Lesson 105 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Lesson 105 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Lesson 105 - By JenniferESL

00:00 Hi everyone . I'm jennifer from english . With jennifer
00:04 . We're going to study basic english grammar . Are
00:07 you ready ? You can learn with my students ,
00:10 flavia and Andrea Yeah , yeah . Okay . Do
00:20 you remember the word fault , fault ? If I
00:23 say it's my fault then it's my mistake . I'm
00:27 wrong . If I'm sorry , it's my fault .
00:29 My fault . I'm sorry . Right . Um So
00:33 right now I'll show you some pictures . There are
00:36 accidents and it's all my fault . Okay ? And
00:40 you can help me and you can give me advice
00:44 . Right advice is information to help me right information
00:49 because you care you want to help me . So
00:52 for example , if I say I broke all the
00:55 eggs , I wasn't paying attention . I was rushing
01:01 . I dropped all the eggs and I broke them
01:04 . Your advice . Is it good to rush ?
01:08 Not always . So you're going to help me and
01:11 I want you to give me advice with . Should
01:15 , Should is a nice word to help people .
01:18 Right . Should plus another verb right ? You can
01:23 do should or you can do the negative should not
01:28 and the contraction becomes shouldn't should should it shouldn't .
01:37 I was Russian and I dropped the eggs . I
01:41 broke them . I was rushing . So what's your
01:44 advice jennifer you Children Children . You shouldn't rush .
01:53 You shouldn't rush . Be careful . You shouldn't rush
01:57 . Okay ? You should be more careful . You
01:59 shouldn't rush . I'll try . Thank you . Okay
02:05 . I spilled coffee all over my papers . Um
02:09 I have my coffee mug . I put my coffee
02:12 mug on my papers and then I knocked the mug
02:17 over and the coffee went everywhere because I put my
02:21 lug on the papers . What's your advice ? You
02:28 should ? The day 40 your olympic on the papers
02:34 . You shouldn't put your mug on important papers .
02:36 I know I forgot . So um have a little
02:41 accident . I drove off the road because I was
02:46 texting maybe . Yeah everything's okay . You shouldn't you
02:54 shouldn't more more patient . No you should you should
03:01 you should yes and you should I shouldn't you shouldn't
03:11 you shouldn't talk on the phone and you shouldn't text
03:15 text when you're when you're driving . You shouldn't text
03:20 when you're driving . Yeah . We can laugh but
03:22 it's actually very serious . Right ? No texting .
03:24 You should never and for emphasis to be strong we
03:28 can say never . You should never text . You
03:32 should never text when you're driving . You sure you
03:37 should never text . So you can say you shouldn't
03:40 text but to be very strong you should never not
03:46 should it never but you should never you should never
03:51 text while you're driving when you're driving . You should
03:55 always pay attention . Right ? It's important . We
04:00 use the modal verb should to give advice . Giving
04:04 advice is telling people what we think is a good
04:07 idea . You should pay attention . You should be
04:12 more careful notice how we use . Should plus the
04:18 base verb . Look at these sentences . Do you
04:23 see any mistakes ? Don't use the infinitive after .
04:33 Should let's take out too . You should take care
04:37 of yourself , you should exercise more . How do
04:45 we form the negative ? We use not you should
04:51 not stay up late . You should not eat junk
04:54 food in everyday . English especially conversation . We use
05:00 the contraction the short form . You shouldn't stay up
05:04 late . You shouldn't eat junk food . You can
05:11 practice more with flavia and Andrea . So let's give
05:17 more advice . I'll tell you all my problems .
05:19 Okay And you can tell me advice . I'm so
05:22 tired . What's your advice ? You you you sure
05:32 that he ward kill it ? Oh okay . Yeah
05:37 you should work lose . Um My stomach hurts you
05:47 . You shall take your next you should take medicine
05:50 . Yeah . You should take medicine . Yeah .
05:53 My throat hurts . You should drink at it .
05:59 Mm . Okay . Um , my arm hurts from
06:05 using my phone . You you shoot him . You
06:11 shouldn't and so you shouldn't use uh , you're fun
06:19 a lot . Yeah . You shouldn't use your phone
06:21 a lot . Yeah . Okay . Um , I'm
06:25 bored . Uh huh . Mhm . Sure . Okay
06:33 . To go up . You should go out .
06:36 Be careful . One mistake that happens with a word
06:39 like should is we do should with the verb should
06:43 go , should talk . Don't use the two .
06:46 Not should to go out . Should go out .
06:49 You should go out . She turned on the tv
06:52 . You should read a book . Right ? Can
06:55 you give me more advice ? I miss my old
06:58 friends from high school . I live in massachusetts and
07:03 they live in pennsylvania . It's far away . What
07:07 should I do ? Some possible answers . You should
07:20 call them . You should stay in touch . You
07:25 should connect through social media . Here's another problem .
07:32 I love chocolate cake . But sometimes after I eat
07:37 it , my stomach hurts . What should I do
07:45 ? You might say jennifer , you should eat just
07:49 a little . You shouldn't eat a lot . You
07:53 shouldn't eat it often . Here's one more problem .
08:01 Sometimes my neck hurts . What should I do some
08:15 possible ideas ? You should buy a better pillow .
08:21 You should do some exercises for your neck . You
08:26 should stand up straight when you have problems . Do
08:34 you talk about them ? Do you ask for advice
08:39 ? Listen as Andrea and flavia share some problems and
08:43 give some advice . Okay , so I told you
08:48 all my problems . I'm tired . My stomach hurts
08:51 . My throat hurts . I'm stressed . You gave
08:53 me advice . Okay now we'll tell the truth and
08:56 talk about us . Right . What's your problem ?
09:00 Can you share one Linda problem ? Uh huh .
09:06 In America I gain it weight . You gain some
09:10 weight . So the weight . Yes . Yeah .
09:14 So are you asking for advice ? You want advice
09:18 advice ? She needs advice . You show them to
09:23 worry . You shouldn't worry . You should look in
09:28 the mirror and you should say I look great .
09:31 Yeah . Okay but you should eat healthy . Yes
09:41 . Yes . So vegetables , fruits not cookies and
09:45 cakes . Yeah but you shouldn't yes you shouldn't stop
09:50 eating . You should eat to eat healthy . On
09:53 the other hand on the other hand you don't it
10:00 ? Oh you should eat so you should you should
10:04 you should eat more vegetables . Yes . Okay thank
10:12 you . You should say thank you . Do you
10:17 have a little problem ? I go girls is like
10:23 oh late . You go to sleep late . I
10:27 go to sleep late . So are you tired now
10:29 ? Yes . Do you want advice ? What so
10:34 you can see what's your advice ? What's your advice
10:37 ? What's your what's your advice you will ? You
10:45 should be is maybe you should go to sleep early
10:50 . I think she should get to the gym in
10:53 the evening . Get tired and go to sleep .
10:57 So maybe you should you should exercise at night and
11:02 then you'll feel tired and you go to sleep .
11:05 Yeah but she doesn't like do you look at your
11:12 phone before you go to sleep ? Yeah so you
11:16 yes you sure Sure vincey . See look look look
11:23 you shouldn't say locate your phone . You shouldn't look
11:26 at your phone before bedtime . Yeah thank you .
11:32 We'll end here . Was the lesson useful please like
11:36 and share the video with others . As always .
11:39 Thanks for watching and Happy Studies . Mm Follow me
11:45 on facebook twitter and instagram . Don't forget to subscribe
11:52 . Turn on those notifications . Yeah mm .



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