How to Start An Online Teacher Business with YouTube in 2021 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

How to Start An Online Teacher Business with YouTube in 2021 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

How to Start An Online Teacher Business with YouTube in 2021 - By Nancy Taylor

00:0-1 Hello everyone . It is nancy taylor here and in
00:02 this video we are going to be going over how
00:04 to start an online teacher business with Youtube . Have
00:08 you ever wondered how do these content creators and online
00:12 teachers that are posting content on Youtube ? How do
00:15 they make money ? Their content is free . How
00:17 does it all work ? How do you turn this
00:20 into a business ? Well , if you've been wondering
00:22 that I'm going to be showing you the exact teacher
00:25 business journey that I have taken in my own experience
00:28 and also what I teach my own teacher , students
00:31 in my , paid for programs , in my paid
00:33 for coaching . I'm going to show you the exact
00:35 journey today and explain to you exactly what I would
00:39 do each step of the way . And I specifically
00:42 teach a Youtube funnel . So this is specifically for
00:45 those that want to build a business and brand on
00:47 Youtube . Now I had the question of what is
00:49 a brand ? If you've been wondering that I wanted
00:52 to explain it quickly for you . So a brand
00:54 is you , it's your personal brand , what you
00:56 represent the values you show it is the content that
00:59 you create your personal brand . Is that free content
01:03 that you offer ? The value that you give And
01:06 then you're able to turn that into a business ,
01:09 your personal brand . Now make sure that you stick
01:11 around to the end because I will be giving you
01:14 a sneak peek into the previous year of 2020 on
01:18 income results , on impact results and on influence results
01:23 . So what can happen with this exact teacher business
01:26 journey that I'm going to be teaching you today ?
01:28 So stick around at the end when I get you
01:30 a little sneak peek into what can happen for your
01:33 own brand , for your own business . If you
01:35 jump into this exact same journey . Now , just
01:38 a quick overview of the four steps that I will
01:41 be going over in more detail in this video is
01:43 step number one is to teach online . Do you
01:46 have to start as an online teacher ? No ,
01:48 you do not . But this is a great thought
01:50 to start because you gain the skills that will carry
01:53 over to your own teacher . Business . Step number
01:55 two is to build a brand and specifically on Youtube
01:59 . Number three is to grow your email list .
02:01 This is the backbone to your business . I can't
02:03 rely solely on Youtube . I don't have control over
02:06 the algorithm , I don't have control over if they
02:08 market my videos or if they're showing but I do
02:11 have control over having an email list and I do
02:14 have control over showing up in my audiences email inbox
02:18 . So I need to start growing that email list
02:20 as soon as possible . If you are wondering when
02:22 an email is , how to grow an email is
02:23 check out this video here where I go over all
02:26 of the details of building an email list specifically from
02:29 Youtube Step number four . We go over , how
02:31 do you generate income ? What is your offer that
02:34 is the transformation that you offer your audience and how
02:37 will you deliver it ? Now ? I'll go into
02:39 more detail on each of these . But I wanted
02:41 you to see each step of the journey . So
02:43 you knew , is this the right place for me
02:45 ? Do I need to watch this whole video ?
02:47 Is this a good fit for what I need ?
02:49 And if you're nodding your head , keep watching because
02:51 I want to talk to the right people , give
02:52 the right resources to those that have been waiting for
02:55 this . Or wondering how does it all work together
02:58 ? How do I generate income and have multiple streams
03:00 of income with a brand of your own specifically on
03:03 Youtube ? All right . I'm going to break it
03:05 down for you . So step number one teach online
03:08 . Now , I have a video that I uploaded
03:10 last week that I don't think right here for you
03:12 to watch that tells you exactly what I would do
03:14 if I was starting to teach online today , what
03:18 are the exact steps I would take to get that
03:20 started ? Do I have to teach online before I
03:23 can move into step number two ? No , you
03:25 could be a mainstream classroom teacher . You could be
03:28 an accountant . You could be any , any job
03:32 , but have a passion for something you want to
03:34 teach specifically on Youtube . So what I'm talking about
03:37 educators and teachers , I'm not saying you have to
03:40 have a license . I'm not saying you have to
03:41 work in the mainstream classroom and public school or specifically
03:45 online . What I'm saying is that you have a
03:47 passion to teach something and you want to share that
03:49 with others and you'll do it through videos on Youtube
03:53 . Now , if you're looking to teach online ,
03:55 check out that video . It goes through the entire
03:57 journey and the process that I would take care of
03:59 her . Step number one now , Step number two
04:02 , we are going to build a brand and on
04:04 Youtube it is a beautiful search engine . Youtube is
04:08 owned by google . So that means that you have
04:11 such a wonderful resource when people go online and they
04:14 search because we're always asking questions were always googling things
04:19 to figure out the answers guilty . Always I google
04:23 things every single day . And since Youtube is owned
04:26 by google , you'll notice that videos will pop up
04:28 . There is like row number two . So I'm
04:31 going to show you were going to jump on the
04:32 computer here . I'm going to show you how do
04:34 you create content and create a brand that is searchable
04:37 ? How do I make sure that my videos are
04:39 being seen because you need to utilize Youtube's platform ,
04:43 its own platform to start to grow your brand .
04:46 And again , what I mean by brand is to
04:48 grow your audience to start building authority to build a
04:52 library of content specific to the niche that you want
04:55 to teach . And so let's get on the computer
04:57 and I'll show you two of my favorite strategies that
05:00 I teach in my pay for programs that I think
05:02 will give you just the right tools to get going
05:05 . Now I'm going to show you two techniques that
05:07 I love to use to create searchable content on Youtube
05:11 . So I've opened up Youtube . I'm incognito here
05:14 and just so that the algorithm doesn't take my history
05:17 on what I've watched in the past , it'll pull
05:19 that into the algorithm . So I'm just going to
05:21 do it here . And the first trick is called
05:23 the ACC trick . So first of all , if
05:25 I'm going to create a title for a video ,
05:28 I do not want it to be vlog 2019 .
05:32 People aren't looking that up unless you have a no
05:35 name . They're looking up your name , but they're
05:37 not usually looking that up . Or if I have
05:40 a teacher brand and I'm doing morning routine with Cherry
05:44 , your student or morning teaching with Cherry , nobody's
05:47 typing in morning teaching with Cherry , even though that's
05:50 a good title for your video , may be on
05:52 your desktop . It's not a good title to have
05:55 on Youtube . So we're first of all going to
05:58 title it something people are searching for . So morning
06:00 teaching routine for an out school teacher . So I'll
06:04 pick this specific company I teach for or maybe I
06:07 just want to put for an online teacher and I
06:10 don't work for a specific brand or specific business .
06:12 I'm just an online teacher now . I can use
06:15 this and I can also do in the abc trick
06:19 . So let's say that I can't think of topics
06:21 or titles specific for my niche , which is online
06:25 teacher . So I type an online teacher and then
06:28 I'm going to look at what's recommended here below .
06:30 So I can put a academy appreciation . I can
06:34 put Bc what pulls up background ideas . I could
06:37 do a video and backgrounds . I go through the
06:38 entire alphabet . Okay . And that will give you
06:42 topics that are being searched . These are things that
06:43 people are searching for . Now . We're going to
06:46 go to a tool I love to use . It's
06:48 a Chrome extension called to Buddy . And this is
06:50 the second thing I want to show you for creating
06:53 searchable content on Youtube . Now . I'm going to
06:56 show you the tool to Buddy . So you can
06:59 go to to Buddy and grab . I even have
07:01 a link below if you want to snag that link
07:03 and you can set up your too buddy for free
07:06 and if you like it then perhaps you want to
07:08 pay for the paid version each month , but start
07:10 with the free version and it just shows up on
07:12 your Youtube right here like this . So I'm going
07:15 to click on to Buddy and I'm going to launch
07:17 Keyword Explorer . So this will show me which keywords
07:21 are ranking . That means what are people searching for
07:24 ? Keywords are key in getting your videos ranking .
07:27 You want to utilize Youtube to grow your brand .
07:29 I don't have to be everywhere to be found .
07:32 I just can focus in on Youtube and building my
07:35 brand here . Let's go back to that morning routine
07:37 . So morning routine , morning routine for online teachers
07:43 . Let's see . I'll click explore and let's see
07:46 what comes up . Unweighted means that it's not taking
07:49 my current channel into consideration . If I do waited
07:53 , then it will now waited . It's the paid
07:55 for version . Also , I'll get some more keywords
07:58 , I'll get some more tags . I'll get some
08:00 more information here . If I do upgrade . This
08:02 is just the free version . I'm showing you right
08:04 here . Search volume . This is what I want
08:05 to look at . Search volume . Excellent . That
08:07 means people are looking for morning routine for online teachers
08:10 competition . I don't want it to be too difficult
08:14 . Mean there's too many videos on this . I
08:15 want to make sure that my competition is good right
08:18 here in the L looks great . Now , something
08:20 that I want to pay attention to is the number
08:22 of videos and search results . There's a ton of
08:24 videos means a lot of people are looking for this
08:26 . Also , it could be a little bit competitive
08:28 . So maybe I want that number to come down
08:30 . So morning routine for online teachers for , and
08:33 I'm going to just put in title for out school
08:36 . So I'm going to see if that brings the
08:37 volume down . Look , it made it come down
08:39 quite a bit . So now the search volume is
08:42 not as high . However , I might want to
08:44 test this out because if I'm a beginner channel and
08:47 there's millions of videos for online teachers , it could
08:50 be really hard to be found . However , if
08:53 someone is specifically an out school teacher , this allows
08:55 me to niche down a little bit more . So
08:58 there's not as much competition . Now , I can
09:01 share more general topics and then niche down from there
09:04 . But just a rule of thumb is if you're
09:06 starting out and have a beginner channel , then I
09:09 don't want it to be too competitive or have too
09:12 many videos in the search results here . So I
09:15 might start with this . Or maybe I'll test this
09:17 out . I could put another company , maybe I
09:19 wanted to be Zebra english and I want to see
09:22 if I work for both of those , which video
09:24 would perform better . Do I want to do a
09:25 video on this again , it's more specific . So
09:30 this search volume might be lower , but I don't
09:33 necessarily need this always to be in green because my
09:36 video might not be picked up if I'm competing against
09:38 too many videos . So you can use this to
09:40 find keywords . I can also look over here .
09:42 S . L . Teachers either english . These can
09:44 be tags that I use . Another tool . You
09:46 can see what other video topics people are searching for
09:49 . So if I did this and just made it
09:51 more general morning routine for online teachers and I just
09:54 did web searches , oh no related web searches found
09:57 dang video searches . So maybe I want to make
10:00 it even more general online teachers and so I can
10:03 start more general and see it's kind of like that
10:06 abc trick online teachers be like online teachers get angry
10:09 . So people are looking for entertainment , online teachers
10:12 for kindergarten . So maybe they're looking for preschool tutorials
10:15 or you want to share things about that . Now
10:17 this is a very general , I want it more
10:19 specific . It's called long tail keywords . So I
10:22 have a longer words . I even want long tail
10:24 keywords in my tags that can help me get more
10:27 keywords in there because I'm seeing what this more general
10:30 topic or broad brings up how to wish teachers day
10:34 . Okay , sweet . Hopefully that was a quick
10:38 tutorial on to buddy , a tool that I used
10:40 to rank my videos and to grow my brand and
10:43 help others to find me without me going and searching
10:46 and knocking on doors all day long . Right .
10:48 So number three is to build an email us and
10:51 I specifically teach a Youtube funnel where I offer free
10:55 valuable content in my Youtube videos and then I will
10:58 have a call to action to either grab a free
11:01 guide or perhaps watch a free training or maybe it
11:04 is to join a challenge , like a seven day
11:06 challenge , 30 day challenge . But these are free
11:10 , they're free items and in exchange for my free
11:12 , valuable coaching content , maybe a pdf guide ,
11:16 I get your email so this shows me that you're
11:18 invested in the topic I'm teaching and also be notified
11:22 when I have future content coming out . When I
11:25 have updates , you're interested in that content . So
11:29 for me , for my call to action , I
11:31 would say grab my free Youtube guide where I walk
11:34 through exactly how to start your own Youtube channel .
11:37 So that could be my call to action and you're
11:39 gonna see it later on in this video , Watch
11:41 for it . I want you to watch from my
11:42 call to action and be like Ding , Ding ,
11:44 Ding Ding . That's what you just told me and
11:46 that's how you grow your email list with the Youtube
11:49 funnel . What do you do with your email list
11:51 again ? Check out that video here where I go
11:53 over exactly what I do with my email is and
11:55 how that helps my business and is really the backbone
11:58 to not only offering value and nurturing and creating a
12:02 really good relationship with my audience , but also where
12:05 I can market either affiliate links , future coaching or
12:08 future programs . So that's something you want to start
12:11 when you start building your audience . Once you know
12:14 who you want to serve , start collecting their email
12:17 , their contact so that you can notify them when
12:20 you have new content , new value and also an
12:23 offer coming their way . Number four is your offer
12:27 . What doesn't offer mean ? And offers the transformation
12:30 that I give to my audience member . So if
12:33 I'm teaching content on my Youtube channel specific for teachers
12:38 , online teachers to build a brand , my offer
12:40 would be , I will show you how to create
12:43 a brand of your own on Youtube now , the
12:46 product , or I call it the vehicle that I
12:48 deliver . This offer is not the same as the
12:51 offer itself . So I'm not going to sell a
12:54 process or I'm not going to say I have 12
12:56 modules and of course I'm going to sell the results
13:00 . I'm going to tell them this is the end
13:02 result . People don't buy the process , they buy
13:05 the result . We see that again , people don't
13:08 buy the process , they buy the result . So
13:10 your offer is what is point A where your audience
13:14 starts and then what does Point B ? How do
13:16 I get them there ? And how do I solve
13:18 that problem ? I don't know how to build your
13:20 own brand and generate your own income . Oh ,
13:22 I will show you exactly how to do that and
13:24 get you to point B where you have a youtube
13:27 channel of your own that's generating income for you both
13:29 passive and active . That's the end result . Now
13:33 the vehicle or how you deliver this . I teach
13:35 three different types And I'm going to go over those
13:37 quickly . # one is affiliate marketing . My favorite
13:41 sources of income . One of my biggest sources of
13:44 income for my own brand . And my own business
13:46 is affiliate marketing . That's when I have a link
13:49 to a company , a product , a service that
13:52 I use and love and recommend . And when I
13:54 share that link , it's tied to me . So
13:56 when someone uses that link makes a purchase , then
13:59 I get a commission or I get a payment ,
14:02 I get a part of that . So I have
14:04 an entire video about passive income for teachers here where
14:07 I go over different sources of affiliate marketing and how
14:11 you can utilize this as a source of income with
14:14 the brand of your own . So remember I'm not
14:16 going to find people , they're coming to me because
14:18 I'm creating searchable content by creating this Youtube channel and
14:23 I'm making sure that I'm solving problems . I'm giving
14:26 tons of value . I give tons for free .
14:28 It's so important to give a lot because you'll get
14:31 so much more in return , give a lot and
14:33 you get a lot in return . Now , the
14:35 second source of income that I teach is coaching .
14:37 So if you wanted to start offering your own coaching
14:40 services , so I offer one on one coaching as
14:42 well as group coaching inside a membership of mine .
14:45 And with the coaching , this allows you to help
14:49 someone before you've created a course , created a digital
14:51 product . You're able to take your experience , your
14:53 knowledge , you've invested in yourself to not only take
14:56 courses but also to learn how to accomplish a skill
14:59 and to complete something . And you can pass that
15:02 on help someone else get from point A to point
15:05 B quicker by coaching . So you can offer one
15:07 on one coaching or group coaching and this is something
15:10 that you could do with a very small audience .
15:12 You can monetize your Youtube channel before you have 1000
15:15 subscribers , 4000 watch hours . That's just pennies that
15:20 the Youtube ad sense of pennies in comparison to what
15:24 you can offer with affiliate marketing and coaching on your
15:27 own . Okay , That brings us to number three
15:30 and the third source of income that you could utilize
15:33 with your offer . So the vehicle , the vehicle
15:36 as an airplane , the vehicle that you could use
15:40 is a digital product or an online course . So
15:43 I take that coaching . I take that knowledge and
15:45 I package it into videos . So now I'm not
15:48 repeating myself into coaching call but I've sat down and
15:51 I created a video . I've created a course that
15:54 teaches that exact system . I teach more people so
15:58 I'm able to influence more lives , help more people
16:01 . I couldn't reach the same amount of people with
16:03 one on one coaching or group coaching as I could
16:05 with a recorded video training that they purchase and then
16:08 they see those end results . So let's review those
16:10 three sources of income . My teachers , affiliate marketing
16:13 coaching , so offering coaching and then a course of
16:15 your own or a digital product . So passive income
16:19 with affiliate marketing , active income with coaching and then
16:22 passive and active income with coaching . And by coaching
16:25 . I mean of course depending on how you set
16:27 it up , if you're wondering , okay , how
16:29 do I set up ? I need more details on
16:31 that . Don't stress don't go back in your wine
16:33 and take all these notes . Just grab that free
16:35 guide below . It tells you exactly how to create
16:38 your offer and then how to package up that offer
16:41 in one of the vehicles or products that I explained
16:44 my free profitable Youtube guide walks you through each step
16:47 so you don't need to take the notes . I've
16:49 already done it for you . I have links to
16:50 all the resources . Just grab that . It's linked
16:53 below . Also link it in the eye card so
16:55 that you are well on your way to creating a
16:57 profitable Youtube channel . We made it to the end
17:00 . Yeah . Who's ready ? I'm going to be
17:03 going over an overview of the results from this exact
17:06 funnel . What are the results that you can expect
17:09 and that you can possibly see with the brand of
17:12 your own on Youtube . Are you ready ? Okay
17:18 . A sneak peek into some income results from 2020
17:21 in one month I was able to generate 90,000 ,
17:26 90,000 . Like what , what , what , $90,000
17:31 on core cells , affiliate links in one month ,
17:35 90,000 like that . That's just one month . That
17:38 was my biggest month blown away . I cried big
17:41 alligator tears thinking I didn't know this was possible .
17:45 I've been a mainstream classroom teacher for five years .
17:48 I've been an online teacher . So my paychecks have
17:50 been 30,000 , 20,000 working part time substitute teaching .
17:54 I had no idea that I could possibly do that
17:57 . And I'm going to tell you right now ,
17:59 it all comes from building a brand , building searchable
18:02 content and doing this exact teacher business journey where I'm
18:05 growing my email list and then I have an offer
18:08 and that's exactly how I did it . I have
18:10 a visitor coming in . Okay , so for impact
18:13 results in this past year in 2020 I was able
18:16 to help , I have the numbers here . 330
18:18 people , 330 educators , specifically educators . I was
18:23 able to help them with my signature course to build
18:25 a brand of their own , to build a profitable
18:28 youtube channel of their own and to build family focus
18:33 . That is something that I love to teach inside
18:36 my courses is to make sure that you keep your
18:39 priorities is number one and then your business will thrive
18:42 and the content you create will come across as authentic
18:46 Israel and energetic because you're filling your cup first .
18:50 So this is Little Miss Bessie , she's going on
18:53 a daddy daughter date today . Uh huh . That
18:59 would be fun . I'll be fun berries on your
19:03 face , you big disgrace . I've also had 350
19:07 students inside my teaching sl course . And that course
19:10 is to help those that are looking to start teaching
19:14 online . I specifically teach them how to set up
19:16 their classroom , the es el teaching strategies and then
19:18 how to build their bookings and build their brand online
19:22 . So 350 people I've been able to help .
19:25 I'm blown away with the amount of people that you're
19:27 able to serve in my time with recruiting teachers with
19:30 helping teachers . I've helped thousands of them to get
19:33 started with free content here . Those are just numbers
19:36 from my paid services and the 300 those 300 ones
19:39 from the past year . Now , I've also helped
19:42 150 plus teachers with group coaching and one on one
19:46 coaching . I was adding up the numbers from the
19:48 past year . I started in january of 2020 with
19:51 group coaching packages and I also do some one on
19:54 one coaching specific with educators that are wanting to build
19:57 a brand . So I have had such a rewarding
20:00 journey , not only having these experiences for myself ,
20:04 but also watching my students see the same kind of
20:07 results , results like these or like this or like
20:11 this , this , this , this , it's amazing
20:13 . It's amazing . The last thing I want to
20:14 talk about is the influence that you can have with
20:17 a brand of your own on Youtube with content that
20:19 you're creating . Not only do you represent your own
20:22 personal values and you get to represent just what you
20:25 want to bring to the world , the energy that
20:27 you want to give others and you want to pay
20:28 that forward , but you're able to influence a lot
20:30 of lives and impact a lot of people . So
20:33 in this past year we grew by 28.8,000 subscribers ,
20:37 which is crazy . I want to jump on my
20:39 analytics for a minute and just show you a peek
20:41 into this past year , studio , we're just under
20:45 analytics and then I did for 2020 So we can
20:48 see your total estimated revenue 13,000 just from adsense and
20:52 that's in the entire year . So again , when
20:54 I said in one month , you're able to generate
20:57 close to six figures off of YouTube . However ,
21:01 I use YouTube to give free valuable content and then
21:05 I create a funnel to my email and I create
21:08 a funnel that allows me to have an offer and
21:12 to continue to serve those that are serious about the
21:15 content that I offer for free and they want to
21:17 dive deeper and have the exact system . So once
21:20 you have your offer and get to that phase for
21:23 that last step , then you're really able to create
21:26 a business out of your brand , out of your
21:29 YouTube channel 28.8,000 subscribers . You can see 1.9 million
21:33 views throughout the year . So just awesome . Now
21:36 I know this is not like whoa , amazing blown
21:39 out of the water . Six figures of absence .
21:42 I as a Youtuber thought that my adsense was where
21:45 I made all the money and I just wanted to
21:47 show you that such a small percentage it is passive
21:50 income because I'm creating these videos anyway . But it's
21:53 such a small percentage in comparison to what is possible
21:58 with an offer of your own and with affiliate marketing
22:02 as well . That is it for today's video let
22:05 me know in the comments . Was this helpful to
22:07 see the teacher business journey ? Where are you at
22:09 in the teacher business journey ? What would you like
22:11 to know more about So that I can create content
22:14 to support you on your journey journey journey . I
22:19 want to help you out . I want to make
22:21 sure that you have the tools to be successful .
22:23 I want to be that coach , that mentor that
22:26 can help you to get from Point A to point
22:28 B a little bit quicker and with a little bit
22:30 less stress and guesswork and falls over the hurdles .
22:34 I'll pick you back up . Let's go together .
22:37 Make sure you subscribe to this channel , click the
22:39 bell notification because next week I'm going to be going
22:41 over all the details on my income from 2020 .
22:44 So I'll be sharing with you the percentages what came
22:46 from , where that's going to be a really helpful
22:48 video , especially if you're an educator wanting to build
22:51 a brand on Youtube . I'll share with you all
22:53 the details and you're just going to want to eat
22:55 it all up . Like , oh my goodness ,
22:57 I hope that you take it and run with it
22:59 and it's inspiring and it gives you the resources to
23:02 know what's possible and also where to put your focus
23:05 . I'm going to share with you exactly where I
23:07 put my focus in the past year and where I
23:09 saw the biggest results . It doesn't mean everything was
23:12 beautiful and wonderful . Oh , I had so many
23:14 pitfalls , things that I would have seen as failures
23:17 , but they most definitely were opportunities to learn and
23:20 moments where I think I grew the most and so
23:23 check out next week's video where I share that and
23:26 then just eat it up . Like Jack , Jack
23:28 might by almost three year old and his snacks all
23:32 day . Can I have a snack ? I want
23:33 a snack . He wakes up and wants a snack
23:35 . He wants a snack and netflix and another snack
23:37 . Thanks for watching . Bye guys . Mhm .
23:44 Mhm . Yeah .



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