own canvas courses and
14:44 modifying them to fit their students needs um which was
14:47 really exciting to see that everyone was on board and
14:50 it was working , the kids knew where to go
14:52 and they had one platform to go to . All
14:55 of our students were able to access canvas for learning
14:59 . Um We also had aides who had access ,
15:03 so we had instructional aids that had access and then
15:05 they could also help their students um when they needed
15:08 to with assignments . So as we started out ,
15:13 it was a big learning curve for our teachers ,
15:17 which was the whole reason behind providing these templates for
15:20 our teachers , but they're still needed to be a
15:23 lot of support given . So we started with the
15:26 first day back for teachers in august we partnered with
15:30 K . C . S . O . S and
15:31 they provided two days of canvas training for our teachers
15:35 to give them an overview and kind of how to
15:37 get started . Plus we had access to all of
15:40 those pre recorded videos as well um for more in
15:43 depth support . We also did office hours every afternoon
15:49 for that first week back um just for troubleshooting and
15:52 for help um , with specific issues . Um ,
15:56 the other thing was , I went out to school
15:58 sites and um help teachers in person . Sometimes it's
16:03 just easier if you , you're in person . Um
16:06 , one of the things to that we recognize was
16:08 that we had teachers of all ability levels as far
16:12 as technology goes . So you had some that took
16:15 this and ran with it and you had some that
16:17 needed some extra support in this and so we wanted
16:21 to make sure that every teacher felt comfortable with this
16:24 and every teacher was given the support that they needed
16:27 to thrive and to succeed using canvas . There were
16:31 some teachers who started messaging me on a sunday and
16:35 I thought , oh my gosh , are teachers are
16:37 working on the weekend and I don't want them to
16:39 wait until monday . And so I , we did
16:41 informal office hours even on sunday afternoon , I figured
16:45 if the teachers were working on a sunday then I
16:48 was going to provide support for them any time that
16:51 they needed that . Um The other thing that really
16:55 helped us a lot with site tech mentors , so
16:58 we had psych tech mentors and that each of our
17:02 campuses to provide support for our teachers . Um the
17:07 first half of the school year , they were great
17:09 . These were people who really from the beginning kind
17:12 of rose up as canvas adopters , early adopters and
17:17 they were running with it . And so they were
17:19 very helpful to the sites and it was much easier
17:23 for teachers to go directly to them than to wait
17:26 and get support from me or from someone else who
17:29 wasn't at their site . We also did um professional
17:35 development throughout the school year . And every time we
17:37 had one of our P . D . Days we
17:39 highlighted canvas tools using our tech mentors . Um and
17:42 then we had parents support throughout the year as well
17:45 um through our district . Helpdesk parents could put in
17:48 a ticket and then we would call them back and
17:50 provide support for them through canvas . Glennis is going
17:54 to talk more about collaborating in canvas , but I
17:57 do want to just mention that our teachers who really
18:00 saw success early on in canvas were the ones who
18:03 were collaborating and using commons to share the workload .
18:07 Um and we found our TK team what they are
18:11 awesome and they did such a great job of sharing
18:14 the work with each other . Um They took different
18:17 parts of the lessons they plan together . We saw
18:21 through Covid and through all of this experience that district
18:25 wide , we have teachers coming together and planning together
18:29 more than we ever have before . Um , I
18:31 would say that's been a blessing of this year .
18:34 So we have great teacher grade level teachers who were
18:36 dividing and conquering the work and then our distance learning
18:39 teachers actually share students across schools . And so they
18:43 have created their own PLC s and are collaborating together
18:49 and our administrators to , we really clung to each
18:52 other and started to collaborate together and it really strengthened
18:55 our team um , through that , through this challenging
19:00 time , that's definitely been a blessing for us .
19:02 Um , with the consistency of canvas platform , we
19:05 knew that we needed to have a consistent schedule across
19:08 our district . So we set zoom times for all
19:10 of our sites are elementary sites are 8 32 .
19:13 Excuse me , eight o'clock to 11 30 was live
19:16 zoom And in the afternoons after 1230 were office hours
19:19 offered to students for individual time with their teachers .
19:23 Teachers could set up , um , small group work
19:26 activities during that afternoon session or they could run some
19:30 of Arcadian testing . It was a variety of things
19:32 in those office hours , but that consistency was key
19:35 . We knew our parents were juggling multiple schedules with
19:39 their work and their students . That may be a
19:40 different sites or different districts if there are any high
19:43 school students in the family . And so we knew
19:45 that it was really important to maintain those schedules so
19:48 that they could adapt or work within their realm to
19:52 get their students on for those live zooms , which
19:54 were incredibly important for us . Um , we had
19:57 Matthew mail blocks that were um , protected in our
20:01 master schedule at each site and that was so the
20:04 parents could anticipate what subject was coming up personally .
20:07 I have a first grader and a kindergartener who started
20:09 school this year and it started on zoom through canvas
20:12 . So having that schedule um , was really nice
20:15 for us to have the materials ready to go .
20:17 We had , we knew when math was coming up
20:18 and she had her materials lined up ready for her
20:21 and that was really important . Otherwise you get stuck
20:24 in a chaotic uh feeling where you don't have the
20:27 papers that the teacher is asking for , so that
20:30 just helped to support and bring us all together .
20:33 Um , each grade level had a different schedule so
20:36 that we could utilize our AIDS for support in our
20:38 reading and um intervention group , which you'll see here
20:41 . The dark green was our big push this year
20:44 for us was a specific reading process where we focus
20:47 on individual students , reading skills and needs and we
20:51 offer those individualized instructional groups based on those levels .
20:55 And this schedule was incredibly important so that we could
20:58 share our instructional aids across the grade levels to run
21:02 smaller groups within these dedicated block times . Um And
21:06 then we also had the some groups would duty or
21:09 two in our afternoons during office hours where they would
21:12 pull back some students to do some repeat instruction .
21:15 Um We had a lot of grade levels choose to
21:17 do some of their L . D . Instruction in
21:19 the afternoons . And that was a shared effort .
21:22 So for example our second grade team at my site
21:25 um decided that what one teacher would take all of
21:28 the L . D . Students in the afternoons and
21:30 they could very easily create a group on canvas and
21:33 pull those students together and run their instruction for that
21:36 week and then the next teacher would take the following
21:39 week and so on . So um we really maximize
21:41 this block schedule and staying consistent so that we could
21:45 share the workload with one another . Alright , protected
21:52 times I touched on this a little five days a
21:54 week . That walk to learn time is what we're
21:55 calling it . That's the the reading instruction that is
21:58 tiered towards our students , um levels of their skills
22:03 and their needs and the canvas courses were created for
22:05 the teachers . So we would make sure that the
22:08 students were aligned with those groups . So an entire
22:11 grade level has leveled their students . They would separate
22:15 off during that walk to learn time . And so
22:17 the intensive students would would join a new course and
22:21 they would have their intensive instructor along with maybe an
22:23 aide or two and run their reading instruction and then
22:26 go back to their home room after their um dedicated
22:29 protected walk to learn time . Getting that very intense
22:31 um intensive direct instruction geared toward their reading levels .
22:37 Teachers and students and professionals connected through zoom on those
22:41 courses as well . And then in those courses we
22:44 were able to progress monitor our students the intensive and
22:46 strategic students to make sure that they were making gains
22:50 and to track their growth and to really monitor them
22:53 to watch what to be able to offer more support
22:56 if they needed that or two , maybe even bump
22:58 them up and offer some enrichment for students if they
23:01 needed that as well . So with all of this
23:04 , we were able to do um , to follow
23:06 this walk to learn process to the best ability that
23:08 we can through an online platform . And we saw
23:12 growth across all of our students in distance learning and
23:14 in person . It's very successful given some of the
23:17 barriers . Sure , thank you . The canvas was
23:25 very important and I'm not sure Jennifer got to touch
23:28 on this a little bit , but our secretaries got
23:31 really good on campus because they utilize this as ,
23:34 um , a way to track attendance . And all
23:37 those students weren't required to be on the live zooms
23:39 daily . We still wanted them to be on canvas
23:42 and follow those um , weekly learning plans to watch
23:46 the teachers recorded lessons . We wanted to make sure
23:49 they were engaged in their learning and canvas allowed us
23:52 that ability . So we were able to , as
23:55 administrators also jump in zooms , do some walkthrough ,
23:58 see our kids . That was incredibly important to me
24:00 to see their faces and say hello . Um ,
24:03 we were able to observe teachers and see some outstanding
24:06 activities that they were running on this electronic new platform
24:10 that we've never done before . And um , teachers
24:13 kept up our rigger approval . It prides itself in
24:16 offering a rigorous education and it did not slow down
24:20 once we got the flow of the canvas , just
24:22 like any first start of the school , you're getting
24:24 things in line . And that rigor just kept on
24:27 and it was amazing to watch . And I do
24:30 believe that the collaboration with the teachers and the grade
24:32 levels and then across the sites really helped to aid
24:35 that so that we could continue doing what football does
24:38 . Support staff was able to push into courses and
24:42 offer um student support and teachers support . Um We
24:45 had support staff going into multiple classes with our walk
24:49 to learn groups . We had students that were receiving
24:53 speech services and they were able to jump in and
24:55 offer that support through campus as well . And then
24:58 like our secretaries , we were able to do our
25:00 attendance track attendance tracking . They would be able to
25:04 pull the previous day's record to see who may not
25:06 have logged in and make contact to check in on
25:09 our students to make sure that they had all the
25:11 support they needed from us , some of them needed
25:13 hotspots and we were able to monitor that through canvas
25:17 usage . We were also able to monitor student's um
25:21 you know , if they would just logged into canvas
25:23 and we're on for five minutes and logged off .
25:25 We were able to address those as well because you
25:27 can see every page that they go to . Um
25:30 and how long they spent on those pages . So
25:32 that was a really great advantage that we had .
25:35 Um as a parent , obviously I had a little
25:38 bit of an advantage because I was learning the platform
25:40 before or other parents . Um but with me having
25:43 to be a little bit more on campus , my
25:45 husband had to learn canvas as a parent without this
25:49 advantage of getting it early . And so I saw
25:52 him um struggle a little with navigating , but it
25:55 only took maybe a day or two . And once
25:58 he found the connection between our kindergarten and our first
26:01 grade students and it was very easy that they were
26:05 able to log in . He was able to direct
26:07 them or redirect them if maybe they lost their space
26:09 , which really happened . Um And after the live
26:13 zoom was over , we were able to go together
26:15 , walk through that learning plan , click through the
26:17 lessons , complete the activities and it was just so
26:21 streamlined . It was fairly simple to the point where
26:24 and by um september our six year old in our
26:27 five year old , we're doing it a lot on
26:29 their own . Um One of the greatest stories I
26:32 have and I would say the most exciting thing about
26:36 canvas for me with my personal student , my own
26:39 child in first grade , he got to a point
26:42 where he was asked to do a studio recording of
26:46 a reading . And as you know , first grade
26:48 is the beginning of that building those reading skills and
26:52 he was a reluctant reader . So um , the
26:55 assignment was to read this passage , but do it
26:57 on studio recordings , which was a video recording .
27:00 And then he'd have to hold the paper up ,
27:03 read his passage and then push play and submit the
27:06 assignment . Well when he pushed play , he would
27:08 watch himself read and he didn't like it if he
27:10 made a mistake or if he hesitated . And so
27:13 he edited himself , he would redo it until he
27:16 got a good recording to submit to his teacher .
27:19 And that as a former english teacher who knows the
27:21 importance of editing is probably the biggest gift that I
27:25 have personally seen in my family for the with the
27:28 canvas platform . It was beautiful and then it was
27:30 wonderful to hear from the teachers to when they watched
27:33 the studio recordings . They felt more connected to their
27:36 students , which was really missing at the beginning of
27:38 the school year . Um It was very easy to
27:40 upload files to this . The students pages , it's
27:44 very simple to go to the file folder in the
27:48 computer and simply upload it while you're in campus .
27:51 And then some parents were able to set up a
27:54 personal accounts um where they could directly communicate with their
27:57 teachers . They could monitor their students usage . Um
28:00 They could check their students assignments to see if it
28:02 was submitted or not at all or if it was
28:04 submitted on time and it was very easy for them
28:07 to monitor their students as well , um , with
28:10 a separate account , we're not having to log in
28:12 as the student , but as a parent , so
28:14 that was great , too . Shit . Uh ,
28:17 so as a teacher , um , I actually got
28:20 started with canvas a little early , um , when
28:24 the current county superintendent of schools was creating content back
28:27 in the spring of 2020 . Uh , so that
28:29 allowed me a chance to get on an experiment with
28:32 , in particular creating content in the Quiz feature ,
28:36 which has a math teacher . Uh really allowed me
28:39 to see how you can creatively use those quiz features
28:43 and assess student learning in some kind of creative ways
28:46 . But once we started to fall , um ,
28:49 with my actual school , my actual students , I
28:52 realized that there was a huge learning curve uh ,
28:54 to implementing it daily and that's where relying on the
28:58 templates that were made , made it so much easier
29:01 to focus exclusively on the content . As a teacher
29:05 , we have a lot of expertise in how to
29:08 how to create understanding with our students and having that
29:12 resource where I could take my content that I had
29:15 already created and use the quiz feature allowed me to
29:20 focus more on student learning unless on creating the class
29:24 itself . Um The teachers that I was working with
29:28 um we found that as we went through the school
29:30 year we really built our capacity um because when we
29:35 started the school year were mostly having students upload pictures
29:38 or videos or files . Um And throughout all the
29:41 P . D . That the district was able to
29:42 provide . We added on more and more tools allowing
29:46 more and more authentic engagement and more variety in how
29:51 students could demonstrate their knowledge which online is huge .
29:56 Um it does take some creative planning . So that's
29:59 where the collaboration uh was really , really important .
30:02 Uh trying to do everything all at once . Uh
30:07 it would be really challenging . So taking the next
30:10 upcoming weeks and dividing the work among a team made
30:13 it so that we were able to create that rich
30:15 content that was near the standard that we would expect
30:19 normally while also maintain all of our other responsibilities .
30:23 And so without that collaboration , uh we would have
30:26 really struggled , but we were all in it together
30:29 and it was much more successful than I was anticipating
30:33 . It was wonderful if I could jump in .
30:37 I'm sorry , I know this wasn't planned , but
30:39 I had teachers at my site who are continuing to
30:41 use canvas to this day and we are in person
30:44 learning . These are in person learning teachers because of
30:46 the comments , They love the lessons that are in
30:49 there and they continue to utilize them in their classrooms
30:52 during live instructor or in person instruction . It's been
30:55 great . Uh that's important to say Stephanie because the
31:04 question is now that we do have all of our
31:06 students are back in person , are we going to
31:08 continue to utilize canvas ? And when that question was
31:11 posed to our staff overwhelmingly , they said yes ,
31:14 please don't take it away . We like it and
31:16 we want to continue to use it because when parents
31:19 need access at home , it's so nice to have
31:21 everything the same . Whether you have a t care
31:23 or an eighth grader , you're able to access that
31:26 platform . So we are keeping it in our district
31:29 . So thank you for mentioning that . Talking about
31:32 mitigating learning last , we recognized that no matter what
31:35 , the closure of schools and having students outside of
31:38 our touch created learning loss . And so we knew
31:42 that we needed this even more as we continue to
31:45 distance learn when we came back . So if you
31:48 take a look at the next slide , you can
31:50 see some of our data which is powerful , that
31:53 last year , you can see that the green is
31:55 the previous school year and the blue is this school
31:57 year . And so these students in Kinder last year
32:00 made great gains and we were so excited and we
32:03 didn't get to get our end of the year data
32:05 unfortunately , because we close schools , but I imagine
32:08 it would have been beautiful . However , if you
32:11 look at the next slide , um this is very
32:14 telling that now the blue students were the green students
32:18 on the last slide and we clearly had learning loss
32:21 from kindergarten to first grade when we started assessing those
32:24 students . Now remember those were done via the Internet
32:27 through zoom online , But you can still see that
32:31 we were able to mitigate some of that learning loss
32:33 and they were making great gains on the next side
32:37 . This is a little bit of data just from
32:38 this school year . We don't have our end of
32:40 the year data yet or it would be wonderful to
32:42 see . But you can see that our goal is
32:44 to have the red shrink in the green grow and
32:47 kindergarten . That's a little more difficult to do through
32:49 a computer . First grade , we made gains .
32:51 Second grade , we made gains and then I believe
32:55 the next slide has some seventh grade data . Just
32:58 giving you a taste of what's going on . We
33:00 even did our local assessments with our 7th and 8th
33:03 grade students and we recognized a significant amount of need
33:07 in our junior high . So we were able to
33:09 address those as well . So canvas does have an
33:14 impact to our fall next year . And uh ,
33:17 is this still me , jennifer ? Are you taking
33:19 over this life ? Forgive me consistency while in distance
33:22 learning to start the year . So next year we
33:26 are going to , we're going to be keeping it
33:28 like I said again , teachers have voiced the desire
33:30 to keep canvas , but throughout the year it's important
33:34 to note that canvas was our only consistency when we
33:37 had to close because we did , we , we
33:39 opened our campuses fairly quickly for our county . We
33:42 were still in the red and seeing rises and spikes
33:46 . But we opened for most of our students in
33:49 the fall through october and november , but we recognized
33:53 that there were going to be some hiccups and so
33:55 we did have classroom closures and those classrooms just transferred
33:58 right into distance learning very easily because they had already
34:02 used canvas . So canvas continued and it was ,
34:05 it was a godsend for us to be able to
34:07 have that available as we close those classrooms for those
34:10 10 quarantine days and then brought them right back and
34:12 they did not miss a B in their instruction and
34:20 that that's our presentation . So this is us .
34:22 If any of you want to contact us , we'll
34:25 be happy to answer your questions or share anything with
34:27 you . But we're grateful to have had a moment
34:29 to share our journey . You guys , here's the
34:32 deal . Don't say learning loss around these ladies because
34:36 that entire presentation was nothing but strategic leadership . Hold
34:44 on just a second , let me do something real
34:46 quick , take a screen shot and then just photoshopped
34:49 me out at this point . Because what is happening
34:53 there at Fruitvale uh is pretty special . Not only
34:58 was that a strategic role out in the middle of
34:59 a pandemic , but also doing it in a way
35:03 that created the greater the greatest impact for your learners
35:07 . And then now thinking , okay , pandemic is
35:09 , you know , probably wrapping up shortly . Hopefully
35:12 we have our fingers crossed , we never know what's
35:14 going to happen , but knowing that canvas isn't gonna
35:17 go away , that this is a tool that we
35:19 can use to enhance learning beyond virtual or remote options
35:25 . Again , the screenshot should be happening now these
35:28 are the leaders , not only in California but globally
35:32 for for strategic stuff . So let's go ahead and
35:34 throw this back up because I know they're going to
35:36 be people that are like how in the world do
35:37 I get a hold of these folks ? Um they
35:39 just became canvas celebrities in the canvas world , which
35:42 is fantastic . Um , right here , if you've
35:45 got to get a hold of them hear their contact
35:47 information . Fantastic . Obviously we're promoting the canvas ,
35:50 the California campus collaborative . So we're really excited to
35:53 uh , to showcase that as well . Keep watching
35:57 today . We have a number of sessions coming up
35:59 . Um , ladies there in Fruitvale , thank you
36:01 so much for doing like , this is fantastic .
36:04 Thank you so much for being a part of the
36:05 live stream today . We will continue the last session
36:12 of the day for the , for the California canvas
36:14 collaborative . It's a favorite of mine . I'm not
36:17 gonna lie to you canvas studio . I love the
36:20 mention earlier Stephanie was that you , that mentioned canvas
36:22 to whom I've been a lifelong fan of canvas studio
36:27 since the beginning and I can't wait to talk more
36:30 . The next session coming up at the top of
36:32 the hour will be our last session of the day
36:35 . So stay tuned as always . Canvas family appreciate
36:38 you joining us . If you have any questions ,
36:40 reach out to the ladies here . Um , and
36:42 we appreciate you joining us . We'll see you again
36:44 at the top of the hour . Mm



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