Measures of Center - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Measures of Center - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Measures of Center - By Anywhere Math

00:0-1 Uh huh . Welcome to anywhere , Math . I'm
00:01 Jeff Jacobson . And today we're gonna talk about the
00:03 measures of center more specifically the mean , median and
00:08 mode . Let's get started . Before we get to
00:28 the first example , let's talk about what exactly a
00:30 measure of center is a measure . Center is just
00:33 a measure that describes a typical value for the data
00:38 set . In other words , if I gave a
00:40 test and I've got 100 students and I have all
00:45 the scores for all of the students on the test
00:47 and I'm wondering , well , how did they do
00:50 ? How did my students do on that last test
00:53 ? It's going to be really tough to tell when
00:55 I have 100 numbers , 100 grades . Uh ,
00:58 just looking at them all together . So instead we
01:01 use things like median mean and mode to get a
01:05 better idea of a typical value . So instead of
01:10 100 numbers , I might have The mean was an
01:14 85 , right ? That's the average . Okay ,
01:19 that gives me a better idea of how the students
01:21 did . So that's what measures of centers are .
01:24 They're just taking the data set and finding a typical
01:26 values kind of somewhere in the middle uh to give
01:30 you a better understanding of the data . So let's
01:32 get to example one . All right , here's example
01:35 one . What is the mean number of messages sent
01:38 ? So here's our data . Uh So we're finding
01:41 the mean . That's gonna be the first measure of
01:46 center that we're going to talk about . So first
01:48 what is mean ? Another word for that is the
01:51 average . Okay . Finding the mean of a set
01:58 of data is the same thing as finding the average
02:00 of that data . And to do that , all
02:03 you do is you take the some of the data
02:08 divided by the number of values . Yeah . Okay
02:15 . So you add them all up , that's the
02:17 sum then . You divided by how many pieces of
02:20 data there are . So let's do that . Um
02:23 First thing what I like to do it's a good
02:27 thing when you're doing things like mean median mode .
02:29 The very first step is to put all the data
02:32 in order . So if I'm looking from least to
02:35 greatest well 82 is my least . Um Then let's
02:39 see Mm We've got 90 and the good point .
02:48 And finally on 25 just double check I checked them
02:53 all so I'm just gonna double check by counting them
02:56 . So I got 12345671234567 Perfect . Okay so I
03:03 got him off there in order . That's the first
03:05 step . Now I'm gonna add them , I'm gonna
03:07 find the song . I've got 721 as my son
03:14 . Now I just divided by the number of values
03:17 . Again there were 123-4567 . So 721 divided by
03:23 seven . When I divide , that's gonna give me
03:27 103 . So my mean is 103 text messages again
03:39 , that's like the average 103 Text messages . Here's
03:45 some to try on your own . Alright , example
03:54 to we're gonna have three parts of this example at
03:57 A B and C . So first a identify the
04:00 outlier . Well here's our data , the height of
04:03 ponies and inches . First what is an outlier ?
04:08 So an outlier ? Let's write this down . Boom
04:15 is a data value that lies kind of outside all
04:19 the other values . So what that means is an
04:21 outline is a data value that is either a lot
04:28 greater than all the other values or a lot less
04:31 . It's kind of outside the other ones that is
04:34 either a lot greater . Four left dandy the other
04:40 night . That's an outlier . Okay , so first
04:46 like always I'm gonna put my data in order and
04:48 that's going to help me see if there's any outliers
04:51 . Just to double check let's count . 123456789 10
04:57 12345 times two is 10 . Okay so I got
05:01 all my data in order . Now let's take a
05:02 look if I wanted to , I could make a
05:05 dot plot and that could help me see if there's
05:07 any outliers but hopefully looking here it should be obvious
05:12 . Can you see what the outlier is ? Well
05:15 if you notice we go from 28 all the way
05:17 up to 37 , 37 , 39 , 42 .
05:23 Here the data is all clustered pretty close together Except
05:28 the 28 , is quite a bit less than all
05:31 the other values , which means my outlier is 28
05:38 . Okay , let's try part B . Okay ,
05:41 Part B is just find the mean . So again
05:44 the mean is the sum of all your data values
05:46 divided by how many values there are . So if
05:49 we add all of this up and hopefully you get
05:52 379 , that's what I got . Uh So that's
05:57 the some I'm going to divide that by how many
05:59 there are . So 123456789 10 . There's 10 values
06:05 which is really nice because divided by 10 I can
06:08 just move the decimal place once to the left .
06:10 So my mean then is 37.9 . Remember my units
06:16 ? All these values were inches , so 37.9 inches
06:22 . Okay , So the mean of the heights of
06:24 the ponies is 37.9 in . Let's try the last
06:28 part . Part C . All right , here's part
06:30 C . Of example to find the mean again .
06:32 But this time without the out letter . So if
06:35 we remember our outlier was 28 , so I'm gonna
06:39 find it without that that we're not going to include
06:42 that . Okay ? Um so now if again fined
06:46 the sum of all the data right ? 379 -28
06:51 because we took it away , I'm going to get
06:53 351 ah divided by . Now notice there's still aren't
07:01 10 values , we got rid of the outliers .
07:03 So now there's only nine values , so I'm dividing
07:05 by nine And let's see nine into 35 Goes three
07:11 times . Then there's 8 81 39 . Uh and
07:16 that's again 39" . So that is my uh ,
07:22 I mean without the outlier and notice they're different .
07:26 And the reason if you think about the outlier was
07:29 a lot less than the rest of my values .
07:33 So when I included the outlier in , when I
07:36 was calculating the mean , you can think of it
07:38 as it's bringing down that mean it's bringing down the
07:41 average if we don't include the outlier notice are mean
07:47 was was greater , it was hired . So keep
07:51 that in mind . When you're calculating mean , the
07:54 outlier , if there are some can really affect your
07:58 mean , they can either make it a lot greater
08:01 than it probably should be or a lot less than
08:04 it probably should be depending on where that outlier is
08:07 . Okay , here's some more to try on your
08:09 own . Okay , Example , three find the median
08:19 and mode of the bowling scores . So we've already
08:21 talked about one measure center , which was the mean
08:25 the other two we're going to talk about today are
08:27 the median and the mode . So first let's discuss
08:31 what exactly is the median ? And the median is
08:35 just the value in the middle . When you have
08:38 all the data in order from left from least to
08:41 greatest . The value that's exactly in the middle is
08:44 called the median . Okay . So yeah , so
08:46 let's write down the value in the middle when the
08:51 data is in order from least grades . Okay .
09:00 So let's write that down . And and I always
09:02 remember it median is the only one out of mean
09:04 median . And mode that has an eye . And
09:07 I think I for middle also has a nice .
09:09 So that can maybe help you remember ? Um Good
09:12 . So that's the median . Well , how about
09:15 the mode ? Mode is pretty simple . The mode
09:20 is just the most common value . Right ? Most
09:24 common value . And again mode has an O .
09:27 I think . Oh for most most and mode .
09:31 Uh So most common value . You can have one
09:34 mode right ? You can have more than one mode
09:37 . If there's a couple that are both occur the
09:41 same amount of times that are much more than the
09:43 others . You can also have no mode . And
09:45 no mode would be where there is exactly one of
09:49 each value . Right ? Not nothing is more than
09:52 the others . Then you would have no mode .
09:54 Um So that's what we're finding first . The very
09:59 first step . Remember put the data in order .
10:02 That's always our first step . So let's double check
10:04 . 123456789 10 12345 times two is 10 . Yes
10:11 . Okay . Now all I need to do for
10:15 the median is find the number that's exactly in the
10:17 middle . If you have an odd number of data
10:21 values right ? It's very easy because there's going to
10:25 be one of those values that are exactly in the
10:27 middle . Think about your hand , right ? Your
10:29 fingers , you have five fingers , which is why
10:32 you have a middle finger , right , odd number
10:36 . This one is right in the middle , you
10:38 got to to the left and you got to to
10:40 the right . Uh So if you have an odd
10:43 number is very easy . You can find the one
10:45 that's right in the middle . Some people like to
10:47 kind of cover up as they go from outside to
10:49 inside or cross off work their way in the middle
10:53 . Um But if you have an even number ,
10:57 we won't have a data value that's exactly in the
10:59 middle . So this is what we're gonna do Right
11:03 ? We've got 10 here . So if I'm crossing
11:05 them off work my way to the middle notice now
11:13 I've got two values left . So in this case
11:17 what I'm gonna do is I'm going to find the
11:19 value that's exactly in the middle of those two .
11:22 And to do that sometimes you can do some mental
11:25 math and just know another way is just to adam
11:28 and then D . Vitamin too . So 100 and
11:31 35 plus 1 45 Uh is to 80 , Divide
11:40 that by two . And I get 1 40 right
11:44 ? And if you look 135 and 1 45 .
11:47 Yeah 1 40 is exactly in the middle of those
11:50 two . Uh So 140 is my median exactly in
11:56 the middle . Okay let's check out the mode .
12:00 Now again the mode is the number that occurs the
12:03 most often the most common number . So notice all
12:07 of these ones only happened once , but then we
12:09 get to 160 and there's 2 160s . So that
12:14 is my mode . Mode is going to be pretty
12:16 quick . So the mode is 160 . Also with
12:22 motives kind of nice because that's the only measure of
12:25 center that you can use when you have data .
12:28 That's not numbers . So if you have , if
12:31 you're doing a survey and you're thinking , okay ,
12:32 what are students favorite colors ? Uh , and they
12:36 give you all their favorite color is blue and green
12:38 and purple and things you can't find the mean of
12:41 all the colours . You can't find the median of
12:43 all the colors , but you can find the mode
12:46 which one occurs the most often . So keep that
12:49 in mind when you're thinking of kind of what measure
12:52 of center to use when , Okay , uh ,
12:55 here's some to try on your own . Thank you
13:04 so much for watching . And if you like this
13:05 video , please subscribe . Mhm .



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