Top Online Teaching Companies That Pay Well in 2020 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Top Online Teaching Companies That Pay Well in 2020 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Top Online Teaching Companies That Pay Well in 2020 - By Nancy Taylor

00:0-1 Hello everyone . It is nancy taylor here from Hey
00:02 , nancy taylor dot com . And on this channel
00:04 you will see videos about teaching online , growing your
00:06 brand and becoming the best version of you and I
00:10 got a head cold . I would try to film
00:13 for two weeks and I could not because I got
00:16 sick and so I figured you know what ? Instead
00:18 of waiting , I'm going to just play like Phoebe
00:20 and smelly cat if you watch Friends , you know
00:22 what I'm talking about Milica . Okay , let's get
00:26 into this video . So this video is covering the
00:28 top online teaching companies that I recommend that pay well
00:33 . I'm going to be sharing my top five and
00:35 then I will be sharing some bonus ones at the
00:38 end . Stick around till the end to hear those
00:40 at the end . Okay , let's jump into the
00:43 video now disclaimer . Before we start , I could
00:46 not get this hair to curl . Just get ,
00:47 it's not the disclaimer but I couldn't try . I'll
00:51 just , we'll just do a little bit . Here
00:54 we go . I disclaim where I do not teach
00:56 for any of these companies . So why am I
00:58 recommending them ? I work with a lot of teachers
01:01 . I coach teachers and I have been learning about
01:03 a lot of different companies through these teachers , through
01:06 my teacher students and I'm so grateful for that opportunity
01:08 to have a front row seat to hear the pros
01:11 , the cons , what's going well , what companies
01:13 they are drawn to . So , I'm really excited
01:15 to share with you my top five from working with
01:17 these teachers . Now , if you are wondering how
01:20 do I get connected with a coach if I found
01:21 a good company and a good fit , I do
01:23 have a guide below that you can download for free
01:26 and has the companies listed a little blurb about them
01:28 . And it's just like a short form and then
01:30 it has a coach listed for you . So that's
01:32 all free . I'll put an I card here too
01:34 because that was easy . Now , why do I
01:37 want to share with you online teaching companies ? I
01:40 personally believe that teaching online is one of the best
01:43 ways to start working from home , doing something rewarding
01:47 and also to gain those skills that are going to
01:50 fuel your business in the future . So let me
01:53 give you an example as you are applying for a
01:55 company and you start teaching online , you're going to
01:58 be learning how to teach a certain age group ,
02:00 you're going to be learning how to teach the curriculum
02:02 , you're going to be learning how to market yourself
02:05 how to brand yourself , you're learning skills of working
02:08 online using technology , even if it scares you ,
02:12 you're gaining such a large skill set that you can
02:15 then dump and pour into your own brand and business
02:19 . So the skills that you're learning and also the
02:21 consistency , mostly consistent paycheck that you're able to see
02:25 by working for a company is going to be a
02:27 huge tool for you . If you're deciding to build
02:30 your own brand , if you're deciding to go independent
02:33 , this is going to be the fuel , This
02:34 is going to be such a gift to you because
02:37 you have a paycheck while you're building your beautiful brand
02:39 . Okay , so that's why I want to start
02:41 with the top online companies that I recommend . So
02:44 let's jump into number one . Can't find the buying
02:47 every time . I'm sorry . No . Okay ,
02:50 number one drum rolls , ticket ticket ticket ticket is
02:53 out school . Why out school ? Let me explain
02:57 Out school had a lot of hype when we were
02:59 first quarantine back in March . When that originally happened
03:02 , a lot of students were then home . So
03:05 a lot of teachers were needed . It exploded .
03:07 And then when the school year started again in august
03:10 september a lot of the students went back to school
03:12 or maybe they're doing online school and they're already on
03:14 zoom . So they saw a little bit of dip
03:16 , I saw a different bookings from the teachers I
03:18 talked to , I saw a dip happening . And
03:20 so why would I recommend this company ? And the
03:22 reason why is because I know that numbers will even
03:24 out . I know you will have highs and lows
03:26 and bookings regardless . And that's why I always recommend
03:29 working for 1 to 3 companies so that you do
03:31 have consistency . So if you were to lose a
03:33 contract with one , you have a backup . You
03:34 have multiple streams of income and your eggs are not
03:37 all in one basket . So if you were affected
03:39 with bookings , then that's something that you research and
03:41 you learn and you overcome that . It's just skills
03:44 in your pocket . Like just load those pocket with
03:47 these skills and these experiences . So what is our
03:49 school ? Our school is an online company . It's
03:51 essentially a marketplace where you get to choose the curriculum
03:55 . You get to choose how many students you're teaching
03:56 to in the ages of 3-18 . You do have
03:59 to be in the us Canada UK . Australia or
04:03 in New Zealand . Those are the requirements . You
04:05 do not need a bachelor's . A lot of people
04:07 may be intimidated if they were not a teacher previously
04:10 . And they're saying , I have to create my
04:12 own curriculum . I have to set my own price
04:14 . Like you have a lot more freedom . And
04:16 I think that's a beautiful thing because you're building skills
04:19 on how to essentially do this on your own .
04:21 I mean they're giving you the students in the marketplace
04:23 and they are emailing their students letting them know about
04:25 your classes . So that is such a gift as
04:28 you build your brand and as you learn these skills
04:30 without school , they do take 30% of the total
04:34 amount . However you could be earning $40 an hour
04:38 . I've heard of teachers earning up to 100 plus
04:40 dollars an hour . And if one student shows up
04:42 , maybe it could be $6 a half hour or
04:44 $12 an hour , I know that it could vary
04:47 greatly depending on bookings . However , if you are
04:49 consistent and if you learn how to pick a specific
04:53 niche and you find those classes that really thrive and
04:56 do well , you can repeat and replicate that same
04:59 course , that same class boring is beautiful . I
05:01 love that quote boring is beautiful when you find what
05:03 works , keep doing what works . Okay , so
05:05 I recommend out school because of the skills you're able
05:08 to gain overall . I just think it would be
05:10 an awesome platform to teach for If you do teach
05:13 for out school , let us know in the comments
05:14 . Let us know how our bookings going . Of
05:16 course , please , please , please , I'm going
05:18 to just ask that is not a venting ground .
05:21 Our comments are not a venting ground . There are
05:22 a tool for you to help each other out to
05:25 let them know , hey , bookings were a little
05:26 bit low this time , or I heard this ,
05:28 so please share in a constructive way . Okay ,
05:32 I don't want any venting down there now , I
05:34 just want to piggyback off of out school , another
05:36 company that I do not know any teachers that teach
05:38 for this company , but I came across it in
05:40 my research , it's called Home Room and I know
05:42 that there are a lot smaller at a stage that
05:44 earlier on , and sometimes those companies that are earlier
05:47 on , it's a great opportunity for you to have
05:49 leadership roles , for you to help them to grow
05:51 . So if you are looking to recruit and to
05:54 help others join that company , then that could be
05:56 a really great position to be in . You're going
05:58 to gain a lot of skills by being there from
06:00 the beginning , and there also could be a higher
06:03 risk because you don't know if everything will turn out
06:05 . So home room , you could look into that
06:07 one , let me know if you've heard about it
06:08 , but it's very similar . It's exact same model
06:11 from my understanding as out school . So , I
06:13 found out one of my research , Okay , number
06:15 two , this one is under the same category as
06:18 not sl it's not only teaching english is branching out
06:22 of the math department . It started with just math
06:24 and now is branching into other curriculum . I have
06:26 a teacher student that teaches for this company and again
06:29 , her information is linked in that guide below .
06:31 But this company is called splash learn . And splash
06:34 learn was not even on my radar until I heard
06:37 of it from my own students . The cool thing
06:39 with splash learn is if you are an expert in
06:41 math or if you really enjoy teaching math , this
06:43 could be a really good platform for you to teach
06:46 on . Now . I'm going to dive into some
06:48 more details on this company specifically in this video .
06:51 All right , I have my computer here to make
06:53 sure I get my notes . Right , So four
06:56 slash learn . You do not need a degree .
06:58 You do have to have experience . They do recommend
07:01 200 hours of experience with teaching online . So this
07:04 would be a great secondary company if you're already teaching
07:07 on line . They also have a math focus with
07:10 growth plans for other subjects and you need to have
07:12 one year of teaching or tutoring in math experience .
07:15 Now they teach during the daytime . You're available to
07:18 cancel classes if you need . And the pay is
07:21 20 to $25 an hour . It's a newer company
07:24 with many leadership roles . So if you are looking
07:26 for a coach or a resource or want to learn
07:28 more about this company again , it's in that guideline
07:30 below , but this could be a great opportunity or
07:33 a secondary company to work for . If you already
07:35 have the experience to do so , splash , learn
07:39 splashed . All right . We are moving into company
07:43 number three and I am now going to be conquering
07:45 or covering online E . S . L . Company
07:47 . So you are teaching english as a second language
07:50 and for these companies with top Pay , I wanted
07:52 to find ones that had good pay and I know
07:54 that it's not everything . So I think it's important
07:56 for you to be aware of . What are the
07:59 requirements ? Not only the requirements because maybe you need
08:01 a bachelor's or maybe you need to be a native
08:04 english speaker . Those could be requirements for the company
08:07 . So maybe it could be that it's not a
08:09 good fit or maybe for that company , they have
08:11 a minimum on hours that you have to teach a
08:13 week . So those are things that you want to
08:15 look for and be aware of because not only are
08:17 you trying to be a good fit for them ,
08:20 but you have to decide are they a good fit
08:22 for you , Your schedule , how you want to
08:24 spend your time and what you want to be doing
08:26 on line . Those are things to consider alongside the
08:29 pay . It's not just pay but make sure that
08:31 you are aware of the requirements and also the expectations
08:35 . They could have a really strict cancellation policy that
08:38 you want to be aware of , that you can
08:39 prepare accordingly . Okay so number three is a group
08:43 of of of uh I tutor group and with a
08:46 tutor group they've been around for a while . I'm
08:48 not going to give you the exact because I don't
08:49 know . And again this information that I'm sharing could
08:52 change with time . It could change for a month
08:53 , a month . I could recommend a different five
08:55 companies in the next month . I mean it could
08:57 change with time and so keep that in mind that
09:01 these things change . But for now this is what
09:04 the stats are . So you do have to have
09:06 a bachelor's degree to teach for a tutor group and
09:09 you do have to have a T . Cell if
09:10 you are looking for a T . So I do
09:12 have one linked below . It is with International Open
09:14 Academy , it's only $19 and sometimes they have a
09:17 discount where it's only $14 . Very simple to have
09:20 that requirement . Don't put it off because of that
09:22 requirement . You teach kids 25 minutes , one on
09:25 one . Or you can teach kids or adults for
09:27 45 minutes small group classes . So there's a little
09:29 bit more flexibility , more options on the teaching .
09:32 Your pay could be , there's quite a variety .
09:35 It could get up to $37 an hour . Now
09:38 that is the high of the high . So maybe
09:40 let us know if you teach for a tutor group
09:42 , let us know in the comments . What is
09:44 the pay scale that you have seen ? That's most
09:46 common for teaching for this company . I tutor group
09:48 requires teachers to be available for five peak hours per
09:52 week . So that's something to consider . If you
09:54 do not want to be required to have those five
09:56 peak hours open for a company , then this could
09:59 maybe not be a good fit for you . Now
10:01 . They have a fixed schedule and it is booked
10:02 automatically . So that would be pros and cons because
10:05 then you know what to expect . But also the
10:07 con could be , you can't just pick up and
10:09 leave . You can't just close a week because you
10:11 already have it scheduled out ahead of time . Let
10:13 me know if you teach for I tutor group or
10:15 if that's a company that you have looked further into
10:18 . I have heard really great things because you can
10:20 teach kids , you can teach adults . So there
10:22 is a little bit more flexibility and variety in what
10:25 you're able to do for the company . How are
10:27 booking rates going ? Let us know . Do you
10:29 teach for a tutor group ? Let us know in
10:31 the comments . All right . Number four is another
10:34 online sl company and it is Wells English . Well
10:38 English , I have a student that recruits for them
10:41 teaches for them . She's awesome . And the reason
10:44 why she applied for Wells English and found it originally
10:47 was because she lives in the UK and she was
10:50 unable to teach for other online companies and found Wells
10:53 English . I've seen Wells English grow in the past
10:56 year or so . And so I've heard it a
10:58 lot more . It's been more on my radar and
11:00 I wanted to share with you . What are the
11:02 stats ? What's the pay ? What are all the
11:03 details tell me will probably change tomorrow . You do
11:08 need a bachelor's degree . You have to be in
11:10 the US Canada U . K . Australia new Zealand
11:13 or Ireland and then you do need a T .
11:15 Cell . Now the pay for Wells english is anywhere
11:17 from 18 to $26 an hour . That could be
11:20 something that would be a good fit for what you
11:22 want to do . You teach 25 or 50 minute
11:24 classes and their students ages 3 to 15 and usually
11:28 you average about two students in a class . Sometimes
11:30 there's more . Sometimes there's bigger classes you are required
11:33 to open eight peak hours or eight teaching hours .
11:37 So that's during Beijing peak times . So that's really
11:40 early in the U . S . Are really late
11:42 in the US . But if you live out of
11:43 the US maybe it could be a good fit for
11:46 time and maybe you like that split schedule . I've
11:48 always liked that split schedule because my kids are sleeping
11:51 so I'm able to teach really early or late in
11:55 the evenings . I always would do early times when
11:57 I was teaching full time online checkout tests channel .
12:00 I'll link it below . She has more information on
12:02 Wells English . Again she's linked in our guide .
12:04 I have each of these coaches linked in the guide
12:06 so that you can have like an expert go to
12:09 . That has all of the up to date up
12:10 to date , up to date . I'm here to
12:12 give you a general overview of what I would recommend
12:15 and if I were to look for a company and
12:17 wanted to teach today I would consider one of these
12:20 . Number five brings us to our final online teaching
12:23 company . This is also an online E . S
12:25 . L . Company and it is okay go Go
12:30 kids . What is some information on google kid ?
12:32 Go go kid also requires you to have a bachelor's
12:35 degree . You do need 100 and 20 hour T
12:38 . Cell . Again linked below . It is an
12:40 official 120 hour with International Open Academy and you teach
12:43 one on one classes for 25 minutes . It is
12:45 very similar to the I . P . Kid .
12:47 The pay is a little bit higher now the V
12:50 . I . P . Kid did cut their pay
12:52 a bit . Maybe if you teach a really large
12:54 load with V . I . P . Kid maybe
12:55 your pay is higher than go go kid depending on
12:57 the load amount of classes that you teach for V
13:00 . I . P . Kid . That could be
13:01 a huge variable in your pay . With google kid
13:04 . You do have to open up slots that are
13:05 Beijing peak time . So that's anywhere from nine a.m.
13:08 To nine p.m. Beijing time and there's no minimum or
13:11 maximum for hours you don't have to open up a
13:14 certain amount . It gives you complete freedom , complete
13:16 flexibility and so that could be a really good option
13:19 or maybe a secondary or third company or maybe that
13:22 is your primary company in the guide . I have
13:24 Olivia link there as a coach and she's awesome .
13:26 She has information on Go kid . It's really helpful
13:29 . Go go go go now we are coming to
13:33 the end and I promise you I would share with
13:34 you the other companies that I recommend that guide again
13:37 has all the details but I want to mention these
13:39 for you to hear their pay . I have been
13:42 focusing on pay . I wanted to pick five companies
13:44 that paid . Well there are some other companies that
13:47 also pay well that we're not in my top five
13:49 that I did not share in those top five and
13:50 remember it could change tomorrow . You just never know
13:53 . So I'm going to share with you these companies
13:55 that many of my teacher students work for . And
13:58 there's a couple that I do not know teachers that
14:00 teach for these companies and I'll let you know which
14:02 ones those are so cute kids . It's about 16
14:04 to $20 an hour . Magic airs 16 to $26
14:08 an hour dot to abc . Some might call it
14:11 data . Nobody does , nobody calls it data .
14:16 Uh Malika . Okay there about $20 an hour zebra
14:21 english is about $20 an hour V . I .
14:23 P . Kid is about $20 an hour now ,
14:25 a little bit closer to 18 depending on how many
14:28 classes you teach . So they change their pay scale
14:30 a little bit . Now I have an entire playlist
14:32 of V . I . P . Kids . So
14:33 if you're like , I've heard great things because it
14:35 is an excellent company to teach for . Again ,
14:37 the focus of this video was for pay . I
14:40 know that is not the most important or the only
14:42 thing to consider , but the kid is definitely a
14:45 great company to teach for . So I do have
14:47 a playlist , a ton of videos for VIP Kid
14:49 . I do not recruit or teach for them anymore
14:51 . However , I do have in my guide ,
14:53 a teacher link . If you do want to get
14:54 connected with someone that could help you out say abc
14:57 is up to $19 That's V . I . P
14:58 . Kid sister company . Next one is pal fish
15:01 and that's 14 to $22 an hour . These last
15:03 two companies , I do not have teachers , students
15:05 of my own that teach for but they were recommended
15:08 and they came up on my research . So to
15:10 sigma's is $20 plus and then Landy english is 16
15:14 to $20 an hour . So if you want a
15:17 direct link I will put all of the companies I
15:19 mentioned below in the description box as well as the
15:22 guide that I've been referring to in this video .
15:24 Now if you're saying okay , Nance thanks for all
15:26 the information . Now I don't know what to do
15:28 . I will wrap up with this pick +12 or
15:31 three companies to teach for while you're building that skill
15:34 set . Maybe you are wanting to go independent or
15:37 have students of your own or build a brand of
15:39 your own . If this is something that you are
15:40 feeling called to do and it's calling us you then
15:43 make sure you subscribe to this channel because next video
15:46 we are going to be covering how to go independent
15:49 . How do I transfer these skills to an independent
15:52 platform where I'm finding my own students , I'm choosing
15:55 my curriculum , I'm choosing how much what time I
15:58 get to choose it all . You have complete control
16:00 , which puts a lot of the weight on your
16:02 back , but also a lot of freedom as you
16:05 build your system and as you build your brand .
16:07 So we're going to walk through the steps to make
16:09 that happen and I'm so excited to share it with
16:11 you . Check it out in next week's video and
16:13 did this hair bug you the whole time . It
16:15 bugged me too . I was so mad . I
16:17 couldn't get it to curl . It's fine , We're
16:20 fine . Everything's fine . Okay . We'll see you
16:22 guys next video . Bye . Don't forget to check
16:25 out these videos . Here We , Me , me
16:26 , me , me . Bye guys . Yeah .



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