3 Steps to Start Teaching Online On Your Own! - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

3 Steps to Start Teaching Online On Your Own! - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

3 Steps to Start Teaching Online On Your Own! - By Nancy Taylor

00:0-1 Yes , smelly cat , smelly cat . What are
00:06 they feeding you ? Hello everyone . It is nancy
00:08 taylor here from Hey nancy taylor dot com . And
00:11 on this channel you will see videos about teaching online
00:14 , growing your brand and becoming the best version of
00:16 you . And in today's video , we are going
00:19 to be going over the three steps to start teaching
00:22 independently like on your own with your own brands .
00:25 Okay , let's jump into the video . No further
00:29 explanation . Now , eight years ago , nine years
00:32 ago . Now when I was first married to my
00:35 husband , it was our first year of marriage and
00:37 he was doing his flight training and in his flight
00:40 training to get your private pilot license . You do
00:43 your training with your instructor , you go on flights
00:45 , you do a bunch of research and learning on
00:47 the books , so you do in class , then
00:49 you'll do this in the airplane , in a tiny
00:52 airplane . And during this private pilot licence training you
00:56 have to to get this license . You have to
00:59 go on a solo flight . And I remember Dave
01:01 coming to me , my soul flight is this date
01:04 . And I was like , what do you even
01:07 know how to fly an airplane ? It's exciting ,
01:10 exhilarating , nerve racking and it could be very deadly
01:14 . Do you know what you're doing to go independent
01:18 to go on your own ? And I remember just
01:21 the amount of effort that goes into something in your
01:24 training knowing that you have to do it on your
01:27 own , you're going to be much more focused ,
01:29 you're going to be paying really close attention while you're
01:32 in that airplane and learning how to fly it .
01:34 You are not going to be like zoning out and
01:37 thinking about what you're going to have for lunch because
01:39 you're going to have to fly that airplane by yourself
01:42 . It has huge risk but huge reward . And
01:45 you do have to do it on your own and
01:48 you do it , you pass it off and then
01:50 it just becomes like a habit you you fly and
01:54 then you're the flight instructor , it's just a beautiful
01:56 thing because then once you've done your flight and you
01:58 have that training , then you can get your next
02:00 license and you can be a flight instructor and you
02:02 can teach others how to fly an airplane . So
02:05 now you're the one responsible for them learning . I
02:08 love that analogy because of how it transitions into teaching
02:12 and when you teach for a company or you teach
02:14 for a brand , maybe you teaching the mainstream classroom
02:16 and then you decide you're feeling pulled to teach independently
02:20 to go on your own . And as you have
02:23 the skill set , you develop the skill set here
02:25 in your training and as you are teaching for a
02:27 company , you're ready to go solo , you're ready
02:31 to go on your solo flight and it can be
02:33 scary . There could be many unknowns . However you've
02:36 done the work , you've done the training , you
02:38 have the experience , you're ready to go . Now
02:40 when you are going independent , it does not mean
02:43 that it's easy . It's going to be a lot
02:45 of work . There will be mistakes , there will
02:47 be things that you don't have to deal with when
02:49 you work for a company . However , think about
02:52 the possibilities . There is no ceiling . You could
02:54 be earning $100 , an hour and more . If
02:58 you choose to start building a brand of your own
03:01 and going independent . So let's jump into the three
03:05 steps to build a brand of your own and to
03:08 start teaching independently , meaning on your own , not
03:11 connected to another company . You ready ? You ready
03:13 ? Let's go In the three steps , we're going
03:17 to be covering these three common questions I hear often
03:20 with teachers going independent . Number one , what do
03:22 I teach ? How do I know what to teach
03:24 ? Number two , how do I set the entire
03:26 thing up ? What does the whole system look like
03:28 from start to finish ? How do I set it
03:30 up ? And number three ? This big one .
03:33 How do I market ? How do I find my
03:36 students ? Okay , I can set everything up .
03:38 I can do my curriculum , I can do all
03:40 that . But how in the world , where in
03:41 the world where in the world do I find my
03:43 students were going to be covering those three questions in
03:46 the next three steps , question number one , what
03:49 do I teach ? So first of all , you
03:51 gotta dive into yourself . You have to think of
03:53 what you are an expert in . What do you
03:55 enjoy doing ? What are you passionate about ? What
03:57 do you read about ? What do you love to
03:59 learn about ? What do you do ? Well ?
04:01 And that could be your zone , a genius something
04:04 you're an expert in . Not only do I want
04:06 to find a topic and category that I'm an expert
04:09 in a specific niche , but I also need to
04:11 validate that there is a market for it . So
04:14 I need to do some market research . This could
04:16 be having three people that you call up on the
04:18 phone or on a zoom call or you schedule this
04:21 call to see what is their specific needs . Or
04:24 if they have a child that you're looking to teach
04:27 , that age group , you could ask them specifics
04:29 on what they struggle with or what would really benefit
04:32 them . Another form of market research could be you
04:34 look at other teachers , what are they teaching and
04:36 if they're teaching a topic that you enjoy and it's
04:39 in that same niche , maybe you could be a
04:41 little bit more specific and you could have a little
04:44 bit less competition because you are extra specific . So
04:47 you niche down to blow up . So you need
04:50 to do some research on if there is a market
04:53 and sometimes you're not sure you're like , I don't
04:56 know if this has ever been taught before . I
04:57 don't know if there's a market for it . And
04:59 so perhaps you will be talking with parents , you'll
05:03 be seeing if they're interested in it . And if
05:05 they're not , maybe you could adjust and pivot a
05:07 little bit . Now . You also need to make
05:08 some other decisions . Will you be doing live classes
05:11 or will you have a recorded course that you sell
05:13 and that they purchased ? Will you be doing small
05:16 classes , one on one classes ? These decisions can
05:18 be very simple to make . You just have to
05:20 think of your schedule , what fits best for you
05:22 and your family and then you can create that system
05:26 and create the platform and and go from there .
05:29 Now all of these questions are in a guide that
05:31 I have below and I'll link it here in the
05:33 eye card as well . So you can have those
05:35 all spelled out . You don't have to just listen
05:37 to me ramble on and write them down there .
05:39 Also organized inside these three steps that I'm going over
05:42 with you today in this video . But you just
05:45 get a lot more explanation in the video style .
05:47 So I hope this is helpful and the fuzzies and
05:49 the bugs . So number one , what will you
05:52 teach ? Find what you love and you're passionate about
05:54 and then also validate that topic by market research and
05:58 researching what others are interested in . Then you can
06:01 go through and make those decisions on live classes ,
06:03 what age group you can make those decisions . And
06:06 even if you start with one age group , you
06:09 might find that you like to work with a different
06:10 age group . So whatever you start with doesn't mean
06:13 that you have to stick with it , but you
06:15 do have to start somewhere . Number two , how
06:18 do I set this all up now ? You can
06:21 have an official landing page . So this could be
06:23 your website and on your website you can have a
06:26 big , big selling point as testimonial . So once
06:29 you get those , put those on your website ,
06:30 but what you could have on there is what you
06:32 teach and then how do they book a class with
06:35 you ? How do they get on your schedule ?
06:37 And a lot of times when you first get started
06:39 you're going to be direct messaging people , you're going
06:42 to be talking to them one on one and letting
06:44 them know about your services . And then as you
06:46 grow , as more traffic is coming to your website
06:49 , as more traffic is coming to you and your
06:52 services , you will have people signing up that haven't
06:55 already talked to you . So that will happen over
06:57 time . It may take two months , three months
06:59 , four months to find your first client , your
07:01 first student . And then it goes exponentially like word
07:04 of mouth and then maybe you get to students the
07:07 next month and maybe you get three the following month
07:09 so it can grow quickly . But you do have
07:12 to be patient as you're getting started , as you're
07:15 starting this , you may want to be teaching for
07:17 another online company while you are starting your own brand
07:20 and business because then you have a mostly consistent paycheck
07:24 while you are building some independent teaching on the side
07:27 and then while this builds and your clientele builds and
07:30 grows and you stay focused on that specific niche ,
07:34 then perhaps you won't be teaching for an online company
07:37 alongside it . Or maybe you always keep that one
07:39 on the back burner . It could just always be
07:41 a safety net if you will but definitely be aware
07:44 that it can take time to build your clientele to
07:47 build your student base . So after you have your
07:49 landing page with the information , perhaps they will schedule
07:52 on Callen lee . That could be a really good
07:54 platform to schedule one on one . Or if you
07:56 have your own schedule with zoom , you can have
07:59 that on your website as well . It does not
08:01 have to be perfect . Again , you might be
08:03 starting with a couple of students so you could just
08:05 automatically email them . Like you could skip the website
08:08 , have no website . You have five students are
08:10 gonna start with you email all of their parents and
08:12 tell them we're starting with our zoom session on monday
08:14 Wednesday friday . These are the times and there you
08:17 go . You get started from there we're in a
08:19 mouth . You share on facebook , you share on
08:21 instagram . You let people know I'm doing tutoring and
08:24 if you're interested it closes at this time or this
08:27 is when we teach , this is what I'm teaching
08:28 . Maybe it's a language , the sky's the limit
08:30 . Another thing that you'll have to consider in this
08:32 portion when you are getting everything set up again ,
08:34 you can start with no website , no brand ,
08:36 no platform . It could be word of mouth ,
08:38 it could be you talking with people in direct messages
08:40 . But as you are getting it set up ,
08:41 you do need to know how are you going to
08:43 have parents pay you or if you are teaching adults
08:46 , how are they going to pay you ? You
08:48 can set it up with Paypal , you can set
08:50 it up with stripe . Perhaps you'll have them purchase
08:53 with saM cart . So if I have SAM cart
08:55 then they make their purchase through there and its automated
08:58 . Now there's a little bit of a transaction fee
09:00 and whatnot if you do use those platforms , if
09:03 you use those but it does hold a receipt and
09:05 it's easy for tax purposes . I use Paypal and
09:08 stripe . Some have asked like what if I do
09:10 Venmo , I would research and make sure that you
09:13 would have all the materials you need , giving receipts
09:16 for making sure that it's not like family and friends
09:18 , but it's business you have to have under business
09:21 . Okay , so there's something to be aware of
09:23 is how will they pay for the services ? Hey
09:26 , it's me interrupting myself . I just wanted to
09:28 let you know that we have our live training going
09:30 on right now . It is the three steps to
09:32 build a profitable Youtube channel and the mistakes to avoid
09:36 . I've taken my knowledge and experience and what I've
09:38 learned in the past four years of building a profitable
09:41 Youtube channel . I've been able to take my company
09:43 from 20,000 year up to 200,000 plus and I've been
09:48 so grateful for the tools that I have gained by
09:51 building a Youtube channel and so I have taken that
09:54 knowledge and packed it into this free training . It
09:57 is free , it is live , check the description
09:59 box for the times for the dates and how you
10:02 can register amount of breath so excited . If you
10:06 cannot get into the live training , then sign up
10:08 for one anyways and you will get a recording of
10:11 it if you can't make any of the lifetimes .
10:13 Okay , that's it . I just want to let
10:14 you know that it's only available for a limited time
10:16 . So check that description box . Okay , but
10:19 now you are getting to number three step number three
10:23 , How do I market ? Where do I find
10:25 my students ? I am going to give you a
10:27 handful like you went trick or treating and you get
10:31 home and you take your bag and you dump it
10:33 out . That's what I'm gonna give you right now
10:36 , doesn't it all over ? It's fine , it's
10:38 fine . So I'm going to share with you some
10:39 marketing strategies where you can find your students and I
10:43 hope that you take these and implement them . Don't
10:46 just write them down and say we'll get to that
10:47 later , go and test them out . That is
10:50 the biggest part is starting , is doing the work
10:52 , is just doing it . Even though you don't
10:54 know all the answers . It's okay . That's how
10:56 you learn . As you start , you gain the
10:58 experience . So I want to go over these .
11:00 First of all , you need to have an enticing
11:03 topic or what you teach . You need to know
11:05 we already validated that and step number one that your
11:08 course topic or you're teaching topic was validated that there's
11:12 a market for it . But make sure that you're
11:14 targeting a pain point . So maybe it is homework
11:17 time at home is really hard . How can you
11:19 ease that as a tutor ? How can you ease
11:21 that ? What are you an expert in with math
11:23 ? Maybe parents are so frustrated like math is taught
11:26 different than when I was in school and I can't
11:28 even help my child . Oh , here I come
11:30 in . I am a math tutor . I tutor
11:33 online and this is my program . These are results
11:35 from my students . I don't just come out of
11:37 the gate with how much it costs . Okay .
11:39 That comes in after I explain their pain point and
11:42 the transformation that I offer , I'm going to ease
11:45 their load . I'm going to make their life easier
11:48 by sharing my expertise and being the instructor for them
11:51 . Now . Where can I find students ? You
11:53 can post your classes are opening on your social media
11:56 . So let people know you can even have like
11:58 a link on your instagram to when classes are when
12:02 they can sign up for them , you can send
12:03 an email . So , if you've been growing an
12:05 email list and start growing it out , If you
12:08 are going independent , if you are starting to build
12:10 a brand of your own , start an email list
12:14 , Okay , I have a video here that goes
12:16 over email list and why that is so important .
12:19 Yes . Go watch that video and I'll put it
12:21 in the eye card here as well . So make
12:23 sure that you have an email list because that is
12:25 the backbone to your business . You can let them
12:27 know if there's a discount , you can email and
12:29 let them know when classes open up . Maybe you're
12:31 opening up one on one . Maybe you have group
12:32 sessions , whatever it may be . E mail list
12:35 . Start it now . Yesterday . Go let your
12:39 audience know in your weekly content . So I always
12:42 recommend using platform for weekly content . This is how
12:44 you build your brand , you offer free content .
12:47 So it could be on Youtube , it could be
12:48 a podcast , it could be a blog , but
12:50 that is how you're going to generate organic traffic because
12:53 you're teaching them , you're letting them have snippets and
12:56 teaching them essentially what you teach in your paid for
12:59 programs . However you're giving them some foundational work for
13:03 free because then they know , hey , this teacher
13:07 is an expert in this and I had these results
13:09 . I'm definitely going to sign up for their coaching
13:12 sessions . I'm definitely going to sign up for their
13:13 independent teaching that they won't call it that , but
13:16 you can schedule a free consultation or free discovery call
13:20 . So a lot of times , if you are
13:22 starting with a discovery call , maybe you find your
13:24 clients or your future students on linkedin , maybe you're
13:28 helping business owners with a specific skill . Maybe you're
13:32 helping them with their content creation . Maybe you're helping
13:34 them with social media . So this could lead into
13:36 helping and teaching and coaching adults . So if you're
13:40 helping them , then maybe you're going to have a
13:42 free consultation or discovery call on zoom that not only
13:46 are they saying if you're a good fit for them
13:48 , but you are deciding are they a good fit
13:50 for what I teach and don't be afraid to tell
13:52 people No , don't be afraid to say , hey
13:54 , I don't think we're a good fit to work
13:56 together . I wish you the best because remember you
13:59 don't want to help everyone . You want to help
14:01 this specific person . You want to help a very
14:03 specific problem and a specific niche because then you are
14:07 the go to for that . So don't try and
14:10 solve everyone's problems . Just hope there's one problem .
14:13 The final one that you could do is paid advertising
14:16 . So if you know how to do instagram or
14:18 facebook or Youtube ads , this could be another form
14:21 or you could market for your platform . You could
14:24 also be in direct messages on facebook . If you're
14:26 sharing weekly content , you're giving value . Always ,
14:30 always give before you ask . So you always give
14:32 free content like I'm doing in this video giving you
14:35 free content and then you can let them know about
14:38 your paid for services or what your offer is always
14:41 always give first . Now if you are thinking ,
14:43 I am very interested in building my own brand ,
14:46 on teaching , on my own on marketing , my
14:48 own services and what I have to offer then most
14:53 definitely check the description box . I have links below
14:55 of my program for building a brand . It is
14:58 called Beyond Teaching online and it is only open for
15:01 a limited time . So check the dates . Check
15:03 the link below because you do want to get in
15:05 there when the doors are open . I love ,
15:08 love love helping online teachers to build a brand and
15:12 to see just like to go after their dreams and
15:15 to see the results . Many of them were able
15:17 to pay off the course the entire program within the
15:21 three months . Like they paid for the whole thing
15:23 and they continue to grow income wise . So not
15:26 only did they get the skills and build their brand
15:28 , but immediately they were making money on their brand
15:30 . That's just such a cool thing . That is
15:33 so rewarding for me as an instructor to help other
15:35 teachers to replicate that same system . And so I
15:38 am just so proud of my own teacher . Students
15:41 that have stepped off that ledge that I've gone on
15:43 that solo flight . My they're going , I'm going
15:47 anyways . I don't know what I'm doing . They
15:49 jumped off their flying and it's been so rewarding .
15:53 And I hope that I can help you out as
15:54 well . All right guys , make sure you subscribe
15:56 to this channel if you have not . If you
15:58 want to see more videos about building a brand teaching
16:00 online and being just totally awesome being the best version
16:04 of you . I hope to see you guys later
16:06 . Bye . I don't have a classroom , but
16:10 that's okay because I can film in here . It's
16:13 winter . It's winter . It's winter . Winter .
16:15 Winter to de do do do



3 Steps to Start Teaching Online On Your Own! is a free educational video by Nancy Taylor.

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