What's new from the ID crew + FREEBIES! - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

What's new from the ID crew + FREEBIES! - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

What's new from the ID crew + FREEBIES! - By CanvasLMS

00:0-1 Mhm . Welcome to all of our friends out there
00:04 in canvas fam land . We have the canvas facebook
00:07 page , the instruction facebook page , canvas for elementary
00:10 canvas for secondary . Our canvas linkedin page , our
00:13 canvas youtube page and all of the twitter accounts that
00:17 are happening today to discuss what is new with the
00:20 I . D . Crew are instructional design team here
00:24 at in structure and specifically canvas LMS to talk all
00:28 about the great resources they have for you and we've
00:31 teased it so we need to discuss it . Freebies
00:35 . There were freebies in the title . There are
00:37 probably here uh they're probably people here to get some
00:40 of those free resources which we're super excited to show
00:43 off . We've got Michael , we've got Dion ,
00:46 we've got jennifer all from our instructional design team .
00:50 If you've not met them before . Here they are
00:53 . Congratulations you all now met awesome people and they
00:57 are going to talk a little bit about what they
00:59 do and what happens with instructional design inside our team
01:02 and how their processes go . I heard there was
01:05 going to be kind of a little bit of some
01:06 updates as well as some freebies and then Maybe some
01:11 K through five updates , some some elementary canvas for
01:15 little stuff happening at the end . So you'll want
01:17 to stick around for the entire session to kind of
01:20 see all of those things Dion just left us .
01:23 We're not quite sure why . There was a there
01:25 was a bit at the beginning , Michael and jennifer
01:27 , we can talk about her because she's not here
01:28 anymore . But she was like , are you gonna
01:30 be as engaging his mark ? Like how is that
01:32 process going to work ? I was a little bit
01:34 nervous . Uh and apparently she didn't like it ,
01:36 She's gone . So she will be back . Hopefully
01:40 shortly . We'll let Michael and jennifer fill some time
01:42 here . Michael talk a little bit about what you
01:44 guys do on the instructional design team and what your
01:47 focus is . Michael actually may have just been thrown
01:50 into the fire because as I understand you're quite new
01:53 to the instructional design team , correct ? That's that's
01:56 right . I just started and I just got a
01:58 slack from john saying that her computer just restarted so
02:01 it's going to be on shortly . But yeah ,
02:04 I , I started with instructor this year and I'm
02:07 a dedicated instructional designer for a client texas . And
02:11 so what that means is I pretty much make all
02:14 their instructional design dreams come true , whether it be
02:17 , you know , making templates or banners for their
02:20 courses or giving them custom solutions to really customize and
02:24 make their canvas instance their own and support their teachers
02:27 and their faculty . Um , jennifer , why don't
02:31 you tell us a little bit about what you do
02:32 ? Yeah , I was gonna say jennifer talk talk
02:34 a lot about obviously you're , you're with the design
02:36 team . Um , and you've been there for a
02:39 little while , correct a little while . I started
02:42 in october and I work , I have a very
02:45 similar role to Michael . I work with the state
02:48 of new Mexico , the public education department and I
02:51 do a lot of the same things where we ,
02:53 um , build templates for them . We build course
02:56 is a big part of what I've been doing lately
02:59 is building conferences . I think I've had five conferences
03:03 within the last 32 months . Um , so that's
03:07 been fun and interesting to , to take what we
03:10 used to do in a face to face world and
03:12 now make that all virtual and you know , using
03:16 canvas in a different way than people expect . You
03:19 know , we , we use it to teach in
03:21 a normal classroom or uh , whether it's blended or
03:24 online or face to face , but using it for
03:27 professional development and for conferences and training , it kind
03:32 of takes it a step further and it's a great
03:35 service for our customers . So I've enjoyed doing that
03:39 and uh , have a great team to work with
03:42 and um , so we're excited to show you some
03:45 of what we've been working on and um , what
03:49 things we have to offer some freebies . Yeah ,
03:51 that's great . I know that there are probably some
03:54 customers out there that are like , wait a minute
03:56 . There are instructional designers that work for in structure
04:00 and canvas that I could bring onto my team as
04:05 part of , of what I do and yes ,
04:09 that is correct . So if you're interested in and
04:11 kind of learning more about our instructional design process and
04:15 how those people may fit into maybe your institutional goals
04:18 or district goals or university or college goals , whoever
04:21 is kind of watching us today , be sure to
04:24 reach out to your CSM . S or or your
04:26 CSM team and ask them , Hey , I saw
04:29 Livestream about instructional designers and I thought that might be
04:32 something that we would be interested in because we talk
04:34 about instructional design all the time . We have no
04:37 one dedicated to kind of building that process out .
04:40 Um , we've got Dion is coming back on .
04:44 Here . She is Everybody . We we still 4:48
04:50 talking all production design team as her computer completely shut
04:55 down . So thanks for sticking woods . You know
04:59 , if he's all right , it's just like being
05:03 a teacher , you just have to pivot because that's
05:06 how technology is . It's great when it works and
05:09 when you rely on it too much , it stresses
05:11 you out . All right . So Deana Michael and
05:13 Jennifer both gave their introductions , um , talked a
05:16 little bit about what they do . I'll go ahead
05:17 and let you get do the introduction as well and
05:20 then maybe get out of the way . We have
05:21 tons of people joining us . A lot of our
05:23 friends here , Tisha says , hi , everyone carry
05:26 hello , awesome people . And our good friend john
05:29 who just did our studio live stream . So if
05:30 you haven't checked that out , scroll through the videos
05:33 on Youtube , facebook linkedin , all of the places
05:36 and you will find the great session we did on
05:37 canvas studio with Don about a week ago . So
05:41 Dion johnson , I'm gonna let you take it away
05:43 . Let you kind of give the introduction , go
05:45 through the presentation . I'm going to get out of
05:47 the way . I'm excited to find out all the
05:49 great things , instructional design is doing . Eddie ,
05:52 thank you so much . Quick slide about me .
05:56 I've been with the structure for eight years , started
05:58 out doing contract work and canvas consultant and the little
06:03 steps along the way don't really matter so much .
06:05 But right now I'm the manager for the learning services
06:08 team , specifically instructional design . Uh , and when
06:13 other people , well just a shout out to Mark
06:17 because he would always make fun of me or call
06:19 me Dr johnson , which I don't throw that title
06:22 around too much , but sometimes it's helpful to have
06:24 that so that you know that you are hearing from
06:27 a team of experts , myself and the other instructional
06:30 designers . Mhm And you met Michael and you met
06:37 Jennifer . So we're just going to jump into our
06:39 content a little history about the ready made templates .
06:42 They launched in September 2018 . So that just seems
06:46 like not that long ago as a resource to be
06:49 able to help support all canvas users . And the
06:52 intention was to reduce the stress load to help course
06:55 creators design and engaging in canvas experience . And of
06:58 course to turn a blank canvas core shell into a
07:01 fill in the blank canvas course . All ready made
07:06 template includes homepages , module , structure , those various
07:10 design elements and rebuilt navigation and if these seem familiar
07:15 slides , we use similar slides when we have a
07:18 ready made template refresh a year ago , just kind
07:21 of wanted to recap what is already made template and
07:24 why would you use one ? So it really supports
07:26 teachers and course designers because it expedites that course creation
07:30 and building process and for students , it really ,
07:33 really supports the students usage . They love that consistency
07:37 that a template provides and allows them to focus on
07:40 the content rather than the core structure . The final
07:44 bullet point there is that the templates are intentionally designed
07:47 to incorporate vast practices which aligned with principles from the
07:51 course evaluation checklist and we have that as a resource
07:55 towards the end of the slide deck . I love
07:58 that those ubl principles and quality matters , All of
08:01 those principles are already built into the templates so you
08:05 can just focus on your content . So Dion ,
08:08 I didn't know this uh I didn't know that the
08:11 teasing about the doctor part but I'm gonna I'm going
08:14 to go back to that because our good friend Don
08:17 says when I grow up , I want to be
08:19 just like beyond , she's a rock star . So
08:20 apparently you have a huge following I wasn't even aware
08:23 of . Uh but yes , lots of great comments
08:27 coming in , but I wanted to pop in before
08:28 we get too deep into this and say I'll do
08:30 a better job of teasing you a little bit more
08:32 about . I didn't know that And I do try
08:34 to do a very good job of making sure if
08:36 you've earned that doctorate that you will be called doctor
08:39 from here on out . All right , appreciate it
08:42 . Thank you . So what's new from the I
08:46 . D . Crew ? We want to give you
08:47 a quick tour of a new client facing area that's
08:51 designed services . I'll pop that open in just a
08:53 minute and then they're includes one pagers of all of
08:57 our different offerings . There's some really fantastic slide deck
09:01 examples and those are put out there twofold for you
09:05 to see what the instructional design team can do ,
09:08 but also to be inspired by those . So I
09:10 hope that you take time and look at those today
09:12 . We won't look at all of them . But
09:14 Michael and jennifer are going to share some of their
09:16 favorite uh slide or slides from the slide decks and
09:21 included in that design services area are some supporting screen
09:26 cast . So if you want to know more about
09:28 the L . T . There's a screen cast ,
09:29 their etcetera . Um , and minimize that . And
09:35 we're just going to pop open . We like to
09:39 call it learning course fine . That's our own little
09:41 shorthand and this is linked to multiple places in our
09:44 blog post and slide deck that will share out at
09:47 the end of the session . But if you go
09:50 to design services , you will see all the six
09:56 different offerings that we have . So as a reminder
09:59 what's new and I'm going to have to go back
10:02 and forth between these two different taps . So adding
10:05 new ready made templates this week , they're going to
10:08 launch either last night or today . I don't know
10:11 for sure when the switch is getting flipped . I
10:14 know that the target was to that uh , this
10:17 week . So finding more about the one pager or
10:22 the ready made templates can be done here on that
10:24 one pager and then the ready made template preview takes
10:28 you to where all of the templates are housed .
10:30 So if you're interested in purchasing these or you already
10:34 have some of that you've purchased in , your wondering
10:35 where to go to look at those . You can
10:38 see that there are six categories of ready made templates
10:42 . And then we also have our design packages .
10:44 So these six areas up here , let's just click
10:47 on our higher education one if you're a higher ed
10:51 client and interested in the one that supports case study
10:55 , that's one that just launched this week . So
10:58 then you can click on it and you'll see it
11:00 in a preview mode . So you won't have all
11:02 of these links . I'm logged in with a different
11:06 uh they call it site admin doesn't really matter but
11:09 you'll see it in preview where you'll be able to
11:11 see everything that's published . So it includes all the
11:16 guts of the template and then there's also these two
11:20 extra unpublished . That when you purchase the template ,
11:23 you'll be able to have access in a way that
11:26 we can edit some of the icons or the homepage
11:30 options or the banners and buttons etcetera . So we're
11:37 super happy to launch . I think we've got six
11:39 or so new templates that we're launching . Another thing
11:43 that's new is the template subscription . So I'm just
11:47 going to jump to that tab and point out that
11:51 we have a one pager about that . Here's a
11:53 screen cast that shows how you can import templates from
11:56 the template library . And this is an additional purchase
12:00 that should be done by your institution and it allows
12:03 people to easily be in a course and then just
12:06 pull those templates directly into their individual course and they
12:11 have access to all of the templates that we created
12:15 . So that's something that you're interested in , reach
12:18 out whoever your campus administrator , whoever writes the checks
12:21 and then they'll connect with CSM . So we're not
12:28 going to talk about campus for elementary resources until the
12:31 very end . Let's talk about custom templates as well
12:39 . So in our design services , slide deck there
12:44 or on the take the tour . If I click
12:47 on that link , it's going to open up that
12:49 learn course five again and on this one , I've
12:56 asked for Michael to give a review . I'll drive
13:00 the screen , but you can tell me where to
13:01 toggle and he's going to share some of those best
13:05 course design examples that he felt would be relevant for
13:08 the people attending today . Sure . We start off
13:11 by going to slide for sure . This is one
13:15 of my favorites and it's based off of a virtual
13:20 conference and this is something that jennifer was talking about
13:22 during her introduction . So I think it's pretty relevant
13:26 when Covid happened , many of the conferences went online
13:30 and many people had to look for new ways and
13:32 engaging ways of getting everybody together and learning their content
13:36 and whether you host a conference online or in person
13:39 , Kent is a really great resource for putting all
13:42 this together . And so this is an example of
13:45 a court of virtual conference and you can see it's
13:49 , it's branded according to the institution , the it's
13:53 professionally designed . It has content pages go in it
13:56 , there's pages for the presenters and it pretty much
14:00 packages everything that you would expect to have as a
14:05 conference landing page into a platform that your , your
14:09 teachers , your faculty are already familiar with . And
14:13 as an added bonus for people that may not have
14:16 seemed like a really well beautifully designed course . Having
14:21 a conference type like this gives access to everybody to
14:23 see just kind of what you can do with canvas
14:27 . So that's , that's one of the reasons I
14:29 chose this one . And you know , the red
14:31 color scheme is just amazing to , so I'm always
14:35 a sucker for , for good color schemes . Um
14:39 , the , the other one I'd like to share
14:42 is on slight 11 . You could hop over to
14:45 that and there's other conference examples in this one .
14:50 If you go through the slide deck afterwards , it's
14:52 , it's well worth checking out . So this is
14:55 an example of a professional development course and it still
14:58 goes along with the same theme if you can of
15:00 doing things that beyond the classroom . Well , I
15:04 really like about this one is it has combined several
15:10 different technologies and it leverages the universal design for learning
15:14 principle , multiple means of engagement . And I'm a
15:16 huge U . D . L . Fan . So
15:18 as you can see at the beginning , it's really
15:20 well organized , it's beautiful , has a nice navigation
15:24 buttons to get people quickly around the professional development course
15:28 . It has a variety of different content in it
15:30 with videos , it has the icons , uh ,
15:33 overall , very pleasing . And one of my favorite
15:37 little features on this is if you look on the
15:39 image on the third image on the slide , the
15:42 very top , let's just go back that one side
15:46 right there at the very top of that third image
15:48 there , you'll see there's a little progress bar there
15:51 and that just kind of highlights some of the ingenuity
15:54 that the idea team can put in to make things
15:57 that , you know , normally you don't have built
15:59 in progress bars in a canvas page . But these
16:02 are things that we can put in with the design
16:05 and give it a really great experience and add that
16:09 in with the digital badges and you've got an amazing
16:12 professional development course that , you know , we all
16:15 wrapped up . So those are the two that I
16:18 picked out of this one to really highlight , but
16:21 it was a hard choice because there's some really good
16:23 ones in here . So we're checking out . Awesome
16:26 . Thank you so much , Michael . And as
16:28 a reminder of the custom templates are available on that
16:32 learned course by and the a custom template is something
16:37 that you can reach out to your CSM . And
16:39 those are available for purchase and allows clients to work
16:42 directly with an instructional designer from our team . And
16:45 like Michael said , it will help you incorporate your
16:48 branding and style guide the template description or template subscription
17:01 . We talked about that's a new offering and we're
17:04 super excited to have that launch . The other thing
17:08 that we wanted to review today was your consultation hours
17:11 . If people have purchased consultation hours , they get
17:14 to work directly with an individual on our instructional design
17:19 team or it could be a smaller like 5678 depends
17:24 upon how many hours and how quickly you want to
17:26 use them . I love them because it supports all
17:29 client types . It doesn't matter whether you're K-12 higher
17:32 ed corporate . It means all budget types . So
17:35 if you've got a smallish budget or a really large
17:38 budget , you can purchase a pile of ours ,
17:40 whatever is going to fit your budget . And it
17:43 also needs various levels of course design . So it
17:47 can be you have all of your content digital and
17:49 you want to hand it off to us and you
17:50 want us to do all the work or it can
17:53 be more D I Y will we help you create
17:55 a good homepage , a module structure and then we're
17:58 more teaching you how to apply those best principles of
18:01 instructional design . So we're going to take a tour
18:06 of the design services , the consultation hour and I've
18:11 asked Michael and jennifer to share um their thoughts on
18:17 these as well . So let me get to the
18:20 right please . Okay , so content enhancement examples ,
18:28 Yes , When you like me to drive , Let's
18:32 start with slide four . Thanks Jennifer , awesome .
18:37 And let me encourage you to go back and yourselves
18:41 um , to , to this course and look at
18:44 these presentations because there's so much to see and it's
18:47 very difficult to see it on a small screen ,
18:50 but you'll learn so much and you'll , you'll get
18:53 so many ideas just from looking around at what's out
18:56 there and hopefully gain the desire to talk to your
18:59 administration about purchasing some of these services that we provide
19:04 . So this first example that I want to show
19:06 you um in the content enhancement basically shows you there's
19:10 the image on the far left , just a picture
19:13 . Like put your hand over the images over the
19:15 right and just imagine you're looking just at the one
19:17 on the left as a student , you've entered a
19:20 course and this is what you see , if you
19:23 , you may not be aware that modules is the
19:27 default landing page for of course when a new courses
19:30 built . So if instructors go in and they're not
19:34 very experienced with canvas , they may just start building
19:37 out that module structure . And when a student goes
19:40 into the course , it's like , wow , I've
19:43 got all these things , I have to click through
19:44 to figure out what to do and where to go
19:46 . So what we've done with this example is we've
19:49 taken it and change that home page instead of being
19:51 modules to a actual course content page . And if
19:55 you look at the image on the right , you'll
19:57 see that instead of just being a bunch of links
19:59 on a page now it has a banner , it
20:02 has something that's related to the course content . It
20:05 has an introduction and welcome message from the instructor and
20:08 I know it's hard to see the small print ,
20:10 but it tells them what to do to get started
20:13 . Who the contact information for the instructor and then
20:16 it divides it up into little pieces so that it's
20:19 it's chunked using that you . D . L .
20:21 Principle making it in small pieces so that students can
20:25 grasp . And even at the very bottom of this
20:27 example gives navigation tips so it helps students to know
20:30 where to go from here . And then it shows
20:33 an altered . The third image on the right shows
20:36 an altered image of modules just a little more cleaned
20:39 up version of what it could look like . So
20:42 that's one really good example and if you'll just go
20:44 to the next slide , slide five we'll see another
20:48 example of a homepage . Whereas the instructor might know
20:53 that they should change to a homepage , a content
20:57 page instead of modules but maybe they don't have the
21:00 skill set yet to dress it up . So this
21:03 shows you a before and after of what it looks
21:05 like when you have a good start . You know
21:09 , we have the name of the course , the
21:10 image that's related and then they're welcome information , but
21:15 it still doesn't give them a whole lot of information
21:16 about where to go and what to do . So
21:19 on the image on the right , we have it
21:21 nice and clean . We offer those images at the
21:23 bottom with links to different areas of the course so
21:26 that when students walk in for the first time to
21:28 this course or enter into this course for the first
21:31 time and they go to the homepage , they know
21:34 exactly what to do and where to go and it
21:36 will be there for them as they progress through the
21:38 course . They can always come back here to quickly
21:41 get around jennifer . I'm sorry , real quick .
21:45 We had a message coming from our Youtube page from
21:47 chastity . Thank you guys again for joining us .
21:49 Obviously Ray from new Mexico tons of people that have
21:52 popped in . I think somebody actually would like a
21:54 job in doing this . So you're looking for people
21:57 to maybe join your team . We've got some people
21:59 out there , uh , positioning themselves . But this
22:03 is a question . I think I've gotten as well
22:05 . When I worked on the learning services team was
22:08 an individual teacher or campus purchase the pd template .
22:11 Working with new teachers next year . She loved to
22:13 use one . Does it have to be done at
22:16 the district level or can individual teachers or campuses purchased
22:21 ? I don't know that I've ever had an individual
22:23 teacher purchased one , but it's not to say it
22:27 can't be done . They would just have to do
22:29 it through the CSM So you still need to reach
22:32 out and contact whoever is associated with your institution .
22:37 That doesn't feel like a super great answer . I
22:39 wish I had a better answer . Um , I
22:42 did want to point out jennifer when you were talking
22:44 about that specific homepage that they're also designed to be
22:48 mobile friendly as well . So all of those images
22:51 and buttons and banners are going to be responsive .
22:55 Absolutely . That's a great point . Thank you for
22:57 pointing that out . Um , so we just have
23:01 a little cleaner , look mobile friendly . We've checked
23:04 these for accessibility . That's part of our process with
23:08 instructional design . So um , they're very , very
23:12 good and very clean and very user friendly and then
23:15 slide six is another good example . This is ,
23:20 you know , a lot of times when we think
23:21 of course design , we think of what it looks
23:23 like when you first come into that landing page ,
23:26 but we need to remember to carry that design all
23:28 the way through the course . So in this example
23:31 you have your discussion or any assignment or assessment and
23:36 it's just basic listed worded instructions with not a lot
23:40 of clear direction on the example on the right .
23:43 We haven't divided into parts so that it's very clear
23:46 for your students to know exactly what they're supposed to
23:49 do when they get here . What are your guidelines
23:52 ? How they're going to be great ? And it
23:54 has the rubric attached . So it just keeps it
23:56 clean and neat and again consistent all the way through
23:59 your course . And then finally , one last example
24:02 in this slide in slide nine and you'll see it
24:05 looks almost identical to the previous page . It's a
24:09 content page . So now we've gotten past the home
24:12 page and we're going in to the heart of the
24:14 course where we're learning and we're carrying that clean chunked
24:20 uh , style all the way through the course .
24:23 We've got those headings , we've got the divisions so
24:27 that content can be absorbed and is very clean and
24:30 very orderly . So these are some examples . There
24:33 are lots of examples in this particular presentation . So
24:36 go in and take a look and you'll see you
24:38 might find some things that that you'd like to use
24:41 in your own courses , jennifer . I love that
24:44 you point out the headings , and not only did
24:46 those chunk that make it look good , but also
24:48 for accessibility . Right in the back end we have
24:52 the appropriate headings attached so the screen readers can navigate
24:56 quickly to the area that's most interest to them .
24:59 Okay , Okay , Michael , I think you're up
25:02 with some examples from the course . Build examples .
25:05 Okay . Um let's head on to slide number three
25:11 . And this is a professional learning . It's a
25:17 these course builds are pretty amazing for taking all of
25:22 the best practices and leveraging the talents of an IED
25:26 team and putting them all into one package . So
25:30 this is an example of a home page that leverages
25:35 the brain , that leverages accessibility , that leverages good
25:39 practices . So this one doesn't have before and after
25:43 because this course was built with the good practices in
25:47 mind . So when you come to a page like
25:50 this , you know exactly what's expected where you can
25:54 go . And when there's a big difference that happens
25:59 for a student when you walk into a course and
26:01 you see a giant wall of text with some just
26:05 a page of black and white versus you see a
26:08 banner used to welcome image . You see some introduction
26:12 , then you see some buttons telling you exactly where
26:15 you can go next . And all those things add
26:18 up together to reduce the cognitive load on the student
26:21 or on the learner so that they have that that
26:25 brain juice left over so they can really put it
26:28 into the learning and the content . And one of
26:32 the things that I really liked about this design is
26:34 they in addition to the homepage , they , you
26:37 can leverage , they've leveraged on this , having the
26:39 announcement right on top . So when the student cops
26:42 right into the course , they can see what's what's
26:45 new and important right away at the top . And
26:48 then they can quickly jump to the particular week that
26:51 they need to . So but the in addition to
26:55 that on the second image , you can see that
26:58 it's gone in the the course navigation menu has been
27:01 simplified to only include the things that are necessary and
27:05 all these things add up together to make a really
27:08 fluid experience for the learner . And in addition to
27:12 this , it's a , this is a professional learning
27:14 course and so by making it look professional , it
27:17 really adds that credibility to it . And of course
27:21 it's like this can just , I mean the quality
27:25 in this course , people are going to want to
27:26 use this and you come back for it as a
27:28 resource because it's so well organized and it's well done
27:32 . And these are the types of things that we
27:34 can , we can do to your professional learning or
27:37 program . So , and uh again , it's really
27:41 beautiful . So that's always a plus two . Um
27:44 , the next one I'd like to show you the
27:46 last one from the slide deck is uh slight 22
27:50 . Can I just jump in and say that one
27:52 of the best ways to help your teachers understand how
27:54 canvas works is to give them that student perspective .
27:58 So just to re emphasize that point , Michael to
28:00 have a really well designed 3D course is really going
28:04 to help your faculty understand the canvas experience . And
28:09 did you say 20 or 22 ? Sorry , 22
28:14 . I chose it like that . So you have
28:16 to go through all the good ones . Okay ,
28:22 so this is a higher ed leadership course and I
28:25 just love the homepage on this one so much so
28:30 it has similar features to the other ones and you'll
28:31 notice that many of the templates have similarities between them
28:36 , many of the designs of similarities . And because
28:39 best practices tend to have similar things in comment ,
28:43 but yet they're very different . Every , every project
28:46 is very unique and distinct for me . So one
28:51 of the things I really liked about this one was
28:54 for this type of , this is the foundations of
28:57 leadership course and it's it's branded , it's you come
29:03 to the page and it looks extremely professional , it
29:06 looks welcoming . But again you have those really big
29:10 and bold buttons that take people directly to the part
29:12 that they want to go . It has the instructor
29:15 information right on there . And if you're following part
29:18 of the quality matters rubric or the canvas rubric or
29:23 the U . D . L . Guidelines , you'll
29:25 see that many of the items on there all line
29:28 up . So if your institution is trying to get
29:31 involved in um , one of those great course design
29:34 programs having a course like this that you can use
29:38 as a reference to build off of on your own
29:41 or to spark those ideas that can be that can
29:44 be very powerful because often all it takes is a
29:47 , a great example . So you know , where
29:48 that bar can be , once , you know ,
29:50 where that bar can be . People , people strive
29:52 to hit it . Um , the second image on
29:55 this has a really amazing content page and jennifer showed
30:00 some of the content pages and how they're organized already
30:02 . I won't talk too much on that , But
30:05 again , it has a really nice progress bar at
30:07 the top to give a visual indication of how you're
30:10 progressing through the foundations class And so you can see
30:15 between the two images .



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