How to Adjust Your Routine & Learn Language from Home - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

How to Adjust Your Routine & Learn Language from Home - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

How to Adjust Your Routine & Learn Language from Home - By Learn English with

00:0-1 Hey everyone . Welcome to the monthly review , the
00:02 monthly show on Language learning , where you discover new
00:07 learning strategies , motivational tips , study tools and resources
00:12 , by the way , all the lessons and bonuses
00:15 you're about to see can be downloaded for free on
00:17 our website . So click the link in the description
00:20 right now , to sign up for your free lifetime
00:22 accounts . Okay , Today's topic is how to adjust
00:27 your routine and learn language from home . Many of
00:30 us are spending more and more time at home ,
00:32 so how do you make the best of this time
00:35 and learn your target language learning at home can be
00:38 tough with all the distractions , and in this episode
00:41 you're going to discover the pros and cons of learning
00:45 at home and how to successfully learn from home without
00:48 getting distracted . But first , listen up here are
00:55 this month's new lessons and resources . First , the
00:59 love conversation cheat sheet , do you know how to
01:01 ask someone out in your target language with this new
01:04 cheat sheet , you'll master tons of romantic phrases just
01:08 in time for valentine's Day , download it for free
01:10 right now . Second , the slang words and phrases
01:14 . Pdf e book , Do you know any slang
01:17 in your target language ? If not download this free
01:20 e book and master all the must know slang across
01:23 10 chapters . Third , can you talk about containers
01:26 in your target language , learn how to say box
01:29 bottle bin and much more with this quick vocabulary bonus
01:34 . Fourth , must know valentine's Day vocabulary . Can
01:38 you talk about Valentine's day in your target language ?
01:41 You'll be able to with this quick one minute vocabulary
01:43 lesson . Fifth , the top 15 encouraging phrases .
01:48 I want to be able to say positive phrases like
01:51 believe in yourself and don't give up . Then get
01:54 this bonus phrase lesson to get your free resources ,
01:57 click the link in the description below . Right now
02:00 , they're yours to keep forever . Okay , let's
02:02 jump into today's topic . How to adjust your routine
02:09 and learn language from home . Recently , many people
02:13 have started to work and take classes from home with
02:16 language learning since it's something people do in their own
02:18 time , a lot of it is done at home
02:20 anyway . But that doesn't mean that all of this
02:23 hasn't affected how people learn if you use the language
02:26 learning app or listen to lessons during your commute ,
02:29 but you don't commute anymore . The pandemic has probably
02:32 ruined your flow . With many of us spending more
02:36 time at home . Being able to learn from home
02:38 efficiently is a good skill to have because while learning
02:42 or working from home sounds good . It's not exactly
02:45 easy to do Part one The Pros and Cons of
02:49 Learning at Home . First the pros , there's convenience
02:53 . You can learn whatever you want . You also
02:55 have more time in the day since you're not commuting
02:58 or walking from the train station into work . It's
03:01 also easier to practice speaking . Many people might find
03:04 it hard to practice on the train or at a
03:07 lunch break or in the office during work . It
03:09 might sound a little strange , but at home you
03:12 can dedicate more time to practicing speaking . What's your
03:16 favorite pro of learning at home ? Leave us a
03:18 comment . Now what about the cons distractions ? There
03:23 are a lot more distractions at home . There's the
03:25 tv , there's the couch and the food and family
03:28 members coming in and out next . There's no physical
03:31 or mental separation between rest and work which is crucial
03:35 for focus . It's the same reason why people prefer
03:38 going to the gym instead of working out from the
03:40 comfort of their own home . If you're in a
03:42 place where there's only one goal like working out and
03:45 you're surrounded by people working out , you'll have no
03:48 problem doing it . But if you're in a place
03:50 you associate with rest eating and watching tv , you
03:54 might have trouble focusing . But if you're spending more
03:57 time at home then you should at least make the
03:59 best of it and learn your language at home .
04:02 Part two , how to successfully learn from home without
04:05 getting distracted . So here's how you do it first
04:09 pick a dedicated place for learning and preferably not your
04:13 bed just like an office is associated with working time
04:16 and your bedroom is associated with rest . You need
04:19 a place associated with language learning . It could be
04:22 your desk in the corner of the room , it
04:24 could be your basement as long as it's far from
04:26 distractions and places of rest . Second pick a time
04:31 that way for example when it's nine PM , you
04:33 know , it's time to put in 10 minutes of
04:35 language learning Three time box , your study sessions ,
04:40 what's time boxing time boxing is simply setting a fixed
04:44 amount of time for an activity . For example ,
04:46 you're going to dedicate the next 10 minutes to language
04:49 and nothing else . If you usually have trouble concentrating
04:53 , time boxing is a good way to set boundaries
04:56 and get things done . Four start small , just
05:00 like with setting small measurable goals and realistic routines don't
05:04 set aside two hours for study time . Instead ,
05:07 try to time box 5 , 10 or 15 minutes
05:10 and stick with that for a week or two .
05:13 You can always increase your time later . Once you
05:15 get more comfortable with your routine . Five do multiple
05:19 sessions in one day instead of trying to master a
05:23 lesson and the lesson . Dialogue in one shot space
05:26 out your learning throughout the day in the morning ,
05:28 afternoon and at night . So take an audio or
05:32 video lesson and read along with the lesson notes in
05:34 the morning , You'll get acquainted with the conversation ,
05:37 all the words and Grammar rules . Don't rush to
05:40 memorize it all , you'll come back to it later
05:43 in the day and do this for around 5 to
05:45 15 minutes during the day . Practice shadowing the dialogue
05:49 , practice recalling the words , do this for around
05:52 10 minutes . You can also write out the lesson
05:55 dialogue , practice using the Grammar rules or drill the
05:58 words with flash cards and at night come back and
06:01 review for about 10 minutes . You can re listen
06:03 to the lesson or just the dialogue track by doing
06:07 multiple sessions . In one day you'll be a lot
06:09 more comfortable with the language simply because you spaced out
06:12 your learning and came back to review and while it
06:15 may feel repetitive , it's the repetition that helps you
06:18 master the language over the long term six . Use
06:23 at home time to practice speaking more . It would
06:26 be hard to practice if you were commuting or out
06:28 on a walk , but if you're at home you
06:31 can easily speak out loud without drawing attention or feeling
06:34 embarrassed . So to recap one , pick a specific
06:38 place for learning that's far from distractions . Like your
06:41 bed , two Pick a specific time for studying three
06:46 Time box , your study sessions , four start small
06:50 , Five do multiple sessions in one day and six
06:54 . Use at home time to practice speaking more .
06:58 So thank you for watching this episode of monthly review
07:01 . Next time we'll talk about the power of learning
07:04 a language with someone else . If you enjoyed these
07:08 tips , hit the like button , share the video
07:10 with anyone who's trying to learn a language and subscribe
07:12 to our channel . We release new videos every week
07:16 . And if you're ready to finally learn language ,
07:18 the fast , fun and easy way and start speaking
07:21 from your very first lesson , get our complete learning
07:24 program . Sign up for your free lifetime account right
07:27 now , click the link in the description . See
07:29 you next time . Bye . Mhm .



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