Canvas Studio Goodness - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Canvas Studio Goodness - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Canvas Studio Goodness - By CanvasLMS

00:00 boy do we have a session today ? I am
00:05 so lucky to be joined by uh a motley crew
00:10 of members to talk about canvas studio and it is
00:13 one of my all time favorite tools in canvas .
00:15 I am very , very biased but before we get
00:19 started those of you that don't know what canvas studio
00:21 is or how it can be helpful in your district
00:24 . We've got a great video to show you learning
00:32 wasn't meant to be a one way street for learning
00:35 to stick . Students need to do and make not
00:38 just watch and listen . They need interaction , collaboration
00:42 feedback , canvas studio transforms video learning by turning content
00:47 into conversation . Here's how it works . Educators can
00:51 create a variety of media experiences for their courses from
00:55 self recorded video to interactive discussions around other content .
00:59 Students can create videos to as assignment submissions , presentations
01:04 , peer feedback or ways to practice . Everyone gets
01:08 their own personal media library . I want to bring
01:11 Youtube content into the mix . No problem . And
01:14 accessibility is built right in focus . Students attention with
01:19 timestamp comments , then turn those comments into conversations .
01:23 Embed quiz questions to gauge understanding of key concepts at
01:27 key moments , then send the scores straight to the
01:30 grade book . Want a deeper look at engagement studio
01:34 offers second by second student by student analytics . See
01:37 what's sinking in and what's falling flat , personalized ,
01:41 refine , repeat . And of course , canvas studio
01:45 integrates seamlessly with the canvas LMS . That means studio
01:49 can deliver videos exactly how students and teachers want to
01:52 see them through canvas mobile apps . It means your
01:56 institution gets full control of its video assets and a
01:59 simple storage and bandwidth solution and your students get richer
02:03 canvas courses , no extra logins and a more fluid
02:07 learning experience , whether they're online in person or somewhere
02:11 in between . Ready to make video learning more powerful
02:14 , learn more about canvas studio at in structure dot
02:17 com . And so here we are with our good
02:25 friend Don Larson who is the canvas admin for Iredell
02:29 Statesville Schools , also a canvas certified educator program facilitator
02:35 and in structure , contract instructional design and trainer ,
02:38 a man of many talents as well as if you
02:43 haven't noticed , there's somebody new joining me right down
02:46 there Marcus painter who is uh , my better half
02:50 in the campus casters podcast that we hope to uh
02:54 , we hope you enjoy as well out there in
02:56 Kansas fam land Marcus . Uh , let's go ahead
03:00 and introduce yourself a little bit . Talk about what
03:02 you now do for in structure because you are part
03:04 of now the official family . And uh , we'll
03:06 let don kind of kind of get to stepping on
03:08 some canvas studio stuff . I'm so excited . This
03:10 is my all time . Absolutely , absolutely . I'm
03:14 excited to . Um , you know , uh ,
03:17 I have been in education for about 20 years and
03:21 recently made the leap uh to be the senior manager
03:25 uh for leadership Development at the CLL , which is
03:29 the Center for Leadership and Learning at in structure .
03:32 Uh and I'm just , I'm with you , Eddie
03:35 , like , get out of the way . I
03:38 just want to hear all about how dons using studio
03:41 , because Eddie and I've been studio fan fan boys
03:45 for for a long time and we've been sort of
03:48 banging the strong for for a good amount of time
03:51 in in our in our institutions and uh we're just
03:54 super fans . So don a little bit about you
03:59 , obviously , um you've been kind of a part
04:02 of our little professional learning group for a little while
04:05 here . Kind of a canvas super fan as well
04:07 . And using the product , talk a little bit
04:09 about your canvas journey before we get started and we'll
04:11 let you kind of get your screen share going and
04:14 we'll presentation up again , Marcus , we'll get ,
04:16 we'll get out of the way and just kind of
04:18 be flies on the wall because I'm really excited to
04:20 see what he's put together well , and I actually
04:22 feel like I'm on an episode of Wayne's World ,
04:24 Okay , I'm not worthy . We need to start
04:29 doing that , right . Um , so no ,
04:33 uh , so my , uh , this is my
04:34 29th year in education . And um , so prior
04:38 to coming back to my district three years ago ,
04:41 I was with north Carolina Virtual Public School and we
04:44 had seen every LMS that could , that was ever
04:47 on the market Um until we finally hit this gym
04:51 um in about 2012 maybe . Um and at the
04:56 time I was director of professional learning and our division
05:00 was responsible for transitioning all of our adult learning to
05:05 canvas . Um , and I immediately hook line and
05:09 sinker . So every time a new tool came out
05:11 , I wanted to always be the first one to
05:13 try that out . Um , and then when um
05:17 , studio came around , you know , prior to
05:19 that , it was arc . Um , I've always
05:23 wanted , I mean I've begged borrowed , pleaded whatever
05:27 I can to get our district folks , uh ,
05:30 to purchase this great tool . They have not yet
05:33 , but we're almost close . So , uh ,
05:37 so anyway , that's my , my campus during ,
05:38 I'll tell you , uh , I am the poster
05:41 child for anything canvas , especially around my district .
05:45 And so , so I'm so happy to be here
05:46 to be able to share um , how we are
05:49 really test driving studio for hopefully eventual purchase here in
05:54 about three weeks . Awesome . So we're gonna let
05:56 you get your screen share role in here , Marcus
05:59 and I just going to chat a few moments .
06:01 We love video engagement , right ? This is kind
06:05 of our , uh , this is our baby .
06:07 We we think that it not only enhances just kind
06:11 of classroom interaction but also building out those really cool
06:15 relationships that , that you can have with kids and
06:17 then allowing them to be a little creative , like
06:19 allowing them to own some of that as well .
06:22 And you know , we've got people joining us from
06:24 everywhere , thank you so much from facebook , from
06:26 twitter from Youtube , but but Marcus um talk a
06:30 little bit about , you know , what video has
06:32 meant for you and , and kind of as an
06:33 educator and teacher and a district leader in promoting video
06:37 in the classroom a little bit before we start .
06:39 Yeah , absolutely . The , so you know ,
06:42 again , we , we've been championing for this sort
06:46 of thing for a long time . Um , for
06:48 me as a teacher in the classroom , video was
06:55 so impactful , not only in having students create ,
06:58 but for me as the teacher , I was able
07:03 to , you know , leverage things that were certainly
07:06 more engaging for my , for my students . Um
07:10 , when I was teaching senior english and teaching Shakespeare
07:13 , uh , you know , I was always trying
07:15 to leverage , you know , a scene from one
07:18 of the , one of the iterations of , of
07:21 , you know , Hamlet for example , and having
07:24 that ability , you know , then , and then
07:27 that was studio being able to sort of take that
07:30 and make it less passive and make it more of
07:33 an active thing for students is huge . Being able
07:38 to create quizzes , have students engage with that video
07:41 , have discussions and conversations , uh , certainly is
07:45 sort of re imagined what that can look like .
07:48 Uh , and again , since it's , you know
07:50 , baked right into canvas , it's just almost ,
07:53 it's painfully easy on the teacher's side to make that
07:57 kind of thing happen . And then from a ,
07:59 from a leadership perspective , I mean , can we
08:02 talk about just utilizing video to just get the tutorial
08:08 done for teachers or you know , step by step
08:13 ? I , I have , I stopped sending emails
08:17 once I realized that , hey , you know what
08:19 , I could do a 10 step email here ,
08:21 but it's gonna take me 10 minutes and it's going
08:23 to take them twice as long to read through it
08:25 and follow along . So it's , boom , it's
08:28 a studio video . It's a screen cast . It's
08:30 click click click and I send that and the teachers
08:34 , uh , as far as I can tell ,
08:36 much more appreciative of that kind of thing , where
08:39 they , can we say this all the time ,
08:41 they can watch , pause and then do . Um
08:44 And that sort of procedure has just been super helpful
08:48 for tech integration , uh Tech directors , instructional coaches
08:55 and the like . Yeah . All right , so
08:59 don the floor is yours Marcus and I have filibustered
09:02 way too much already on camera studio , we're going
09:05 to get out of the way , we're gonna let
09:06 you jump in . And I already like , I've
09:09 seen the picture and it just makes my heart happy
09:12 because I've always felt about classroom engagement and using video
09:18 , because this is what this is what happens when
09:21 connected things . Those kids have had a pixie stick
09:23 or two , I think that's right . Um you
09:27 know , and that's that's the you know , I
09:28 can't I couldn't agree more because anything that relates to
09:32 interaction student engagement , student conversations , um interacting with
09:37 content , interacting with teacher , interacting with with one
09:40 another . That's that's That's the excitement I feel in
09:44 my 53 year old body . You know , I'm
09:46 kind of channeling the um these young people but but
09:50 you know , and I love the title that this
09:52 this whole notion of looking at the goodness that is
09:54 canvas studio and one of the things that our district
09:57 has um really we have done such an incredible job
10:01 at and that is really trying and experimenting with with
10:05 new things . And I think I think there's such
10:07 a there's such positive to that . But also there's
10:10 kind of the The negative piece where you you've got
10:13 so much right , you're you're doing whether it be
10:17 a school net as a , as an assessment tool
10:19 to the power school to canvas to cease all for
10:23 our K2 kids to uh , to whatever . And
10:26 I think video is no exception . And so ,
10:29 um , uh , and of course you saw the
10:31 introductions earlier and I'll share that with you a little
10:34 bit as we move forward . But if you think
10:36 about the , just the myriad of video solutions that
10:38 we have out there , these are the big four
10:41 that I see a lot of our teachers using .
10:43 I will see right now are probably the two biggest
10:47 hitters for our teachers right now . It's been cast
10:49 . My net pop . Um , and Ed puzzle
10:52 has , has an incredible lTI that you can ,
10:55 of course you can connect to canvas to external tool
10:58 assignment submissions . You can , you can embed those
11:02 , uh , puzzle videos and pages and so forth
11:04 . But it is outside of canvas . And so
11:07 although you bring those pieces in , there's just so
11:10 many steps that you have to do to , um
11:13 , to , to make that happen to from consumer
11:17 keys to secret shared secrets . And there's just so
11:21 many things that you have to kind of keep in
11:23 , in in mind to kind of bring and make
11:26 that integration work . Um and so I don't know
11:29 if any of you helps out here , but I'm
11:31 a huge Lord of the Rings fan . And so
11:34 I believe that that that studio can be that one
11:38 video solution to rule them all . Like if you
11:42 if you if you catch that allusion to Lord of
11:46 the Rings , so that this is the one thing
11:47 that I love every time something new comes about with
11:50 with canvas . Um uh for for me myself ,
11:54 I'm constantly trying to show the value of the benefit
11:58 for not just teachers , but also for students ,
12:00 but also for other stakeholders . And so we have
12:03 not yet um purchased studio yet . We're in the
12:07 process of really looking at and examining how does studio
12:12 compare to , say some of these other video solutions
12:16 . And so one of our district leadership was to
12:20 really , let's let's hear from the teachers , let's
12:23 get some teachers that are using screen cast five .
12:25 Let's get some teachers that are using a puzzle .
12:28 And and let's test drive studio to see what their
12:31 thoughts are , what they're thinking , what they like
12:33 , what they what they wish it did that it
12:35 doesn't do . Um And so um so let's really
12:39 kind of want to want to talk to you about
12:41 today and in this time to really look at here
12:44 . Kind of this is what is to me the
12:47 driving ticket for for studio because it really is the
12:50 to me out of all of those other options .
12:53 Um This is the reason why I feel like studio
12:55 is really the only video solution . Um it is
12:58 fully integrated into canvas . So you don't have to
13:00 worry about bringing in any extra L . T .
13:02 I . You don't have to worry about . Um
13:04 You know as Marcus just said earlier , it is
13:07 like it is it is easy peasy lemon squeezy to
13:10 get it from um recording your video to to inserting
13:14 that into any canvas feature canvas tool . I love
13:18 the fact that it can be a repository of collections
13:22 . You know , teachers can still build playlist using
13:24 the collection feature . Um You can at the district
13:27 level since I'm in the canvas avenue for my district
13:31 , I would have access to and see all of
13:33 the video , all of the great videos that are
13:35 our teachers and our students are creating uh to uh
13:40 to engage with to engage with the learning and to
13:43 engage with each other . It's got great analytics ,
13:45 great monitoring and reporting . I'll show you some of
13:48 that here in a few minutes . Um It is
13:50 it is there's the academic side but there's also a
13:53 way that that studio can be used for adult learning
13:55 and professional growth and collaboration . The accessibility piece I
13:59 think is is value add where you where it can
14:02 transcribe um the videos that you create directly in in
14:07 um um in studio . Now obviously close captioning and
14:11 things like that if you're bringing in a Youtube video
14:14 , those do not uh those do not translate well
14:17 um and using studio as the platform . Um but
14:22 you do have the ability to um uh to to
14:25 uh upload your your close captioning . So I love
14:28 the whole accessibility piece . Um there's interaction and engagement
14:32 . We'll look at that here . But I think
14:33 , you know , I also see another , another
14:36 pick for me is is that it can be used
14:38 beyond the classroom . And we're gonna look at some
14:41 use cases of of how you can use it for
14:43 community , how you can use it for how schools
14:46 can use it within their school community , how the
14:48 district can use it um in terms of their connection
14:51 with their stakeholders . And so this next slide is
14:54 really these are the features that just really get me
14:58 excited about studio and what it um and what it
15:01 can do . And I know we saw some of
15:02 this in the um in the opening video that uh
15:07 that Eddie shared and great introduction . That video's awesome
15:11 . Um in terms of giving that hook for uh
15:15 really promoting the benefit and value out of studio .
15:18 But if you look at some of these , one
15:19 of the newest features , uh if you look in
15:21 the middles annotating videos , um I love that .
15:24 It gives you the ability to add text that various
15:28 strategic moments within a video and and links and link
15:32 to outside resources associated with that , With that annotation
15:36 . Teachers and students have their own personal library and
15:40 it's not hidden . So it's it's it's visible that
15:43 there's a there's parents there . Um you can embed
15:47 quizzing formative assessment for understanding of of a teaching concept
15:51 that you want , whether you import as you saw
15:53 earlier in the video where you import in from Youtube
15:56 or you upload a video or you screen cast directly
16:00 in the platform itself . It is so super easy
16:05 to get from recording into a canvas feature will look
16:09 at embedding that easily into the rich content editor .
16:12 Um The conversation is great . I know like with
16:15 the quizzing when you build out a quiz and I'll
16:18 show you some of this here in a few minutes
16:20 in the demo , but when you build out a
16:21 quiz , you have multiple choice multiple answer and true
16:25 false options . But there is still that short answer
16:29 option , but it's done so normally with the ,
16:33 the , the expectation of teachers commenting , students commenting
16:37 to one another , building that conversation about specific elements
16:41 of the video that they're watching . Um students can
16:44 see that the interface with the quizzing feature looks a
16:47 lot like the interface that you'll find with with new
16:50 quizzes in terms of , of using multiple choice ,
16:53 true false and multiple answer . Students can create their
16:56 own videos . Love that . Um where they can
17:00 actually use videos for presentations . They can create videos
17:03 that demonstrate their practice or their understanding of the concept
17:07 that can use video feedback to get peer feedback ,
17:09 video to get peer feedback through the commenting features .
17:13 So there's just a wealth , just a wealth and
17:16 slew of , of uh and this is to me
17:18 this is the yummy goodness right here , that that
17:20 makes studio so special , that makes studio really better
17:24 then a lot of these other solutions that are out
17:26 there , you know , don we've got just an
17:30 all star cast , you know , Jim says ,
17:32 can't wait to hear from these canvas rock stars today
17:33 , but honestly right now in the chat , um
17:36 we've got lindsey and carry from kind of the facebook
17:39 , elementary page , Wolf is here , um Casey
17:42 Testerman , Tisha Richmond , we have some rock stars
17:46 right now joining us right ? And um we love
17:49 that they're able to kind of be involved and learn
17:52 more from you , but I just wanted to let
17:54 you know , I know you can't really see the
17:55 comments as they're coming in right now , but we
17:58 have a fantastic crew um , that's just eking out
18:01 over studio with you . And there was a lot
18:03 of love for that last slide . Casey testament said
18:07 the title of the slide though because it was what
18:10 goodness to behold . That's right . Yeah . And
18:13 , and , and although I'm so excited that all
18:15 of these folks here , I wish you hadn't told
18:17 me that because now , you know , the pressures
18:19 , uh , absolutely not , absolutely not . Melissa
18:24 from our facebook page says , I love the accessibility
18:26 of studio and ease of adding and editing closed captions
18:31 . Absolutely . The accessibility piece alone is worth its
18:35 weight in gold . I think when we talk about
18:36 studio and it's something that I know marks and I
18:39 talked a lot about and the and the accessibility pieces
18:42 , not just in the captioning too , it's also
18:44 in the uh , when teachers build out that that's
18:48 that time stopped moment where they can wear a student
18:52 can pause and reflect , they don't have to watch
18:55 this chunk . You know , I teach my teachers
18:58 and really encourage my teachers that anything , anything over
19:01 five minutes , you're really gonna start losing your ,
19:05 you know , the younger the kid is anything over
19:07 , you know , when you look at in terms
19:09 of of holding , holding their attention and being able
19:12 for them to engage . And so the beauty of
19:15 doing these , the quizzing peace and the commenting .
19:17 It really helps students watch that in chunks . So
19:21 you see that not just with accessibility , but also
19:23 you to yell principles as well . So that's really
19:25 fascinating to me . Yeah , let's dive into that
19:29 market a little bit because I know it's something that
19:30 I have always , um not only preached to some
19:35 of my educators when I was coaching as an instructional
19:37 coach , but The length of video is so important
19:41 and there are a lot of people out there that
19:43 are joining us today probably are asking themselves well how
19:45 long is an appropriate video ? And I know educators
19:49 right or wrong that will try to record a 60
19:53 minute , a 45 minute lecture On , you know
19:59 , the Pythagorean theorem , right ? They , that's
20:01 just what they do because they just want to replace
20:04 that in person lecture conversation with this tool . And
20:09 I always like start with like why would you do
20:11 , like , would you ever sit down and watch
20:13 a 60 minute video of like one person with a
20:17 white board ? Like be engaged and focused ? Um
20:20 so chunk that up , like you can record it
20:22 , that's fine , but like find ways to chunk
20:24 it up , right or or cut those clips down
20:26 so they're very manageable to watch on . You know
20:30 that platform , we love that people spend 2030 minutes
20:33 with us each day to watch these crazy live streams
20:36 . Um But man , I don't necessarily know if
20:39 I'm in the place , especially 17 year old Eddie
20:42 . Probably not always to watch a super long video
20:46 . Yeah , yeah , you chunk you chunk the
20:48 content , we say it all the time . Um
20:50 you chunk those videos and like like Don said the
20:54 you know if you're creating a video from scratch you
20:58 probably chunk that you know into small 23 maybe four
21:02 minute chunks because that works . But what Don said
21:06 there is great uh you know , you could have
21:09 one of those long videos from a Youtube or even
21:12 one that you create . And what you can do
21:14 is chunk it by having those intervention pieces which I
21:19 I really dig that , you know , interjecting a
21:22 question , interjecting a topic or a or a pause
21:27 . You know , you can definitely just go in
21:30 and put a pause there and just say to students
21:33 whomever they may be . Um take a moment ,
21:37 think about what you just watched , take a breath
21:41 and then continue on . So there's this there's this
21:44 control . Uh it's similar to modules where I kind
21:49 of love the fact that you can kind of work
21:51 them through the learning and paste them because sometimes learners
21:56 aren't really capable of pacing themselves and they want to
21:58 blow through it and be done as quickly as possible
22:01 . And so I love , I love what you
22:03 said there about that that way to intervene awesome .
22:07 In case we had a great comment on our Youtube
22:09 page that you always want to ask yourself as an
22:11 educator , would you be in this classroom ? Right
22:15 . I always , I always say like if you
22:16 would just say if you were to sell tickets right
22:18 , um , what people actually buy tickets and come
22:21 to this specific piece of content . Um , Jonathan
22:24 Yoder popping in . We have some absolute rock star
22:29 in the chat today , aspiring comedian also fantastic education
22:35 . Later Jonathan Yoder thinking about the explosion of Snapchat
22:38 and Tiktok . We all want small chunks of the
22:40 general info . Absolutely . Also , can I ,
22:45 can I keep going ? You're good . I'm sorry
22:49 . No , I love it . This is what
22:51 happens . Well , so , so I started ,
22:54 I started thinking about with the help of , I
22:57 can't take credit for all of this . But with
22:59 the help of several of our contractor slack channels ,
23:03 I've kind of pulled some best practices , some use
23:07 cases from how , how folks really across the country
23:11 or maybe even the globe are using Um , studio
23:15 . And so I chucked it into kind of four
23:16 domains classroom community professional growth , which as an as
23:21 a canvas had been , you know , I've ,
23:23 I've been working more in my last 14 , 15
23:26 years of my career , really working with adults .
23:29 And so I have a special affinity for professional growth
23:33 because I know what a , what a direct and
23:36 even sometimes indirect um impact that the work that we
23:40 do at the district level has on the classroom with
23:42 the little people in there um , in their setting
23:45 . And so I wanted to kind of share with
23:46 this . I'm not gonna read all these to you
23:48 , but just a few things and I'll take a
23:50 few from each . But looking at the classroom of
23:51 course we kind of talked about that . But this
23:54 could be a great studio , could be a great
23:56 way for warmups . Bell ringers , exit tickets .
23:59 The formative assessment piece we talked about thinking about even
24:02 with um are are littles right ? I mean you
24:06 could use studio for read aloud , you could use
24:08 studios for a get to know you about me videos
24:11 . You can use um studio for for that practice
24:15 and for that demonstration of learning from a community's perspective
24:19 . You know and I'm thinking I want to start
24:21 this if we're very fortunate enough to and I can
24:24 convince my leadership that studio is the way to go
24:26 . Um Is you know do a canvass parent tip
24:28 of the week , do school celebrations to um uh
24:33 student of the week kinds of things because you can
24:35 create a public shareable link that you can post anywhere
24:38 on your website . Um or if you build out
24:41 public facing canvas courses um you can do that as
24:44 well . Um Professional growth . This is I'm really
24:48 jazzed about this about seeing how teachers can um uh
24:54 other teachers , their colleagues the members of the P
24:57 . L . C . Whatever can record each other
24:59 teaching lessons and then they could upload it in studio
25:02 and have conversations if they embed that their studio videos
25:07 maybe in the PLC course or a school faculty hub
25:13 or lounge whatever . And they can actually have coaching
25:16 conversations around those particular teaching pieces . They can open
25:20 up the comments for teachers . They're members of their
25:22 colleagues to members of the departments or grade level can
25:25 compose questions and comments about what they're seeing in terms
25:30 of instructional strategies . Best practices with assessment . That
25:33 kind of thing can be weekly reflections for um um
25:38 You know really reflecting on their practice on a daily
25:41 or maybe weekly manner . They can they can do
25:44 those reflections in studio and and you know schools and
25:47 districts , you know , in their own learning system
25:49 . You can do , um , you can do
25:52 school sub account announcements using studio rather than all text
25:56 . Um , you can principle can send an encouraging
25:59 message for the week . You can do fun engaging
26:03 kind of videos that help build community within their school
26:06 system . You can even do this as a suggestion
26:08 box , especially for students that students can post videos
26:12 too , uh , through the announcement feature that they
26:17 , uh , you know , whether it be ,
26:20 uh , suggestions on how to improve a particular practice
26:23 at the school level or parents can do that from
26:26 the district level . So those are just kind of
26:28 some use cases before I kind of diving and looking
26:31 at some demo of this , um , of how
26:33 studio can be used . So very excited that it's
26:36 not just , it doesn't have to just be ,
26:38 um , a classroom learning system , it can be
26:42 a school learning system , a district learning system or
26:45 what happened ? Think about , I'm gonna jump in
26:49 for one second . I want everybody that's watching to
26:53 think about that last slide and all the examples that
26:58 don just gave and then think about how many other
27:02 tools you currently use or people in your building use
27:08 to make all of those things happen right ? Because
27:12 I'm sitting there and I've got , I've got a
27:13 list in my head rolling of three or four or
27:16 five different things that teachers are trying to learn because
27:22 we want to do all the things . Um ,
27:25 and so , you know , I'm sitting here thinking
27:27 , man , you could pick off for lack of
27:30 a better term , 345 different tools and just focus
27:35 on one powerful one like studio . And it's like
27:41 I've been doing it wrong , you know ? That's
27:44 right . No , absolutely , Yeah . And that's
27:46 the thing that's been one of the challenges that were
27:48 , that we are facing and that we really try
27:51 to encourage is is let's try to find the tools
27:55 that does everything that we need to reduce . So
27:59 they're not trying to manage 20 different ways to ,
28:02 you know , I'm all about web technologies , I'm
28:04 all about web resources and digital resources and because I
28:08 think those have the power , whether it's in the
28:10 Sammer model or whether it's T pack or whatever ,
28:13 they have the power to transform , teaching and learning
28:15 , but but but finding the one that does as
28:19 much as you possibly need in order to engage your
28:22 stakeholders , I say I'm all for it , you
28:25 know , I'm all for it . All right .
28:27 Let me let me demo just a little bit .
28:28 I wanted to look under the hood . Just a
28:30 tad and I want to share with you . This
28:32 is um , so I'm going to share with you
28:34 . This is the leading with canvas , the first
28:38 elective course in the canvas certified educator um educator program
28:44 . And I and I want to , I show
28:46 this to you for for one for one reason is
28:49 when your district purchases studio , you will see studio
28:54 as a , as a global navigational icon like you
28:58 do right here . Okay , now this is my
29:01 instance . All right . We have not done that
29:04 yet . So you do not see that here .
29:06 But I gotta tell you my CSM and um ,
29:11 our account manager there , brilliant . And one of
29:15 the , one of the solutions engineer for campus ,
29:18 I came to him and said , look , my
29:20 teachers want to test drive studio because we're really thinking
29:23 about purchasing that . Um , could you give us
29:26 a test drive instance ? And so they basically created
29:29 a course form I built out a um you know
29:32 , I can't attest driving canvas studio of course and
29:34 then they added studio here for us , so I'm
29:39 about to click on it so you can see that
29:41 , but it's gonna be everything you're about to see
29:45 would be navigational accessible over here in your global navigation
29:49 . Okay . But for my purpose since we are
29:51 not yet officially um purchase that and moved in that
29:56 direction they gave us and they've been wonderful . We
29:58 will have it for three weeks testing it out .
30:01 It ends next week . But what I've done is
30:03 I've got teachers and I've asked teachers who use that
30:06 puzzle and screen cast if I to come into this
30:08 pilot , I've got about 35 teachers um and they
30:11 have until next week to kind of build out their
30:14 um their test drive . And so one of the
30:17 things that I've asked them to do Is pretty much
30:20 these six things because this is really the 6th elements
30:24 of the studio goodness that we talked about , right
30:27 ? Do a screen capture with the video ? Upload
30:29 a video to studio , create a video with a
30:31 quiz , annotate the video , embed the video ,
30:34 use the create an external tool assignment . And so
30:37 some of our teachers are working on this okay .
30:40 But I want to kind of show you because they
30:43 haven't all finished that . I created some some demo
30:46 pieces here um that I want to show you and
30:49 I'm going to come back to these elements and show
30:52 you three or four of these pieces , but I
30:54 want you to take a look at . So just
30:56 imagine that I click studio from the global navigation okay
31:00 ? And this is what it's going to launch out
31:02 to . It's going to launch out to the repository
31:06 of all videos that have been created um by any
31:10 of the teachers that are in this um in this
31:13 test instance . Okay . So so if you ,
31:16 if this was from a um from your accessing it
31:20 from your global navigation , you click on it ,
31:23 you'll see all of the , all of the specific
31:25 videos that you have created that you own and that
31:29 you can use to engage your students with . So
31:33 here we have several that are teachers have uploaded .
31:35 Most of these come from Youtube , which I love
31:38 the fact that has such an easy uh means to
31:41 upload . I'm a former english teacher . Okay .
31:45 And I'm also getting older . So I like things
31:47 that are easy to click . I like things that
31:49 are easy to add . I love the fact that
31:51 it says add and plus on . I'm golden .
31:54 Okay , so if I want to add a video
31:56 , I can simply search any Youtube . I can
31:59 grab the link , I can paste it there .
32:01 Love that feature . Um you know , of course
32:04 you've got to also be mindful of , you know
32:07 , any video that you find on Youtube . The
32:09 fact that it has a common , if it has
32:11 a creative commons license , that's even better than just
32:14 doing any Youtube video that you find out there because
32:17 there may be some copyright issues . So that's always
32:19 important to remember when you're pulling in videos um to
32:23 into um Into studio now , you also , if
32:27 you have MP4s , um you can also upload them
32:31 from your , from your wherever you keep them in
32:35 the cloud or whether you keep them on your computer
32:37 or wherever you can , you can also upload them
32:40 there . Marcus mentioned this earlier about being able to
32:43 record your screen . So if you can do screen
32:47 capture or webcam capture um I don't know about you
32:51 , I don't mind having my my mug on on
32:54 my videos I create but you may not like that
32:56 and so doing just simply screen capture um you can
33:01 um it has really kind of the same functionality that
33:05 you may find in screen cast thematic in the sense
33:08 if you've used that tool so it's going to load
33:10 up the the tool itself . Um Sorry , it's
33:13 taking a bit of time to do that . Um
33:17 Yeah , you know sometimes when you're actually doing a
33:20 like a live version of your camera in another instance
33:23 , it might be hard to like show that ,
33:24 you know , and I you know , I do
33:27 should have thought about that . And if you notice
33:29 the screen that just popped up , I've already downloaded
33:31 it multiple times , so it's going to ask you
33:33 that , and then you can download it and it's
33:36 going to be an easy , you can see the
33:37 frame that's going to be recorded . Um and so
33:40 forth . You can choose the webcam , whatever you
33:43 need . Audio , web can screen whatever you ,
33:46 whatever your preference is to record . You can simply
33:49 do that recording . Um Now the other , so
33:53 from this view , however , you can't build anything
33:57 into the videos that you create from this view ,
34:01 you have to actually be in your own personal .
34:04 Is it opens up kind of really to the repository
34:07 of all videos that are created . So I'm gonna
34:10 click on the hamburger over here and I'm gonna get
34:12 in my library . Okay . And so here here
34:14 are the specific videos that I've created for this test
34:19 drive . If you would . Now , one of
34:20 the other cool things that I love about studios ,
34:22 you have the ability to create kind of playlist and
34:25 they call them collections . And so I I added
34:28 to videos here . Uh for demo purposes , one
34:32 is Ruben painted or with his discussion about explaining and
34:36 applying Sammer . And then if you don't follow Susie
34:40 Lolly , you need to , she's awesome . Um
34:42 and she had a video on , she has really
34:44 canvas for littles . And so she did a video
34:47 on accessibility . So I created a collection . So
34:49 any video I add to this , I can add
34:52 to my collection . You can see these three .
34:54 Now let's say for instance , if I come over
34:57 here , I want to click on here , I'm
35:00 gonna come to Now . If you notice you'll see
35:02 the little little quiz . Our little little quiz icon
35:05 , which is uh , which is unique to campus
35:08 . And so that lets you know that I have
35:09 a quiz built into this video . This is where
35:13 all the magic happens . Everybody mentally say magic ,
35:16 love it . Okay , so this is where the
35:18 magic happens . So you click on the three dots
35:20 . I know . I know on twitter . I've
35:22 seen a lot of , a lot of analysis about
35:25 what these three little things are here . I call
35:28 it , I call it the canvas stoplight . You
35:30 can call it Snowman , you call it whatever you
35:32 want to . You can call it three vertical dots
35:34 if you want to . But I click here and
35:37 then you can either move to another collection . I
35:39 can share the media . I can annotate the media
35:43 , annotate the video or if I've uh if I
35:46 want to create another quiz , I've already created one
35:49 quiz for this video , but I can also add
35:52 the quiz here . Um And one of the one
35:54 of the beautiful things about um is it's not complicated
35:58 . Um You know how when you build out a
36:01 new quiz and I love new quizzes , don't get
36:03 me wrong ? I love it . I think it's
36:04 an exceptional tool . I think it still has a
36:06 lot of things to a lot of bugs that need
36:07 to kind of work out before it comes becomes the
36:10 native cuisine engine . But You've got 11-13 possible answer
36:18 question choices here . You only have three , which
36:21 I love . You have multiple choice , true false
36:23 and multiple answer . Um But if you want to
36:27 create or if you want to have kind of a
36:30 short response comments , questions , things like that ,
36:35 you can simply enable comments and you can see here
36:40 , I have this what you know at the very
36:42 start , you can see uh whenever I add the
36:45 comment , it tells you it ask you where do
36:48 you want to add the comment ? What place ,
36:50 what time stamp ? And I wanted it right at
36:52 the very beginning , because he had just talked about
36:53 the importance of teachers examining their own practice . So
36:57 I I asked my students , you know , why
37:00 is it important that teachers examine their own practice regularly
37:02 ? And so when I when I embedded this video
37:05 and I'll show you that right now , when I
37:07 embedded this video into a canvas page , the students
37:12 that I have in this course was able to go
37:16 and make make a comment to the video at that
37:21 particular space as they're watching that . So you can
37:24 see here the video . Um , and I'll show
37:28 you here real quick . So here you can see
37:31 there's my question and then jim who's one of our
37:34 content coaches but also a student in this , in
37:37 this test drive , of course , he provided his
37:39 own comment . Um so a student , you know
37:43 , you can encourage them , you can set discussion
37:45 protocols much like what you would do with the discussion
37:47 tool . You can encourage students to , to reply
37:51 to at least two other people . You can give
37:54 , you know , give specific requirements for the discussion
37:57 about how long the quality , those kinds of things
38:01 . But this is a great way as we talked
38:03 about earlier to chunk the content into manageable pieces .
38:09 Um so you can also see here , I love
38:12 these . This is where you can add the captions
38:14 to your video , but you can also check the
38:17 insights of , of who viewed it . Um uh
38:20 let's see James , you can see here the gym
38:23 , that's his , so you can see , it
38:25 gives the specific number of views , the number of
38:28 times that they watched . You can see what's working
38:31 , what's not working . Um , that kind of
38:34 thing . But let me show you this is ,
38:35 this is probably one of my favorite things . Okay
38:37 is the ease by which to bring in a video
38:42 . It is incredibly like I said , Easy peasy
38:44 . Lemon squeezy . So you open up into edit
38:46 mode , you go to your rich content editor of
38:49 course and studio is going to be located under the
38:53 , under the app plug in . Okay . So
38:56 when you click on the app , plug in and
38:58 then you'll have a icon for studio , click studio
39:01 and then all your videos are going to be here
39:04 and then it's going to give you the option ,
39:06 let's say I want to view my list here now
39:11 when I click on it to add it , I've
39:13 already added it so it's not going to give me
39:14 the option to add that right now . But when
39:16 you click on it it's going to ask you to
39:18 do standard in bed or quiz in bed . So
39:22 if you built a quiz make sure you do quiz
39:25 in bed in order for it to kind of populate
39:27 um to kind of populate the page or the assignment
39:33 or what have you now . Um So you can
39:37 embed a studio video anywhere inside campus using the rich
39:42 content or whether it be a discussion an assignment or
39:46 a um or page . Now I'm gonna show you
39:50 this next piece and then I'll be done with my
39:52 demo and then we'll see if there's any questions .
39:54 Um But here's the assignment . Um I'm actually going
39:58 to do this one first . This one is I
40:01 have a teacher who's going to be moving across the
40:03 state . And so I asked her , I created
40:06 a video , created a question for what will you
40:08 miss most about South Tired . Okay . And I
40:10 gave her some directions here . Um And so to
40:14 show you how that or what that looks like when
40:16 it ends up in speed grader . Um She posed
40:21 her question and she she had the text entry .
40:24 She went to the the application plug in . She
40:28 chose the studio . She pulled in her video .
40:32 Um And then of course you can watch it easily
40:35 here . You can if there was a rubric attached
40:37 you can click on rubric and then you can provide
40:39 the grade . Um That so that's one use of
40:42 the assignment but the other pieces you can connect it
40:45 using a uh using an external tool submission type .
40:49 So let's say thinking about the Sammer example I gave
40:53 you . I built a quiz in that . Okay
40:55 so I built the assignment , I connected the um
41:00 I edited the assignment details I pulled in the video
41:04 um and then based upon the edited when when I
41:08 chose the assignment submission , I chose external tool and
41:11 then I went and chose the video . So when
41:14 the students , when the student then completed the video
41:18 itself did all the answer questions . I can I
41:22 can view the her choices here . I can look
41:25 at I think it's gonna allow me to do this
41:29 so I can look at my insights here . It's
41:31 gonna always say if there's a quiz attached to get
41:33 started , I can view my insights here because I
41:36 know only one student that I that I put in
41:38 this course did this quiz . So I can see
41:41 what her insights are . So let me see if
41:44 I can find her . There she is . So
41:47 I can I can actually check Megan's view but it
41:51 automatically , once she took the quiz that automatically populated
41:55 the grade book um which which is a pretty nice
41:57 feature too . So there's not , you know ,
41:59 having to do double , do the uh record the
42:02 grade , then go back or in another place and
42:04 then go back and add it into the to add
42:07 it into the great book . Um so that's kind
42:10 of the demo for this and uh Eddie , I
42:12 didn't know if there was any questions relating to uh
42:15 to any of what I showed you kind of did
42:17 that in a pretty pretty quick fashion . Yeah ,
42:22 I don't I don't see any questions come in .
42:23 As always guys were using the comments here to to
42:27 kind of facilitate any questions that you have . So
42:29 if you do have questions for our presenter , don
42:31 , go ahead and throw those in there . Um
42:33 I see you've got some learn connect and shares here
42:37 . Don if you'd like to put those links in
42:39 the private chat or we can get out through social
42:41 , be more than happy to put those in there
42:44 Marcus uh just the design alone , like I was
42:49 kind of in love with the way that he's going
42:51 to design that test course and had , you know
42:54 , his educators be able to try something out .
42:57 And I think that's what I love most is to
43:00 taking that strategic approach to , not just like ,
43:02 hey you have it now , go use it .
43:04 It was more of a let's learn together , let's
43:07 figure this out together , let's roll together . And
43:10 uh it was , it was very apparent that that
43:13 was strategic . So I love that Don awesome .
43:17 The uh I really like the , the concept and
43:21 I'm going , I'm going all the way back in
43:22 the slides to sort of those , some of the
43:25 less obvious applications of studio . And I dig ,
43:31 I dig all of the stuff that's district wide ,
43:35 that stuff speaks to me because I feel like ,
43:37 you know , we often times , we'll look at
43:40 the old inbox and think delete , delete , delete
43:46 , delete and you'll get , you know , various
43:51 sort of iterations of newsletters and things like that .
43:54 And we all know that that information certainly is valuable
43:59 . And it is some , those are weekly things
44:01 , monthly things that every school in every class we
44:04 have those , that's part of the communication process .
44:08 I dig the idea and I know it was on
44:11 the , on the list there where it's like ,
44:13 how about having that building level administrator or superintendent ,
44:19 uh , create and share out those videos that can
44:24 go sort of be internal communications because everybody in every
44:29 , every walk of , of employment says , you
44:33 know , that could have been an email . That
44:34 meeting could have been an email . Um , but
44:37 I love just like the , the idea of that
44:40 communication not being the email , but being a video
44:43 being that video where my building administrator took the time
44:47 to use the tool that I'm using with students and
44:50 learners . They took the time to utilize that same
44:52 platform to communicate with us where we can watch that
44:57 we can listen , we can get the updates we
44:59 need . Maybe it does save a full on meeting
45:03 here and there . Uh , so there's really no
45:06 limit to the ways in which you can leverage studio
45:11 and it's just , it's super cool to see all
45:15 of the examples in the cases that , that you
45:18 , that you've been working with your , with your
45:20 staff on Dons . It feverishly throwing in all of
45:25 the resource links to the , to the chat here
45:29 . I am throwing them in the comments as we
45:31 kind of wrap things up . Don . You did
45:33 such a great job that it has been , it
45:36 has been radio silent on the comments section . So
45:39 thank you so much . Like there are no questions
45:42 right now , which is awesome . So thank you
45:44 so much for kind of giving us some time today
45:47 to talk about studio . I know that it's kind
45:51 of a , it's a very interesting um , place
45:53 where you're at , you get to use it as
45:55 part of the canvas certified educator program . You're also
45:59 piloting it with your teachers at your district and hopes
46:02 that it's something that you can launch everywhere . So
46:04 it's a , it's a really unique story . Um
46:06 , lindsey comes in , I love the idea of
46:08 using studio for coaching conversations , providing videos of instructional
46:12 practices . Obviously 100% . Let's show some love to
46:15 don . Thank you so much for being a part
46:17 of the canvas livestream today , as always , you
46:19 rocked it . We can't wait to do more of
46:22 these moving forward . Thank you so much , dude
46:24 . No , absolutely . I enjoyed it . Um
46:27 , and thank you for giving me the opportunity .
46:28 Yeah , no problem . As always guys , keep
46:31 learning out there in canvas family and we can't wait
46:33 to see you on the next live streams next week
00:0-1 .



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