Tips for the New Playposit - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Tips for the New Playposit - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Tips for the New Playposit - By Anywhere Math

00:0-1 Welcome to you where Math . I'm Jeff Jacobson .
00:01 And on today's video we're going to talk about some
00:04 tips on how to make the most out of the
00:07 newest version of play positive . Let's get started .
00:10 Yeah . Yeah . Mhm . So obviously the first
00:29 thing you're gonna do is go to the website go
00:32 dot play posit dot com . And the first thing
00:36 you're gonna have to do obviously is log in your
00:38 login is going to depend on your school and what
00:41 your teacher has set up for you . Once you
00:43 have signed in , the first thing you should do
00:45 is make sure you're in the right class . If
00:47 your teacher has set up classes , you should see
00:48 your class up here at the top . Once you
00:51 know you're in the right spot . Um then you
00:53 should be able to see the bulbs that have been
00:55 assigned . And those are just the video assignments that
00:58 your teacher has made for you and has assigned .
01:01 So you can see all of those here . Once
01:04 you have clicked on the assignment or what play positive
01:07 calls a bulb , let's talk about what that's actually
01:09 gonna look like . So I'm gonna click and play
01:12 the video variables coefficients and constant . Oh my All
01:17 right . So first , the most important thing is
01:19 obviously you can pause the video whenever you need to
01:22 , you can play it when you're ready . Um
01:25 And then let's talk about a couple of these other
01:27 buttons . So the first one is really important right
01:30 here . If you click this button , you're going
01:33 to get some some different things that come up first
01:36 is going to tell you the name of the bulb
01:38 , which is important to make sure you're on the
01:40 right one . Next is going to tell you the
01:42 progress how much of the video you've actually watched .
01:45 Um You can also see down here questions that you
01:50 may have answered . Um And you kind of get
01:53 an overview of how long the bulb actually is right
01:56 here . Another nice feature is that if this view
01:59 is not big enough for you , you can click
02:01 this and make it a lot bigger . Um which
02:04 is which can be very nice . We can minimize
02:06 it again when you want to get rid of this
02:09 , you're not really , you don't really care .
02:11 Uh just click this again and it'll go away and
02:14 then you've got your full screen for the video .
02:16 And obviously it's really important that when you're watching the
02:20 video variables . So uh and you want to take
02:24 some notes , positive video , right the things down
02:27 and then go ahead and start again . Also ,
02:30 if you miss something , you can click this button
02:31 which just takes the video back 10 seconds . So
02:34 that can be nice if you just miss something real
02:36 quick . now , I want to show you ,
02:40 you can see here . I can that before fast
02:43 for something like , but not all videos or that
02:48 will let me do that . So what I want
02:51 to show you right now is some controls that from
02:54 a teacher's point of view , what they have on
02:57 their videos . This is what teachers have available .
03:01 So you can see that . I have allowed my
03:04 students to rewind um after they get to a question
03:08 . So I want my students to be able to
03:10 go back if they get to a question and they
03:12 don't really know how to answer it . They can
03:14 rewind the video and help uh learn to figure it
03:18 out . Um , I have not allowed my students
03:21 to skip those interactions . I want them to answer
03:24 all the questions , even if they don't know ,
03:26 I want them to to try and take a guess
03:29 and and see how they do . Um , I
03:32 allow my high students to fast forward the videos .
03:35 Some teachers may not select this . So if you're
03:39 not able to click ahead and fast forward , that's
03:42 because this is turned off . I also allow them
03:45 to retake the bulb after they finish . If students
03:48 , you know , go through the video and they
03:50 get a lot of the questions wrong , I want
03:52 them to have the option to go back and try
03:55 it again and do better . So now , back
03:57 to the video . I am going to keep playing
04:01 of a term , one of the parts that contains
04:04 a Vario . And if you notice down here ,
04:08 I cannot go farther than this point right here .
04:11 And so I'm going to show you why ? Well
04:14 , the only , I think next to a variable
04:17 , right ? That's the constant . It's days 13
04:19 . No matter what , here's something to chew on
04:21 your own . So the reason if you see in
04:25 that top right corner , it just , it just
04:28 said that you have to complete these before you can
04:30 move on . I want the students to to answer
04:33 all the questions before they move on . So you
04:36 can see right here , I've got some questions in
04:38 the video and then I've got a um , just
04:42 kind of a short answer where they're going to need
04:44 to type their answers to each problem . So this
04:47 Is where they're gonna put the answers to number one
04:50 . So for example , for number one , it
04:51 says identify the terms coefficient and constants in the expression
04:55 . So for number one , I'm only entering my
04:58 answer for this first one . So that is my
05:01 answer for number one and I'm going to click submit
05:04 now , I'm ready to go . You'll notice that
05:06 I don't get a score here and it says grade
05:09 pending . That's because for short answer like this where
05:12 you actually have to type the answer , You won't
05:14 know your score until your teacher has graded it .
05:18 So when I grade , uh , this , the
05:20 assignments , then you'll actually get a score on that
05:23 and the teacher decides if you got it right or
05:25 wrong . So then I'm going to continue And then
05:29 all of a sudden number two pops up . I'm
05:31 going to enter My answer for number two . So
05:35 here we go . We're gonna do the same term
05:43 . And if you notice for one half now ,
05:46 obviously I could kind of be lazy and just do
05:48 one half like that , which is fine . But
05:50 if I want , I can click on rich text
05:54 now . This gives me a whole bunch of options
05:58 . I could enter in an image for my answer
06:01 if I wanted to I could I could say some
06:04 audio . Um but the one for math that we're
06:07 going to use a lot is right here . So
06:09 insert equation . So if I click on that now
06:14 I have all of these different options on things that
06:18 I can enter that will look more like Like what
06:21 it doesn't math . So for me I want to
06:23 do 1/2 right here is what I'm going to use
06:28 to enter in a fraction . So I'm gonna click
06:30 on that and it takes a little bit to get
06:33 used to but hopefully you can see right here and
06:37 right here . If I put a one there and
06:40 a two there , you can see now the preview
06:44 . That is what I need to do to make
06:46 1/2 and then look at that . I've got exactly
06:50 what that fraction wants to look like . So then
06:53 I'm gonna go ahead and keep going right . Yeah
06:59 . Okay . So now I have my answer ready
07:02 to enter for number two and I use the rich
07:05 text to help make those fractions . So it looks
07:09 even better and submit submitted . It's not graded yet
07:14 . It will be hopefully soon continue . So now
07:18 you can see if I go back uh here I
07:22 can see number one I've answered number two I've answered
07:26 . Now I'm on number three . Let me go
07:29 back here and I'm going to use rich text again
07:35 terms for rich text . I want to do for
07:39 number three . I want to do Z squared .
07:43 So I'm gonna go here . My base is easy
07:46 . My exponent is too There it is . E
07:49 squared OK . Whoops . That's in the wrong spot
07:54 . So I just drag it over Space , comma
07:59 and nine Z . I got . My answer is
08:06 already for number three , says number three there ,
08:09 so submit and I'm ready to go . And now
08:13 if I click continue because I answer those three questions
08:18 , no , he's able to move by the expression
08:22 . So I have 1.5 times and a few times
08:24 age time . If you notice there's another point here
08:29 and that's another set of interactions or questions so I
08:32 can't fast forward past that . I can come up
08:36 here , I'll get right to it And you can
08:39 see at the eight minute mark . Shit , good
08:44 . Here's some more to try on your own .
08:46 Now , you can see I have another set of
08:49 interactions . This is for number four and number five
08:52 . Again , if you can't see everything that you
08:55 want , just do that , make it full screen
08:58 go back to it . If I look here ,
09:02 uh here's my progress so far . I've answered the
09:04 first three interactions . Here's number four and you can
09:07 notice that this symbol is different than this . That's
09:11 because this is a multiple choice interaction or question .
09:14 And this was just kind of a short answer .
09:17 So let's see what happens when I actually enter in
09:20 my answer For number four on a multiple choice ,
09:24 I'm going to go back here Number four , so
09:28 that's gonna be J to the six power . There
09:31 it is submit and I'm right . Um So with
09:36 multiple choice , if your teacher has actually entered in
09:39 the correct answer , you will get to see right
09:42 away if you got it right or wrong . So
09:43 that's great , I got it right , continue #
09:48 13 pops up . Let's see let's say I get
09:53 this one wrong . Okay so I'm doing this on
09:56 purpose . Don't freak out . Let's say I do
09:59 the subtraction before the division . So 30 minus 24
10:02 6 and then I do six divided by six .
10:05 And I think the answer is one . I know
10:07 it's not one , but I'm just going to show
10:08 you what happens . I'll click it , submit the
10:13 answer was wrong . Now you'll notice that there's a
10:17 little note here and that's something that I have typed
10:20 in . If someone got the wrong answer and I
10:23 said remember the order of operations ? That's kind of
10:25 a little hint . I got zero at one point
10:28 because I got it wrong . If a teacher did
10:30 not enter in a hint there , you're not gonna
10:32 see anything . It's just going to say incorrect but
10:34 I gotta go continue . I can't change my answer
10:37 right now but we'll show what can happen at the
10:40 end , continue . I can see I'm still in
10:44 progress . The video . Oh my answer so far
10:50 I got these right , that one was wrong .
10:53 These ones stuff to be created . So I'll continue
10:55 always like this video , please subscribe . And I
10:58 want to make sure I go all the way to
11:00 the end because I'll show you what happened . Okay
11:07 ? So it's really important to make sure you go
11:09 all the way to the end . You'll see you
11:11 saw up there . It's a full complete here is
11:14 a review of everything I've done . I've got the
11:17 check mark that says complete . If I closed down
11:20 before I got to the end , it's not going
11:23 to tell me that it's complete . It also says
11:25 three of the nine interactions are going to be created
11:28 by your instructor , which is your teacher . That's
11:31 these questions . Um , and so that's really important
11:36 . That's going to say that it's been completed now
11:39 on this . You'll see that it doesn't give you
11:41 it doesn't give me the option because I'm a teacher
11:43 to redo it . But on yours you might see
11:46 something that looks a little different . So for example
11:49 on your view as a student you might see something
11:52 that looks like this , you've completed it , it's
11:55 all done . You can return your course . It
11:58 also might have the option to retry the bulb .
12:01 So if you've got a lot of questions wrong ,
12:03 that might be a good option . Now . Also
12:06 you can see on this one the teacher has already
12:09 graded them . So this student got three out of
12:12 three on the first question , they only got one
12:15 out of three in the 2nd and 01 out of
12:17 three on the third question . So when you are
12:21 finished make sure you click finish and exit . Or
12:23 if you would like to retry you can retry it
12:26 . So as always thank you so much for watching
12:28 and if you like this video please subscribe . Mhm
12:42 mm .



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